0 .J, t .- Page 4 The Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, February 20, 1963 - j. i .1 ft , t t 1 54 'J 4 IT .3 5 J M 4 " 1111 I HI. I.HHI.1 I J,1 "" & J . . r ) : o - m' f V'MK if Mr- WHO'S GOT THE ACTION? The All-University basketball tournament seems to answer that question. The tourney began Monday night on the P.E. courts. Action will continue until the championship game is played in connection with the state basketball tournament in March. ircow iiyiia ypeims Defferase If Totle---flwi Toynmey Beep-Bis Nil Gymnasts Continue Wins Nebraska's gymnastics team copped a double dual from UCLA and the Air Force Sat urday after trouncing Colo rado State at Greely the night before to improve their one loss season. Cornhuskers took seven of eight events while whipping UCLA, 85 to 42Vi, and six of eight while taking the mea sure of the Falcons from the Air Force. Previously, Dennis Albers had continued his sparkling year by winning five of six Husker decisions against Colo rado State. Nebraska's Allen took the remaining event as Colorado State fell by 77 to 3b. Results: Double Dual: TCLA vs. Nebraska .i llhaN V'tihr lick Trampoline Albers, Nebraska. Side Horse ii I 'I I A Uioh har Alhers. ll.t,T. .a"Oi . vi,... " Nebraska. Long horse Albers. Nebraska. h.r Allan NhrakA Still rtnflS Albers. Nebraska. Tumbling Albers. Ne braska. Air Force vs. Nebraska ci.w.p avmkiu AlhprK. Nebraska. Trampoline Weaver. Air Force. Side Horse Hart. Nebraska, hikii oar funers. ik'uKiAclrn 1 nntf hnrae Albers. Nebraska. Parallel bars Albers. Nebraska. SI ill rinus Harmon. Nebraska. Tumbling Al bers. Nebraska. Dual: Colorado State vs. Nebraska 1IK.H V.k...b. r hum r.ci . i--. , . i ... . j i . . . ., , . Albers. Nebraska. Horizontal bars Al len. Nebraska, fa ra i lei oar-ioers, Ne braska. Mill rings Aioers. .'xeDrasat. Cagers Continue Cellar Domination As Sooners Win ney action. They are Monte Kiffin, Canfield; Mike Stacey, Naval ROTC; and Al Olsen, Bessey. Others on the First team were Lambert Sobon, Sig Ep; Dean Prazak, Naval ROTC; and Bob Prokop, Kap pa Sigma, who has been a repeat on the team for seven years. These men were lost to graduation. On the All-Fraternity team, repeats back tliis year are Keith Sieck, forward for the Phi Delta Theata; and Dick Muma. guard for Sigma Phi FDsilon In th inrfpnpndant Fraternity-A league beating I ieague repeaters this season Out the defending champs, ; inrlnrlA s,rrv T.vtlo anrl .Tim Kappa Sigma in a play-off i Killinger both from Dent game. The XRO's defeated f College Dent College to win their j , ' c , , independant league crown and Jn lhe Burr-Selleck league, Canfield Honse edged Seaton Vfe of.th AU-star members H-A for the Burr-Selleck delude Kiffm, Olsen, and Ron league title. I GUbreath. The naval unit earlier in i the regional at Lawrence, The All-University basket ball tournament began Mon day night with 18 teams see ing action. The Navy ROTC unit is the defending cham pion in the dual elimination tournament. Last year the NRO's de feated the Sig Eps, 59-57 m the champiorship game in a tight race that went down to the wire between the t w o teams. Sigma Phi Epsilon is the defending champion in the Kansas by defeating Missouri and Kansas University. They now, in addition to defending their All-University title,, must travel to Chicago to compete in the finals of the Midwest NROTC tournament on February 22-24. The middies opened up de fense of their title Monday night by successfully defeat ing Newman Club 50-34. In other close action for the nicht RAntnn Hnnu pflfPil I Goodding. 42-39. mjmmiwsiSAioT k i-aSlij-::--!ir,.)ii ! i The only stable thing in Big Eight basketball at present is Nebraska. They continued their domination of the Big Eight cellar Monday night as they lost to the Oklahoma Sooners, making it nine losses in a row. i The leadership of the Big Eight conference, meanwhile, acquired a drastic change. Colorado, defending champion and leader all season, lost its third conference tilt of the season to Missouri and tum bled to fourth place as Okla homa State took over the throne. The Husker squad lost to the Sooners, 84-77 as they could not contain the shooting of guard Edie Evans who hit 22 points for the