Vol. 76, No. 90 The Daily Nebraskan Tuesday, April 23, 1963 SI (TO k DDT) rip H5l S 3 W f reiracitfh escribes i i ' ' " ' ' tf. f ."'' 1 - JS - , i , '.jm0 1 K- ,''' L 'ZJ Judge Welch is 5th MM Master Leslie Welch, probate judge of Jackson County, Kan sas City Mo., is the fifth alumnus of the University to take part in this year's Masters Program. Judge Welch received his A.B. in 1913 and his law de gree a year later at the University. His father was the late - District Judge A. A. Welch of Wayne. Welch engaged in private law practice in Kansas City from 1914 to 1949. In 1949 he was appointed probate judge by the governor under the Missouri non-partisan court plan. From 1949 to 1959 he was chairman of the Probate Commit tee of the Missouri Bar, during which time a new Missouri probate code was drafted and enacted. He was formerly general attorney for the Missouri Pacific Railroad and general counsel for Central Surety and Insurance Co. At the University he was a member of Delta Upsilon fraternity. He was enrolled i .he College of Arts and Sci ences and took part in Spikes, Iron Sphinx. and individual drill competition. While engaged in private practice in Kansas City he was a member of Hackney and Welch Legal Firm. University Given Grants For Two Research Jobs The University received over $25,000 in grants from the U.S. Public Health for two separate projects, both deal ing with cancer research, it was announced today. , A $9,800 grant has been awarded to the department of chemistry for the fifth year of a six-year project directed by Dr. James Looker. The de partment of biochemistry and nutrition has received, for the seventh year of an eight-year First!: Six-year-old Steven Klasek and his first-grade class mates of Lincoln have wild and wooly minds, full of leaping African animals and high forest adventure. Their jiggling-puppet and paper-mask world has a number of educators holding their breaths. University researchers are so cautious they scarcely dare to hope. Yet they believe this average class of twenty-six children may show them the way to the first major breakthrough for which American education has made a concentrated search for 15 years how best to teach "Johnny" the love of his language and thereby f,o read and write. Steven's English lesson at Meadow Lane school is very deceiving. It's almost as though the children are not in school at all. Then suddenly you wonder how many years they've, been at reading and writing. The children don paper-mache masks. With arms akimbo they gyrate like the little folk of Grimm's tales ...and speak the lines of imaginary character roles they 'create. All fired up, these children who have been in school . only six months and who squirm at their desks like oth - ers their age, scrawl out original short stories with bona- fide plots. This is one of Steven's, just as he put it down: The Lost Tiger One day a mother tiger tookherbaby tiger to see the Jungle and Then The mother tiger said, ' "don't wander pff." ' Then when the mothertiger wasn't looking the baby ran away. He saw something under a log. T The baby T4iger beganto play with it. It wiggled and squirmed. He moved back he was scared. An elephant came along and picked him up. He put the tiger on his back. The elephant said . "You better stop scratching me or elese I will put you down." Elephant, I'm not scratching you I'm tryjng to hold on." "So what," said the elephant it hurts. The tiger could not let go, so the .elephant put him down by a lake. An grant, $16,000 for research headed by Dr. Patricia Wey mouth. Dr. Looker's project is con cerned with compounds, re-, lated to the amino acids of protein. Compounds of this general group have been found effective in screening against cancer. Dr. Weymouth's research is on problems of the develop ment of cancer in the thymus gland, a cancer related to leukemia. ers "Those who have tramped through the Fontanelle Forest in the fall and observed the brassy brilliance of its vari colored hues, and then glimpsed from on high the mighty Missouri dragging its dusky spoils toward the sea; or who have trailed the snowshoe rabbit along the marshamall-like banks of a stream that has been quieted by the wintry storm; ''or who in the springtime have pushed their toes tenta tively through the rich, mel low, black soil as it lay in the newly plowed furrow; "or who have galloped Nebraskan Is Ranked 'Excellent' .issues of last semester's paily Nebraskan received, a First Class, or excellent, rating in the 68th All Ameri can Critical Service with a total point score pf 3200. A scorfe of 3400 for daily college papers rated an All American, or superior, award. Six papers received this rating and nine other papers besides the Daily Nebraskan received First Class awards. The judge commended the Daily Nebraskan for the good coverage on reapportionment, Cuba, politics, and the good job of staying on the Colorado University situation. Hinshaw Presents Piano Selections Classical strains from Bach and Beethoven will be among those performed tonight by Prof. Harvey Hinshaw in a piano recital in the Student Union Ballroom. The recital, one in a series of the University music fac ulty performance, begins at 7:30 p.m. The public is invit ed to attend. Prof. Hinshaw will play: "Suite m " Purcell; "Divided Arpeggios,"- Bartok; "Occu pation," Harris; "Study No. 22," Ives; and "Organ Fugue in G minor," Bach-Samaroff. Other piano selections will include four preludes and fig ures from Book I of T h e Well-Tempered Clavier" by Bach, and six movements, of "Sonata in A-flat minor by Beethoven. EHlove alligator came along. The alligator said. "Do you like to swim?" "Oh no, I don't know how," he He turned around and and hurried away. He said to himself I wonder why he always smiles? His teeth look very sharp. Maybe he smiles at food. "I better go faster," he said. The End Steven and his classmates are ordinary first-graders; they have not been selected on the basis f intelligence or aptitude. The children often write