The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 20, 1963, Image 2

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    qmm?M; mimh 'term
Fair But Human
Each semester at this time a new editor of the Ne
braskan sits down and tries to tell his readers the paper's
plans and policy for the coming semester which, of
course, is impossible.
The editor usually begins his spiel by asking himself
several questions. What is a college newspaper? What is
its function? Why is it different from other news
papers? The editor most usually denies that the paper
it controlled by any group or person. And this gives him
feeling of confidence.
After he has gained this confidence ... he boasts
(hat the paper will be objective in its news columns, that
Its editorial page will ran the gamut of all possible areas
of human thought; that the sports page is complete, fair
fend, also, objective.
In the last paragraph Ihe concludes with an ostentat
ious display of the bill of rights "Freedom Of The
Ptess." Anything he has left out in the previous para
graphs Is shoved into the last. These usually include a
plea for interested workers to step down into a "rat race"
and become a paid staff writer, and a plea for a greater
. interest in the letters to the editor column.
But, alas, we look at our bright, gleeming ideal and
questions remain ones Which are impossible to answer.
We ay that our news column will cover all areas" of
interest to the University community, but there are 11,
600 students hi the University community with interests
tanging from beer parties to political f anticism.
We say our editorial page will be objective and free
from outside pressure groups, but the Nebraskan is bien
nially attacked for being a liberal tug boat in a vast bay of
We say we are free from the grip of the University's
administration, but they are known to withhold informa
tion "in the best interest of students or in the best interest
of the University." This is true especially when biennial
appropriations are being considered by the Unicameral.
In other words students should be informed of administra
tive news after it is made public through the public rela
tions department not before.
We say we try to keep the news columns free from
Mas and prejudice, but what is evident is that every time
a reporter writes a story he is, by nature, unavoidably
exhibiting biases.
What is most important, however, is that the Daily
Nebraskan does not make the news. Although sometimes
we wish that we could. You the student ... the presi
dent of Student C o u n c i 1 . . . the president of the Resi
dent Association for Men and the other innumerable
campns organizations make the news. The Nebraskan re
ports it. A paper that tries to do anymore than this ceases
to be a media for communication, and is reconceived
a vicious, selfish animal looking after its own wants, and
not the audience it serves. This does not mean the Ne
braskan can not present editorial information in as fair
a way as possible to make an interest group see another
viewpoint on a question, but it does mean that the stu
dent creates the news and he always will.
So, as we said it is impossible to tell you what we
are going to do, because we don't know ourselves.
The door to the editor's office is always open if you
have time to come in for a chat about anything that has
been irritating you. If you can't do that at least drop
us a line to let us know bow we are doing.
Smoke, Smoke, Smoke
. (ACP) The Daily Reveille, Louisiana State Univer
sity, Baton Rounge, La., interviewed a number of students
and learned:
Most smokers are sincere, dedicated people who know
what they want and how to get it.
Some smoke only after dinner, some before and, for a
few smoking IS their dinner. No one admitted to being a
social smoker, as they felt they were under no pressure
to smoke, and to do so was strictly voluntary.
Since his first cigarette in grade school, the smoker
has been plagued with insults heaved upon him by his
greatest enemy, the non-smoker. Fortunately, they are
but a small minority and no real threat to the advancement
of smoking.
The number of persons enjoying cigarettes today is un
paralleled in history; their numbers are endless, and the
result of it all is easy to predict: Eventually everyone will
be a smoker. ...
Children will be indoctrinated at birth by replacing
filters on cigarettes with nipples. "No" smoking signs will
be replaced by "only" smoking signs. Universities and
otbsr social organizations will make it a prerequisite that
all their students smoke, and grades win be withheld until
they do. Fraternities and sororities will ban from member
ship any pledge whose fingers are not nicotine-stained.
Insist upon your right to smoke, and then smoke,
moke, smoke. Pity those who dont, for theirs is a fading
generation, soon to be forgotten, don't be buried by OUR
ashes . . . tobacco, that is.
The) Daily Nebraskan
JOHN MORRIS, mansrfnc editor ; 8UTC HOVTK, news editor; STEVE 8Y
DOW, iUB'S SMITH BERGER, GRANT PETERSON, senior staff writers!
Larry asman. marv Mcnkff. gary miu-eb, frank partcu.
