The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 06, 1964, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Bad Seed II I
Page 2
Voting Machines
In last fall's campus elections, final returns were an
nounced at 3:30 a.m. Several candidates lost who re
ceived more first preference votes than those who were
elected. Eight invalid votes denied an additional represen
tative to one of the living groups.
LAST NIGHT, the All Student Council passed a reso
lution that may lead to the shortening, simplification, and
safeguarding of this campus' voting procedure.
ASC established a committee to investigate KU's use
of voting machines. The election commissioner of Wyan
dotte County has promised an ASC representative the use
of voting machines at no cost except transporting the ma
chines from Kansas City. This cost would be less than
the present expense of IBM equipment and material.
Under this procedure invalidated votes would be an
impossibility. The machines also provide for write-in
With voting machines, election returns would be avail
able in no less than 30 minutes after the polls close.
The one major problem that a shift to voting by ma
chines presents is this: the present system of proportion
al representation and preference voting would probably
be impossible.
THE HARE system of proportional representation was
adopted in the fall of 1934 by the Men's Student Council.
Voters mark candidates in preference order. When a
candidate obtains a quota, enough first-preference votes
to be elected, his surplus is redistibuted to those indicated
as second choices. The number of representatives from a
living district is determined by the number of valid bal
lots cast in the election.
The advantage of this system is supposed to be that
membership in a legislative body may be divided be
tween political parties in proportion to their voting
The proportional representation procedure affects only
elections in which several representatives are to be chosen
from one district. These are the fall elections of living
group representatives to ASC.
At best preference voting is complicated.
A SIMPLER plan that would work on voting machines
is for each voter to mark the number of candidates to be
elected. Since the number of representatives has to be
determined before the election, a new criterion would
have to be found .
One possibility is to base the representation on the
number voting in the previous election.
Another possibility more consistent with national, state
and local legislative representation is to base the number
on actual population of the living district. Needless to
say, this plan would drastically alter the balance of ASC
power. But would it not be more representative of the
student body?
. University Daily Kansan
Skeete Incident Shows
Discrimination Exists Here
By Arnie G arson
What do white students at
Nebraska really think about
discrimination against Ne
groes? In the last two years
I have heard many of my
fellow students comment on
how atrocious the situation
was "down there". They
were referring to integra
tion crises at Alabama and
Most, however have been
mostly passive and even
worse, non-admissive in re
gard to any discrimination
and segregation problems
which might exist at Ne
braska. The general feeling
is that this is not the deep
South and that as Midwest
erners we have no problems
on our campus.
But that is as much a fairy
tale as Little Black Sambo.
And a few days age the
truth emerged from its
shadowed corner, becoming
vividly and appallingly ap
parent. A Panamanian grad
uate student at the Univer
sity was refused entrance to
the Capital Hotel Barber
And in spite of what you
might think, this is not an
isolated incident in Lincoln
or for that matter at
Northern universities. Dur
ing the last week, the DAI
ried stories about alleged
discrimination at Welling
ton and Columbia.
But Sam Skeete, who lives
in the Capital Hotel as do
a few hundred other Univer
sity students, was refused
service on the grounds that,
"If we (the Capital Hotel
Barber Shop) started cut
ting their hair we'd just be
hurting our future white
business," according to shop
operator Lloyd Dumke.
And this b not an isolated
incident in Lincoln. Negro
University students have
bee refused service the
Ilob Nob and have often run
iota bousing problems in the
city. The barbershop inci
dent was unfortunately not
a lone black eye for the city
Friday, March 6, 1964
in race relations, as Skeete
felt it was.
On the surface the inci
dent is in direct opposition
to LB364 passed by the 1963
State Legislature which
reads in part, "All persons
within this state shall be en
titled to a full advantage
and equal enjoyment of . . .
barber shops .;. . subject
only to the conditions and
limitations established by
law and applicable alike to
every person."
So first of all, it seems that
a violation of the law may
have been involved, but
Chief Deputy County Attor
ney Bill Blue noted that he
could not say if the incident
was a violation of the law or
not, "because I do not know
all of the circumstances in
volved and each case has
to be studied on its own
So legal action may not be
taken. But still no one can
logically deny that it was
morally unjust. And if Uni
versity students really do
care what kind of treatment
their fellow students get in
Lincoln and en campus, why
not boycott the Capital Ho
tel Barber Shop and any
other businesses taking sim
ilar stands?
And while we're at it why
not sniff around our own
garbage pails at the same
time? As a forthcoming se
ries of stories in the DAILY
NEBRASKAN will indicate,
all is not perfect on our own
campus. And anyone pos
sessing two eyes and a brain
knows it!
So if we are going to take
any action against the Bar
ber Shop and I think we
s b o u I d we would at the
same time have to strive to
remove the bigotry which
exists on campus.
But as enlightened stu
dents seeking higher educa
tion in a state-supported in
sitution do we really think
enough of the situation are
we really appalled enough
by what has happened to do
anything about it?
cgjiSlf ; ill 1 .
