The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 26, 1963, Image 2

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    Thursday, Sept. 26, 1 963
Closing Hours:
27 And Caged
Way back off in the minds of senior women is a de
sire. A desire that has been there since the first day
they moved into a University dormitory or sorority
This desire was conceived the first time she crossed
the threshold of her residence hall. When she came
through that famous front door she hired two unwanted
guards an impersonal rule, and an ever present sip
in and sign out sheet
The role is simple "Thou shall be in by eleven bells
Airing the week and one bell on weekends;" and the
sheets are always there as a gruesome reminder that
the role must be complied with.
It isn't hard to see why the University places such
dosing hours on underclassmen because they are in
their formative years years when learning how to study,
and organizing and budgeting time are paramount. But,
seniors have been through it all. Either they know how to
study or they have long since been done away with.
The greatest share of seniors, are 21 years of age.
No one should have the right to tell them to do any
thingespecially slap them in the face with a mandate
that they have to be in sorority houses and dormitories
at a particular hour.
The problem's basis is partially the University's blame
and partially the blame of the students. Students always
seem te want too much too fast; and the administration
by nature, doesn't like to give in to students unless there
is good reason to. The administration should realize,
however, that adults have certain privileges.
The University has a certain responsibility to the par
ents of students under twenty-one, and the administra
tion does exercise control over some of them the girls.
But, not the boys. Why not? Good question.
The administrations of many schools are more lib
eral than ours and in many ways. Some (like the Uni
versity of Kansas) have instituted the "senior key policy"
for girls with success.
The University of Missouri also is taking a step in
the right direction.
That school's administration soon will pass a special
privileges pact for senior women. The women will be
allowed to have keys providing they maintain a certain
set grade point average, and providing they have paren
tal permission. There will be unlimited usage of the keys V.
providing they are turned in daily.
Missouri's administration is being mature about the
problem. They recognize that senior women have cer
tain rights because they are adults.
Now we look in our own backyard. Women have
outdated closing hours. The trap has been shut on col
lege nights. And, there is a possibility that students may
have to sit in the end zone during football games.
Student problems will never solved with smiles
and glowing platitudes, but with work and respect on
both sides.
1 W-' VVV W-i TgMr
Sfll'h Bros. If ijimiij Bros. ji
fete I P
i WBSm mm 4
Nebraskan Sparks Independent Flame
In the fall of 1961 the
Daily Nebraskan featured
a series of editorials con
cerning the apathy of Lin
coln independent students.
These editorials deplored
the fact that these stu
dents were not really a
part of the campus com
munity; they came to
classes and then went
home. At that time, this
was the extent of the cam
pus activity of most Lin
coln independent students.
These editorials sparked
a flame in a small group
of Lincoln Independents
who felt obliged to show
that not all Lincoln inde
pendent students are
apathetic; that many do
have an interest in the
University and want to
feel a part of the Univer
sity. This small group
gave birth to the organiza
tion now known as UNI
CORNS. UNICORNS Is an organ-
Would Girls Misuse Keys?
The Daily Nebraskan
JfOHW MOHHTS, mmiiiftni editor; SUE HOVTK, new editor; STEVE SY
P??A ?i'i'iili-,&(iRJiKAST PETERSON, Mtilor lUff writer;
f'Jril HAL F08TEH, photofrapher. MICK ROOD, aporto editor; MIKE JEF
FHgy, clroulaUon manaier, JIM DICK, -uiaortptlon manager; BILL GUN
LICKS. BOB CUNNINGHAM, PETE LAGE, buaineaa awutanta.
SobcRripUmci ntea 13 Mr amnaater or t5 per year.
Entered aa aaoond claaa matter at the poet office In Lincoln, Nebraska.
Mder the art of August 4, 1912.
. Tie Dally Nebiaakaii la published at Room SI, Nebraska Union, on
Monday, Wednesday. Thu.aday, Friday by University of Nebraska students
nnrier the Jurisdiction of the Faculty Subcommittee on Student Publications.