SWArtl JOHNSON. Junior stuff writers; PATTY KNAPP, ARNIE GARSON, cow
viHmi HAL FOSTER, Photorrapher, MICK ROOD, (port editor: KIKE JEF
WVKY. circulation manager. JIM DICK, subscription manaKer; BILL GUN
SHtMnripOoiui nrtrc 3 per semester or 5 per year.
Entxred as second class matter at the post offioa la Lincoln, Nebraska,
nder the act of August 4, 1812.
The Daily Nebraska!! published at Room 51, Nebraska Union, on
Mcmlur, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday by University of Nebraska students
ewior th Jurtadiottoa, of the Faculty Subcommittee on Student Publications.
PuMtcationa shall be fro from cenwrsiap by the Subcommittee or any person
wMe the University. Members of the Nebraskan are responsible for what
thwr cause to be printed.
Cork's Quirks i
Question College Morals
One of the oldest mutu
al recrimination societies
in existence is that made
up the older and the
younger generations.
The older generation
frequently suspects with
alarm that the younger is
morally bankrupt. The
younger then steps for
ward to defend its reputa
tion. The focus of such ex
change today is frequent
ly the college campus and
its m o r a 1 s or lack of
them, depending on which
side one is listening to.
When people discuss
college morals, they us
ually are talking about
sex, drinking and cheat
ing on exams.
PremartM sex in vary
ing degrees is widely
engaged in on the cam
pus. This is accepted fair
ly openly among the stu
dents themselves. How
ever the subject gets vig
orous debate among them
and many are troubled by
To put this in moral
perspective, some experts
suggest that we look at
research which indicates:
The incidence of pre
marital sex and illegiti
mate pregnancy is lower
among the college group
than any other segment
of society.
Members of the college
population at least those
who stay, graduate, and
often go on for graduate
work have a high mar
riage rate, an above av
erage age at marriage,
and a low divorce rate
compared with rest of the
As for drinking, college
has long been the place
where Junior had his first
serious brush with al
coholic . overindulgence.
When his time came, his
roommate was expected
to hold his head and tend
his hangover.
There is little reason to
believe this is much dif
ferent today except that
co-eds now are included.
The college years are
still those when the legal
drinking age is reached,
so it's not surprising, say
many college counselors,
that students first "learn
to drink" in college.
Such an experience is
bound to have its rocky
moments, and few esca
pades that may cause
blushes later. While such
incidents are quietly toler
ated if they remain
quiet most wild drunken
ness is not.
Most observers of the
college scene believe the
heyday of the drinking or
gy is past, but they admit
some still occurs. Surrep
titious tippling goes on,
but is not considered a
serious problem.
Opinions on college
cheating differ.
Some administrators
say students are so care
fully chosen and so bright
today that practically
none need to cheat to stay
in school.
Others believe the keen
er competition and the
growing importance of a
college degree have in
creased pressure to cheat.
Each year seems to
(Continued on Page 3)
you've been waiting for: tleevelem,
magnificently box-pleated from
an empire velveteen belt, bow
finished. S to IS. Red. 39.95
Bring you up to the minute coed
fashions. Known for the correct
dress, coat, skirt and sweater looks.
town & campus
,1229 R St.
Soiled Rush
Well, Rush Week is over
and done with for another
year, so now all good
Greeks can relax and set
tle down to their normal
complacency. Gone are
the free cigarettes, punch,
doughnuts, and the good
'ol hard sell. Oh yes last,
but surely not least, gone
is the soiled bargaining,
better known as dirty
It seems that there are
still a few brothers yes,
only a few in the system
who believe it necessary
to operate by the nega
tive approach. Unfortun
ately, being a fraternity
member I might be ac
cused of personal preju
dice, but should this have
been the case I would nev
er have been able to con
tinue beyond this point.
However, other brothers
from other houses have
unknowingly contributed
to this column in their
talks with me.
I have no intention of
revealing any houses in
v o I v e d or statements
made, but I am instead
directing a single question
to new pledges and pros
pective pledges new men
to the fraternity way of
life. My motive? Simple!
I hope that in answering
it you may be able to
play a strong role In cor
recting the situation.
