Friday, January 10, 1964 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 can heap myself think . - , yu W m 75Ar APE. FoR MR. AUFul fc Ob. (. I CANT LesS, r fhT vfa A MASK Jlf-fel-': CIO U.S. Women Unlike Swedes (Coa&raed from Page 2) horns atmosphere where wonderful new human be ings can grow up. This philososphy has been domi nant in the U.S. for more than a generation now, she says, and the results are terrifying. Is ft true that the per centage of female college students has lowered from almost 50 to 35? Is t h e tendency for women stu dents to choose easier courses, since they are only studying in order to "be able to discuss with their husbands"? Are all the high positons formerly held by women, now taken over by men, even as directors of female colleges? Eva Mo berg says so. Personally I have watched the marriage hysteria of teenage girls in your countrv, but I thought that was more of a passing adolescent problem un fortunate because it actual ly resulted in many prema ture marriages, but not really a mirror of society. In subsequent articles, Eva Moberg tells the horri ble story of "The New Cavewoman." Back to the old time way of reasoning that men are more intelli gentbut if the college trend is ail just described it, this win soon be a true way of reasoning and we will have entered a vicious circle. And further, Ameri can women are so indoctri nated with what happiness is involved with being just a wife and mother, that when they are unhappy, they feel ashamed of it, hide it, and this causes great tension and decreases happiness even more. Aocoring to my experi ence it is an obligation in your country to be happy, and it could very well be that in the situation of the housewife, Che phenomen is worse. But it is still hard to believe that so many un happy people could go around pretending to each other without ever really talking. Human beings are tragi cally skillful actors, though. In the good old times when women "stood by the stove, bearing children," there was work in the home, they had a profession. Now, it is said that companies mak ing household . machinery often include a lot of un necessary buttons to press so as to give the manipula tor a feeling of doing more. Household chores have the quality that they take up exactly the amount of time you have. So a poor house wife doing a job that could LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS 1 VN STUE5NT- HE Cml MM .Magazine Gives J-School $1,000 , A $1,000 grant to aid Uni versity journalism students has been received from the Reader's Digest Foundation, Dr. William E. Hall, director of the School of Journalism, announced today. Purpose of the grant is to provide travel and expense money for advanced student writers working on assign ments throughout the State .,. and beyond Nebraska's bor ders. . Including this grant, the , Reader's Digest Foundation has provided the School of Journalism a total of $3,500 since 1960, Hall said. The funds are used by mag azine article and depth re porting students working un der the direction of Neale Copple, associate professor of journalism. St. Pcul Church 12 & M STUDENTS ALWAYS WELCOME Dr. Clarence Forsberg Preaching Service! ot 9:30 and 11:00 be taken care of in ten hours a week, maybe spends fifty hours on it and she can actually get tired and look overworked. . In one way the U.S. ought to be better off than Swe denyou have the women's clubs. They could be an out let But as I have seen them, they constitute a superfi cial therapy that any rea sonably intelligent woman who will easily despise soon enough. Naturally there are all kinds. But Eva Moberg does not even mention them; she says that the only contact with society most U.S. housewives have is shopping. So they prolong it and make it complicated, and ruthless business men take the opportunity to earn more money. What a terrible social