Friday, Oct. 18, 1963 The Daily Nebraskan Page 3 I'esf German lg Expert 7o Speak Here Monday Agricultural problems in communist East Germany will oe aescnoea nere, Monday, by i - . v 5 If .Si V Dr. Friedheim Cassini Talks To YM-YW At Fall Camp The District Fall Confer ence of the YWCA and YMCA will be held at Camp Brew ster in Omaha, today and to morrow. Registration for the Con ference will be held from 6 to 7 p.m. today, and t&e Con ference will end at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday. The cost per person is S3 50 which covers food and lodg ing. For those who can at tend only fiie Friday session the cost is SI 00. Participants are advised to bring a bed roll, warm clothes, a towel, flashlight, and writing material. Dr. Cassini. Professor of Sociology at Nebraska Wes ley an wd be the main speaker. There will also be separate discussion groups under leaders who are mem bers of the District Planning Committee. The theme of this year's conference is "What is the Power of the Student on Campus." All students are welcome to attend. a man who is in intimate touch with the situation. Dr. Peter Friedheim, man ager of the Farmers Associa tion of West Berlin, will ad dress a seminar on Monday at 3:30 p.m .in the Dairy In dustry building auditorium at the College of Agriculture and Home Economics. According to Dr. Howard Otto son, chairman of the de partment of agricultural eco nomics at the University, Dr. Friedheim's address win be . . . . . ui lmeresi to anyone con cerned with foreign affairs or communist problems. Dr. Friedheim managed eight "people's owned farms" near Brandenburg, East Ger many from 1915 to 19. From 1919-51 he was manager of a division of the Agricultural Society of East Berlin. After the Communist Academy of Agriculture took over in 1951, Dr. Friedheim declined to join and instead migrated to West Berlin. can hear myself fhink . . . mart CLASSIFIED ADS FOB SJU& On, AdkUBljMUB M?2 RvAMU aaFflWa mm Mr car. fUM wi B-ZO, IM ML mi- firr wm Tom BTE TO THE WmfXWmJUl CAXE 1WW Emjosc sl car Call OA HSUISL Ki.Mi. "SI Fnf feartfwa MH ar w MJSCE KSTCDCnOH at T- l&uex to wn.: be a KAsrem n TffE AST OT SELT-DETESiSE. E"X- fiCHtM A CieFV KfX3G CULJ AK)WC tot naraw pw rv-si. ftt F-OWkTHJEWe AM B E L. rBYCAL riTS(E OMMTUtTE fctofJCBl': AX3 LiMWW ft UK--Lift. SEND TO: rtTYSkCM. BTS CVK. Clam nl Uu Hunt. w l rt- FOt EOTX: Am.TotKu tour rwoa oaataira war but. A CwUnae. Bauae. rasrumm. t,r. wtjbues hk iiWM (MtiA. bmune at W3 Dtam - Am srofe ataon to ah ab aw ttww ckxaiutK. tMi co-am. w a. COTS LaCVSffJI BaVTt Eiw",'Miw aejoF IJtai ane Cuito tac ClOKKWT -EKlU at 1H ttaa aatoFter aw nwOnv SMunr B WtW JEXiDT.:" a ae aiaJUeHta "Hmv 'iWtfT 'AT atinriu Kin Slovak wrf JccMa Cwmc Viw aa a tt at br ItiuMi AttojMrtbuB at ?. Kr Me tCITs NU Week End Features Derbies Hayrack rides, house car- ties, and hour dances are some of the main attractions at NU this week-end. Another beadliner, of coarse, is the stealing of derbies and the painting of pants for the Sig ma tm derby day tomorrow. TODAY Delta Delta Delta date din ner at Lincoln Counctry Club at 7:15 p.m. Towne Club hay ride. Kappa Alpha Theta-Eeta Theta Pi hour dance from 4-5:30 p.m. Kappa Kappa Gamma-Delta Tan Delta hour dance from 45 p.m. Burr Hall hour dance from 7-8 p.m. Street Dance on 14-15th streets from 9-12 p.m. Women's Residence Associa tkm fall dance in Raymond Ballroom from 8:39-12 p.m. NROTC hay ride and weiner roast at Denton from 8:30-11 p.m. Pound-Capital 1 and 2 dance from 8-12 p.m. TOMORROW Derby Day on the mall at 9 a.m. Sigma CM dance from 9-12 p.m. Theta Xi bouse party from 9-12 p.m. Hitchcock House hayrack ride. UXTCORN hayrack ride. Love Memorial-Gustavson 3 hour dance from 7:30-8:30 p.m Gather Han 8th floor dance at Raymottd Ballroom from 7:30-12 p-m. SCXDAY Towne Club silver anmver sary tea at the Student Moa from 2:304:30 pjn. Alpha Omicroo Pi-Delta Tan Delta pizza feed at 3 p.m. NU Spanish