Wednesday, May 13, 1964 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 Sf udents Favor Morrison hiimsiro 52 By Mick Rood Senior Staff Writer University students gave President Lyndon Johnson 52 percent of the votes in a poll taken last weekend while Governor Frank Morrison furthered the Democratic trend by carrying an 81 per cent margin in that race. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, who appears to have a growing support from Uni versity students, gained two thirds of the Republican vote. Pennsylvania Governor Wil liam Scranton ran second to Lodge and Sen. Barry Gold water and New York Gover nor Nelson Rockefeller man aged only 5 percent of the Republican vote. At least 10 percent of John son's vote came from Repub licans crossing party lines. Jerry Anderson put it this way, "Due to the lack of Re publican candidates, Johnson gets my vote." Jim Moore, a "sometimes Republican" said "Johnson would get votes because he knows Washington while Lodge, Goldwater and Scran ton don't." Lodge supporters cited his United Nations performance as the main reason for their support. His defense of United States policy against Russian accusations, especially dur ing the U-2 incident were of ten referred to. Many of the polled voters first said, "anyone but Gold- Civil Rights- (Cont. from page 2 termine the case. A copy of the request shall be imme diately furnished by such clerk to the chief judge of the circuit (or in his ab sence, the presiding circuit kdge) of the circuit in which the case is pending. Upon receipt of the copy of such request it shall be the duty of the chief judge of the circuit or the presiding cir cuit judge, as the case may be to designate immediate ly three judges in such cir cuit, of whom at least one shall be a circuit judge and another of whom shall be a district judge of the court in which the proceeding was instituted, to hear and determine such case, and it shall be the duty of t h e judges so designated to as sign the case for hearing at the earliest practicable date, to participate in t h e hearing and determination thereof, and to cause the case to be in every way ex pedited. An appeal from the final judgment of such court will lie to the Supreme Court. "In the event the Attor ney General fails to file such a request in any such proceeding, it shall be the duty of the chief judge of the district for in his ab sence, the acting chief judge in which the case is pend ing immediately to desig nate a judge in such dis trict to hear and determine the case. In the event that no judge in the district is available to hear and deter mine the case, the chief judge of -the district, or the acting chief judge, as the case may be, shall certify this fact to th echicf judge of the circuit (or in his ba sence, the acting chief Judge) who shall then des ignate a district or circuit judge of the circuit to hear and determine the case. "It shall be the duty of the judge designated pursu ant to this section to as sign the case for hearing at the earliest practicable date and to cause the case to be in every way expedited." Nebraskan Want Ads JOBS: Wmld rna like to earn 1200 per WeHt Ihw dimmer la your own home Ion unit aim have a Jute when you come back lo Llnroln next fall? Both can be roure with fttanJer Product, car nepewary, no Investment. For Inter view call 477 -774a or 4JV2421. FOR RENTs Houae or apartment cheap, (or the rum mer. tv& cut the fraa. 2 block north oi camtxu. 4324207. FOR SAlli 1SM1 Honda, excellent condition, reaeon. Me. Call 4J4-172, aveutnji and week end. RIDlSi Wanted ride to Waahlnftoa, O.C Point at. 4J4-70O4. MISCELLANEOUS; Callery ride aaln! After reruperatlns Iriwn a hort courtte In economy the liM-uranly optlmlMIc editor iA Ciallery Magazine preaetrt their aortn tooue. II you like good proee, poxrr and artwork, pick up a copy at: Nebraska Book Store, Mlll.-r'a Book Mull, of Sheldon Art Callery. water" in answer to the Pres idential race. A recnt POST Magazine article revealing al leged ambiguities in the Sen ator's statements and the as sassination of President Ken nedy were the strongest rea sons given against Goldwa ter's nomination. Honorary Nai mes Initiates Phi Eta Sigma, freshman men's honorary, held its spring initiation and banquet Sunday in the Nebraska Un ion. Judge Ralph Slocum of the Lancaster County Court spoke on the "County Court System." Andrew Taube was elected president. Other officers are James Kinyoun, vice-president; Gary Wahlgren, secre tary; Frederick Leistritz, treasurer, and F. C. Green, corresponding secretary. Other new Initiates are Mark Beech, John Bailer, Kent Beachler, Phillip Board man, Arthur Boye, Kenneth Cada. Charles DeGroot, Roger Doerr, Dennis Doud, Richard Elliot, James Farhe, Wayne