The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1964, Image 1

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    ,! 1 INGE t
The Sigma Alpha Mu spirit flame was lit Monday at 9 p.m. and "Will Fly
Till the Sooncrs Die." Sammy members will work in shifts standing guard over the
fire to keep it going around the clock until kickoff time Saturday. Coach Bob Devaney
(center) spoke at the lighting ceremony Monday night. This is the second year the
spirit bonfire has been lit In anticipation of victory over Oklahoma.
To ilAeet. To
Senior Staff Writer
Student Nonviolent Co
ordinating Committee
(SNCC), a nationwide civil
rights organization, held an
introductory meeting at t h e
University Monday night.
The group voted amost un
animously to become a recog
nized University organization,
and decided to write a letter
declaring their purpose to the
Student Council.
An informal meeting will
be held tomorrow night to ac
quaint interested parties with
each other, so they may elect
officers. The meeting will be
held at 2601 B Street, the
home of Rich Richter. Any
one interested may come.
Bob Perry, an English in
structor at the University,
has taken the preliminary
steps in organizing the group
at the University.
Perry said he was active
in a SNCC group in Wiscon
jin this summer, and became
Study Conducted
On Library Use
By Wallis Lundeen
Junior Staff Writer
Two head counts to ascer
tain the number of students
using Love Library are being
made, according to Eugene
Johnson, associate director of
libraries for public service.
A count of the number of
feet that come on the second
floor will give some measure
of how many people come in
and out of the building. But
it will not tell whether those
who come in do so to study
or to use library materials.
The count was begun last
May, and will continue until
a definite pattern is estab
lished. For example, Johnson
said that it was found that in
August, the library was used
consistently, even though it
was open only three mornings
a week.
The second count lasts four
weeks, and will end at Thanks
giving. A head count will be
taken in the reading rooms
six times a day. Subjective
observations will also be
made concerning library us
ers at the same time.
A count of the number of
people who use Love Library
has not been made for ten
"With a larger student body,
and the heavier use of the li
brary, we are trying to stay
aVcad of n .:- figiyr
oui wiiat they will be,"
Johnson said. "We are trying
to describe in numerical
terms what is happening at
certain times of the day."
Johnson said the use of the
building has gone up steadily
the last five years, and a point
will be reached where the li
brary will be too crowded.
The library currently pro
vides space for 1,000 people.
The new library on East
Campus seats 450, and is ex
pandable to 750.
Physical changes are con
templated, according to John
son. Two large areas are
available in the basement, but
measurements are needed as
to what should be put there.
interested in the work of
SNCC. He said the primary
function of the organization
on the campus would be to
raise funds and publicize
The group is concerned
with the cause of the southern
Negro, rather than specific
local problems, according to
Perry. He said the group
might act as an impetus to
other civil rights groups in the
local community.
Perry outlined several
needs for the group to be con
cerned with. These included
publicity, fund-raising, letters
and calls to Congressmen and
recruiting for the group.
He said that cars are need
ed by the organization, for
the purpose of going to Mis
sissippi and other southern
states on civil rights business.
He pointed out, however, that
the cars need to be fairly new
and fast, since SNCC work
ers have been chased before.
An incident summary sheet
It is hoped the count will pro
vide some answers.
Currently the areas with
which the students are famili
ar are the second and third
floors. The science reading
room was moved to the first
floor when more room was
The fourth floor has faculty
studies and seminar rooms,
and the auditorium and of
fices for the Nebraska Foun
dation are located on the first
Johnson said a great deal
of the floor space on the first
floor serves as a "covered
"Our principle job is to pro
vide a quiet space to study
and to use library materials.
Students appreciate study
space and we want to be sure
it continues," Johnson said.
A head count is also being
taken at the East Campus
library to establish patterns
from the beginning of its use.
The study may be continued
for a longer time.
University Debators
Post 22-9 Record
University debators posted
a 22-9 record at the Central
College Tournament at Ed
mond, Okla., this weekend.
A team coached by Dr. John
Petelle, assistant professor of
speech, and composed of
Candice May and Judy Mahar
had the best record, five vic
tories and one loss, in pre
liminary rounds. The team
was eliminated in the quarter
finals by the University of
In the junior men's division
Mel Schlachter and John Peek
also won five out of six, but
were not invited to participate
in the quarter-finals.
The teams of Cathie Shat
tuck and Pam Moore, Richard
Sherman and Randy Prior,
and Allan Larson and Larry
Curd each had identical rec
ords of 4-2. Sherman also won
his preliminary round in the
junior men's extemporaneous
speaking division, but did not
place in the finals.
for Mississippi was read at
the meeting. During the
month of October, 89 racial
incidents took place in the
state of Mississippi.
