The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1963, Image 1

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For Spirit VES
SAM Five Sparks
Orange Bowl Week
Tassels, in a campaign to
generate campus spirit for
the Oklahoma football game
Saturday, is sponsoring a
"Let's go to the Orange Bowl
Week," according to Betsy
Nore, Tassels Rally Chair
man. Tassels representatives are
contacting all living units and
asking them to display a sign
during the week urging the
Huskers on to victory against
the Sooners, which would
mean the conference cham
pionship and a strong chance
for an Orange Bowl bid.
The living units are also
asked to sponsor a special
spirit project on Thursday
and Friday. The Tassels, for
example, plan to place orange
napkins on the team's train
ing table.
All Tassels and Kernals will
wear their uniforms all day
The Sigma Alpha Mu's will
maintain an "eternal victory
bonfire" in their front yard,
beginning Monday night at
7 p.m.
Tassels plans two pep ral
lies this weekend: a bonfire
rally Friday night and a rally
greeting the Huskers as they
arrive at the Field House
Saturday noon.
Miss Nore said, "We hope
that all houses cooperate with
this project, because it will
add a lot of color and spirit
to such an important game,
and encourage the team
to play their best.''
Coed Petition
Given Ross
Gerald Pierce, chairman of
the presidents of Cather Hall,
said that a petition containing
the signatures of 410 women
from Pound Hall and 296 men
from Cather Hall favoring
permanent coeducational dor
mitories was presented last
week to Vice Chancellor G.
Robert Ross.
Pierce told the Daily Ne-
braskan that coed living has
numerous benefits for its par
' ticipants. "I've said " before
and will repeat now that men
live like animals when there
are no women around. Good
living helps to mature men,
especially freshmen, to bring
out shy people to socialize
and, generally, forces them
to develop their personali
ties." "We intend to get some
permanant or definite ar
rangement designed along
these lines," he said, "Either
now or in the near future."
Present plans will shift the
men out of Cather Hall when
the proposed mens' residence
halls are ready for occupancy
in the fall of 1965. The peti
tion calls for permanant coed
living arrangements in Twin
Towers as well as the new
Pierce added that he, as
well as other proponents of
the petition have conferred
with several administrative
officers, and plans to discuss
the project extensively in the
future as well.
"All of the people we talked
to," he concluded, "expressed
surprise at the mature atti
tude shown by most of Cath
er's men this year."
Med School Convocation
Will Feature Minnesotan
Dr. Stuart D. Thomson, pro
fessor and associate director
at the University of Minneso
ta, will speak at the third an
nual Honors Convocation at
the college of medicine and
school of nursing Wednesday.
Thirty four medical students
and 13 nurses will be honored.
College of medicine students
receiving scholarships and or
awards are: Roy Neil, Pfizer
Laboratories Medical Scholar
ship; Philip Rosene, David
Babbitt, David Dyke, Guy
Haven, Roberta Godfrey and
Kenneth H i r s c h, Avalon
Foundation Scholarship.
Dale Nitzel, David Sell, Rob
ert Menter, Joseph Hender
son, Jetur Rlggs Conkling and
Jennie Ilanscom Conklin
Foundation Scholarship; Rex
Glover, Richard Miles and
George McLean, College of
Medicine Alumni Association
Craig Nolte, Alpha Kappa
Kappa Alumni Association
Scholarship; David Sell, Nu
Sigma Nu Alumni Association
Scholarship; J. Robert Brag
oneir, John Ball, August Fred
erick Jonas Senior Memorial
Myrna Newland, Faculty
Woman'! Club Scholarship;
Vol. 11, No. 30
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DONNA REIGNS Miss Donna McFarlin was named Honorary Commandat at the
Military Ball Saturday. Her escort is Bob Brightfelt.
McFarlin Reigns At Bali,
Service Queens Revealed
Donna McFarlin was crowned Honor
ary Commandant at the Military Ball Sat
urday night. Miss Army is Jane Tenhul
zen; Miss Navy is Elaine Anderson and
Miss Air Force is Ginger VanHorn.
