UNIVERSITY OF N.EDR4 LIBRARY Khjjtshchev Charges U.S. Risking Nuclear War .PemierNUuta Khrushchev j the message to Kennedy did has sent "a message" WTres'iiwt'ijontain any pecuk- pi tr pher Bertrand Russell in an crisis from becoming a nu clear war. In the message he said that the '"Soviet Union would msjke I the im justified actions" of the so Tzsh decisiosf" s? a ' United States. He Tobafch' re sult of the crisis. i j ferred to Washington's deci "The Soviet Union will hoi sion to halt all further off en allow itself to be provoked by sive arms to Cuba and its demand that present nuclear tled. "We will do everything which depends on ns to pre- vent the launching of a war.1 Khrnchrhf? said. He said that once the United States has begun agression a summit meeting would be im possible and useless. Broadcast ident Kennedy charging that the U.S. blockade of Cuba ran a risk of setting off an all out nuclear war. According to official sources posal for a summit confer ence. Khrushchev did, however, call for a conference in a message to British philoso fj 1 9 "1 X X JTM. f X I X X Professors Differ On Cuban Situation Esquenazi Supports Quarantine; Terms It 'Only Measure Leff Three University professors, Dr. Roberto Esquenazi, Dr. David F. Trask and Arthur "Winter, expressed varied opin ions on the Cuban crisis when interviewed by the Daily Nebraskan yesterday. Dr. Roberto Esquenazi Mayo, associate professor of romance languages, expressed that "The Cuban crisis is one more link of the world de signs of communism. Berlin, India, Viet Naum, etc., are all part of the same general offensive of the Soviet Union and her satellites." In Dr. Esquenazi's opinion, President Kennedy has tak- Esquenazi To Speak Cuban-born Dr. Roberts Eswuenazi-Mayo will speak on the Cuban crisis today at 12:15 p.m., at the Corn husker Hotel. Dr. Esquen azi, associate professor of Tomance languages at the University, will address the foreign language section of the Nebraska State Educa tion Association. The public is invited. en the only measure left at the present moment for any self-respecting nation. The fact that the unanimous backing in Latin America that the U.S. received proves be yond any doubt that the Latin Americans are together with the U.S. at the present time, he said. "Of course it is hard for any one of us to foresee what the final results will be, but the security of the nation and Western Hemisphere, in my opinion, required the meas ures taken by the U.S. gov ernment, he stated. "We have seen the reaction of the Cubans in Miami 'vol unteering and showing their willingness to defend their homeland since this is no longer an internal problem of Cuba, but is the concern of anyone who is sincerely op posed to communism and at the same time favors a free society with opportunity for all," said Dr. Esquenazi. The Cubans, in his opinion, have for quite some time shown their determination to free their country from So viet domination. Certainly the U.S. cannot forget that the other areas in the world are running the same risks of being mastered by the So viets. "This showdown had to come sooner or later," he concluded. "The United States had bet ter 'eat crow' and admit it made the wrong move in the Cuban situation before it's too late," said Dr. David F. Trask, assistant professor of history. The move on the part of the U.S. to blockade ships bringing arms to Cuba has created many adverse conse quences, said the professor. Crisis Stirs Students To Serious Thinking By SUSAN SMITHBERGER Nebraskan Staff Writer "It should have been done a year ago," stormed a student in regard to the Cuban situation. Students all over campuB are very conscious of the threat of war. When the announcement was first made, girls in the dorm panicked. Many called home to receive consolation from their parents. The girls gathered in little groups all over the dorm to talk about the latest developments. They were switching radio knobs from music to news an unusual act. Dorm girls have re laxed a lot now that it appears that the Russians are backing down. ,Tr Student Tom Kotouc said, "I see no reason for U.S. citizens to become panicky over the blockade since there have been blockades of other nations before. The ques tion is how the blockade will affect the ability to work with the Latin American and other newly-independent nations and encourage them to resist communism. In other words, are the small nations going to view the blockade as anything other than an act of imperialism and colonialism?" Jack Clark, pharmacy college, said, "The thing that worrys me is that the Navy Reserve outfit in Kansas might be called up. They might decide they need help with electrical work. Something's always going wrong with a radar set or a radio and I can fix it so I may not be mixing organic compounds in Chem. 117 much longer." "We at least found out who our friends are," said Pat Carlson. "There are too many wishy-washy nations and this is making them show their hand." Most of the students appear to be getting over their panic and realizing that this is a reality which must be discussed with a cool head. There is very little apathy on the campus as all ears strain to receive the latest news from radios and television sets. , It has aroused