Some of these incidents are:
Louis Hayes, a Negro youth
was grabbed by a clerk while
trying to buy cigarettes. He
was later chased and shot at
by police after he fled.
Robert Beech, head of the
Ministers Project in Hatties
burg, was assaulted by a
store owner while trying to
buy a stepladder.
Three whites in Marks
beat Klondike Abbot, a local
Negro, with a blackjack and
stick, then slashed him with
a knife and left him lying in
the road. Abbot was on his
way to a rally. The hospital
in Clarksdale refused to treat
Abbot without money in ad
vance. At Vicksburg a dynamite
bomb exploded underneath the
rear of the Freedom House,
destroying an 8,000 volume
University Haig
Gov. Frank Morrison has
proclaimed Nov. 15 through
Dec. 15, Nebraska Potato
In a ceremony at the State
House yesterday, the Gover
nor was presented with a 10
pound bag of hand-picked
Haig Potatoes, by Nebraska
Potato Council President, Joe
Shaughnessy of Alliance. The
new Haig potato was devel
oped at the University.
Research on the Haig Po
tato began at the University
in 1948, and has resulted in
a new variety which opened
up a new market for Nebras
ka potato growers. One-half
of the original cross traces
back to a wild variety of po
tatoes grown in South Amer
ica. After seven to eight years
of research and trials in
western and central Nebras
ka the Haig Potato was re
leased to farmers in 1956.
Five years ago it became no
ticeable that these potatos had
a high Cry matter content
which is an asset in making
good potato chips.
This past summer over one
third of the total acreage of
potatoes grown in Nebraska
were of the Haig variety.
Approximately 1,000 freight
car loads from Western Ne
braska have been used to
make potato chips this year;
whereas five years ago not
one car load was used for
this purpose.
According to Dr. Werner,
of the Department of
Horticulture, the scab resis
tance is nearly as valuable
to western Nebraska farmers
as the new market for the
crops. Western Nebraska
soils are infested with scab
producing organisms which
Home fc Honorary
Hears Founder Talk
Miss Alice Loomis, organ
izer of Omicron Nu, home eco
nomics honor society, was
guest speaker at the initia
tion dinner of new members.
Miss Loomis organized the
University chapter in 1914.
New members are Janet
Ambrosek, Margaret Barnes,
Mary Ann Bors, Susan Huber,
Ann Irvine, Sandra McDow
ell, Judy Johnson, Suzanne
Plum, and Linda Thornburg.
C otto
By Jim Korshoj
Junior Staff Writer
Football and the Cotton Bowl are two of the chief
.opics throughout Nebraska now, and probably no one is
more aware of this than James Pittenger, athletic ticket
"Cotton Bowl sales are booming," said Pittenger. "I
have two bushel baskets full of orders which I still
haven't even opened," he said.
Pittenger is still unable to determine exactly how
many tickets for the game will be sold to Nebraska fans.
"It will probably be in the neighborhood of 10,000 though,"
he said. This would compare to the 7500 tickets which
Ncbraskans purchased for last year's Orange Bowl.
Pittenger is still uncertain as to the possibility of
having the Bowl tickets available to University students
for $2.75 instead of the regular price of $5.50.
"We're doing all we can for the students," Pittenger
said. "I still can't say for sure just what the student
prices, but I should know either Wednesday (to
day) or Thursday, and will let everyone know then," he
The ticket office has completely sold out Nebraska's
allocation of 5500 tickets for this Saturday's game with
Oklahoma. Tickets for the game are still available at Nor
man though, Pittenger said.
Vol. 79, No. 60
library and causing $10,000 to
$12,000 worth of damage.
Fourteen people who would
normally have been in t h e
rear of the building at t h e
time happened to be in the
Later in the month, the po
lice accused Klondike Abbott
of lying about the car con
taining the men who beat
him. Abbot was threatened
with a fine of $1,000 and a
prison sentence.
Still later in October, Klon
dike Abbot, Lemon Abbot
and J. D. Powells were jailed.
The charges wrere unknown.
Eight students were sus
pended from Lanier High
School for wearing SNCC but
tons. After being refused service
at a segregated cafe', five per
sons were shot at from a car
as they walked home.
Perry emphasized that the
SNCC organization provides a
place for the meeting of lib
erals. Potato Honored
had the potato industry in the
state "on the run" until the
Haig Potato was developed.