Miss McFarlin, a candidate from the
Air Force, is a senior in Teachers College.
She is president and colonizer of Alpha
Delta Pi a member of the -Panhftltenif. .
Council and Miss E-Week 1963.
Miss Tenhulzen is a senior in Arts and
Sciences and a member of Kappa Alpha
Theta sorority. Miss Anderson is a junior
in Arts and Sciences College and a mem
ber of Alpha Omicron PL Miss VanHorn
is a senior in Arts and Sciences and Teach
ers College and a member of Gamma Phi
Miss Army
Jane Tenhulzen
David Dyke, Robert Menter,
Craig Nolte, Irvin Belzer,
Bruce Bloom, Kenneth Hirsch,
Roy Neill, Robert Shapiro,
Dale Nitzel, Wayne Phillips,
Carl White, Upperclass Reg
ents Scholarships.
Richard Ohme, Carl White,
Douglas Hubner, David Wein
gart, Lynn Frary, J. Robert
Bragonier, Shirley Simmons,
Howard Lipton, E. Keith Pe
terson, Richard Green, Roy
Neil, Bruce Sebek and Philip
Rosene, Alpha Omega Alpha
honor medical society.
College of Medicine Honors
program; John Ball, J. Rob
ert Bragonier, Howard Lip
ton, Dale Nitzel, Wayne Phil
lips, Donald Dynek, Vernon
Garwood, Roy Neil, David
Sell, Guy Haven, Robert Men
tor and Craig Nolte.
In the School of Nursing,
Donna Brodd, Elaine Rohwer,
Mary Ann Dorf, Barbara Idt,
Nadine Low, Zaiga Jansons,
Ruth Hansen, Jean Jasa, and
Beverly Lee, Ak-Sar-Ben
University Upperclass Re
gents Scholarships: Jane Fos
ter, Jane Adklsson, Nadine
Low and Charlotte Stelner.
Charlotte Burgess Scholar
ship was awarded to Jane
Foster and Gail Post received
the school of Nursing Alum
nae Educational Scholarship.
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Miss Air Force
Ginger VanHorn
Kernals For Basketball
Now Being Organized
A Kernals section is now be
ing organized for the basket
ball season, said Linda Car
son, vice president of Tassels,
and a meeting for all inter
ested freshmen will be held
in 234 Student Union on
Any freshman may join,
whether or not he partici-
pated in Kernals during the
football season. Members are
expected to attend the ma
jority of home games, said
Miss Larson.
Freshmen may join by at
tending this meeting.
Machine Levels Walks
By Pressure. Cement
Sections of concrete side
walks on campus which have
settled are being re-leveled by
a machine pumping a mix
ture of mud and Portland ce
ment under pressure into
small holes drilled in the
walks, according to C. A. Bill
ings, University landscape
Billings said the concrete
apron east of the stadium
would have cost $1500 to re
place, but use of a mudjack
hs enabled the concrete to be
k leveled for ?250.
The Daily
"I feel the Ball went over very well,"
said Captain Harold E. Klingman. Kling
man and the Army ROTC were in charge
of the Ball.
"Our main mission was to provide a
good time for those who attended," said
the captain. "I think we accomplished
WheiTasked how the Ball came out fi
nancially, Klingman said he would not
know for at least a week, but that he
thought they came close to breaking even.
He estimated the attendance at 1200.
"I was really impressed with the War
ren Covington orchestra," said Russ Daub,
overall chairman. "Covington said that he
really enjoyed playing here."
Miss Navy
Elaine Anderson
AUFul Night Will
Mr. Ugly, Activity
The All University Fund
sponsored AUFul Nitc will be
held Friday from 7:30 to
11:30 p.m. in the Student Un-
ion Ballroom.
AUFul Nite is the high point
of the AUF drive which
l started on Nov. 4 and will end
Nov. 25. The Sig Ep Combo
will play and the voting and
announcing of Mr. AUFul
Ugly will take place. The 1963
Activities Queen will be
named and crowned.