Club Selects .Officers New officers elected to the Spanish club are Sotna Pig gait, president; Ted McCo Batighey, vice-president; Mar ilyn Keys, secretary and Carol Lea KSeaa, publicity. r ft ALL DAI EVEff r,Y (in i (FS -vl ANoiUeR- . it. Peopfe To People Holds Fall Picnic People to People will initi ate a four week series of Fri day night "socials" starting Oct. 25. Dancing lessons win be given at these socials from the Arthur Murray Dance Studio. Refreshments will be served after the lessons. People to People will also hold its annual picnic Sunday at 4:30 in Pioneer Park. Tick ets are on sale now in the Student Union. The price is 50 cents. All students are invited. Humor Seen In College Papers College newspapers have their "lighter side," which gleams with a special brand of humor seldom seen in news papers on the "outside." The Iowa State Daily, for instance, presents a "Fink of the Week" award as a form of "gentle criticism" to a per son chosen by the editors. Anyone on the faculty or the student body is invited to nominate his favorite "Fink" in hopes of seeing justice done proving that excel lence and leadership are even recognized in Finks. Bob Koite, writing in the Missosri Slaneater, says that President Kennedy's procla mation exempting married men from the draft has pet many young men fat a posi- tkm of having to choose be tweei two years in the Army or sixty years of marriage. A "boom" is expected ia col lege romances, puffings and engagements. Iowa State fraternities have developed a new sign of pros perity, says the Iowa State Daily. The latest status sym bol appearing on campus is the old fire truck. The Daily commented that perhaps an IFC presidential j candidate could run on the slogan "A pledge in every closet and a fire track in ev- ery parking lot" (with apolo- f gies to Herbert Hoover)." The Dally Kansas reports that the official nniforms for seaiors this year are black; sweatshirts with three and ! ae half inch white buttons aad a 'M class ideatificatioa marked the Croat. The Kansan added that this practice pointed out at least one difference between the state's educational institution and it's penal institution: pris oners receive their stripes I (Csflgwftrt 1 pair totartk rna ikM bd temrm paaM no. CUaana fegr aMuiaua tat Lanttt. KELP KUCTUh Crtw S -M an-4S aa 1 Ii t Ttim 1 no 1 pa Cat 7 43 fw Ewmwaauarc K-F Matwe 4:ai t'nit! Drioar M-F 7 ami 4 mm fjaamt Tttr. (am, Aaaiataat IiUmwMr, wmw Vimm triM f ifHm mil the ydas jJ" Ag College Graduate En route To Australia Karen EdeaL 1352 gradu ate of the University of Ne braska, is esroute to Austral ia for a six-month visit with farm faxoiUec as me of 36 delegates of the Iz&ersaiiosal Farm Youth Exchange (IFYE) program. TODAY JAZZ 'S JAVA m be held at 4 p.m. in the Crib. UNION" FILM C03DOTTEE will present the "One Eyed Jacks" at 7 and 9:30 p.m. in the Student Union small audi torium. TASSELS will stuff baek drops for Homecoming Pep rally at Nebraska Hall at ary Ume. TOMORROW UXIOX FILM COMSfTTTEE will present a comedy film special with the "Court Jes ter" and "Boys' Might Out" at 7:39 p.m. in Stodest Union ansditoriijinL KENTlUiJ will stuff 'back drop for HtMsecoimimg rally at Nebraska HalL SUVDW PEOPLE-Tb-P EOPLE wffl' hold a picric at 4:30 p.m. cl P&wjaeer Park. UNION FILM COMMITTEE win present "One Eyed Jacks" at 7:39 p.m. in the I StOf&rat Union auditorium. ! CAT SMW Golds Of IMtHUSlU SHOP MOJiDAY Af THURSDAY 923 UA. TO 9.00 PJ,, OTHER DAYS TO 530 ?M. THE CAMPUS (COBBLER TELLS: Does She Or Doesn't She? Pure Beef Hamburger. ...ISc Triple-Thick Stokes , .20c fcstjr Omuhurtf 20c Goldeii Frendi fries. ..Alz TJjirEl-CuEirvrtiing CiKt . . . 1 0c tk&tfittiA Root Etr. . ... 