My question: Did the
sssi by Lynn Corcoran
house that you pledged
have to point out to you
any faults of other houses
you may have been con
sidering pledging in order
to help you with your
If your answer is no,
you might turn to page 3
and read the Claridge-Kir-by
If your answer Is yes to
any degree, why do you
suppose their actions
were necessary? Could
they have run out of fa
vorable attributes to re
late about their own
house, or were they try.
ing to protect you from
an environment which
would have destroyed you
physically and mentally?
If you can a c c e p t it,
let's assume they were
protecting you! Don't you
think that you could have
made these observations
on your own or were you
ready to make an obser.
vation or two? Do you be
lieve that rushees should
be permitted to make
their own decision, or do
you think that additional
help must be given to
them in the form of D.R.
D.R. will always sway
a rushee towards it or
away from it. Those of
you who answered yes to
my question: which way
did it sway you?
U2 fe&ira
(By the Author of -Rally Round the Flag, Boyr atj,
"Barefoot Boy With Cheek.")
Today I begin my tenth year of writing this column in your
campus newspaper. Ten years is a long time; it is, in fact, what
some scholarly people like to call a decade from the Latin
word deccum, meaning the floor of a ship. It is, to my mind,
remarkable that the Romans had such a word as decatm when
you consider that bhips did not exist until 1620 when John
Alden invented the Mayflower. Alden, a prodigiously ingenious
man, also invented the ear lobe and Pocahontas. m
Ships were a very popular mode of travel especially over
water until 1912 when the Swede, Ivar Krucgcr, invented the
iceberg. Krueger also invented the match, which is a good
thing, because without the match, how would you light yotrr
Marlboro Cigarettes? I cannot overstress the importance
lighting your Marlboro Cigarettes, for Marlboro Cigarettes,
unlighted, provide, at best, only limited smoking pleasure.
J0Sk dZCr
laofi 'rZJKil
.f i ; f 'V ft lV
' k,JJM" few
I mention Marlboros because this column is an advertise
ment, brought to you through the school year by the makers
of Marlboros. Marlboros come in soft pack or Flip-Top box.
The makers of Marlboros come in dark suits with thin lapels
except on weekends when they come in yoke-neck jerseys
and white duck trousers. White ducks come in flocks. They an
primarily fresh water dwellers, although they have been sue
cessfully raised in salt water too. Another salt water deniien
I m sure you will find enjoyable is plankton a mess of tiny
organiHms like diatoms and algae and like that which float
sluggishly near the surface of the sea. It is ironic that these
creatures, microscopic in sine, should supply the principal
source of food for the earth's largest animal, the whale. Whales,
I must say, are not at all pleased with this arrangement, be
cause it takes the average whale, eating steadily, 48 hours to
gather a day's meal. This leaves them almost no time for
water sports or reading Melville. It is a lucky thing for all of
us that whales are unaware they are mammals, not fish, and
could, if they tried, live just as well on land as in water. I
mean, you add ten or twelve million whales to our Sunday
traffic and you would have congestion that makes the mind
But I digress. Today, I was saying, I begin my tenth year of
writing this column for Marlboro Cigarettes in your campus
newspaper. I will, in each column, say a few kind words about
Marlboros-just as you will, once you fay that fine tobacco
flavor, that pristine white filter, that supple soft pack, that
infrangible Flip-Top box. These references to Marlboro will be
brwsf and unobtrusive, for I do not believe in the hard sell
What I favor is the soft sell -you might even call it the limp
or spoy sell. I hasten to state that the makers of Marlboro
m ten full years have not once complained about my desultory
sales approach. Neither have they paid me.
But that is of small consequence. Aside from fleeting mentions
ot Marlboro, this column has another, and more urgent, mission:
to cast the hot white light of free inquiry upon the vexing
questions that trouble college America -questions like "Should
the htuoent Council have the power to levy tariffs? and "Are
rcommates sanitary?" and "Should housemothers be com
pelled to retire upon reaching the age of 28?"
Perhaps, reasoning together, we can find the answers. Per
haps not. But if we fail, let it never be said that it was for
want of trying.
I thj-.nk you.
' eMMMawaiiulaaBi
HZr yT f, !arlboro W bring pom mother
WOT Mat Shulmun't unpndktable and unceruored col-
IJriSi !UIPP' hrin' Vu hn Mered Marlboro,
Wt in pack or box. wherever cigarette mrmldiU
) A
Ticket Booth
Nebraska Union
until gone