POUTICAL CONTRASTS - m 9 f 1 If; ST' 3 I J S3 Page 2 EDITORIAL Wednesday, October 31, 1962 MONROE DOCTRINE . . . Useless In Cuban Crisis Significantly absent in President Ken nedy's scathing speech to the nation Oct. 22 on the Russian arms buildup of Cas tro's Cuba and in all of the subsequent discussion by officials of this country was any mention of our Monroe Doctrine. Among "unofficial" people of this na tion (known as citizens) there is rarely a mention of Cuba these days without ac companying remarks concerning the fa mous, but dusty, Doctrine set down by President James Monroe with the help of John Quincy Adams. Why then, if the public considers it so important, the dele tion in Kennedy's speech and official de bate on a resolution which seems so rele vant to the subject? What many of us tend to forget is that the Monroe Doctrine is a two-pronged statement of relations between "Europe and the Western hemisphere. Significant ly, it is much more than a document unilaterally demanding that European powers not "extend their political sys tems" into this hemisphere. Two provisions of the Monroe Doc trine, usually forgotten or overlooked, prohibited the employment of the doctrine in Russia's interference in Cuba. Cer tainly, Russia has not overlooked or for gotten the two-fold nature of the docu ment. One of these provisions asserts that the policy of the United States is "not to interfere in the international concerns of its (Europe's) powers." Secondly, the Doctrine states that re garding European countries "our policy remains ... to consider the government de facto as the legislative government for us." Thus, the Monroe Doctrine is ren dered useless in regards to the Cuban cri sis. Kennedy wisely refrained from men tioning or injecting one part of the docu ment with possible repercussions regard ing other aspects of the agreement. 1 mas HOMECOMING QUEEN: Be She Greek or .Independent Who do you want to be Homecoming Queen? Do you want one of the Greek repre sentatives to be elected? ... an inde pendent? ... or the coed that will be the best representative of our University coed's charm and beauty be she Greek or Independent? It really does not make any differ ence to us. What matters is that you vote! If you really feel that a Greek should be Queen, then you are going to have to vote for a candidate from a Greek house. Do not leave it up to the other Greeks to get her elected. If you do, an inde pendent will ' end up as Homecoming Queen. If an Independent is your choice for Queen, she will need your vote. Whether it is admitted or not there is a great deal of competition between Greek and independents to get their representative elected Queen. In the past two years the Homecoming Queen has been chosen from among the independent candidates. This was due to the fact that the independ ents showed more spirit and interest in the election and the Greeks, especially the men, have taken a more apathetical attitude towards it. If the thought of voting for a Queen for the reason that she is either an in dependent or a Greek revolts you as it does us, then it will take your vote for the coed best qualified through charm and beauty to insure that our Homecom ing Queen is a true representative. In other words, the key to this whole election is your vote for your candidate. Without it, she will lose. If you do not care to vote for any of a number of rea sons, please do us a favor and transfer to another University. Daily Nebraskan SEVENTY-SECOND YEAR OF PUBLICATION Telephone 432-7631 ext. 4225, 4226, 4227 Member Associated Collegiate Press, Internationa Press Representative, Na tional Advertising Service, Incorporated. Published at: Room 51, Student Union, Lincoln 8, Nebraska. I4th&R Entara as neeni class matter, Bostifa paid, at tba Mt afflaa la Lincoln, Nebraska IV Daily Nabraakan li published Mandaj. Wednesday, narada a4 !! duHna the achool rear, except during 'Jif'0 ,n "m .swlods, and one during Augaat, or tf"fc!J, "nlertty af Nebraika ander tba uulborlia wm al a Committee an Student Attain as an axpreuloa of itndrnt nplnion. Publication under the Jurisdiction al 'he aubeommitt-e on Mudeal Punilcotiona ahall be Free from editorial censorship an the part of the Subcommittee or on the part ' any person outsidr the University The memers af Mi. Dally Nrhraskan staff are personam respoi.'" e for what the sar. or do, or cause to be printed February 8, lV BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager .. John Zeiiinger Assistant Business Managers BUI Gunlicka, Bob Cunning Circulation Manager Jim Trester EDITORIAL KTAFF Ei; ..or