The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 09, 1962, Image 1

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MOV 9 1982
Vol. 76, No. 33
The Daily Nebraskan
Friday, November 9, ' 1 962
liveraty Asks
"'Intellectual Growth'
Ross, Sliugrue Say
Self Discipline Role
Is Vital to Students
Nebraskan Staff Writer
The importance of self
discipline on the part of the
student was stressed at yes
terday's open discussion
with G. Robert Ross, dean
of Student Affairs and Dr.
Mike Shugrue, assistant to
the Chancellor.
They both stated that the
prime role of the University
Is to establish a climate of
intellectual growth and
freedom through self dis
cipline, and to aid the stu
dent in learning in a direct
and supplemental way. The
University tries to encour
age mature self discipline,
said Dr. Shugrue.
Ross commented that the
prime purpose of Student
Affairs is not to offer pro
tection to the students from
themselves or others.
It is the responsibility of
the administration, accord
ing to Shugrue, to free the
University from disruption,
make it a place of learning
and know the problems and
needs of the students.
The objective of Student
Affairs when a student gets
into trouble Is to give each
case as much individual
analysis and attention as
possible so that the student
can learn from the experi
ence, said Ross.
Quick Education
Concerning sub rosas,
Ross indicated that he first
learned of them after com
ing to the University. He
had never had any experi
ence at any other universi
ty where sub rosas . exist.
"It has been a quick edu
cation for me," he quipped.
He said that it was an
established policy, be
fore he came, to deal with
students who are found to
be associated with or are
members of these organi
zations to eliminate them
from the campus for a pe
riod of time.
Ross said that his office
gets the names of sub rosa
members generally from
reports or complaints of
others (i.e. groups of stu
dents and the Campus po
lice). He said they get ad
ditional information, but
not necessarily names,
from the ones who are in
terviewed. Some things that Student
Affairs suspects about the
group may or may not be
X r u e, suggested Ross.
"Many things are based on
hearsay or conjecture," he
If any information comes
in on the membership of a
itudent, and proof has n o t
directly been established,
the dean questions the stu
dent and if the evidence
seems sufficient enough to
question its veracity, it will
go to the Tribunal, ex
plained Ross.
Sought Reports
Ross said that the admin
istration has not sought re
ports on any member, and
that they don't intend to.
"As information Is
gathered, we will act on
it," he stated.
In answer to a qusetion
on what role the Student
Tribunal has and will play
in the sub rosa problem,
Ross said that the Tribunal
was issued a letter Tues
day indicating that each
case so far the student had
admitted his affiliation and
once membership was es
tablished there was no rea
son for the Tribunal to hear
and discuss the case. . If
there are any cases in
which membership is ques
tioned they might be re
ferred to the Tribunal, he
The sub rosa alumni, who
are very influential in in
itiating and maintain
ing these orgaiizations,
must be delt with in an ed
ucated manner by inform
ing, discussing and teach
ing, the administrators
They indicated that 30
years ago the sub rofa
groups were recognized as
student organizations and
that the alumni didn't un
derstand their changed po
sition today.
Shugrue proposed that no
number of alumni, rich or
poor, could make inroads
into the University if the
student body doesn't allow
them to." It's the students
who can reject the alum
ni's attempts," he stated.
Sub Rosas
The speakers said that
the sub rosas were harm
ful to the University in that
they create an atmosphere
of violating the integrity,
honesty and trust of their
members' associates. The
fact that they are secret is
of great concern to many,
said Ross.
Recognizing that suffici
ent information about the
position of the University
on this matter is not avail
able, a statement is being
prepared on University pol
icy and will be issued next
week, said Shugrue.
, "There Is no quick solu
tion to this problem," stat
ed Ross. The avenues that
he proposed to explore were
to educate alumni or to as
sume that the groups may
have a plausible purpose,
and if they don't, to get one.
If this assumption were
made, then it could also
be assumed that they could
function as recognized or
ganizations. Ross said that the Stu
dent Affairs office will not
release the names of stu
dents who have been sus
pended, but will release on
ly that there has been a
student suspended.
Administration views
names as confidential, and
believes that "there is no
purpose in releasing the
names, said Ross.
"It is a protection of your
rights," said Shugrue. He
continued that the matter
of questioning is done in
private so that if the ac
cused is not guilty, he will
not have been harmed.