Money for AUF will be ob
tained from the different
booths during the night. There
will be a "Lai Vegas" gam
bling booth; a fortune telling
booth, a 'jail", with AUF
board members acting as
sheriffs; a shave the balloon
contest and a car smash event
that will start Friday morn
ing and last until 11:30 p.m.
The admission price to AUFul
Nite is 50 cents.
The goal for AUFul Nite
is $750 which is a major part
of the total AUF goal of
This goal is to be reached
by AUFul Nite, by individual
contributions and by the Lin
coln Drive held yesterday,
Future Action Discussed
Foirdllhcainn) CBiciDirimicoini
ff NAACP Chafer
A temporary chairman and
secretary were named and
possible future action was dis
cussed at yesterday's meeting
of the Lincoln student chap
ter of the' National Associa
tion for the Advancement of
Colored People (NAACP).
Walter Fordham, a Univer
sity student, was named chair
man of the group; Becky
Feather from Nebraska Wes
leyan University was elected
In other action, a number
of chapter activities were
brought up, among them a
study of the drop-out record
of students in Lmcoln public
schools and participation in a
get-out-the-vote campaign.
Mrs. Leola Bullock, chair
man of the Lincoln NAACP
chapter and one of the spon
sors of the student chapter,
suggested that the students
follow up the drop-out study
with interviews of some stu
dents who have dropped out,
and with students known to be
considering dropping out, to
show the latter the disadvant
ages of such action, the ad
vantages of a continued edu
cation. According to Mrs. Bullock,
similar programs have been
organized in Chicago and New
York and have proven to be
quite successful.
Said Mrs. Bullock, the Ma
lone Community Center has
begun a tutorial program for
students considering dropping
school, which would work in
cooperation with those stu
dents working on the drop-out
The voting drive proposal
included plans to compare the
number of unregistered eligi
ble voters in Lancaster coun
Contest Material
For 'Scrip' Due
Today is the deadline for
material to be submitted to
the Scrip short story and po
etry contest, according to
Susan Stanley, editor.
In order to be eligible for
the fifty dollars in prizes, un
dergraduates must bring ma
terial by 5 p.m. to the English
department office, 221 An
This deadline includes all
material (except art) which
will be considered for publi
cation in this semester's issue
of the undergraduate literary
While the contest is open
only to full-time undergradu
ate students, material from
graduate students and part
time undergraduates will be
considered for publication.
Students interested in h a v
ing art work printed should
contact John Riddell, Scrip
art editor.
pledges of the various sorori
ties and fraternities soliciting.
Stevie Dort, publicity chair
man for AUF reported that
the total collected by AUF be
fore the pledge canvas was
$659.89. This total was col
lected by the organizations on
campus, by the fraternities
and sororities and by the,
women's and men's residence
The Nebraska Human Re
sources Research Foundation
Child Project Division has
members helping the drive,
and Coach Bob Devaney, Hon
orary Chairman for the AUF
drive has asked everyone "to
support this drive as they
have supported the football
The five charities AUF is
collecting for this year are:
The American Foundation for
the Blind, the Nebraska Can
cer Society. EppIv Founda
tion; the Nebraska Mental
Health Foundation, the Ne
braska Heart Association,
and the Holt Adoption Pro
Dr. Robert Manley, pro
fessor in the history depart
ment, recently endorsed the
ty with those registered to
vote and then to contact those
who have not registered to
urge them to do so.
Following the discussion of
suggested activity, Fordham
moved that the chapter, after
an election of officers, organ-1
ize into separate committees
for work in the areas of edu- i
NU Livestock Judges
Win Midwest Contest
The University of Nebraska
livestock judging team,
coached by Prof. Richard
Warren, continued its win
ning ways at the Midwest
livestock judging contest at
The University has been
chosen to host a national
workshop for the members of
the Bell Telephone campus
recruiting staffs throughout
the nation.
R. C. Walters of the Bell
Telephone Co. announced
Wednesday that more than
100 University junior men will
be hired at $5 per hour to
act as participants in inter
viewing workshops. The juni
ors, according to Walters, will
take the place of graduating
seniors in simulated inter
views, with ... the . recruiting
Walters explained that the
company's former practice of
letting the trainees practice
interviewing each other had
proved to lack effectiveness,
making the hiring of students
more advisable in such a
training program.
