The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 26, 1964, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Vieiv From Tie ftlgfif
Scholarship Exam Is Slanted
Dear Editor;
Page 2
Thursday, March 26, 1964
Of Shakespeare
A British glovemaker's son who was born in a simple
country village and died at the age of 52 will be accorded
one of the most elaborate birthday celebrations in history
this year and the University will be among those cele
brating. An article in the April issue of READER'S DIGEST
notes that among plans to mark the occasion are the
i-more than two million people will visit the land of
his birth.
hundreds of theatrical groups, ranging from dis
tinguished companies to a group of London Charladies,
will perform his plays.
a 100-man company will make a four-month world
tour with the plays.
transportation companies will take people to places
connected with his life and work, from the cliffs of Dover
to Denmark's gloomy Elsinoire castle.
a $1,500,000 center for literary and dramatic research
will be established at his birthplace.
The celebration is, of course, in honor of the 40th
anniversary of the birth of William Shakespeare. Re ords
show that he was christened on April 26, 1564 and that
he died at age 52.
At the University the celebration began last week with
the presentation of "Hamlet" by the Department of
Speech and Dramatic Arts. Professor Madeline Doran,
University of Wisconsin, had a scheduled speech last Fri
day on the "Voices of Hamlet."
This morning Professor John Gassner of Yale Univer
sity was scheduled to deliver an address on "The Mod
ernity of the Shakespearian Theatre," at Howell Theatre.
After Spring Vacation the celebration will resume with
the following schedule:
April 9; "The Men and Women," readings from Shake
spreare's playg by Professor Bernice Slote, Ross Garner,
Robert Knoll and John Robinson, in the Auditorium of
Sheldon Art Gallery at 8 p.m.
April 16; "Music from Shakespeare's World," the
Madrigal Singers, directed by Professor John Moran, with
commemorative compositions by Professor Robert Bead
ell, Auditorium, Sheldon, 8 p.m.
April 23; "Love Scenes From Shakespeare's Plays."
directed by Professor Dallas Williams, Auditorium, Sheld
on, 8 p.m.
April 30; "The Homage of a Poet." readings from his
own poetry by Professor Karl Shapiro, Auditorium, Sheld
on, S p.m.
All four presentations will be telecast on KUON-TV
live from the Auditorium. In addition, KUON-TV has be
gun the series, "An Age of Kings," a production of Shake
speare's History plays by the BBC, on Tuesday at 8:30
p.m., which will continue for 11 more weeks.
Also in the plans are a possible student dance on the
Mall in honor of Shakespreare's birthday and several plans
for getting the student body in on the presentations, or
possibly having separate student productions.
An opportunity to honor a man who gave so much to
the world is a privilege. University students, especially,
should be interested in the literary world of Shakespeare
and what it has and will continue to mean to the lives of
so many.
In Shakespeare's history the area of agreement ends
with the dates of his christening and his death. The
READER'S DIGEST article says that Shakespeare's au
thorship of the 37 plays that bear his name and of his
poems has been doubted by many. These detractors claim
that a glovemaker's son, born and educated in a country
village, could not possibly have known so much about
law, history, geography and ancient literature as the plays
reveal. Nor, they argue, would he have commanded the
21,000-word vocabulary used in the works.
But whether Shakespeare actually composed the works
or whether they were written by Francis Bacon, Christopher
Marlowe, the Earl of Derby, the Earl of Oxford, or anyone
else, the fact is that 105 nations will honor the Bard
of Stratford-On-Avon this year. A major reason for the
homage is, as authors Jhan and June Robbins say: "Ex
cept for the Bible, no collection of literature offers so
many valid answers to human problems. What breadth of
vision, what understanding, what compassion he shows
It is my opinion and the
opinion of other students
that the scholarship exam
administered recently to all
students applying for upper
class scholarships is of a
biased nature and discrim
inated against students in
the College of Agriculture
and Home Economics, Col
lege of Engineering and Ar
chitecture, and other col
leges dealing with pure and
applied sciences.