"The potato breeding pro
gram," Werner said, "will
develop within five to ten
years, selections which will
be better and more resistant
to other diseases. It is seldom
possible to deveolp a new va
riety in less than ten years.
More than 300,000 seedlings
have been planted by us, in
developing four new commer
cial varieties of potatoes."
WOW To Review
Legislative Issues
Principal issues facing the
1965 Nebraska Legislature
will be reported in a 30 min
ute special, "Unicameral
'65", to be presented by
WOW-TV Channel 6 tonight.
Lou Schoen, WOW's public
affairs director, gathered the
material for the report at the
interim legislative council
meetings held Nov. 12 and 13.
The council is composed of
all members of the preceding
Unicameral, and receives re
ports and recommendations
from all interim legislative
study committees.
Schoen said that the tele
vision report will summarize
all major issues scheduled to
come before the next legis
lature and that the most im
portant ones will be treated
in depth.
Issues to be reported in
clude property, intangible,
farm and ranch taxation;
water supply and watershed
projects ; state vocational
technical schools; educational
television; power district re
organization: higher educa
tion; needs of Nebraska citi
zens and the budget.
Ag Union Sponsors
Tour Of State Capitol
A tour of the State Capitol
building will be given today,
sponsored by Ag Union. Those
interested in attending will
meet at Ag Union at 3;50 p.m.
Cars will be furnished, but
anyone who has a car avail
able should bring it.
mi BoWifi S02
The Daily
Jo Give
Jacques Abram, inter
nationally acclaimed concert
pianist will be the guest ar
tist at the University Orches
tral Fall concert to be held
this Sunday. The concert will
be held at 8 p.m. in the ball
room of the Student Union.
Admission to the concert
will be by free tickets which
must be picked up before the
concert. The tickets are avail
able all this week at the front
desk in the Student Union.
Following a rehearsal for
the concert' on Sunday after
noon, a coffee hour will be
held for all those who wish
to meet Abram. It will begin
at 3 p.m. in 232 Student Un
ion. Abram first won wide atten
tion in the year 1938 when
he won two national awards.
In the same year, he made
his formal debut as soloist
with the Philadelphia Orches
tra. He has since made repeat
throughout the U.S. These in
engagements with many ma
jor symphony orchestras
throughout the U.S. These in
clude the New York Philhar
monic, the Philadelphia, Chi
cago, Cleveland, Houston and
San Francisco Symphonies,
the Los Angeles Philmarmon
ic and the National Symphony
of Washington, D. C.
Abram has appeared as
guest soloist with a1! the great
European orchestras, includ
ing the Vienna Symphony,
London's Royal Philharmonic
and Copenhagen's Danish
State Radio Orchestra. Each
year, after fulfilling his com
mitments with orchestras in
the U.S., he returns to Europe
to perform there.
Union Sponsors
Cotton Bowl Trip
The Student Union is
sponsoring a trip to the Cot
ton Bowl in Dallas, Tex,, but
there are no definite details
Tentative plans now are to
leave Thursday morning, Dec.
31, and return Saturday morn
ing, Jan. 2.
The price of the trip will
include air transportation, in
surance, transportation in the
city and a game ticket. The
Union does not yet know how
much the trip will be, or where
those going will stay.
Interested students should
contact John Carlisle, pro
gram manager at the Union
Program Office. More de
tails will be available later in
the week.
For those Nebraska fans unable to trek to Soonerland
this week, a special closed-circuit TV broadcast of the
game will be shown in the Coliseum Saturday afternoon.
"We have sold about 3,000 tickets for the TV showing,"
Pittenger said. "However, there are seats for about 8,000,
so there are still plenty of tickets left," he said.
Tickets for the TV showing cost $2.00. They are avail
able at the Coliseum ticket office, Gerry's Sports Shop,
The First National Bank and The National Bank of Com
merce. The game will begin at 1:30 p.m. and the Coliseum
doors will open at 12:30.
Although final figures have not been tabulated, Pit
tenger estimates there were about 49,500 people at last
Saturday's game with Oklahoma State. This would be a
record for a Nebraska home game.
With the new addition to the stadium this year, Sat
urday's attendance brought about a new record for
total season attendance at Nebraska's home games.
The Oklahoma State game brought the season's total
home game attendance figure to about 232,000 for five
games. This compares to the old records of 226,036 for a
six home games season, and 179,444 for a five home games
Pittenger said that the University ticket office also
sold about 24,100 tickets for the Cornhuskers five away
games this year.