Publications shall he free from cen orship by the Subcommittee or any person
Stslde the University. Members of the Nebraskan are responsible for what
y cause to be printed.
Male Students to share furnished 4
bedroom house, three bike. North of
dty campus, washinc facilities, pri
vate parking, 711 Charleston.
Male student to share large 1-bedroom
apartment with two other students.
Rent (40 00 'month. Cooking facilities.
2M So. 37th Apt. L 477-Hfll evenings.
Drummer and drums. Country Western
Swing Group. Play weekends. Call
IV 8-1374 after I p.m.
Booms with meals; for malt students.
432-4073. (23 to. 17th.
Pslladian Literary Society Friday night
8:00 p.m. Room 345 In the Student
ization for off-campus in
dependent students. Our
constitution states that the
purposes of the organiza
tion "shall be to en
courage increased scho
lastic achievement among
its members, to institute
and conduct worthwhile
campus and community
projects, to promote par
ticipation in campus activ- -ities,
and to provide in
creased social opportun
ities for off-campus Inde
pendents in becoming an
integral part of the cam
pus community. We feel
that all worthwhile cam
pus organizations ulti
mately hope to build a
better University and to
develop more mature and
capable leaders. Through
unity, off -campus inde
pendents will be able to
work more effectively with
' other- campus organiza
tions to achieve these
Jean Tilman,
UNICORN President
For University Credit
Without Charge!
For Information Call
Cotner School of Religion
1237 R Street
Rcoitcrs- ITJcsited!
Have you Heard About Tht
With the barber of your choice
Call for Appointment,
477-8711, ext. 2459
Come in at your Convenience
Monday Friday 8 a.m. -5:15 p.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
A Coed's Lament
by martha
Dear Males:
Well here it is the
start of another school
year which means I
have exactly nine months
to hook a husband!
And the prospects don't
look too good.
W h e n my tearful par
ents sent me off to col
lege, my father, through
his grief, made it abund
antly clear that at the
end of four years I would
either become a wife . . .
or a career girl ... in
other words: find some
body else to support me,
or learn to support my
self. Now let's face it the
latter doesn't sound very
appealing. My first year I
wasted completely by
spending most of my time
in classand the rest of
it going with a cowpunch
er from Scottsbluff who
ranked me third in his af
fection behind his love for
his Sandhills and his cat
tle. Having been brought up
in the city with running
water, next-door neighbors
and supermarkets, I hard
ly picture myself as Mar
shal Dillon's 'better half
in the wide open spaces
where, if I am lucky, I
can go to a barn dance
every nine months.
My second year was
even less fruitful. I didn't
spend as much time in
class, but then I didn't
spend it husband hunting
either. I did have one mad
affair with a mortuary
studentcorrection stu
dent of mortuary science,
but that didn't look like a
very cheerful future, and
as a sophomore, I figured
1 could be more particu
lar. Unfortunately, the
junior year failed to turn
up anything more inter
esting. I was pinned three
times as a junnior, but
sadly enough, every last
one of them reconsidered
before that final march
down the aisle.
So, here I am p fen
lor with prospects tak
ing gloomier not "grooml
er," every day. Not only
am I getting older than
almost everyone in the
male category, I'm taller
too! And I'm getting des
perate. The thought of working
for a living-paying off
i my own charge accounts
and doing my own
dishes, makes me take to
bed with a headache.
Surely there must be
somewhere on campus
some reasonably hand
some, fairly well-to-do,
moderately intelli
gent creature who will be
willing to, keep me in the
style to which I would like
to become accustomed. .
Please write to: Daily
Nebraskan, Box E.
And hurry! If I know
I'm getting married, I
don't have to worry about
econ this semester.
