The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 29, 1964, Page Page 5, Image 8

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Friday, -May 29, 1964
The Daily Nebraskan
Page -5
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'We've got a thing going
here ... a momentum that
I hope will keep going. I am
weld v.
trying in my last year to
make sure that momentum
is an integral part of this de
partment." Outstanding Nebraskan Lin
us Burr Smith was talking
about his nationally recog
nized department of architec
ture. Sitting in his second;
floor office in Architectural
Hall, Smith could talk of
nothing but the "esprit de
corps" of architecture facul
ty and students alike.
"It has been one crises aft
er another for thirty years,"
.Smith said after serving as
the first and only chairman'
of the Department of Architecture.
funds and staff, his depart
ment has achieved national
and international acclaim
from those meager beginnings
in 1934. Smith attributes this
success to an instilling of con
fidence in architecture stu
dents, both in their ability
and instruction.
'Students who apply here
must be willing to be up
against the best a gainst
world competition. In fact,
world competition is the basis
for student . competition,"
Smith said.
Ha mile I1EHTZ
Call Hertz todav to rent a new Chevrolet
sedan from Friday afternoon until nine
o'clock Monday morning at this low rate.
let HERTZ put you in the driver's seat!
University architec
ture graduates leave with the
top jobs and scholarships, ac
cording to Smith. His archi-
: tecture students have left
Despite lacking sufficient ; their mark around the world
and just this year they are
going to Columbia, Minnesota
and Michigan with rich schol
arships. Smith said.
"Anywhere he goes, a Uni
versity architecture student
thinks he is as good as any
one there and I think he is,"
Smith said of the average
architecture graduate.
Smith emphasized we d i d
not encourage Univesity stu
dents to leave the state after
graduation. Their "personal
confidence" and interests
should be there guides, ac
cording to Smith, and the pop
ulated areas where architec
tural interests are high, nat
urally draw most of his stu
dents away.
1017 Que St.
(Ladies please remove your hats.)
will be held 7:30 -10:30 Thursday & Friday, Xfay 28 &
29 at that crystal palace of the midwest, THE
For the jolliest summer yon'v
ever bad, try out for the Reper
tory Company.
If you can talk you can act
in a mellerdrammert
First 5 how opens Wednesday,
June 24.
St. Pcu!
12 & M
Dr. Clarence Forsberg Preaching
Services at 9:30 and 11:00
"We expect to plow some
knowledge back into Nebras
ka, even though students
leave," Smith said. The De
partment of Architecture now
elects problems for stu
dents in Nebraska and they go
out in communities. He said
these projects call attention to
state needs and help to solve
local problems.
Smith, who will continue to
teach after stepping down as
department head next year,
cited two purposes of the Uni
versity and his department to
"We have a duty to raise
the general cultural level of
the state year by year and al
so to educate our sons and
daughters to live fruitful
lives anywhere," Smith said.
Smith expressed reluctance
in leaving his post after three
decades and aired a concern
for the department's future.
At present, 250 students can
be instructed at Architectur
al Hall and already this year
an overflow of freshman have
applied. More and more every
year, the department has to
turn away applicants because
of insufficient facilities and
"Also, I hope the personal
confidence and pride I have
seen so much of will contin
ue," Smith said.
"We cannot get money na
tionally, from foundations.
We are really a cultural ac
tivity and these days cultural
activities and the humanities
find it hard to get money."
Smith said.
He quoted James Madison
as hitting the point when he
said "I must study war and
engineering so my descend
ants might study architecture
and music." . .'
Smith said man might be
portrayed as having a right
hand of humanities and a left
j hand of science. If the two
don't get together he said,
j "we are in trouble."
' "Man must progress euql
."ly in the humanities and
i sciences there shouldn't bev
such an imbalance," Smith '
Three large letters, Smith's
initials, are emblazoned above
the department office in Ar
chitecture Hall. One "regu
lar" on second floor said they
wouldn't be soon forgotten
there or by the University.
Across the hall from Pro
fessor Smith's office a plaque
presented by his students
hangs in his honor. Its tribute
deserves repetition.
To Linus Burr Smith:
"A disciple of excellence,
an inspiring teacher, a crea
tive artist, an incisive schol
ar, and an unusually gifted
understander of his fellow
man who minds and dignity
he has served so well for 30
years at the University of Nebraska."
Home Ec Area
Will Open Soon
The University's School of
! Home Economics has an
j nounced that a new Home
j Economics Teaching Area
on the city campus will be
i pAmnlfitoH ?n timp in offer
courses there, beginning with
this summer session.
"This non-laboratory facil
ity will make it possible for
students from other disci
plines as well as from Home
Economics to gain an under
standing of the need for im
proved homes and better liv
ing," says Dr. Virginia
Trotter, director of the School
of Home Economics and as
sociate dean of the College
of Agriculture and Home
The Area includes two
classrooms. One is equipped
for demonstration-lecture type
classes; the other for discus
sion groups and lecture class
es. Courses offered during the
summer session will be in
the area of food and nutrition,
human development and the
family and home economics
Far ttcclwrs wk want my, mart MugtnUri
! I .! m.
wcamoa r puai mibbv ih incwnni
iwrticalar tltuatioH, cantactt
SOI Stuart Building Lincoln, Nebraska Phone: 432-4954
Our Mrvlct cevtn tt entire U.S.
M n ar tfcarats antll vwi twv rKiv4 acctc!a wrvin
9 X
.' 4
4 . :rx.-
DAILY NEBRASKAN Photographs by Dennis Defrain
MAN OF MANY FACETS Living with a versatile professor can be fun, or so Mrs.
Smith can testify. From racing down the street on a bicycle-built-for-two (upper right)
to relaxing at home in his favorite chair (upper left), Smith is always busy. He finds
his desk never empty as he attempts to finish up all administrative duties before his
retirement as chairman of the department . of architecture. Smith is always available
for individual help for a student, and Joe Johnson takes advantage of his counseling
service. Home again, a walk through the garden with his wife (lower right) may end
the day.
Undergrads Follow Trend To Summer Session
Over half of the University
summer session enrollment
this year will be composed
of undergraduates, a reflec
tion of a recent continuing
trend which is changing the
complexion of "summer
school," Dr. Frank E. Soren
son said last night
Sorenson, director of the
University's summer ses
sions, said recent years have
brought a steady increase in
the proportion of enrollment
accounted for by undergrad
uates who continue their
college studies without sum
mer interruption and by new
freshmen, fresh from sprtof
high school commencements.
"Last summer," he tajd,
"we had just about 100 stu
dents who began their college
study immediately after high
school graduation. This year,
apparently, we will have at
least twice that number."
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