dis ease if half of the popula tion accomplishes next to nothing and this without be ing aware of It and enjoy ing the leisure! A black picture. It cannot be true. Or can it? Of course, people are usually unhappy. But let's not be philosophical. I won't even ask for possible solutions, but I would love to hear opinions on how the U.S. situation is according to you. For ia Sweden the career woman is still the real vic tim. But tomorrow we may have what you have today. the drWin with the arcte Pure Beef Homburger 15c Triple-Thick Shakes 20c Tasty Cheeseburger 20c Golden French Fries 12c Thirst-Quenching Coke ...10c Delightful Root Beer 10c Steaming Hot Coffee 10c Delicious Orange Drink... 10c Refreshing Cold Milk 12c 5305 "O" Sr. 865 No. 27th St. Of EN ALL TEAR MONEY IN YOUR POCKET The smart man knows that a permanent CML policy com bines protection with a system atic savings plan. Cash value accumulates stead ily and is always available for emergencies. CML's liberal an nual dividends further increase savings. Write for our free booklet, "Right Back in Your Own Pocket." f t BOB DIERS Suite 707 Lincoln Building 432-3289 Connecticut Mutual Life INSURANCE COMPANY Professor Chairs Panel For Radio Dr. Donald Clifton, associ ate professor of education and psychology measurment, will be chairman of the panel dis cussing "When Do We Have the Right to Kill?" on the Equal Time radio show Sun day at 9 p.m. Panel members are Mau rice Siegler, warden of the Nebraska State Penitentiary; Dr. Robert Hurlbutt, associ ate professor of psychology; Col. Elmer R. Powell, profes sor of military science; Dr. Frank P. Stone, orthopedic surgen; Mrs. M. C. Leonard, society of friends. The program is presented by thhe Unitarian Church. Weekend Parties Furnish Students With 'Diversion' TODAY STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BOARD will meet at 3 p.m. in 232 Student Union. JAZZ 'N JAVA will be held at 4 p.m. in the Student Union Crib. AUFUL NIGHT will begin at 8 p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom. "ON THE WATERFRONT" will be shown at 7 and 9 p.m. in the Student Union auditor ium. INTER VARSITY - CHRIS TIAN FELLOWSHIP will meet at 7:30 p.m. in 332 Stu dent Union. TOMORROW BOARD OF REGENTS will meet at 9:30 a.m. in the Ad ministration Building to elect officers and consider other business. SUNDAY NEWMAN CLUB Sunday night supper will be held at 5:30 p.m. followed by election of officers. I After the vacation period, the students again filled the i crib, library, and living units. Over the weekend the stu- , dents will try to find diversion from studies at parties. TODAY Alpha Phi formal at t h e I Lincoln Hotel, from 7 to 12. Air Force Opens Recruiting Office Sgt. Bill Stevens, Air Force Recruiting Officer, announced today that the Air Force will open a recruiting booth in the (Student Union on Jan. 15-17 for seniors interested in join ing an Air Force Officer Training School. "We are now capable of en listing both males and fe males graduating with any degree," said Sgt. Stevens, "for officer jobs in the Air Force which correlate to their degree or for flying." Builders Complet Executive Board Karen Benting was elected president of the 1964-65 Build ers Wednesday night. Other new members of the Executive Board chosen are Galen Frenzen, Ag vice presi dent; Jean Probasoo, publica tions vice president; Nancy Holmquist, public relations vice president; Marilyn Peter sen, secretary; and Roberta Kriz, treasurer. Delia Upsilon hour dance with Chi Omega from 4 to 5 p.m. Chi Phi hour dance from 4 to 5 p.m. TOMORROW Beta Theta Pi house party from 9 to 12. Sigma Alpha Epsilon pledge party from 9 to 12. Ag Men Ski Party from 9 to 12. University Dames dance at Lincoln Hotel from 9 to 12. SUNDAY Delta Upsilon-Alpha Phi pizza party from 4:30 to 6:30. Trip Deadline Necrs The Union Ski trip, which takes place