The five part exam cov
ered social science, litera
ture, mathematics, science,
and fine arts. According to
some on the scholarship
committee this exam is
geared to the level of the
college sophomore. I agree
with this statement if the
committee is referring to
sophomores in fine arts and
literature. Most college
bound high school freshmen
could have scored nearly
perfect in the science and
math areas and could not
have done much worse than
myself in the area of fine
arts and literature. This is
so because typical questions
in the math and science
area were:
If one gram of salt is
added to one-thous.-d
grams of water, there will be
grams of solution, (a)
999, (b) 1030, (c) 1001, (d)
The number 4567 consists
of: (a 4 thousands plus 5
hundreds plus 67 tens, (b) 4
thousands plus 567 hun
dreds, (c) 4 thousands plus
5 hundreds plus 6 tens plus
7 ones, (d) 45 tens plus 67
hundreds plus 67 tens, (b) 4
thousands plus 567 hun
dreds, (c) 4 thousands plus
5 hundreds plus 6 tens plus
7 ones, (d) 45 tens plus 67
Actually this two-fifths of
the test was 90 free points.
Any student regardless of
college knows this much or
he wouldn't have made it
to to college.
The literature and fine
arts portion of this exam
was aimed directly at liter
ature and fine arts majors
and no one else. The ma
terial covered in these sec
tions Is not general knowl
edge, ts not taught in the
high schools, and is obtained
only in the courses the fine
arts and literature majors
take. The social science por
tion of this exam probably
comes the closest to a fair
evaluation of the students
It can clearly be seen by
anyone who has taken the
exam that the literature and
fine arts majors have a dis
tinct advantage. They score
good in science, main, fine
arts and literature and fair
in social science. The social
science majors score good in
math, science, and social
science and fair in literature
and fine arts. The agricul
ture, engineering, and ar
chitecture majors score
good in math and science,
fair in social science and
poor in literature and fine
I suggest the scholarship
committee carefully exam
ine and evaluate the exam
before distributing scholar
ships on the basis of the ex
am. The committee should
take the exam results and
see how the students in the
different colleges scored on
each individual part With
these results made known,
I am sure something will be
done to correct the un
healthy situation.
An Ag Student
There Is A Parking Committee?
Dear Editor:
Captain Masters, How
Right You Are! There are a
few students who can be
found hiding in the vines
that haven't registered their
cars. I, sir, am only one.
Mr. Garson says, "Yes, I
know, and what is being
done to make these stu
dents play the game fair
ly?" Really Arnie, this is no
game. I'll tell you why. It
happens that I am one of
the 'few" who abstains
from the funnsies. Didn't
you know that there are a
large number of students
who are asked to pay $5 to
park further from classes
than they live. Now if one
has the intellectual power to
pass entrance exams, I can
hardly visualize a mad dash
for the Georgraphy building.
Yes, It would be such a
shame to ruin the aesthet
ic values of our campus.
It's hard to forecast student
morale in absence of those
lightly colored lines of red
and green.
This being a state institu
tion, why don't we make
them red, white and blue.
And what a terrible vision
to be without the landscape
impressioned by a thousand
dirty tennies and into which
our mechanical anthropolo
gists dig up fossils and put
in new.
Now it seems that permits
have risen from (1 and $5
tear .V U1! Hi ' H-'V I
fV..Mr'-- A- m am SnWSl. m. -mr I
to cover costs. A 500 per
cent increase gave us park
ing lots on which to build
dormitories, serve football
fans and use as detours.
But then I imagine the
red paint bill mounts up.
And the man who designat
ed green lines loading zones
may have been loaded.
Oh, and I'm glad to hear
there is a possibility that
you are not 5 times as guilty
on your 6-13 tickets as you
are on the first five. Six dol
lars is a lot for parking in
the professors stall. I won
der if there is a way I
could raffle off employee
stalls to the professors. And
it's nice to have laid on the
straight away so you didn't
have to slant your car. It is
soul satisfying to know you
were early enough to get a
place and leave that vast
expanse of "turning space"
laughing at late comers.
Hey, guess what, I now
live far enough from cam
pus that I can park near
campus and classes. It de
pends on when yon sign up.
If you come in September
it only costs $5, or if you
come in February or May
you may still park for the
remainder of the semester
for only $5.
