SPRING DAY,, 1964 Page 2 cappiny Local Trivia The H IHIooded t -: $5 4 A 3 - J i i it 3 i i M r r$ f J " V h 5 ! i. . -it I C Jr'l V VI 1 ' HORSE Stud LB 2436 fywacket Funny Boy Oriental King Sherlock Karcissns Old Bailey Mr. Novak Weak Link St. Valentine Van Cliburn Grounded Bird Witch. Doctor Blue Boy Slave Driver STABLE TRAINER (FOR SURE) Masters Miracle Local Yokel Porky Pig Papa's Pride Foreman Aviary FreeMan-or Snack Bar Porthole Pen Porthole Pen (GOOD BETS) Mole Hole Board Base Martin's Monastery None Ego Edifice Shicabiddy Shorty Constatine Castle Barney Blue Eyes Candy Factory None ' (TAKE YOUR PICK) None Alacazam Aviary Reformatory. Fungusville Snake Pit FreeMan-or Flying B-1500 Planned Nothing None Hesitant Hondo Local Yokel ODDS TIPS 1-1 he doesn't need them, they need him 1-3 dimpled darlin ranks high 1-5 if he'd learn to walk and talk 1-5 too well organized 1-7 the treasury can't buy a baldric 1-7 rules the roost 1-13 they just might not... 1-9 this could well" be an issue 1-15 boo 1-15 only because of his office 1-17 might not be associated 50-50 he'll be at the party anyway 1-8 if you. take your own ..... 1-20 could. get pierce-d 1-14 business could be better 1-10Q does he have enough hours? Form Tip: bet with the track's money The arkedly Masked HORSE STABLE TRAINER THIS MUCH VE'LL BET ON... Axoltop Texas Terrace Dark Pill Crooked Contractor Disneyland Pepper Shaker Flo1 3 Floosie Falsetto Ghetto 49 'er .'Dudley's Doll :. Fruit Bowl Last Minute Lady Basement Flakeout . Drydock Dungeon System Sweetie' Vhiteman's Burden Marraisre Mill Lean's Tiarlin' Kad's Maid Children's Zoo Lindy Lady Lunar Landing Feather Pusher Marraige Mill Que Happy .'Corner Yea Girl Bacon Beauty Prune Water Dexter . Stunt Caffrey Hep Honey Texas Terrace None None Rag Debutante Dark .Pill ODDS 1-1 1-3 1-3 1-5 1-5 1-6 1-9 1-9 1-9 1-15 NOW ADD THREE OR FOUR OF THE FOLLOWING... Peale's Place Abe's Folly Children's Xbo Falsetto Ghetto 3urlesoue Bin Peale's Place Filly Flophouse Huskie None None Lag 'n Linger Little Huey Huskie Bon Voyage 1-20 1-20 1-30 1-31 1-3 1-50 1-1000 TIP looking good the apiary will get mussed can't get hurt they look around corners too may be able to inc-orporate high hopes now it happened to be the right year might be left short-handed could follow in the footsteps oh, oh, oh, what a girl the game is almost over horniest horse in the race might get left in the shoot santa's been known to miss in order to please the triumvirate draw your own mask too fast a pace. ...BUT WATCH FOR A DARK H0S33 NOT LISTED piiHiiniiiuiiiiiNiniiiHiniiniiHiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiimiiiniiHiiiniHiMiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiitiiiiiiiiiit J Ediotorial Page: &vii drools CD Fkky Fick: ay MJ.W. Whynol-tdiot - SB I J.Z. Because Buss. Man. I i 1 KrnmsnninniiHiiinMit!iifiiifiniHHiiiimuiHiiitfiiiitiiHfiiiiiiiii!iiiiiuiHiiiiiiiiiiitiiHiiiiiiiiiMuiiiiim GUEST EDITORIAL: We're Not Supposed To You're all wrong. We're all right. The organizations we represent, sometimes called "Greeks", I believe, like us the way we are. We have a mandate from them to work behind the scenes, not to publicize our work, and, generally, accomplish nothing. So, I wish that you people would quit worrying about us. Anyway, my friends, Bill Beakly and Dainty Smith can beat up your friends. T. Weak Brew WHY BOTHER? For The Berries Why did the Vouth-For-The-Berries bother to organ ize at all7 I mean, everyone knows that Nebraskans don't vote, especially the students at the state school. Anyway, I beard that Chuck Marred and Steve Snootsy were really backing Berrie because they like Dick Nix. I believe that's called reverse psychology. Either those two boys are aw fully shrewd or they don't know what they're doing, be cause while they may or may not be of the Berries, they sure aren't helping the Lodge any and they've as good as rockabyed Nelson. And if they don't end up scratching backs in a Roomney chamber, they may have to ask Scraw ton for help. And, really, that's saying nothing about the Grunt Ogled Preoccupied. ALL EYES SET: On Dainty's M.O. Speculation has it that when Dainty Smith, Beta Theta Flie Hcppily Hooded, tackles his man tomorrow the Uni versity will gee probably the biggest show since Dainty was tackled last year. Here's hoping he has a brother "Flie" to tackle. Some of the others may not appreciate Ms anHfg. Rumors have it that Dainty has fourteen revolutions of the ceremony grounds planned in order to build up tension. Then he will cleverly and ever so daintily uncoat seven of the hopeful Juniors, keeping everyone on the edge of their seats, stride slowly back twenty paces, twirl around and take aim on his predestined target. Whether ha falls on his face, again, from