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There will be several more such programs sched uled throughout the year. In case of inclement weath er, they will be moved to the Coliseum. A silent pray . er is now being breathed that the weatherman coop erates and lets the pro grams continue in this ideal place. Other participants in fu ture programs include Ro meros, a Spanish flamenco group, Air Force Secretary Eugene Zukert, the Dutton percussion trio and a French vocal group. Congratulations to b o t h sponsoring groups for such a fine presentation. Susan SmHhbergcr TV Tantalizing The television showing of Saturday's football game was a boon to those of us forced to remain behind. We were able to view the faux pas and brilliant plays of both teams. Our thanks go out to the spon soring network. Barry's Boys Rebuttal Dear editor: We, as members of the Youth for Goldwater, have but one goal the election of Barry Goldwater in No vember as the next presi dent of the United States. , The Young Republicans may have this as a goal, but they are also concerned with the election of Repub lican candidates for local and state positions. Their job should not be looked down upon. It is an import ant one (as is evidenced by the condition of Congress), albeit less glamorous than ours. Personally, I respect any one who takes upon himself this responsibility and am more than hesitant to be little his efforts. If these two groups can succeed in their jioble talks, we will have a double victory to look back on with pride. I hope that the fervor and enthusiasm of our or ganization will continue, and will bring positive results, even in excess of our past efforts. I wish the same success for the YR's. We should always hold the door open to those among the YR's who wish to help in the election of Barry Goldwater. I say "wish to help" be cause we neither can nor should expect them to give up their own election activi ties if they are doing the party more good in that capacity. Mr. Goldwater will have a difficult time getting h i s programs through a hostile congress, and those who want to work for better Re publican congressmen, bet ter local government, state government, etc., are to be commended. Our goal is an important one, but it is not the only worthy goal and as such should be as pired to only by those who are committed to its achievement. This is why our organiza tion is still necessary and why the YR's are also nec essary. We are both work ing for the Republican party and, I hope, for freedom. As such we should function sep arately and amiably, in mutual respect. Dan Whelan Note: This is a paper dis tributed among members of the Youth for Goldwater staff to present the views of at least the majority of that group toward the Young Re publican organization. D. W. It Ain't Daily Dear Editor: You call it the DAILY Nebraskan. Howcum it ain't? Respectfully yours, W. Gary Barnes KNUS radio Editor's Note: The Almost-Daily Nebraskan does not fit in the space allowed for the flag. Paper Wanted Dear editor: Please add this comment to your staff's evaluation of the new distribution sys tem. Consider delivering to the library and some cen tral point on the engineer ing half of the campus, so those of us who are not "crib rats" or "campus jocks," will still benefit from the Daily Nebraskan. Another student's opinion', L.J. lIHIIIIIII!tlllllllllllllllllllllllilillll!l!l!r The Dally Nebraskan invites rea- : dent to use it for expressions of H opinion on current topics regard- s s less of viewpoint. Letters must be zz signed, contain a verifiable address H 5 and be free of libelous material. H Pen names tnay be used. : S The Daily Nebraskan reserves s 'h right to condense letters. H illlllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrl THE ASTRONAUTS lCA RECORDING ARTISTS SAT., OCT. 3 Pershing Mun, Aud. TICKETS ON SALE AT NEBR. STUDENT UNION, $1.75 OONT MOVE OR I'LL SHOOT Campus Coloring Book See the parking lots color them crowded. See the grass color it green with brown streaks. See the library color it void of people. See the Pershing Rifles color them "gun"-ho. See the football team color them winning. See the freshman color them in the south end of th stadium. See the Army ROTC boys color them few. See the Union color the posts with clashing colors. See the classrooms color them crowded. See Angel Flight color them "stacked." See all the married males color them "draft dodgers." See the Student Council color it tabled. See the campus traffic scribble it a mess. See dorm food color it mysterious. See the Union parking lot color it quickly or you won't have a chance. See the University student color him procrastinating. See the Inter-campus bus color it as It drives past. See the Tassels buy a balloon and color it. As one of the more specta cular . traitors to the fight against lung cancer, t h e Closet Case today would like to postpone for a week the crusade against corrup tion, hoof and mouth disease and things I don't like; of fer in its stead a few ideo syncracies of the smoker. Ever since Sir Walter Ra leigh presented the first tobacco commercial and Queen Elizabeth became the first mooch, mankind has