I would also like to thank
the University for two times
I leached on facilities and
parked free of charge. Of
course this is not to men
tion the potential $17 worth
of parking fines so efficient
ly rewarded me as a "bud
dy or fella" by our citizen
builders in their endeavor
to procure the academic ad
ministration of justice.
I say potential because I
did appeal to the parking
board and they said the
dean would render a deci
sion in about a week. Near
ly three weeks later, I have
decided to stop waiting, spII
my car and buy a Stop-uu
Helicopter. Of course 111
have to be careful not to fly
too low because the props
might tumble a few heads
or something.
G. G. Bean
Good Seats For Frosh?
Dear Editor:
It was with a bit of
amazement that I heard the
Student Council, with little
dissent, acted on ticket man
ager Jim Pittenger's sug
gestion to "allow" freshmen
to sit in the South Terrace
for football games next
Last fall's seating ar
rangement was referred to
as "obsolete" and indeed it
was. This adjustment is
hardly an improvement.
University students, fresh
men or not, should have the
best seats in the stadium.
Football games, like them
or not, are perhaps the big
gest social events of the
school year for most stu
dents. Everything is built
around them. Most students
want to watch their team in
action without straining.
Therefore, it seems sensi
ble to propose that all stu
dents presently attending
this school should sit in the
"center areas." Older fans,
with a little memory work,
could adapt themselves. If
given an explanation of the
fall phenomenon, I think
they would acquiesce.
It is not as if students
want to deprive loyal elders
of their seats. This team is
the 1964 version, not 1928
or whatever.
II. Michael Rood
1 I
About Letters
I Tbr D4ILT KEBKAKKAff tevllmi
rnllfr to un U lor rxtrmmtoat
s ol opinion an current topic rrgr4-
s leu of viewpoint. IMm moot be s
nlmod, roiUHIn a vorlflalilc BO- S
s are, an ar free f UbeWu tna- S
torinl. Poo nam mar be Id- zz
rludft ana rlll b teteaiat a p a 5
rtMea reauoat.
Brrvitr a a i iMlbililr lucreaar
the naauiw at publication. LencUir s
letter mar be dttr4 ar amutea. s
s AbNihitelr poor will be returajoa. S
Crvif and axplort tht Quetica-Sb-paTior
wildernni txcrtini
aaWtvra for vryoat mny
$i.S0 par peroi pur day! Far
folder and retaliation, writ:
Bill ftam's Outfitter!, Ely 7, Mia-aetata.
for teacher ahe want money, a mart congenial
location er special assistance in meeting a
artkalar situation, contact:
501 Stuart Building Lincoln, Nebraska Phono; 432-4954
Ms t or chain until vo hew racelwa oreeptabi aarvlce
Nebraska Union
M Thru F . .Noon Hours
M-W-F Noon Hours
T-Th Noon Hours
Nebraska Union
Yesterday morning this
writer as he was leaving
his home heard the radio
say that General MacArthur
had just undergone two ma
jor operations. Later on the
this writer thought about the
General and his career.
Now fabulous is an ad
jective used to describe ev
erything today from a third
string football player to a
Hollywood starlet But I
would like to resurrect this
old adjective to describe
Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
Gen. MacArthur's career
seems almost beyond belief.
It's details I think are fa
miliar to all knowledgable
Americans. His life has
been one of selfless public
service, yet few men have
aroused so such controver
sy. His military record gives
him a strong claim on be
ing our greatest military
genius. Hampered by a low
priority in WW II he evolved
a strategy of bypassing en
emy strongpoints. So the
war in the Pacific far from
being a mere holding ac
tion kept up a record of ad
vances that stunned Wash
ington. Later the landing at
Inchon proved the brilliance
of MacArthur to the doubt
ing military experts.
Douglas MacArthur is
much more than a military
hero. As a man he is unique
in many ways. His critics,
and they are legion, accuse
him of being vain. This may
be true but few men have
had so much to be proud
of. His many abilities were
so perfected that to many
people he seemed almost in
human. Yet MacArthur is a flesh
and blood man who walks
across American History.