that point or actually gets his man is a good question. One thing is for sure, Dainty ain't afraid of grass stains on his nice clothes. An informed Murca told the IVY FOOLS DAY that his after-tackle comment is sure to be, "Nice going, protege, you and me all tha way, baby . . . Good show." irtw a nml elm It) MtrM il tta Mt Wftn t. Lita, K.. tfa. utkr tt act wt Aiwut 4. Ull . Iff D.r ta MIM la tell 1 frw wlnfewt. m air an 'Hey Rube Let's Boycott Those NU Toilet Facilities By Onery Grease-on Students have complained about it ev er since I can remember, but no one has the intestinal fortitude to register a pub lic objection. But today is the day! Although I don't know who is respon sible for the tin-foil-like quality of the toi let tissue in the lavatories, I am sure that it has produced more sore spots with more students than even the traffic prob lem at 14th and S. Now we all know that the tissue to which I refer is barely adequate to ab sorb perspiration, let alone that which it is Intended to absorb. I sincerely believe that some paper manufacturer got their wax paper and toilet tissue mixed up. And as if this isn't bad enough, the dispensers which we are required to strug gle with in order to secure an appropri ate amount of tissue are enough to en courage constipation. If the University insists on forcing students of higher education to use infer ior toilet tissue, then at least a lab course could be offered jointly by the Department of Home Economics and the College of Engineering on the tissue issue. There just has to be a way to get more than a single square of it at a time. But the ultimate solution of course, is to follow the example set by Poop Board and "force the administration into reme dial action." This might best be accom plished by a campus wide boycott of all University lavatory facilities. Perhaps if enough of us join Dutchess and Butch on the Phi Jocka Try's lawn, our problems will be solved. Seed Bed II Because I have a kind heart, clean dimples, and two crooked wisdom teeth. I have consented to relinquish my usual space to campus announcements of great concern. The Great Xi's have asked me to make sure everyone knows about the wheat sowing contest they're having to night on the Phi Delta Ego mall. No oats will be allowed, and everyone is asked to bring their own sower. -Will the Phi Jocka Try's please leave Dutchess at home this year for the Ivy planting? Her contribution last year on the ivy was not only unwarranted, but messy. Studding Counsel has installed sug gestion boxes in the johns at Burnett, the P.E. buildings, and the Dent College. Su sie Priss, studding counsel elections chair man, would like sMfgestions on how to im prove Studding Counsel election chairmen. Ag Students . with labs are remind ed to clean up their equipment and turn in their cows before the end of the year. Credits will be held if any sheep are missing this year. Campus police are still looking for the two pranksters that painted their car red Thursday evening. More than 345 stu dents were packed into the car this mor ning, waiting for a ride to Ag campus, and the glove compartment was jammed with tokens. Police chief Gene Musters said, "The only thing we're mad about is they painted Frank too-" Delta Ugma Phis have installed a larger closet for Rush Week next year. They are holding open house Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and any interested independents are asked to shave and attend. The Happily Hooded are holding in terviews this afternoon for a substitute to participate in tomorrow's ceremonies. Last spring, one of the Hooded Few had an attack of Fowle's Fungus and never has recovered. Dean Helen Campus, associate daen of student lives, has announced that the night of Spring and Ivy Day will be 1:30 nights for University women. Any late minutes, and you need not register for next year. They will constitute an auto matic snyder. Barry Goldwater will address a cam pus group of rabble rousers next week. All extremists are invited to attend. WU all students make sure that no copies of the IVY FOOLS DAY fall into the hands of the administration? If any st ident sees a professor or oean reach for one, yell, "Look, a leper; Run! Your cooperation is appreciated. Student Health has issued the fol lowing statement. "It has come to our at tention that a lot of students keep both ering us with broken legs, rashes, the croup, t.b., and cancer. Our main con cern is for students with mono, broken legs and rashes. The croup, t.b., and can cer are all symptoms of nervousness." So much for the announcements. When you're rushing around this week end, just remember, Happiness is a brok en lock on a pay toilet. Bwwnomiw. m awiwwi t-nklte.UoM Iter laok M a kttr wnnnr). pbl. re.iir