During the workshop, to be
held from Dec. 2-5 at the
Crossroads Motor Hotel, each
trainee will interview seven
of the students. "The work
shop," said Walters," is de
signed to be as realistic as
possible and to professional
ize our campus recruiting
Robert Ford of American
Telephone and Telegraph Co.
will head the program.
The workshoD will be high
lighted by the address of Dr.
Fredrick Hersberg, head of
the department of Psychology
at Western Reserve Univer
sity, on Thursday, Dec. 5.
Anv interested iunior men
should annlv at the Placement
Office, 340 Student Union.
"We hope to have all the
positions filled by the end of
this week," said Walters.
AUF drive at the AUF Des
sert, where he spoke on the
Holt Adoption Program. Dr.
Manley has adopted two Kor
ean children, Kelly and Susan
under this plan.
Ag Increase
Leads Nation
The University of Nebraska
led the nation in percentage
of increase in agricultural en
rollment this year, according
to Henry S. Brunner of the
Office of Education of the U.S.
Department of Health, Edu
cation and Welfare.
"The greatest increase in
enrollment for the agricultural
baccalaureate degree p r o
gram in the United States oc
curred at the University of
Nebraska where there was a
total increase of 15 per cent
this year over last year,"
Brunner told the American
Association of Land Grant Col
leges and Universities meet
ing at Chicago this week.
Enrollment in agriculture at
the University's College of Ag
riculture and Home Econom
ics is 7C5 this fall compared
with 605 a year ago, he said.
Monday, November 18, 1963
cation, employment, voting,
and social activities on cam
pus. These committees would
then decide what action the
chapter should take in these
various areas.
The meeting then adjourned
with the next one scheduled
for Dec. 8 at 3 p.m. in the
Manhattan, Kansas, this past
The NU team, composed of
Tom Lewis, Bruce Cheney,
Alan Svajgr, Doug Downs,
and William Ahlschwere
topped teams from Iowa
State, Oklahoma State, and
Kansas State Universities,
and the University of Mis
souri The Nebraskans were sec
ond in beef cattle judging and
placed first in swine judging
and sheep judging enroute to
the team championship, am
massing 4,370 points to 4,326
for runnerup Iowa State.
Lewis placed second, Chen
ey third and Svajgr fifth
among approximately 40 con
testants in individual judging
competition. Team alternates
were Lamoine Hall, Dave
Donnan and Walter Bjork
lund. ,
The team coached by War
ren has previously won the
championship honors at the
intercollegiate livestock judg
ing contest held in conjunction
with the American Royal
livestock judging at the Na
tional Barrow show at Austin,
Minnesota, earlier this fall.
The next major livestock
event in which the team will
compete is the International
Livestock show at Chicago
early in December.
Coecf Attends
Miss Rodeo
Miss Mary Lou Farner, a
sophomore in Arts and Sci
ence and a member of Pi Beta
Phi, will leave tomorrow for
Las Vegas and competition
for Miss Rodeo America.
Miss Farner is one of twenty-six
women from all over
the United States who will
spend four days at the Sierra
Hotel. The week will be filled
with interviews and a TV ap-
Miss Farner
ncarance with the highlight
the crowning of Miss Rodeo
America on Sunday.
Miss Farner was chosen
Miss Rodeo Nebraska in com
petition held this summer at
the Burweil Koaeo. contest
ants were judged on person
ality, poise, ana Horseman
National competition will be
based on extensive horseman
ship, personality interviews
and a one minute iauc 10 d
civen before the Las Vegas
Rotary Club, the topics to be
drawn out of a hat.
National Competition is
sponsored by the Internation
al Rodeo Management ana
the Sierra Hotel.
Also traveling to Las Vegas
from Nebraska is Miss San
dra Elliott from Mitchell who
was chosen Miss Buffalo Bill
at the Buffalo Bill Rodeo held
in North Platte.
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