He was far more than a
military man. As ruler of
Japan he guided that coun
try from defeat to democra
cy. The eloquence of his
speeches can rank with
. Churchill. And most impor
tant his vision made him
a prophet. MacArthur's ca
reer was ended by a small
vindicative man because he
voiced words he felt Ameri.
ca had to hear. His warn
ings went unheeded and
Americans still die in Asia.
My purpose is not to rake
the coals of a controversy
that raged once in this land.
That is done in the grossly
disorted history textbooks
that I've read in recent
MacArthur came back to
this country that he served
so long. Many thought he
might run for President but
we took the amiable Ike ov
er the patrician MacArthur.
Much has been said about
this man and more words
will be written about hira
and his times. But as I re
call his words to the nation
about how "old soldiers nev
er die they just fade away"
this writer hopes his mem
ory will never fade away
from our hearts.
GARSON. nunacinf editor; SI SAN
SMITHBERGER, news editor;
pernor Uff writers; KAY ROOD,
Staff writers: RICHARD HALBERT,
cow editors; DEVMS DeFRAIN,
photocravher; PEGGY 8PEECE,
sports editor; JOHN RALLGRKY.
assistant sports editor; PRESTON
I4VE. cimalalaoa manaser; JIM
DICK. subecripCaoB manaser; JOHN
JxrUNGER, Business manasw: BILL
PETE LAGE. business assistants.
Subscription rates S3 per semester
er S6 per year.
Enteral as second class matter at
the past offlo in Lincoln. Nebraska,
under the act et ABfast . isii.
The Daily Nehraskaa is Published
at room 5L Student Union. Mon
day, Wednesday. Thursday. Friday
by University of Nebraska students
under the jurisdiction at the Faculty
Subcommittee on Student Publication.
Publications shall be free from cen
sorship by the Subcommittee ar any
persoa outside the University. Mem
bers af the Nebraska art responsible
ior what they causa is be primed.
Author of RaRy BourJ the Flag, BoytT
ond "Bart foot Boy WHM Cheek.")
well-known famous people.- no. i
This is the first in a series of 48 million columns examiniM the
auwrs of men who have significantly altered the world we live
m. We bfin todsy with Max Planck.
Mat Planck (or The Pearl of the Pacific, as he i of tea
called) Rave to modern physic the law known a Planck'.
Conrtant Many people when tbey first heu of this law, throw
Z mtr d 1S
lnndratlly speaking of whiskers, J cannot help but men
tion Personna Stainless Steel JW Blade. Perronna the
Made for people who can't shave after every meal. It shaves
1 , Ay'Aly' aDd mim "wUy than any other
sUiule rtefi blade on the market. The maker, of Person.
W-aT1) 1 J d(,cWed-and d h repeat-that if Personna
Bbdw dont pve you more luxury shaves than any other
s aiide steel 1 Jade they will buy you whatever blade vou
tbmk , better. Could anjiLing be mire fair! I, f or , tLiak
9 m-v
in . . ...
to Micalioi.
But I digress. We were speaking of Planck's Constant, which
that matter sorm-.tmies behaves like wave, and wave! mtrZ
Jlanck's Gmstut, uncomplicated a. it is, nevertheless wo-
IuW.ti ' P1Duk(t'r City of Brotherly Love a
he . 'familiarly known as). He was awarded the NoWPrii
Pjeased Mr. Planck matt was that plankton were named after
Plankton, as we know, are the floating colonies of omwijui
animals on w-hioh fishes feed. PlankftTSd
tW turn Wh wvmU houmcU). KrilL in
Vmt turn, fed upon peanut butter rdritj rrtrv-!r
when they are in season, cheeburgers tJy-w,
to pwind hi spK.n on las bom) and riMon
with thermodynam r. By dinner tinw. ifi.j 7 j
two years and Tlanci was finsJlv .M-i .' after
Trill .;r n . . 7 , , nnaiiy able to report Lis discovery,
n i MuZd ' m " -"V- ?instin gailrcried, 2EeqS
think tHm-.?JZr&"ZJ1h m
more luxury thevet return th. . L t ,h1 V9"
you think is bitter. ou ul ladm
' . ' .1 '.. i v '