Dear Editor:
In reply to Arnie Gar
son's constructive attack on
Student Welfare's approach
to the ROTC issue, we feel
that the students and Gar
son have led themselves
astray if they expected the
usual rabble rousing, torch
bearing attack on the M
and N building. There may
be some "giving up" in
volved in the investigation,
but only because the futili
ty of attempting to fjrce
the ROTC heads and the
Regents to create an elec
tive program was recog
nized. Every year that this
has been tried it has failed
to improve the situation.
The Regents and the
ROTC heads will not change
their position on the elec
tive vs. compulsory prob
lem until Congress makes
some adaptation in the pres
ent program. Congress is at
tempting to devise an alter
nate method of officer train
ing which is as dependable
able as ROTC. but until they
affect their changes, ROTC
must remain compulsory.
The success of the ROTC
program plays a big role
in the maintenance of our
national strength. If drastic
changes are to be made
they should be made by peo
ple who can determine if
these changes will jeopard
ize the strength of the na
tion. Congress is concerned
ver the steady drop in the
number of students enlist
ing in ROTC. Especially in
teresting to us is the fact
that the largest drop in
numbers were evidenced in
schools where the elective
programs were installed. At
present a great deal of evi
dence has been presented
which indicates that t b e
elective ROTC usually does
not produce as many offi
cers as the compulsory pro
gram. For example schools
of approximately the same
size as Nebraska, but which
have elective ROTC, Colo
rado and Kansas, produce
less officers combined than
our compulsory programs.
Another argument stand
ing against elective is that
we have built up a good
reputation at Nebraska for
the quality of officers pro
duced through ROTC. For
example, at summer camp
last year the Army's unit
finished first in competition
among schools with over 50
representatives. They were
in direct competition with
most Big 8 and Big 10
schools. It is not strange,
therefore, that the heads of
Army and Air Force ROTC
oppose a move to the elec
tive program.
One misconception in the
aforementioned article was
the implication that our ap-
!roach would fail because
t lacks the means for sub
stantial accomplishment. It
was stated that the nature
of our questions would dis
close little as to the value
of ROTC one way or an
other. We included only one
specific question because
we did not want a group
Committee Looks At
leading questions which
would hav e meaningless an
swers. , The complaints
should come from the stu
dent and should not be sug
gested by the questionaire.
This was the logic employed
when the questionaire was
We do want criticisms of
the labs, evaluations of the
time spent in class, and
suggestions on ways to re
move the negative attitude
towards ROTC. But we also
think that the information
other than answers to a
series of pointed questions
is more valuable because of
the broad nature of our inquiry-.
In the eight forms
returned now (first of the
Joke Or Burn: Fire Alarm
A University dormitory
was the scene of mass con
fusion and turmoil Monday
night at 11:15 p.m. as the
fire alarm sounded. A chor
us of voices arose "What is
it? Where is it? What's go
ing on? What should I do?"
The word FIRE! J soloed
and everyone panicked.
Some left others laughed.
After much confusion it was
revealed as the work of a
practical joker. Shortly
thereafter all residents
were ordered to congregate
on the front lawn in their
attire which ranged from
grubbies to beach towels.
Everyone was told of the
blunderous misdemeanor
Practical joke, yes,
helps 'educate your hair,
grooms naturally,
prevents drying 1.00
ft It O. ,
Sow- iv-a
week), the comments have
been quite good, and we
have gotten the types of re
sponses we wanted. H o w
ever, the small number re
turned will bruise our re
sults somewhat
The answers and response
from these questionaires
could accomplish a lot The
departments which have
compulsory ROTC have as
sured us that they will def
initely respond and accomo
date all recommendations.
They will explain openly all
action taken on suggestions
made by the students. We
feel that this can help the
student body and ROTC if
suggestions are submitted.
Student Welfare Committee
Blunderous, no!! It proved
a most worthwhile point
Had it been a real fire the
overcrowded classroom sit
uation would have certainly
been solved for none knew
the p-ocedures to follow in
the case of fire.
Why hasnt the University
enforced the practice of an
nounced and unannounced
fire drills, in all houses
and dorms?
We are paying higher
housing rates than ever be
fore and rates are still go
ing up. With a high pay
ment like that one would
think concern for safety
would be included.
I don't mind going to bar
becues but I hate being in
An Anti-Smoke Eater.
ends drag. pull.
speeds up
electric shaving
-with that crisp, clean masculine
As my legs turned an un
sightly purple, and the air
turned blue with curses
from -students standing in
the cold, waiting to get into
that favorite relic on cam
pus, the Soc Building, a
small idea hovered in my
mind. ,
Why not offer reasonable
suggestions for the conges
tion question? Besides, it
had a catchy sound to it.
1. Place guest speakers
outside of the building to lec
ture students as they wait.
This at least untilizes wasted
2. Open a small, but prof
itable, coffee stand in front
of the hedges.
3. Borrow a tractor and
with the support of three
thousand students, ram a
new entrance into the side
of the building, start mob
violence in the halls, and
free all the white rats held
captive in the basement. A
sort of Campus Bastille Dav.