Sooners. Daryl Petch hit 21 for the winless Huskers. The Huskers were not par- IM Ballots Out All Intramural basketball managers will be receiving a ballot in the mail soon, con cerning the All University top ten teams and also the All-Intramural team. These ballots should be returned by Mon day, February 25, 1963 to the sports editor's office at the Daily Nebraskan. In order for any member of your team to be eligible you .L...IJ .aii..m A Ka11a4 St.. Ln hcularly cold as they bit 52 b&m you must yote fftr m opponent team, ana the best RACHEL CXHSOH SMS THAT 3E.N6 WftWcD, IT RAINED ftW AND N.SrtT FJfv CtSTJ&tS Mondav's results: Three All-Universitv 1M ' team members are back this ' tne J"ear 0 1 year to compete in the tour- i NROTC title Benloo C Cant i Id a Crack Pols Play Ban 1 'forfeit) Avery I 49 Goodding ... . Capitol I Law College Social Workers Andrews NROTC 50 Newman Club I'Mearhables & Phi Epsil-u Kappa Beta Theta Pi C M Delta Tan Delta C Smith 2 forfeit) Farm House B Schedule for Wednesday: P.E. Court 1: S:O0 Dental College w NROTC 7 00 I'ntearhables vs. Renegade 1:00 Besser vs. Seaton 1 00 Benton vs. Kiesselback P E. Conn 2 S 00 Misfiu va Crack Pots 7:00 Pal Boy vs PnarmacT t oo Burnett vs Avery I :0 Canfield vs. Fairfield ;fI''L '.ilk i i ' . . VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE . . . Here is an offering of prop erty with rare rights and privi leges for sale on the open market to select clientele. Full title to property passes to the purchaser on the first installment payment. Property becomes fully paid for automat ically if the purchaser dies. Div idends are paid annually. Prop erty is managed by financial ex perts at no extra charge to the owner. Phone or write for our leaflet telling more about life insur ance as property. of their field goals while Ok lahoma hit for 50. The big difference was in the free throw department where Ok lahoma hit 60 to the Husk er's 52. The win put Oklahoma in fifth place with a 5-6 record while Nebraska remained in the cellar with a 0-9 record. Saturday night the Huskers will play Kansas University Jayhawks at the coliseum here in Lincoln. Kansas is current ly only one notch above Ne braska in conference stand ings with a 2-7 record. Read Nebraskan Want Ads opposing player. fOjjj)! iv-iv.-.-i 'thmz NOW. ..ADO A MOTION PICTURI TO THE WONDERS OF THE WOMJM i FJSilJJJSCStfll Shop Monday and Thursday 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Other days to 5:30 p.m. (TMJSTHAic 3EMVESV DifPiCJLT TO PLAN P.CNiCS ! rnskm J WALTER F. GARNER Suite 707 Lincoln Building 432-3289 Connecticut Mutual Life INSURANCE COMPANY DAY AFTEt DAY Golds OF NEBRASKA MAS MOtE OF tVEIYIHINO Marjorie Riddell ... of Gold's Advisory Board has 4 words of wisdom about this spring's import ant sportswear: "White SU? from Gold's." For Fast Dependable Service Call MODEL CLEANERS & LAUNDRY SAVE 10 CASH It CARRY 239 North 14 HE 2-5262 J. D. SAUSSJGiR H - t 1 5 ' - V'tii 4 S4.00 LITTLE, BROWN Boston i v - it 4 ' 1 iQ kr-'fi --.-Sj&&AA yf p- fir )? W I v"& Vlrj'L , FOR THE JUNIOR LOOK, GOLD'S IS THE PLACE Stride Into Spring In White Stag Cold's Sroni Floor of Fashion i Ihr ideal place to shop for Mnrw looks for new seasons.' Famous brands like White Slag prak for themselves. i k fin ti : 6 if "'I fa Outfit tiumn. in aki 8-1 S, mmd lkre colon: Frosted bine Contaloape White Celery 4-Saomt Shirt, of Da-roa$ pollster and rotloa, u lhe claie bnllon-fronl (tiirt with convertible collar and bottom tide vents. For long wear everywhere with Lirt, ealolt, lack and bermnda. 5.00 Sport Skirt, an artion-loving creation with fall-leaglb back pleal and front nap-clocare opening concealed by over pleat. Two jaunty front patch-pocket. Miff belt tie eoaUy in center front. ill I 11.00 GOLD'S Better Sportswear . . . Second floor . , Luien to Gold" "Study-to-MuMir Hour". 9-10 p.m.. Weekniphu On Your L niter fity Radio Station, KUS, 880 on the dial. i "Tareyton's Dual Filter in duos partes divisa est!" says Lucius (Pcppa) Mariius he-man Liatoiiau anu author of Inside Caesar. "Homo sapiens today sure appro dates fine flavor," quoth Poppa. "Nota bene the popularity of Dual Filter Tareyton. 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