a story like this every day for a week in a 30-minute lesson designed by the University English Curriculum Center. Professors Paul Olson and Frank Rice, directors of the new Center, are very aware of the progress of this class. The intellectual and aesthetic development of the six-year-olds is the first exciting result of their plans to make a dynamic change in the teaching of English in Nebraska schools from the first through the 12th grades. Steven's teacher, Mrs. Virginia Hamilton, is one of the pioneer first-grade experimenters to put the first segment of the University's total program in the class room. She has been trained and educated to follow a general approach and philosophy described by Dr. Olson as "an inductive process whereby the child is made to discover principles for himself under heavy cueing." It can be best understood by observing Mrs. Hamilton in action for a day. ' Like the daily tasks of most good teachers, Mrs. Hamilton begins hers the evening before. She has time then to make the colored pasteboard blocks for the chil dren. Six words are printed on each block and they are colored differently for what we call nouns, verbs, adjec tives and adverbs but what the children know as name, action and descriptive words. , The English class begins in the morning with what the children call the "big block-word game." Each child is given a block and they decide among themselves what they would like to "say" with them, in the form of a sentence. There are also blocks for periods, commas, and. question marks. When the children have finished building a sentence, Mrs. Hamilton periodically flips over one of the blocks in their sentence to give it an entirely different mean through the sandhills at sun down while the magic spec trum of colors burst across the horizon; "or who have inhaled the pungent aromas of the new mown hay lying in the field; "have thereby learned some of Nebraska's strengths from their sources, in mem orable moments." Thus spoke J. Lee Rankin, the Solicitor General of the United States under President Eisenhower1, and 1930 graduate of the Uni versity, this morning as be addressed the HoAors Convo cation in the Coliseum. ' Rankin, in addition to being Rankin Defends Nebraska Youth A transplanted Nebraskan who gained national recogni tion for his service as U.S. Solicitor General said today he failed to see why the state became distrubed by Presidential Aid Ted Soren sen's "jibe" that the state was losing its ablest youth. J. Lee Rankin, a new York attorney and 1930 Uni versity law graduate, told the 35th annual University of Ne braska Honors Convocation: "The only occasion for gen uine concern would be if oth er states and nations failed to see and attract Nebraska's youth. This has not occurred and the continuing demand for Nebraska's young people has been another of its strengths." Speaking before the "scho lastic cream" of the Univer sity's student body, Rankin said Nebraska's training and educational policies "should be directed toward developing in the student an understand Men Ivy Sing Leaders Will Meet Tomorrow The second meeting of the Men's Ivy Day Sing leaders will be held tomorrow in 323 Student Union at 7 p.m. The song leaders must sub mit an entry fee of $2.50 and three copies of the song their group will sing. A drawing for positions will be held. Nebraskan Publishes To allow full and timely coverage of recent campus happenings the Daily Nebras kan has published on Tuesday this week. The Monday edi tion was cancelled because of Easter vacation. Wd the featured speaker at t h e Convocation, is one of the five participants in the Masters Program which is being spon sored by the University and the Student Council. "Projections for Success" is the theme of the first annual Masters Program and it is designed to give the students a chance to know and learn from the Masters, and to give the Masters a chance to know the students and to discover how young America thinks to day," according to Dave Smith, chairman of the pro gram." The five participants in the program which began yester ing and wisdom that will have universal currency." Such an approach, which he called "a tradition of the Uni versity," will provide the state ."with a fair share of those so prepared who will remain and strengthen the life of the community." Those who leave, he point ed out, will make their con tributions to the stature, of the state. The reputation of the state "will increase as those who depart promote the welfare of other areas just as immi gration will benefit this and the home state of the immi grants in a like manner." A n a t i v e of Hartington, Rankin practiced law in Lin coln from 1930 to 1953, when he was appointed assistant attorney general in the U.S. Department of Justice. In 1956, President Eisenhower appointed him Solicitor Gen eral. In 1962, Rankin opened his own law office in New Eleven Dental Seniors Honored At Luncheon Eleven University seniors in the College of Dentistry were honored yesterday at the annual awards luncheon at the Student Union. Individual honors for excel lence in various areas of den tistry were given to: Paul Rowe, by the American Academy of Dental Medicine; Gordon Till, by the American Society of Dentistry for Chil dren. Jack Kent, by the Ameri can Academy of Oral Roent ing. The children whoop with delight and between the whoops, of course, the youngsters have transferred their color and speech part relationship into proper word or der. While they are not confused at this stage with the names of the parts of speech, the proper order becomes so much a part of them that they can contrast an adjec tive with a noun as easily as an informed adult. Each new block introduced to the class also means six new words used and understood. Center officials believe it is the smoothest and most exciting grammar lesson yet deyised for' small children. The cockeyed carnival atmosphere of Mrs. Hamil ton's classroom is highly illusory, a study of a method as old as Socrates. It's loaded