Feb. 5-9, still has about 15 vacancies. Those wishing to sign up should do so by Tuesday in the main office of the Union. Full payment, $75, is due upon sign-up in the Union. o quentms J town & campus 1228 R ST. 432-3645 Astounding Sale! NOW IN PROGRESS AT QUENTIN'S YOU WILL NEED TO SEE TO BELIEVE! YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT! HURRY IN! The Church ... For A Fuller Life ... For You PICTUME'S y. ' j t I 4w l " I '-in A.V I EDHOLM BLOMGREN Portraits Placement Photos KE2-648S 311 Sewft 123b l -r 7 , ' ''. ft--, 2' Oipinght 1HH4 KeUUr Advirtiung 'Srrvut, Inc.. Slra$burg, Va. Sure it is! And you're looking at it right now. Most people get their pic tures in the paper because they've done something. But not I ! I haven't done anything. Not yet, that is . . . But one of these days I'm going to do lots of things. Big things. Great things. Why, I might even be President of the United States some day. Want to know why my picture's in the paper? Because I'm one of mil lions of youngsters who needs to grow up with faith, fortitude, character. And we boys and girls want you to come to Church next Sunday and to bring us with you. Swede? Coffee Shop Lunches Snacks "Wnre Campus Friend MetC NEXT TO NEBR. tOOXSTOU Patronize Daily Nebraskan Advertisers Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday I Kinjrs I Chronicles Psalm Matthew Epheaians II Thessaloniana II Peter 10:1-10 29:10-19 32:10-15 11:7-15 4:11-18 1:5-12 3:14-18 THE EVANS LAUNDERERS CLEAHERS 333 No. 12 Selleck Quod. CALENDAR OF CHURCH SERVICES ADVENTIST FELLOWSHIP Or. Sunttwr Poullen, Adviter Ptrry 6rMa, Chaplain MMtl ot Nmd Pint Mwiociy, Manttilr Frldov : 7:30 p.m. Yoolli Mtln Saturday: f :30 Sabbam School Saturflav: 11.00 Worjhlp CoIlM Vhw Church, 401t t. m St. Piedmont Park Church, 4U1 St. North Slt Church, Kit Lonlniton UNITED C4MPUS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Prubrtorlon, UnIM Church tl Chrlrt, Ivatxollcal Unltod arothrwi S. Dltclptot ot Ctirht) Aloit J. Pickerlna, Ralph Mav, Dwinli W. Patterton, Pastors 10:45 a.m. Corporate Worihlp S:30 p.m. Forum Dltcuulon ST. MARKS ON-THE-CAMPUS (EPISCOPAL) H. Pook, Vicar t3m and R tti. Qrt ' S:M a.m. Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. Nursery t Church School SUN, -FBI. 5:00 p.m. EVENING PRAYER UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL m. I tttkmram rhurth MltlMlrf Ivnodi ism 1 OSh. J. Noraon, M ' A. P. VatconcoHa. Vicar :30 a m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Worship 5:30 p.m. Gamma Delta ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CHURCH (Comellc Studont Center) HHi A "" Sti, Rev. R. Holn, Re. T. Pucellk, Chaplains Messrs: 7:00-:00-H:00 a.m., 15:15 p.m Newman Study Series Tues. A Wed. 7:00 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION cldona tvatrrs Thursdays at e:30 p.m. Chapel of Cotner College of Religion 1JJ7 R Street BAPTIST STUDENT FELLOWSHIP Arthur L. Slalkev, Poster H. M. Burner, Director al Stuoent Work 30 a.m. Bible Study 30 a.m. Mornlntj Worship 11:00 a.m. Momln Worship 1:15 p.m. Dinner 4:00 p.m. Fellowship Hour 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship First Baptist Church 14th t K Stt, WESLEY FOUNDATION (Methodist) etl North loth St. Doom Hutchinson, Jerry Mclnnis, Ministers C. Richard Morris Lay Associate :30 a.m. Morning Worship ' 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship :30 p.m. Fellowship Supper e 15 Vespers e:30 Forum Wednesday: 7:00 a m. Holy Communion LUTHERAN STUDENT CHAPEL (National Lutheran Council LCA-ALO 531 No. let A Win M. Petersen. Pastor Slang Graham, Assistant Sunday Worship :00 and 10:30 a.m. Lutheran Student Association 5 30 p.m. Tuesday Matins 7:00 a.m. Wrdneidav-Vxsp-rs ' 00 p m. PATR0HIZE DAILY NEBRASKAN ADVERTISERS ROMANO'S PIZZA 226 No. 10 DELIVERED REt AND NOT TO AU MOUSES AND DOUfiS ON CAMPUS SUBMARINE SANDWICHES HE 2-596?