The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 28, 1963, Image 1

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Vol. 77, No. 21
The Daily Nebraskan
Friday, Oct. 25, 1963
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Queen Carol Thought
Crowning A Mistake
"I thought they'd made a
mistake," exclaimed ' Home
coming Queen Carol Klein
about five hours after she had
been crowned at the pep ral-
When her family arrived
Friday Carol was surprised.
Her father was in the midst
of harvesting, and she had not
expected him to leave h i s
work. Her family knew, but
they couldn't tell her that she
was queen.
Chancellor Hardin placed
the crown on her head. Carol
was" stunned. "I just stood
there not knowing what to
do," she said. Finally a Corn
Cob appeared, asked if he
could help her, and escorted
her off the stage.
As she walked around to
see the displays, people stared
and smiled at her. "I've been
smiling so much that my
cheeks hurt," said Carol.
Carol commented that as
soon as her mother heard the
news she bought a new dress
for herself. "I'm still wearing
the same old clothes," she
As for her two younger sis
ters, well, for all practical
purposes, they were unim
pressed. "Aren't you proud of
your sister?" askecfan excit
ed freshman. "Oh, I guess
so," shrugged the youngest
Miss Klein.
Her boy friend, who works
as an engineer for DuPont
Company in Delaware, sent
her a dozen roses the day of
the elections. A note was en
closed, "Every queen should
have roses." He learned the
good news Friday at 9 p.m.
when he called her.
During the halftime cere
monies of the Nebraska-Colorado
game, a man snatched
one of the Queen's carnations
as she walked from the field
to the convertible. "I want a
souvenir," said the middle
aged gentleman. -
Walking into the dance was
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By Pixie Smallwood
a "tremendous sensation" for
Carol. "It seemed as though
there was nothing in the room
but a blinding spot light,"
commented Queen Klein.
Carol's date for the dance
was John Demel. Escorting
her in the presentation was
Larry Donovan.
Before Homecoming Carol
had turned her ankle and had
received orders from her doc
tor to wear heels as little as
possible. She wore heels to the
dance anyway.
Carol's room on third floor
Heppner, where she is a coun
selor, is filled with seven doz
en flowers and two corsages.
On her dresser is the sparkl
ing crown on a green satin
pillow. Whenever girls come
in to congratulate her, she
lets them try it on.
Outside her room is a string
of toilet paper put up by third
floor Heppner girls which
reads, "We've got the coach,
we've got the team, we've got
Carol Homecoming Queen!
Sunday was spent studying
for an hour exam, being inter
viewed for Nebraska Sweet
heart, and washing clothes.
"I usually don't do my wash
ing on Sundays," commented
Carol, "but I didn't have
time Saturday."
Frosh Honorary
Pledges 16 Girls
Sixteen girls were pledged
to Alpha Lambda Delta,
freshman woman's scholastic
honorary, recently. Pledges
must attain a 7.5 average.
The new pledges are:
Martha Anderson, Barbara
Clifford, Donna Eschlman,
Virginia GuanzeL Lila June
Haisch, Judith Lee Hensley,
Judy McCartney, Jane Eliza
beth Oderi, Judy Shanahan,
Sandra Stefanisin, Dianne
Steffensen, Nancy Stuart,
Myrna Tegtmeier, Carol Van
Steenberg, Janice Irene Whit
ney, Susan Wiles.
ATO'sBanThe Bulls,
v?jgfgfeMiiflnimiiiwi mmfmi.-m-",
The University Regents Fri
day adopted resolutions which
raise dormitory room and
board charges from $660 to
$725 per regular session and
from $145 to $160 for the sum
mer term; an increase of
about ten percent.
The raise is necessary to
meet revenue bond financing
requirements for the construc
tion of a 1,056 student dormi
tory unit beginning immediat
First official word that a
room and board raise was
imminent came from Vice
Chancellor G. Robert Ross.
He told a meeting of uorm
officers and councellors
Thursday night Cat the Re
gents were faced with the
choice of either raising room
and board or not building the
new complex.
At the present tme, Nebras
ka has no plan of tax-supported
dormitory construction.
AH building is financed by the
room and board payments of
the students.
Even with the increase, ac
cording to Joseph Soshnik,
vice chancellor for business
and finance, the University
remains well within the range
of charges presently made by
other Big Eight schools, some
of which have tax supported
The Regents also approved
the sale of revenue bonds
Parental OK Needed
For Mizzou Migration
All women must have per
mission from their parents to
go on the migration to Mis
souri, according to AWS.
This written permission
must be given to the house
mother even if parents have
given unlimited permission on
the regular freshman and jun
ior permission slips.
AWS emphasizes that this
permission does not excuse
women from classes.
Beta Theta Pi. fraternity
and Kappa Alpha Theta soror
ity teamed together with
"Puff the Husker Dragon" to
win first place in the joint
division of the homecoming
Their theme, "Puff the
Buffs," featured a flying red
dragon attacking a Colorado
Individual competition win
ner was Alpha Tau Omega
with their theme "Ban the
Buffs . . . NU rolls on to
Other winners in the ioint
division were Sigma Alpha
EDsilon and Delta Delta Delta
with "Buffs' Time is Up," sec
ond place; Delta Tau Delta
and Gamma Phi Beta with
"Choo-Chew 'Em Up." third
place; and Sigma Kappa and
Theta Chi with "wny vo
Elephants honorable
Single divison- runner-ups
While NU Rolls On
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totaling $6.5 million through a
New York City bank to fi
nance the construction of the
new dorm, to be located at the
corner of 17th and Vine
. Chancellor Clifford Hardin
said the new living units are
hoped to be ready bythe fall
of 1965. He added thftt more
housing construction 1 is lm
perative if the University is to
meet increasing enrollments
"University of Nebraska en
rollment," said the Chancel
lor "has increased mire than
2,000 during the past two
years while there was no sig
nif icient increase' in the num
ber of students being gradu
ated by Nebraska high
schools. During 1964 and 1965
our high schools will be grad
uating approximately 6,000
more students than in 1962 and
In other action, the Regents
accepted low bids for several
projects, including feed hand
ling and mixing equipment at
the College of Agriculture and
Home Economics, conversion
of a boiler from coal to oil at
the Curtis School of Agricul
ture and the construction of a
headquarters building at the
Northeast experiment station
at Concord. Low bid on the
Concord contract was the
Karl Otte Construction Com
pany of Wayne whose Jrid was
Warren H. Pearsel M.D.,
associate professor of obstet
rics and gynecology was ap
pointed Assistant Dean of the
College of Medicine in Oma
ha, replacing Dr. James W.