Jim Forrest Man,t,Ji Editor Dave Wuhllartb " Wendy Borers Sports Fdito. . . mc, kln Copy Editors.... Linda Jensen, Salle Rutter, Lynn Corcoran Staff Writers Sue Hovik, Gary tacey, Karen Ounllcks Junlrr Stall Writers A. Snore, Jim Moore. Susie . , t Smithberger, Tom McGlnnis Photographer Rosen.ary Smallwood Reporters . . Diana Copiey, John Rieser Republican Democrat by Charles a. peek The story Is told that when Ted Sorenson was to speak in McCook, President Kennedy asked him where that was. Sorenson replied that it was in the Republican Valley. The President is said to have answered, "It surely is." The people in that part of the state are proud of their belief in .the free enterprise system and of their belief that the individual should do for himself and not expect a central government to do for him. And they are proud of Dave Martin for upholding those beliefs in the Congress of the United States. Now, how has Congressman Martin stood on some of the New Deal, Fair Deal, New Frontier bills which have come before Congress during his term in office? President Kennedy urged the passage of an educa tion bill which provided for federal aid to education with the purpose of expanding our school building pro grams, increasing teachers' salaries, and expanding school facilities at a specific rate. When all the facts were known all of these areas were already expanding at a faster rate under the status quo than was called for by the Kennedy legislation. Dave Martin was against this bill. Secretary Freeman brought forth his agriculture bill which in its original form called for jail sentences for farmers who willingly or unwillingly planted over their allotment. Even in that form, it was praised by certain Nebraskan Democratic political leaders whom I suppose would be called dynamic, and progressive by their party. Dave Martin was against that bill. Dave Martin's role in the Congress has not, how ever, been purely one of loyal opposition. He initiated the movement to include labor unions under the juris diction of the anti-trust laws. His feeling on the matter is that it is unfair to put American business under restrictions from which Amer ican labor is exempt. An important side note to this issue is that because of his stand he did not receive the endorsement of COPE, the Committee on Political Education of the AFL-CIO. Congressman Martin does not do things for political expediency. He does what he believes to be right. Further, Congressman Martin believes in curtailing the large federal spending programs, stopping any fur ther federal medicare programs, and eliminating the waste in the foreign aid programs. For his qualifications Martin offers 25 years of busi ness experience in Kearney, five years as State Chair man of the Republican Party, membership in the House Committee on Education and Labor, and a term in Congress. by gary thompson One of the most vigorous campaigners of this elec tion is the Democratic candidate for Congress from the Third District, John Hoffman. In the geographical ly massive Third District, Hoffman has conducted a lively, personal campaign to unseat Republican incum bent Dave Martin. The issues upon which the campaign are based in this race are similar to the other congressional races. On the one hand is the Republican incumbent who has a strong conservative voting record during his tenure in the House, while his Democratic opponent professes a desire to represent the Interests of Nebraska by co operating with the national administration in its prog ressive programs. Martin voted against almost all of the legislation which came before the House. Included in these bills were the Peace Corps, the farm bill, a minimum wage bill, and increased appropriations for space explora tion. The incumbent stands on his record. Now we must ask ourselves if this is the type of record which we as Nebraskans want in the House. It is the Democratic candidate's contention that we do not wish to be so out of tune with the rest of the na tion, for most of these bills were passed, many with substantial majorities. Hoffman does not question the sincerity or integrity of his opponent. Only his record and his promises to continue that record if he is returned are questioned. The Democrat contends that Martin has failed to repre sent the true interests and character of the state. The Third District now ironically includes the home of the late George Norris who was noted for his progressive ideas and his dynamic leadership in implementing them. Hoffman contends that the spirit of Norris is repre sentative of the views of the constituents