1 3c SlBOtninj Hot Coffee 10c DeXsasm Orenpe Drink. . .10c Rtfreiinj CM WiiTk 13c 5305 "O" St. U5 No. 27lh St. era m rwi The eaunpat ctAAAet Vntm . But no one ele could tell the difference between a new vuiin pure and W, and old me re-dyed by Coli's Shoe fat-pacr. An economical wjiy to comfAeie any color emeaiAe. Tale Loe, purve, rakmeai; bridTcate prtAAtim to CMS. CoW Shoe Repair Service Include: Fabric Dyeing Key Duplkating when they arrive but students i must wait until they have been there four years. St. Pc?1 Ki Methodist aJ-l11 Church jj?HffefeS 3l STUDENTS ALWAYS WELCOME Or. Clarence Forsberg Preoching Services at 9:30 end 11. -09 &chi6VGniGn A long time ago, it seems now, a plain impera tive became the best-known motto of IBM: Think." I You may assess the achievement of our company, and of any individual in it, by the same word: "Think." I If you are Interested In achievement with IBM, ask your college placement officer for our brochures and for an appointment when the IBM representative is interviewing on campus. I IBM is an Equal Opportunity Employer. I If you cannot attend the Interview, write I Manager of College Relations, I IBM Corp, 590 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N, Y. I MOVE AHEAD: SEE nr nov. 2i & 21 The Church ... For A Fuller Life . . . For You CALENDAR OF CHURCH SERVICES BAPTIST STUDENT FELLOWSHIP UXTTED.CAXfPUS CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP fPrubTtarfBaV UffHcafl OMrCb 9t Christ ( EwoMVefeol UmM Brvfhrea Disciptes Christ) A tan J. Pkkmrmt Rotte Hoys, OwnH W. Puiirtjn sum, PasSwi, S:3A pm. Fonom Diiscwssiisn MARKS ON-THE-CWIPUS (LTISCOPAL) H. Peek, Vicar ST. WaKISIi. 9-39 OJa. Hi'y GuiMiRnuiwmn MP:3 o m. ttontrf t Clwrdi iiPoct S 90 pm. EVENING PRAYER UNT"ERSITY LLTHERAN CHAPEL ma Lafaiaa Qa i,a Mil laui Synaal IB Q Stfc A. 4. A. t. VaicaanWHi Vicar a j ojn. tnomtw 11 t om. Want 5:3v a.m. Ganmo ST. TIIOXUS AQtTNAS aiURQI -v .! SI . iL Mon. T. Puort'lk. Oiapiora WVOSMI- 74 f -M 1141 11-1J O JB. ttcwmsm SltwSir Two. & WML 7.:M p-m. ADFNTIST FELLOWSIUP Ariasr l SMbp, Paxtaf H. M Bvfaar Difactar af Sfaaaa) 30 o m. BMe Sludr 30 o m IWannina WonMp 11 :0 aun. Mornkw Worshw 5:1S pm Darmr arM a n. FcfloanMB Hour 7:00 pjn. Ewiina WonNp F3rd Bopliifl Oturch 1 ft K SH. WXSLEY FOUNDATION Ms Wafc S4 C. Racaar Mafrtfc Lot Ajioriaia ;b o.nx How CanaiajFSoa ll atojn. Wama worifiip ' Srav pLin. Fofian :4S pjn. Veipers 74 Stwey at Rebate LLTIIERVN STUDENT CIUPEL PATRONIZE DAILY mmmi ADVERTISERS Pctt Ctcaa. Ckaaaala Mat at aaa Fait Hi Km. WaKiir Cat at m Chart. t"J s. St. PMaM Park Caarca, W1 A St. TBI (Nafiaaal Lalatraa Caaacffl SB N jm. Worcsip S 3 p at. Lafva Sotfwit Assocftotiaa iOEEK EO, 7 M pjn. ai RI STLVN SCIENCE ORC.VNIZTION THOMAS FAIRCUWJ Tuetasws at 1115 Oupei of Cotner CoDee of Bdigioa no R tM EDHOLM BLOMGREN Portraits Placement Photos 31S So 12A 8f When Grandrnother was a girL prayer was no stranger to fccr. She le&nsed early to tarn ber ttooghts to Ced and to ask Him for courage and for fraidance. Tfce cur;try was younger then. Men were still probicg: physical hori zons ia search cf a better life for tbeir fainiJies. Their quest took them to the sea In ships, or along- the danger-filled trails to the West. Sometime the women shared their periL Other times, they stayed at home and waited, and that was even harder. But whichever their course, they prayed. Our horizons are different today, and our lives filled with less danger. Eat we need prayer just as much if cot more than we did ia Grand mother's day. Remenalber that prayer is car greatest sourer- of strength. If the hatit of prayer has become cr.fa miliar to you, start redis covering it by attending church services regularly. Patronize Daily Nebraskan Advertisers m EVANS LAIHIDERERS OEAflllS 333 No. 12 S(ieck Quod. .y&m ROMANO'S PIZZA 225 No. 10 Muvtxss rm ua rot to au mma ua tmm cm OMtfSi fummm wmnam HE 2-5961 r Bite Siceds Coffee Shop Lsscles'Ssocis "Where Campus Friend lleef KtXl T9 KIM. M0UTC5I 1 5 r5 r f r V 'it . "II x4 I J' r V- V f&nte Repair Erkiane liepiir Shoe Pblii&ec, Lacet Zipper Eep&ir C0LD to BU-piur . Walerproofuig Purte Eepir Te4tiy 73:21-2S TfcartvJsj' Lmke Prsdy Saturday