Benjamin, who returned to
full time teaching at his own
Mary Jo Henn, M.D., re
ceived the appointment of As
sistant Dean for Student Af
fairs at the College of Medi
cine. Dr. Henn is presently
assistant professor of internal
were Delta Sigma Phi, with
"We'll Tan His Hide, Clyde,"
second plade; Phi Gamma
Delta, with "Make 'Em Ex
tinct," third place; and Tri
angle, with "Bewitch the
Buffs," honorable mention.
The Innocents Society an
nounced the winners and pre
sented the trophies Saturday
evening at the Homecoming
Judges for the displays this
year were Dr. Clarence Fors
berg, minister at St. Paul's
Methodist Church; Woodrow
Hull, local architect; Bob Van
Neste, University Public Re
lations Department; Paul Jen
sen, with KOLN-TV; B. J.
Holcom, with the Election
Commission; and Liz Cashin,
local advertiser.
Bill Alschwede, Innocents
homecoming chairman, re
fused to comment as to wheth
er any houses were disqual
ified for exceeding the $300
1 v
Forty Top Educators Demand
Better Negro Opportunities
Washington (CPS) More
than 40 top educators from
the nation's leading universi
ties are taking part in a high
level drive aimed at up-grading
higher education oppor
tunities for Negro students,
faculties, and institutions.
The representatives at
tended a conference of the
American Council on Educa
tion (ACE) in the nation's
Capital last week to define
objectives for a sweeping pro
gram. The two day session was
held by the ACE's committee
on equality of education op
portunity, headed by Elvis J.
Stahr Jr., now president of
Indiana University and Presi
dent Kennedy's first Secre
tary of the Army.
Also attending the confer
ence were representatives of
six major foundations, includ
ing the Ford, Rockefeller, and
Carnegie foundations. Repre
senting the Kennedy adminis
tration were U.S. Education
Commissioner Francis Keppel
and White House Science Ad
visor Jerome Wiesner.
The committee discussed
long-range problems facing
negroes in the civil rights
fight primarily economic
problems which cannot be
overcome without more edu
Several proposals were dis
cussed, but not adopted during
the conference. Included
were: I
Giving Negroes special or ;
preferential treatment to get
them into college. It was noted
that one university has set
aside 25 scholarships for Ne
groes. Colleges may be asked
i iiiiwiii i ii nun inn n i mil
S Bin Icq on j
to help Negroes find housing
and work at improving stu
dent and community accept
ance of Negroes.
Improving opportunities
for graduate study for faculty
members of predominantly
Negro colleges. This would
mean giving them travel
funds, living expenses, intern
ships or fellowships to attend
"reputable graduate schools"
mainly outside the South.
Creating faculty exchange
programs between integrated
universities in the North and
Negro institutions.
Sending teams of top
scholars from integrated uni
versities to assess the quality
and "raise the educational
sights" of Negro colleges.
Injecting higher quality
into mathematics and science
instruction in Negro colleges
through summer programs,
faculty exchanges and intro
ductions of new teaching ma
terials. One proposal involved send
ing a team of counselors and
testers into secondary schools,
mainly in the South, to ident
ify and aid talented Negro stu
dents. "We must also help the mo
tivation of Negro students to
attend college," one commit
tee member said. "Many tal
ented students quit college be
cause of a lack of opportun
ity available even after grad
uation." The ACE committee will
act as a chief coordinator of
the suggested programs
which will be financed by
"very interested" foundations.
The committee noted that
two thirds to three fourths of
all Negro college students are
Thetas Pull The Buffs
un .mimiwi uiiiiiiim ,,,i,im, "ty'
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enrolled in about 100 Negro
institutions, mostly in South
ern and border states.
Negroes are relatively
scarce in colleges outside the
South, the committee said.
And, it's not because of dis
crimination, but of poor incen
tive, training and lack of
Final action and plans by
the committee will be an
nounced later.
Radio KNUS
Seeks Staff,
Moves Office
During the next two months,
radio station KNUS will begin
broadcasting campus - wide
to all organized houses
on Ag and city campus ac
cording to Lynne Morian,
KNUS news director.
The station has moved into
new quarters at 335 "Nebraska
Hall, and will be the only
station in Lincoln to provide
both Associated Press, and
United Press International
news wire service.
Any organized house or
ganization desiring to publi
cize coming events over
KNUS should call 477-8711 at
Extension 2434.
Paid positions are available
on the station staff for sales
men, and a commercial man
ager. Also needed are engineers,
feature writers, and editorial
of-the-air writers. Persons in
terested in these positions
should contact the news direc
tor at KNUS.
Broadcasting hours on the
station are 6-8:30 Monday
thru Friday, plus all football
games. Dial 880 for KNUS.
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Photo By Sui Smtttabercar
Fbotc By Sum SmltldMrc
Puff Worn
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