attacked, banned, condem ned and become addicted to those sweet brown leaves. The process of addiction in itself is fascinating. In my case it showed itself when the after-dinner pipe became the mid-afternoon cigar and, shortly, the after-lunch cigarette. Then all three. Then more. I decided I was hooked when I started looking for ward to a meal time be cause of the leisurely cigar I allowed myself afterwards. To shorten the sordid tale of my sincere attempt to quit, I will only say I could quit any time I want to. But I don't want to. And, besides, when I do, 1 last two days before deciding I've been a strong person and deserve a reward. Smokers are funny people. I once heard a freshman coed bubbling over With ex citement because she had bought her first carton. A junior, weak after a fit of coughing beside the Union desk, rasped "blankety blank cigarettes I'd better buy some before I go back to the house." Another student told me "I smoke a pack a day, but Closet Case lv Frank Partsch I never buy them by the carton. Th-t would be an ad mission of defeat," He resolves each pack is his last. Enter vicious cir cle. He can't waste half a pack by quitting until they are all gone and if he smokes once in a day, he can't quit until the next. He is waiting for the day his last cigarette is gone at bed time. This Case is not complete without a few words of ad miration for J. Winston Martin, associate dean of Student Affairs. With all due respect,' I would like to ex press my admiration to a truely classical smoker. Although he is a noble pipe smoker, Martin's glory is the cigar. I will never tire of watching those heavy, sharp rings of smoke he produces by the dozens. He manufactures little donuts, heavy tractor tires and fleecy halos. His expression varies from comradeship while contemplating the cigar to ecslacy while shooting a smokey arrow through one of the jnany ringlets danc ing in the air. These are troubled days for the smoker. The govern ment threatens him with death and taxes. His fettle brother can outrun h i m. Sometimes the dejection al most forces him to take the cure. But. fellow smokers, put aside those thoughts of mass defection and unite for lung infection. And, when you lose hope, cough your way over to the Student Affairs office and seek inspiration in Martin's firm and confident leadership. The Daily Nebraskan RICH HALBKRT. managing editor! FRANK PARTSCH, news editor! PRISCII-LA MUIXINS. senior staff writer: THAV1S MINER. WALL1S LUNDEEN, JIM KORSHOJ MARILYN HOEGEMEVER. MARK I'LATTNER, BARRY ABRAMS. junior staff writers! KAY MATISON. SUSIE RU1TER, LEE MARSHALL, copy editors; RICH EISER. LARRY JENKJNS, photographers; LARRY LEISTRITZ, ag mws editor! PEGGY SPEECE.-' sports' editor; BOB SAMUELSON, sport assistant; BOB LEDIOYT, BBZ' MADSON, SCOTT RYNEARSON. business assistants; LYNN; RATH.IEN.-. circulation '.manager: JIM DICK, subscription manaaei. ,' "' Subscription rate $3 per tenu'stcr or $j per year. ' " Entered as aecond class matter at the post office (n Lincoln Nebraska, under the act of August 4, !912. ,. . . . , The Daily Nebraskan' it published at H'ioni SI, Nebraska Union, on Monday. Wednesday, Tkurman. Friday by lnheriiv . M .Mirk' fuilnta under the jurisdiction of the Faculty Subcommittee on Student Publications. 1'uiiMCauons shall be free -from censorship h -h Subcomtniuee or any person outside the University. Members of the Nebraskan are responsible for what tnty cause to 1 pruned ' Without A Doubt Lincoln's finest Barber Shop If you can find a more modern and sanitary shop let us know because that's where we want to get our haircut "The Clipper" BSSR 119 No. 12 We still have those time saving appointments so give us a call or stop in. r4r Wh: s! j 7 V ' ' j campus tradition ", '' Square-ply j !' I from Galey and Lord- . , ' j ' .'. J the first Fall weight Dacron ' ' . .j polyester and cotton fabric V - . ' for your casual slacks. ( ' In all the right colors ..', ; and the classic neutrals. ..; J j Galey 'Lori y 1407 Broadway, new York IS.N.Y. A Division of BuritaijSn Industrie j ATTENTION! Business Administration Graduate Students Excellent Opportunity For Valuable Management Experience At The Nebraska Union Full time & part-time night supervisor position available. Evening 6c weekend work. For Interview, Contact-: Mr. Barnes, Ass't. Director, Nebraska Union, Administrative Office 111 1964-1965 NEBRASKA UNION FILM SOCIETY PRESENTS 15 OUTSTANDING FILMS OctobeVy; - , h ? 7-"To Bed or Not To Bed" Italian 21Vlew From the Bridge". U.S. November 4-"The Letter that was Never Sent" Russian 18-"lkiru". Japan December 9 "Sound of Trumpets" Italian January 6Waltz of the Toreadors" English 20."Breathless". French February 10-"Seventh Seal" Swedish 24"l'Awentura". Italian March 10-"Smiles of a Summer Night" Swedish 24-"Knife In the Water". Polish April 7-"Rosemary" German 28."Lonelinesi of a Long Distance Runner". English May 12-"Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow". Italian 26-"My Name is Ivan" Russian Membmhips $6.00 Univwsity students and staff, $8.00 Patrons. Ticktti a. .n .J. . l. Nebraska Union on September 23. Hours 9-5. Mail ord.r tlXts may btleKd ll It!