Fries. John Gau, John Goedeken, Alvin Gress, William Hans mire, Allan Harms, David Hood. Roger Iliff, Larry Jenkins, James Johnson, Barry Kort, Gary Larsen, Jeffrey Lefke. Albert Lickei, Robert Miles, Harold Moesser, "Wesley Mus ser, Thomas Nelson, Paul Nee. Thomas Reimers, John Rosenberg, Paul Rudolph, Stanley Schepers, James Scheppers, Richard Schulze, Randolph fchaner. David Shoemaker, William Staley, Virgil Stetz, Theodore Suhr, Frank Surber, John Swanson, James Talbot. William. Tharnish, Burton Thomson, John VanCampen, Richard Vogt, Gary Watzke, Larry Watzke, and Michael Wylie. Membership in Phi Eta Sigma is based on scholastic achievement. C a n d i dates must have a 7.5 grade aver age or above, for 12 or more hours, the first semester of the freshman year. John Lonnquist is the new senior advisor. Eta Kappa Nu Elects Twelve New Members Twelve electrical engineer ing students nave Been elected to membership in Eta Kappa Nu, national electrical engineering honorary. The new members are Gilbert Brown, The r on, Carlson, Stephen Davis, Roger Geg- gins, Koger tiomng, uernara Johnson, Ronald Klein, Rob ert Lott, Brian Peterson, Don ald Peterson, Norman Prigge and Monwell Westphal. Can didates for membership must be in the upper one-third of the seinor class or the upper one fourth of the junior class. Tri Defs Give Granfs For the twenty-first year Tri Delta has awarded two $132 scholarships. This year these awards went to Carol Hall and Karen Woodward, Delta Delta Delta. Miss Hall is a sophomore from Falls City majoring in French. Miss Woodward is a junior from Lincoln also majoring in French. These scholarship awards were based on leadership abil ity, service to the university campus, and scholarship. SUMMtm JiS for STUDENTS New S'64 directory lists 20,000 summer job openings In 50 states. MALE or FEMALE. Unprecedented re search for students includes exact pay rates and job details. Names employers and their addresses for hir ing in industry, summer camps, national parks, resorts, etc., etc., etc. Hurry!! jobs filled early. Send two dol lars. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send to: Summer Jobs Directory P. O. Box 13393 Phoenix, Arizona. "Goldwater offers more state rights and individual ism," to citizens said Bob Curry, who did vote for the Arizona Senator. Attorney General "Robert Kennedy was the students' favorite second half of the Democratic ticket. Kennedy received nearly half of the votes tallied while United Nations Ambassador Adlai Stevenson ran second. Many figured that Kennedy "won't get along with Johnson" but saw his candidacy because of his brother's image impact on the Democratic party. Glori Houser sees the Democratic Convention as a "long, drawn-out memorium The "big boom" in pinnings and engagements experienced last week has slackened for some unknown reason. Any coeds with ideas for the future now have only two and a half weeks of school left. PINNINGS Cuz Guenzel, Kappa Kappa :iiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"illlllllllll,' iiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Nebraskan Applauds Sigma Alpha Epsilon fra ternity initiated 1 coed into the Little Sisters of Minerva after the girls had been rused at a dinner and spent the night in the house as guests of the fraternity. The new initiates were Bona Olmsted and Dorothy Peck, Alpha Chi Omega; Julie Phelps and Barb Trupp, Kap pa Kappa Gamma; Janet Connell, Judy McCartney and Lois Quinnett, Chi Omega; Barb Atkinson, Pi Beta Phi; Pat Thayer, Kappa Delta. Pat Ager, Susie Grant, Alpha Delta Pi; Joyce Bart ling, Donna Maclay and Vicki Packard, Delta Gamma; Su san Cunningham and B e t s y Nore, Kappa Alpha Theta; Cynthe Nelson, Alpha Phi; Sharon Kruth, Pound Hall, and Nancy O'Donnell, Gam ma Phi Beta. The Lutheran School of Theology, May wood, 111., will confer a Masters of Arts de gree in clinical pastoral ed ucation upon the Rev. Frank Moyer, director of clincial pastoral services in the com munity services division at the Nebraska Phychiatric In stitute. Moyer, who wrote his thesis on "The Establishment and Significance of Norms for the Ten United Lutheran Church in American Semin aries as Measured by the Minnesota Multiphasic Per sonality Inventory," will re ceive the degree at May 14 commencement exercises held at the theological school. New officers for Mu . Epsi lon Nu are Gerald Ehlers, president; Joe Watkins, vice president; Dick Stafford, sec retary; Ed Pillard, treas urer; Bill Hunter, historian, and Lavon Bohling, member ship chairman. Phi Upsilon Omicron, pro fessional home economics honorary has initiated Vicki Cline, Jeanette Coufal, San dra Crispin. Helen Mathers and Sandra Stork. Joan Spl vey has been elected president of Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman women's honorary. Jerri t'haloupka is vice-president; Jane Brcdcnburg, secretary; Barb Beckman, treasurer; Vicki Varvel, historian. New officers of Aquaquettcs are Joan Beerline, president; Marilyn Peterson, vice-president; Karen Beggs, treasurer Ellen Rcifschncidcr, secre tary, and Anne Mulder pub licity officer. The Phi Kappa Psi frater nity has elected new officers to former President Ken nedy." Other Vice Presidential candidates receiving votes were majority leader Hubert Humphrey, Peace Corp head Sargeant Shriver, Secretary of Defense, Robert McNa mara, Senator Stuart Syming ton and one vote for Gover nor Morrison. Many students voiced little interest in the Nebraska races or little knowledge of them. Only about half "cast a vote" in the Lt. Governor race. Democrat Philip Soren son garnered over half the votes while : Republican Charles Thone had about one fourth of the votes. Gamma sophomore in Arts and Sciences from Lincoln to Kile Johnson, Beta Theta Pi sophomre in Business Admin istration from Lincoln. Dixie Hufnagle, Alpha Omi cron Pi junior in Teachers from Lincoln to Terry Tice, Phi Delta Theta sophomore in Arts and Science from Lin coln. for next year. They are presi dent, Mike Wiseman; vice president and pledge trainer, Denny Christianson; secre tary, Mike Barton; corres ponding secretary, Travis Hiner; governing committee chairman, Jim Little,' ser geant at arms, Martin Plas ter, chaplin, Jerp Hoiberg, and scholarship chairman, John Cosier. Nine cadets wre honored at the ROTC Awards Parade. The Superior Cadet Award was presented to John Goedel ken, freshman; Loren Ben derson, sophomore; John Deming, junior; and Gailyn Larsen, senior. Prof. Roger n Thursday May 14 NEW WAY The Administration has made it easier for students to pay their pre registration fees by providing mani'la envelopes which may be dropped in any cam pus mail box. Administration stipulates that payment must be made by check or money order, rather than currency or coin, if this envelope is to be used. Cheryl Lockhart, Chi Omega sophomore in Teachers from Lincoln to John Ogdon, Sigma Phi Epsilon sophomore in Chemical Engeering from Lincoln. Leanne Lunzmann, junior in Teachers from Auburn to Ir vin Pearson, junior in Teach ers from Ceresco. Judy Sharp, Kappa Delta Washburn, chairman of t h e department of chemistry pre sented the Armed Forces Chemical Association Award to Alan Hurd. The Armed Forces Communication Elec tronics Award was presented to Robert Folker. The As sociation of U.S. Army Medal Award was presented to Mi chael Newberry. William Bet kin received the Book Award. Carl Paulsen received the American Ordiance Associa tion Award. Colonel Elmer Powell and Lt. Colonel Da n C. Kingman, University Mili tary Science staff members and Colonel Edward Hough ton presented the awards. Nobraskci y Presents Of Admission: Tickets On Sale CLASS MONEY IN MAIL ocke&is senior in Journalism-H o m e Economics from Omaha to Ronald Gropes, Alpha Gam ma Rho graduate in Agricul ture from Big Springs. Linda Randall.Alpha Chi Omega sophomore in Art from Omaha to Al Hartmann, Kappa Sigma junior in Pre med from Lincoln. Linda Crosson, Alpha Chi Omega sophomore in Teach ers from McCook to Rich Braunstein, senior in Business Administration from Santa Monica, Cal. ENGAGEMENTS Connie McAdams, Alpha XI Delta junior in Teachers from Cozad to Tom Price, Sigma Chi alum from Omaha. Valerie Sturges, sophomore in Arts and Science from Win ner, South Dakota, to Mike Murphy, Sigma Alpha Epsilon graduate in Business Admin istration from Red Oak, Iowa. For teacher who want money, a more congenial location or special assistance in meeting a particular situation contact: THE DAVIS SCHOOL SERVICE 501 Stuart Building Lincoln, Nebraska Phone: 4324954 Our service covers the entire U.S. No feet or charges until vou hove received acceptable service 111011 "I Tmm j0bJ jM fl jf" Union HoiS $125 &$ I50 in the Union Now TODAY FIRESIDE CHATS will meet with Dr. Kenneth Rose from Student Health at 7:45 p.m. attheUCCF. PAN HELLENIC ACTIVI TIES COUNCIL will meet at 3 p.m. in 332 Union. STUDENT COUNCIL will meet at 4:30 in the Union. NU-MEDS will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 231 Union. UNION PUBLIC RELA TIONS will hold a bowling party at 4:30 p.m. in 234 Un ion. UNION HOSPITALITY will meet at 4:30 In 334 Union. AWS COED COUNSELING group will meet at 5 p.m. in the Union South party room. TOMORROW FIRESIDE CHATS will meet with Jack Stewart, Lincoln lawyer, at 7 p.m. at the R Street entrance of the Union. ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA initiation will be held at 6:30 p.m. A dessert will be held at 7:15 p.m. in the Union Pan American Room. 3 IB i If 3 li t.-3 II