If the living units would
assume more responsibility
with their members violat
ing the national and local
chapters, Student Affairs
would have few problems,
viewed Shugrue.
In response to a question
about what action, if any,
would be taken against a
student who was a member
of a sub rosa but Isn't now,
Ross said that it would be
hard to determine when he
had started and ended af
filiation. "Fortunately we
have not had to deal with
it," he said.
Ross said, in another
area of the discussion, that
the University policy on
drinking is establshed and
has not been changed. "We
are constantly looking at it,
and will continue to use
it," he said. The state law
and University regulation
prohibit minors drinking, he
reminded. "Those who can
legally do it can make their
own choices as to when and
how much," he conitnued.
He said that groups make
other problems and Univer
sity policy is followed in
dealing with them.
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NATIONAL ACCLAMATION Joyce Burns, University
coed, as cited in the Nov. 11 edition of Sports Illustrated,
a national sports magazine, as being "the whirling high
light of the halftime shows at Cornhusker football
games." Miss Burns has won over 400 twirling trophies,
including one of the top international prizes at the Seattle
World's Fair.
-Myers Will Go to 'Stocks'
A UFul Night Features
Queen, Mr. Ugly, Twist
The Activities Queen, the
Ugliest" Man on Campus,
fun-time carnival booths and
twisting to the Sig Ep combo
spell out the ingredients of
the All University Fund s
"AUFul" Night. "AUFul"
Night begins at 7:30 p.m. to
morrow night in the Student
At mid-evening the five fi
nalists for Activites Queen
will be presented and the
1962 Queen revealed. The fi
nalists are: Joan Skinner, Jo-
AUF Solicitors
Solicitors for All Univer
sity Fund (AUF) drive will
visit Lincoln students'
homes this Sunday to collect
money for the charities
chosen by University stu
dents. Ann Strateman, Susan Wal
burn, Lynette Loescher, and
Bonnie Knudsen.
"Mr. AUFul-Ugly" will be
chosen at the special event
planned to give more impetus
to the student drive for funds
which lasts through Nov. 19.
During the evening, Mr.
AWFul Ugly candidates will
campaign for the title. Each
organized house is allowed
a specified number of candi
dates to vie for the title.
There will be 13 candidates
for "Mr. AUFull Ugly."
Disaster will strike AUF
president Roger Myers, when
a total of $500 has been
raised Myers will be escort
ed to the "stocks" by police
men. "Students will have a lot of
fun in the process of doing
Colonel Yeager
To Attend Meet
Col. Charles E. Yeager, the
first man to fly faster than
sound, will head a team of of
four Air Force specialists as
part of the annual Lincoln
Area Aerospace Science Clin
ic next week.
Yeager will attend an Ar
nold Air Society meeting at
the Tuesday night, where he
will receive the first honor
ary membership into the Uni
versity chapter of Angel
something really worth
while," said Myers.
Funds collected during the
evening will go to the six cha
rities selected in an all-cam
pus poll. The charities are
University of Nebraska
Speech and Hearing Clinic,
American Cancer Socie
ty, LARC School, Nebraska
Heart Association, World
University Service, and the
Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Tickets a r e on sale today
in the Student Union. Price
of admission is 50 cents, and
admission at the door is the
AUF Is s p o n s oring two
booths, and Selleck two. The
AUF booths feature a "Mystic
Fortune teller," and throwing
pillows at a coed on a plank.
Selleck will have a "Shave
the Balloon Contest," and "a
booth where you pay money to
pound on an old car with a
sledge hammer," according
to a Selleck official.
Students who attend the Sa
die Hawkins Day Dance Nov.
16 will vote for one of the
following nominees for Miss
Sadie Hawkins and Li'l Ab
ner: Carolyn Perkins, Piper
Hall; Del Rae Beermann, Chi
Omega; Joan Skinner, Alpha
Chi Omega; Christy Olson,
Alpha Omicron Pi; and Jean
Groteleuschen. Burr East.
Dave Geisler, FarmHouse;
Jack Zable, Alpha Gamma
Rho; Don Benson, Ag Men
Club; Jerry Lindvall, Alpha
Gamma Sigma; Lee Grove,
Burr West.