in the Dis trict. That the present representative Is far out of line , with these views is obvious. His record, not his per sonal character, has shown this to be true. (His person al integrity, I repeat, is not in question.) The incumbent stands on his record. The only ques tion in this election is whether that record is in tune with the times and warrants his return to Washington. This is in doubt especially when there is an opportunity to replace him with a young, dynamic individual who possesses the pioneer spirit of George Norris. If the constituents of the Third District wish to re tain their reputation of progress, John Hoffman will be sent to Congress, and Dave Martin's record will dim into the past. a jaundice eye by susan Stanley "Do Something, Mat!" opened last night in the Arena Theater, leaving an audience pondering, if not downright confused. If you have to disguise yourself as one of the actors the seats are free, but must be re servedget there on Wednesday or Thursday night and see it. Written by a Turkish journalist, Aziz Nesis, the al legory concerns man's debt to and place in history. The plot centers around the frenzy of one individual to "do something new!" in order to earn his place in life. In Nesin's world, all "insiders" who have stopped grow ing must prove themselves worthy of even their physi cal heritage. . But Mat if; 22. He has done nothing since his matu ration, except chew gum and swing his legs. There is an angry mob outside the mob which devours those do-nothings who are too cowardly to kill themselves. When the Doctor (a vengeful, God-type, perhaps the conscience of the insiders) arrives to judge Mat, he reveals that Mat has done something; he defaces walls with his blue crayon. Hurrah. He is the first art ist, or something like this ... he seeks immortality not through sitting on a flagpole like the others, but by sacrificing himself to the mob for their judgement. English majors will have a field day with "Do Something, Mat!" I counted at least three levels of meaning. Others in the audience will be stimulated by the very novelty of it. Set in a theater-in-the-round, with all exits blocked, voices surrounding all sides, each member of the audience has the distinct feeling that he is alone, a part of the play, caught inextrica bly in the web of circumstances which surround Mat. (Don't worry there's a 15-minute intermission for a re turn to the world of Pall Mall and Bubble-Up). I won't spoil it by revealing the ending. One of the strong points of the production is that from the beginning, the audience doesn't think: "this is a play, nice play, aren't the actors doing nice jobs?" Drew Wolvin as Mat is more than very good; he is convincing by terms as a petulant young man, a lover, and as he finally, distraught, realizes that he does want to live. Marolyn McDiarmid is beautiful and gracious as Mat's mother, Ri. Phil Boroff fills in as Kneck, the fa ther, and does well. Jane Boroff as Keer, Mat's fian cee, never quite reaches the level of poipancy she might have. Steve Abbott is both touching and skillful as Shirr, Mat's grandfather, who strains to keep living, even though he is about to come unglued at the age of 270 or so. Mary Teale is a delight as Kinata, a maid thrust into the household without the ability to grasp Mat's dilemma. From time to time, the crowd, which progresses from murmuring to screaming outside the house, comes to the window in the ghostly and ghastly face of Sar mite Tupe. John Guinty, as the Doctor, is a nastily soft voiced cross between Noel Coward and Nero. Mat's dead brother (remembered by his parents by a statue of his leg only his leg in soccer uniform) is well played by Danny Pomerantz. Go see "Do Something, Mat!" for an experience you may never have again. iNothing rasher for your hair than grease. Let Vital! Iwith V-7 Keep your hair neat all day without grease. iNaturally. V-7 is the greaseless grooming discovery. Vitalis Kith iv-7 fights embarrassing dandruff, prevents dryness, keeps your ihair neat all day without grease. Try Vitalis today. You'll like it! Read the Daily Nebraskan Classified Ads 'V Contoured betrothal sets by Orange Blossom ore created with flawless rmfrc monds cut in perfect proportion for maximum bril liance. Mountinas are skillfnllu rHocSor, e -k ic a work of art. We feature Orange Blossom because we know our customers prefer the finest Above $85.00 Below $250.00. SARTOR'S 1200 & O i3 . V featuring STAN KENTON ma IT JL T"V" Li Tickets on Sale in Nebraska Union Saturday Nov. 3 9 to 1 Pershing Auditorium i rt KHMIIlil inmi'h.-s illllllllilila