I About Letters I
Tag Dallr Nearaskaa annas
: msre to ass H far aaarssatiaai S
: si aatatsa sa eama tsarioa MgaraV k
: Ima si Ttewvslai. LcMara moat ba
signed, esnlala a verifiable ad- &
drrss, snd be tree af llbeloaa ma-
: tarlal. rea aaasss aav !-
s elnM sMl U1 a aaieasX aasa s
! law eaaaea sf fsabUoaUsa. Laaaias E
! tetters ssas be saMIs ar aalt.
a.helatel9 nene miB be retarwesl.
By tht Author ef "Ratty Rotmd (he Flag, BoggT mid,
"Bartfoot Boy With Cheefc.")
CoDeees are complicated and bewildering places, filled with
ompUcated and bewildering people. Today let ua examine
one of the most complicated and bewildering yet fetching and
lovable of all campus figures. I refer, of course, to the deaa
f students.
Policeman and confessor, shepherd and seer, warden and
oracle, proconsul and pal the dean of students is all of these.
How, then, can we understand him? Well sir, perhaps the best
way is to take an average day in the life of an average dean.
Here, for example, is what happened last Thursday to Deaa
Killjoy N. Damper of the Duluth College of Belles Lettres
and Pemmican.
At 6 a.m. he woke, dressed, lit a Marlboro, and went up on
the roof of his house to remove the statue of the Founder
which had been placed there during the night by high
spirited landergraduates.
At 7 ft.-TTl riA lit. U unA lii. 1 hA i.
pus. (The Dean had not been driving his car since it had been
placed on the roof of the girls dormitory by high-spirited
At 7:45 a.m. lie arrived on campus, lit a Marlboro and
climbed the bell tower to remove his secretary who had been
placed there during the night by high-spirited undergraduates.
At 8 a.m. lie reached his office, lit a Marlboro, and met with
E. Pluribus Ewbank, editor of the Btudent newspaper. Young
Ewbank had been writing a series of editorials urging the
United States to annex Canada. When the editorials had
evoked no response, he had taken matters into his own hands.
Accompanied by his society editor and two proofreaders, he
had gone over the border and conquered Manitoba. With great
patience and several Marlboro Cigarettes, the Dean persuaded
young Ewbank to give Manitoba back. Young Ewbank. how
ever, insisted on keeping Winnipeg.
At a.m. the Dean lit a Marlboro and met with Robert
Penn Sigafoos, president of the local Sigma Chi chapter, wb
came to report that the Deke house had been put on top uf
the Higma Chi house during the night by high-spirited ande
At 10 a.m. the Dean lit a Marlboro and went to amptM
an mtramural Softball game on the roof of the law school
where the campus baseball diamond had been placed iaartns
the night by high-spirited undergraduates.
At 12 noon the Dean had a luncheon meeting w&Si fhr
prexy, the bursar, and the registrar, at the bottom of the oam
pus swimming pool where the faculty dining room had been
placed during the night by high-spirited underavxtasttea,
to danTJneJ61,6 lunoheon' bnt owing
At 2 p.m. back in his office, the Dean bt a Marlboso and '
received the Canadian Minister of War who said imlest young ;
Ewbank gave back Winnipeg, the Canadian army would Srch -SHrainstths
U. immediately. Young Ewbank wmmd
rli rwL w1 Wmnipeg if he could have Moose Jaw.
The Canadian Minister of War at first refused, but finally con
sented after young Ewbank placed him on the rooT It the
metallurgy building.
i3 P'mi' th! Et M"1" and met with a rieletra.
a n? "LU,dent wh0 came prwent mmwkh
a set of matched higgage in honor of his fifty years' service as
dean of students. The Dean promptly packed the lueeaee with
fn tfeatih,nR and,fled NewYoric, where Tow
the alummum siding game. .,,,,,
The maken of Marlboro, who ,ponsor tht column, don't
tlalm that Marlboro U the dean of filter cigarellc-but it',
eure at the head of the class. Settle bavk with a Marlboro
and see what a lot you get to like I