According to Jay Graf,
president of Ag Union, the
nominees will meet at 5 p.m.
in the Ag Union Dell today to
have their pictures taken.
A free movie, "Li'l Abner"
will be shown in the Ag Union
Lounge at 7 p.m. Nov. 14 and
The Sadie Hawkins Day
Dance will be held in the Ag
Union Auditorium from 8:30
to 11:30 p.m. Nov. 16. Tickets
cost $1.50 a couple, Graf said.
$8. 9 Million Requested;
Indicates 31.7 Increase
Nebraskan Staff Writer
A new University budget re
questing an additional $8,895,
987 is now in the hands of
State Tax Commissioner For
rest Johnson.
The proposed budget for the
1963-65 biennium asks $36,991,
987 from the state general
fund, compared with the $28,
096,000 appropriated by the
1961 legislature. The request
represents a 31.7 per cent in
crease. Of the $8.9 million increase,
$5.6 million Is requested for
maintaining the present pro
grams and $3.3 million is
Cenerel Administration ' j
Student Services
Institutional Costs
Stafr Benefits
Colleee or Agriculture:
Resident Instruction
Experiment Stations
Extension Service
College of Arts and Sciences:
Instruction and Dept. Research
Activities Feinting to Instruction
Cellular Research
College of Business Administration:
Instruction and Dept. Research
Bureau or Business Research
College of Dentistry
College of Engineering and Arch.:
Instruction and Dept. Research
Engineering Experiment Station
Graduate College:
Graduate School of Social Work
Research Administration
Computing Center
Research Council
College of law
College of Medicine:
College (including Sch.of Kursing)
University Hospital
College of Pharmacy
Teachers College:
Instruction and Dept. Research
Activities Relating to Instr,
Summer Sessions
Other Instruction
Conservation and Survey Division
University Museums
University Television
Curtis School of Agric.
University Extension Division
University Libraries
Buildings and Grounds
Equipment and Improvements
Student Aid
Clearing Accounts
Refunds and Distributions
13 Officials
To Attend
Land Grant Meet
To Begin Monday
Thirteen University officials
will attend the 76th annual
meeting of the Association of
State Universities and Land
Grant Colleges in Wshington,
D.C., which begins Monday.
Attending are Chancel
lor Clifford Hardin, Roy Hol
ly, Dean of the Graduate
School; E. F. Frolik, Dean of
the College of Agriculture;
Dr. Franklin E. Eldridge, di
rector of resident instruction.
Edward Janike, director of
agricultural extension serv
ice; Mrs. Hazel Fox, acting
director of home economics;
George Young, professor of
veterinary science; Dr. Knute
Broady, director of Universi
ty extension division and the
Nebraska Center for Continu
ing Education.
Walter K. Beggs, Dean of
Teachers College; Walter E.
Militzer, Dean of College of
Arts and Sciences; Merk
Hobson, Dean of the College
of Engineering and Architec
ture; Charles S. Miller, Dean
of College of Business Admin
istration; and George Round,
chairman of department of
Dean Militzer is chairman
of the Division of Arts and
Sciences at the Conference.
He and Dean Beggs will ap
pear together on a panel with
other educators and will dis
cuss the relationship between
the Colleges of Arts and Sci
ences and Teachers.
Dr. Broady will preside
over a meeting concerning
the "Aims Policies, and
Structure of the General Ex
tension Division." Speaking
on "Improved Graduate Pro
grams for the Training of
College Teachers" at a panel
discussion will be Dean Hol
ly. The convention will run
from Monday Nov. 11 through
Nov. 14.
asked for growth and devel
opment projects.
The proposal, explained by
Chancellor Clifford Hardin,
increased needs for high
er salaries to meet regional
strengthening of p r o
grams at the College of Med
icine and University Hospit
al in Omaha.
growth and development
to meet the increased de
mands by the public in teach
ing, research, and public serv
ice areas.
increased maintenance
costs of the facilities, such as
over or (under)
t 35,725
( 445)
( 5,514)
( 684)
..( 83,940).
711, 641
$37,298,19 j VT, 063,905
Taxpayers . . .
Don't Worry
'Bout Money
How much would it cost the
average homeowner if the
University's total request for
$8.9 million increase in state
general monies is granted for
the 1963-65 bienium?