nr. fnra Iran emm-akia br rw Boar. Membra nf Ife. tvr Tmvta Da. Matt at aaUrattr m raaiaMialkl. . . far what Iferr tm 4 aaaaa at ha r rtc. A or rMniMaaia to arrm... Hvl.r r rtanltatlnm 4'm4 ta matter at aarinaal fJttii. N.'iniiJi'iimiiiMiiiiiiJiiiMiiwiim rwrrlr a 5 if you are a junior, have above a 4.000 average, have no activi ties of any consequence, but have lots of friends in the right places, and haven't filled out your application for the HAPPILY HOODED or MARKEDLY MASKED, yet, remember the deadline is 5 p.m. today. Bring them to the HAPPILY HOODED door on third floor of the Union and you too may be a SPOOK. Is It Dead? Dear Ediotor: Where did they bury IMC? The Greeks Ediotor's Note: In the sand. He IS Real! Dear Ediotor: I just wrote this letter to say that Dick Wrecker of course is for real ... I mean of course he's alive. I mean if he were dead he'd have to write about funer als, gravestones, past lead ers, dead ideas, has beens and the such, I mean being alive he writes about things like the Youth for Berries Club, Berries Buttons, Chuck Marred and t h e Conservative philosophy. New Frontier Statesman No. 1 We Must Eliminate Dear Ediotor: I have recently become a convert of the civil rights action in this country. I feel that I must be heard. In my opinion, the time has come for a complete re vamping of the civil rights movements. I firmly believe that we are moving too slowly. We must push now to get rid of all aspects of discrimination .To facilitate this movement, I would like to propose the following im provements: (1) Eliminate vanilla ice cream. (2) Eliminate (3) Abolish white bed sheets (4) Outlaw marshmallows. (5) Repaint the white lines on highways (6) Allow only chocolate milk. Why Elect Wrong Man? Dear Ediotor: Although I am merely an AVERAGE University stu dent who has the audacity and frivolity to vote for and follow my Studding Coun sel representatives, I do have one question nobody seems to be able to answer: Why in the hell did Council elect Galen Frenzen hold over instead of Doug Thorn? Ediotor's Note: Same rea son IFC is buried In the sand. (7) Do not brush teeth These suggestions are not meant as an end to the problem, but as a begin-' ning. If we are to accom plish our goals, we must be gin small and gradually in crease our field of endeav or. Onward and upward, away with color. Ned Arnold Arthur Charles Prindlcston Bad Words Dear Ediotor: I know that youth is be coming more and more pro gressive, but really must you use words like premar ital intercourse in the head lines In your paper. No Taste Dear Ediotor: I think your staff lacked taste in putting out this year's PINK RAG. Jacky Daniels President Pi Xi Relief For Tensions Dear Ediotor: With all the controversy concerning ROTC, Studding Counsel, the Youth for Ber ries, and Susan Stanley Yolk, I should think that a great amount of tension should be created within the student body. To relieve that tension I have a sug gestion. Take a chocolate laxative, go to the "Groves" and do the Dog! Lassie FIRST OUTDOOR SHOWING " Stat Uriel's "Nr Dr. Strangelove -ALSO- all U way prcstai .home 3 Dear Winnie fieen Prude Type Dearest Winnie & Helen: My boy friend smokes, drinks, and kisses girls. What should I do? Prude Dear Prude: Smoke, drink, and kiss girls. Good Type Dearest Helen & Winnie: My mother and father have raised me as a good Chris tian, that is why I live in Cather Hall. I wanted to be as far away from the sin and corruption of fraternity houses as possible. I did not want to be forced upon girls or anything like that. My problem is that from my win dow I am in view of all the facts of life. To begin with, none of the Temptresses who live in Pound Hall even begin to close their shades before dis robing. Even their guardians, the housemothers, do not feel Go, Go, Go, Go, Go, Go, Go, Go, Go, Go, Go, Go, M-O-O-R-E that this precaution is neces sary. In addition, the girls usually manage, especially before Spring Vacation, to sunbathe without the benefit of suffi cient attire. I do not know how much longer I can preserve my vir ginity in the face of these on slaughts by the world, the flesh and the devil. Ichabod Dear Ichabod: Join a fraternity. EDHOLM BLOMGREN Portraits Placement Photos HE 2-6686 318 South 12th I3TH ANOP N 0 W his new , incredible, women! his new incredible enemies! his new i incredible adventures! IAN FLEMING'S FlifO Eli Adult Entertainment 40 NO. 1JTM ' 32.!4S ' Doors Open 12:45 rMTf BY 0 WIL4W1 urn GO ABSOLUTELY APE IN H7 4 S3 . . . ..irf and Nebratta attar a p.m. at: .m. urk & a A ... BL V State Securities Salt fark. urn r.ar ror. &orae, Uth M r a-ji2 ." S : Doors Open 12:45 f PLUS M-ft-M praaentt Don't tell the ending " nobody'll ever believe you! i I mm JOIN THE j t "f Wftr-n "