Nebraskan Wednesday, November 18, 1964
'Most Girl
Work 25
The average college
woman graduate will work
25 years, Frank Hall
gren, Director of Placement
told Panhellenic members
at their meeting Monday
"Nine out of 10 college
women graduates will work
sometime in their lives,"
Hallgren said. The demand
for skilled people is increas
ing all the time in business
and industry he said. It is
important that college
women be aware of h 0 w
they plan to use their edu
cation. This is the purpose of
the placement office, to
make students aware of the
changing needs and de
mands of society for their
particular interest or field,
he said.
The central placement of
fice, 340 Student Un
ion, and the teacher place
ment office, located in
Teachers' College, both have
background informa
tion available for job oppor
tunities. Placement gathers infor
mation for various oppor
tunities available to women
from major companies, gov
ernment agencies and ad
vanced education opportun
ities. The placement office ar
ranges interviews and pre
pares credentials for the
company or companies in
which one is interested. "It
is a good idea to have cre
dentials prepared for long
range use," Hallgren said.
These credentials are kept
on file. Records of Univer
sity alumni are kept on a
permanent basis, he said.
The placement office also
is a counseling service for
Marine Selection
Today is the last day the
Marine Corps officer selection
team will be in the main
lounge of the Student Union.
The team is giving the of
ficer selection test and stu
dents interested in earning
Marine Corps commissions
will be interviewed. Captain
R. W. Badeker is the selection
officer from Des Moines.
The Marine Corps offers
three officer training p r 0
grams. Freshman, sophomore
and junior men are eligible
for the platoon leaders' class.
This class requires two six
week summer training ses
sions with a commission
awarded at graduation from
The officer candidate course
is open to seniors and gradu
ates who attend ten weeks of
training following graduation.
Upon successful completion
of the ten week course they
are commissioned.
Junior and senior women
are eligible for the woman
officer candidate course, a
ten-week summer program.
"Women in the Marine Corps
are a select group right
now," Badeker said, "There
are 130 women Marine offi
cers at the present time."
There are a little over 16,000
officers in the Marine Corps
he said. All the Marine Corps
training is done at Quantico,
Va., 35 miles sourth of Wash
ington, D.C.
"The Marine Corps is not
a highly specialized branch of
the service," Badeker said.
It is primarily a combat and
combat support group, he
:.aid. Openings are available
to officers commissioned in
those w-ith particular prob
lems, Hallgren said.
"There are some special
problems women face in
finding employment, for in
stance convincing employ
ers that you are serious
about a career," he said.
"There may be some dis
crimination because you are
women. As an example, few
women receive degrees in
mechanical engineer
ing, therefore employ
ers are hesitant in employ
ing a woman in this field,"
he said.
It is very important to
pi-n early, Hallgren said,
luj many reach their sen
ior year without any plans.
By that time it is often too
late for scholarships, fel
lowships and graduate
school applications.
The question sophomore
and junior women should
ask themselves, Hallgren
said, is: "What can I do to
give maximum flexibility to
my chosen career?" There
is great possibility that there
w-ill be no need for your
particular training in a
few years, he said.
There is an importance in
having concern of how to
use your education, he said.
"There are other uses for a
college education than read
ing Chaucer by the fire
side on a cold, wintry eve
ning," he said.
Hallgren invited those in
terested in teacher place
ment to go to the place
ment office in Teachers
College. Dr. Wesley Meier
henry is in charge of teach
er placement.
If interested in other
career opportunities the
general placement office,
340 Student Union is t h e
office to visit.
Team To Leave
the infantry, artillary, c 0 m
munications, aviation, per
sonel, public information and
After a six months officer
training program the officers
are commissioned as lieu
tenant and are assigned to
specific fields. "We can't
guarantee an individual will
be assigned to a particular
field." he said.
Selection for a particular
field is based on three things.
Badeker said: (1) the needs
of the Marine Corps, (2) the
individual's qualifica
tions, and (3) the individual's
"In the Marine Corps the
emphasis is on the individual
on the man and not ma
chines," Badeker said. "We
believe the prime benefit as
a Marine Corps Officer is the
leadership and executive
training and experience," he
Peace Corps To Show
Spanish Film Tonight
"Mexican Busride," a Span
ish movie with English sub
titles, will be shown tonight
at 7:45 in the Student Union
small auditorium. The price
is 50 cents.
The film, an Academy
Award and Cannes Foreign
Film Festival award winner,
is sponsored by the Peace
Corps Committee of the Stu
dent Council.
Everyone is invited to at
tend. The film is here for the fi
nal Droficiency test of the
Peace Corps trainees at the
Nebraska Center.