4. Bribe the custodians to
keep the doors locked, so
nobody can get in. We don't
want inequality at our
The whole business de
pressed me, so I've begun a
bovcott against all classes
held in the Soc Building. My
advisor tells me I'm assured
of an interview with the
Dean of Student Affairs, and
everyone knows how reason
able "he can be when a stu
dent tells him his side of
things. Gosh, it's good to
live in a democracy.
Just for old times sake,
before I leave, lets all sit
back with a cold glass of
milk, three chocolate chip
cookies, and fond memories.
the St. Virus Dance was
a disease, and if someone
had a muscular spasm while
dancing, people rushed to
help, instead of whispering,
"Damn, he a good dan
cer!"? ev en one laughed at the
announcement that the
ATO's had eliminated their
bell week?
Dean Ross wasn't going
to make any major policv
' the Republicans only had
one candidate for the Presi
dency? everyone graduated af
ter four years?
the goodie man wasn't
it was fun to smoke?
the longer your grades
were held up, the longer you
About Letters I
rtv daily vnm'! hrnt
mmrr ta awe II lor rtvmiwv
of opinloa mm current levies refanfl-
Imh t vim-ummL. Letters fnvst be
suriied, eontaia a verifiable mm- E
4rm, and a free of HbriMM ana-
If rial pro tiaraes mar be tm
tium4 &4 rtB be reirw4 a t a
vfiucs fW9eat. H
H SrrrWr mm 4 atriWIttr incrrmmt H
W rhai mi aKibtxuliea. Ijruxlkr
IrUm tun kr 4it4 mt walu4.
tHialyleJy ant via fee nwt
Study in
Guadalajara, Mexico
The Guodolaioro Surrtmer School,
a fully accredited University of
Arizona prosrom, conducted in co
operation with professor from
Stanford University, University of
California, ond Guodolojaro, will
offer June 29 to August 8, art,
folklore, geography, history, lan
guage and literature courses. Tui
tion, board and room it $265.
Write Prof. Juan B. Roel, P. 0. Box
7227, Stanford, Calif.
brisk, bracing
r? J
got money from home, and
the happier everyone was?
people actually fought to
get a copy of the Rag?
a nice lady or clean
shaven boy served you a
coke in the Crib, instead of
milking a soft-drink cow for
a diluted, tastless cup-filler?
the ratio of girls to boys
was 1-7 at college? The
memory of my freshman
year is engraved in my
mind. It w as announced dur
ing Orientation Week that
for the first time, there were
more freshmen women than
men. WTien we filed out of
the Colesium, I counted 954
co-eds weeping openly, and
579 boys with greedly looks
in their eyes.
your nigh school advisor
said, "According to your
National Merit tests, you
should be in the upper per
centile in college." That's
always worth a laugh or
happiness was just a
warm puppy, not quite
housebroken, but neverthe
less, a simple, non-complicated
R.J. and N.S.
Nebraskan Posts Open
AN is now accepting appli
cations for full-time paid
staff positions. Four junior
staff writer positions are
now open as well as t h e
assistant sports editor and
Ag news editor positions.
All jobs involve news re
porting on the day before
the paper is issued (Sun
day, Tuesday Wednesday
and Thursday afternoons.)
All of the above jobs pay
$17.50 a month.
Applicants must have a
5.0 cumulative average, but
needn't have any previous
experience. Those inter
ested may come to 51 Stu
dent Union tomorrow morn
ing. KIHV MORRIS, editor.; JkRME
G ". munutnt editor; N'S
KMIT HREBOF R. Dfai editor;
r&AMi PABrm. mick unoo,
nemnr staff nKra; XVkRJ O M!:!!.,
ROOD, junior fmH vnlrn; RICH
CUT IXirwrwTIi, row editor.;
DtVNIS DrFRAIX. pkmwraphrr ;
(HICK SALEM, spun ediu; PEG
V SPFTjCE. aMlai KKirU edrLnr:
FRESltiV LOVE. nmilstMn mo
r, JIM DICK. abrriiX3on mas
ar; JOHV zeiungfr. busir-t
Bess MSHtsuuat.
Sutwripticm rates S3 per aemester
r Si oer rear.
Entered as second dui enatter mt
the port office ia Lincoln, Nebraska,
under die ad of Auroat 4. U12.
The laitar Vebradun is BnMjbed
at room SI. Student I nicm, on Mun
Auf. WednmdiT. Thnrada. FrwU
tr University of Nebraska students
under the mrwdieomi ef the Faculty
f-ubromimote on Student Publication.
Publications chaB be free from ten
son. tup by the fcubccmmittee cr anr
person eutjade the Lniverwty. Mem
bers of the Xebrasfcaa are responsible
iur what Urn cause la be printed.
Inveslifftd drew opportunitiet sritn
n of tha Mtiea's fastest frowinf
suppliers ef ntural f is til
Sorthan Rttural Eu Company
General Offices: Omaha, Rebr.
- the original
lotion 1.25
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