with learning. It looks like one game after another, but this is a designing, hard working woman who has been trained by the Center to get down to the six-year-old level to explain concepts tough enough for a high schooler. The monotonous, hard hammer of rote learning is gone, and yet these children are already aware of grammar and have control of linguistic tools. Four months ago some of them were having trouble controlling pencil?. The University English Curriculum Center -staff hopes, with the help of outstanding teachers in the state, to elaborate the principles and techniques for a thorough overhaul of the English curriculum of the primary and secondary schools. Five schools started the program this year. Thirty-five more superintendents want it started in the fall of 1963. A heavy emphasis has been placed on teaching the very young children to write as soon as possible. Early motivation is necessary. The masks help. So does pup petry, and Mrs. Hamilton's classroom is full of simple drama, imagery, and play-acting. At the heart of the Curriculum Center's plan to get the small children to write well is the belief that they must experience a plot before they can understand what one is. Mrs. Hamilton explains the Center's technique: "It's got to be put to them simply, but T tell them to pretend they are the important character they are going to write about, that they ,are going away from their safe, secure homes to solve a problem perhaps in the desert, the jungle, in outer space or in their own back yard. I tell them they must have their character solve or fail to solve the problem and to come back home wiser, or changed in some way." day, are J. Lee Rankin, of New York City; E. H. Dohr mann of Darien, Conn., direct or of Personnel for date pro cessing for IBM Corporation; Percy Spencer of Scarsdale, New York, chairman of the Board of Sinclair Oil Corpor ation; Chris L. Christensen of Tulsa, Oklahoma, retired vice president and chairman of executive committee of the Celotex Corporation; and Leslie Welch of Kansas City, Missouri, probate judge of Jackson county. Yesterday the men ate breakfast at the Kellogg Cen ter, and then followed a tight York City. Regardless of any other factors, he told the Univer sity student body, of which his daughter Sara Elizabeth is a member, the strengths of Ne braska shall be judged ac cording to its success in the development of its youth. "Any such appraisal shall be measured by the wisdom the young people display in the decision of crucial issues, whether within or without the state. "However, the reputation of the state will be secure only to the extent to which it con tinues to raise men and wom en who know the probabilities of success or failure; who are able to separate trends that are permanent from those which are of the mo ment; or who have learned to distinguish promises from threats based on the lives men have lived, and to judge their tested hopes by proven principles." genology; Gilbert Sprout, by the International College of Dentists. Elected to membership in Omicron Kappa Upsilon, the honorary scholastic fraternity in dentistry were: Stanley Franklin, Dave Fredrick, An thony Hotis and Rowe. The C. V. Mosby awards, given for high scholarship, were presented to Douglas Frost, Neal Davis, H a r 1 e y Beery, Gary Andersen and Kent. schedule of visiting classes, touring the campus, and vis iting the campus living units. Following the Honors Con- Vocation today, the Masters will have lunch at the Stu dent Union and then at 1:15 p.m. they will hold a press conference in 235 Student Un ion. At 5:30 they will contin ue their series of dinners at the dorms and fraternity and sorority houses. This evening, they will ter minate their two day pro gram with an evaluation of the program's accomplish ments at the Faculty Club. They will leave Lincoln to morrow morning. Three Get Scholastic Awards , Three senior students re ceived, the C. W. Boucher Memorial Awards for scho lastic excellence at the Uni versity of Nebraska's Honors Convocation today at the Col iseum. Stephen Kellison was given the award for the senior with the highest ac cumulat i v e average. His average is 8.804 (9.000 is perfect). William Kellison Holland was honored as the senior ROTC candidate for an officer's commission with the highest four-year average. His average is 8.572. . William Kenny received an award for the senior athletic letterman in a major sport' with the highest accumulative average. His average is 7.225. J. Lee Rankin of New York, former Sohci tor General of the U.S. under Presi dent Eisen hower and 1930 1 a w graduate of the Universi Holland Convocation "Nebraska's ty, began the with a talk on Future." The University Foundation presented two distinguished teaching awards one in the field of science and technolo gy and the other in social sciences and humanities. Each award includes a $1,000 stipend and a medallion. Kellison is majoring in eco nomics in the College of Arts and Sciences. He plans to be come an actuary for an in surance firm. He is a mem ber of Pi Mu Epsilon, Phi Eta Sigma and Phi Beta Kappa honoraries. Holland, a civil engi eering stu dent, has been award ed a Rhodes to do gradu ate work at Ox ford Univer sity in Eng land next year. He is a member of In nocents Society, and Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Tau and Sig ma Xi honoraries. He served as president of Theta Xi so cial fraternity, chairman of the Student Tribunal, and secretary-treasurer of the University Rifle Club. Kenny has lettered In track as a middle distance runner. He will receive his degree from the College of Business Administration. He has served on the finance com mittee of the Interfraternity Council and as president of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Chancellor C. M. Hardin presided at the Convocation, and the Rev. Charles Steph en, Jr., pastor of the Lincoln Unitarian Church, served as chaplain. Susan Chnstensen introduced the speaker. Ha ! I .jru I i - - r mini- Kenny f