Any Nebraskan who owns a
home appraised at $10,000
with an assessed valuation of
$3,500 would pay $4.41 more
the first year and an addition
al 79 cents the second year.
Or it means for an entire
year about two cartons of cig
arettes, or 9 lines of bowling,
or slightly more than the cost
of a ticket to a single Ne
braska football game.
And this is the most it could
cost, since the calculation is
based on the state's 1961 total
assessed valuation of $3.3 mil
lion for each mill levied. In
the past four years, the valua
tion has increased around $70
million each successive year,
according to tax commission
er's tables.
Advance Tickets
On Sale Today
For Military Ball
Advance t i c k e t s for the
"Golden Anniversary" Mili
tary Ball are on sale today
through Monday for junior
and senior cadets and mid
shipmen in Navy ROTC.
Regular tickets will go on
sale Tuesday. They will be
sold from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
each day in the Military "and
Naval Science building for
$2.50 per couple.
The Military Ball will be
held Dec. 1 in the University
Coliseum where it originated
and was held for over forty
years. Navy ROTC, under the
direction of Professor of Na
val Science, Captain William
G. Weber, will sponsor the
1962 ball.
expenses for heating and sup
plies. Hospital Trouble
Dr. Roy Holly, dean of the
Graduate School said that the
University Hospital is in "ser
ious trouble."
Holly said that the hospital
has about 145 beds while the
average in other schools is
400. He said he was worried
about the hospitals accredita
tion as well as the accredita
tion of the College of Medi
cine. Of the total budget Increase,
69.2 per cent will go to the
following four areas: College
of Agriculture, $2,250,365; Col
ege of Arts and Sciences, $1,
394,919; College of Medicine
in Omaha, $2,177,065; and the
Division of Buildings and
Grounds, $947,542.
The C 0 1 1 e g e of Arts and
Sciences is the principal
teaching arm of the Univer
sity, with the responsibility of
instructing 61 per cent of the
total credit hours among the
five undergraduate colleges,
said Hardin.
In discussing higher salar
ies, Hardin said that the over
all salary hikes, on a merit
basis only, would average 12.3
per cent the first year of the
biennium and an additional
3.3 per cent the second year.
He said the proposed facul
ty salaries would place the
University at about the mid
point among comparable in
stitutions. Along with national enroll
ments, it is anticipated that
the University's enrollments
may double in the next ten
years, Hardin said.
During the present bienni
um, the University recorded a
733 student increase in the
first semester of '61 and an
additional 954 student increase
in the fall of '62.
It is imperative, he contin
ued, that Nebraska make ev
ery effort in the face of these
increasing numbers to hold
its present staff and employ
new staff members in the next
two years.
Adding to the problem of
attracting qualified faculty is
the fact that in some states
many new colleges and uni
versities are being construct
ed, he said. California is
spending $100,000,000 annually
for the construction of new
institutions of higher learn
ing. Must Act Now
"To staff these schools,
these states will look to exist
ing schools across the country
for their faculty members. If
we want to assure our Ne
braska children a high qual
ity education in the future, we
must take steps now to at
tract and hold competent edu
cators, Dr. Hardin said.
He stressed the extreme
care and thorough study that
the members of the Board of
Regents exercised in the prep
aration of the budget.
As a result of their review
ing of the recommended pro
grams, Hardin said, the
Board decided to postpone
growth and development pro
grams totaling more than $5
The total budget will come
to $47,083,905 for the coming
biennium, with $36,991,987
coming from the state gen
eral fund. The additional $10,
091,918 comes from tuition,
University hospital income,
federal funds and many small
er funds.
Not in conjunction with the
budget, Dr. Hardin said that
the Regents planned to dis
cuss an increase in the 1.1
University building levy. They
may introduce a bill in the
legislature calling for an in
crease in the levy, he said.
'Nightmare in Red'
Premiers Tuesday
A free documentary film,
"Nightmare in Red" will be
shown 11:50 a.m. and 4:50
p.m. Tuesday in the Ag Union
This film is the first au
thentic reconstruction of the
drama of Communism inside
Russia. It covers the old
Czarist order, the revolutions
of 1905 and 1917, the Provi
sional Government, the early
days o the Communist Era,
the Purge Trials, World War
II, and the uncertain present.