tremendous suspicions among the new na tions of the world by ranging the U.S. policy against the so cial revolutions of the devel oping nations. A majority of the Cubans are behind Castro and resent the move on the part of the United States, continued Trask. The U.S. has failed to recognize and accept the so cial revolutions in Cuba and other small nations. It ought to adopt a broad strategy de signed not to interfere with the social revolution but rath er to shape and direct it in whatever ways are feasible. What alternative did the U.S. have? Dr. Trask ex plained that he thought the most logical thing would have been to send the Russians a confidential ultimatum de manding that the building be stopped and warn them that if it did not, a blockade would take effect. What are the Russians most likely to do now? Dr. Trask predicted that they will probably concede on the Cuban situation but will apply pressure in other parts of the world where our mili tary advantage is not so great places such as Korea and Berlin. The Cuban situation gives the Russians a chance to point out the errors of the U.S. to neutral countries and to our allies, thus damaging U.S. prestige in these coun tries. "We have given the Rus sians a great diplomatic op portunity that will enable them to gain favor and sup port among the developing nations undergoing social rev olutions, and one that will al low them to operate efficient ly in underniining the west ern alliance, he said. The professor also thought it possible that Russia will use this incident as an ex cuse to gracefully withdraw from the United Nations. "I deem our policy both il legal and immoral a viola tion of legal treaty obliga tions as well as abstract dem ocratic principle," concluded the professor. Another politicial science professor, Arthur Winter said, "I'm inclined to think that Khrushchev is in a quandry and his proposal for a sum mit conference is 6imply the most convenient dodge to get away from the embarrassing situation which we put him in." Winter said that he was happy that America has fi nally taken a dr' "e stand on the situation. said it was the first time -dice 1945 that the U.S. has taken the initiative to do anything. "In the past we were usual ly found with out pants down. iumbling around trying to find some way to react to communist outrages." Khrushchev, he said, doesn't want war any more than we do. Vol. 76, No. 24 St udent Council nn 1 WO Council Approves 'Huskie' By SUE HOVIK Nebraskan Staff Writer Student Council defeated a resolution yesterday that it advocate "a rapid demise of Huskie Husker and the return of the heretofore traditional Corncob Man." Steve Christensen intro duced the motion because of many adverse comments he had heard about the new Ne braska symbol. Stressing that the students give the new symbol a chance were Council members Den nis Christy and Roger Stork. Stork concluded that the businessmen and people from out of the state really do like the name and because of this new symbol and spirit the Lincoln businessmen are pro moting the Yell Contest. A resolution introduced by Hansen was passed that es tablishes periodical meetings between Student Council and Dean G. Robert Ross and oth er Division of Student Af fairs Administration officials whom Dean Ros6 deems nec essary. This will be known as the Council Roundtable and is to provide a closer associa tion between the Student Council and the Administra tion. A resolution that "Student Council censor Steve Chris tensen (his statement) for his unwise, unfair, and apparent ly thouthless statement" (which was quoted in the Daily Nebrakan) moved by Jim Hansen was not second- ed. Christensen moved that the Administration issue a public statement as to their position, recommendations, and find ings regarding arrests and detentions, both lawful and unlawful, of University stu dents by Municipal Police. Dave Smith amended Chris tensen's motion to include a statement of where the juris dictions of the city and cam pus police are. The amend ment and resolution were both passed. Student Council passed a motion to delete Sections 2 and 3 from the resolution concerning a letter to Colo rado regarding the firing of the student newspaper editor for a story against Sen. Bar ry Goldwater. Resulting from current hap penings, the sections deleted commended the president of the University of Colorado for his action supporting the edi tor and disapproving Sen. Goldwater's condemnation of freedom of the press. Christenuen then moved to table the motion in its amend ed form and it was passed. Breckenridge, Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Faculties and Dean Ross sent the letter shown on page three to Coun cil President Don Burt giving the reason for no official mi gration. Dennis Christy moved that a special committee be estab lished to work with the Ad ministration to attempt to find a mutually agreeable ar rangement for migration in the 1903-64 school year and that it report to Student Coun cil within two months. It was passed. Torch Parade Sweeps Lincoln A torchlight parade, spon sored by the University Young Republicans, (YR's), will sweep down '0' Street to Pershing Auditorium tonight at 7. Students wishing to partici pate should meet at Seaton headquarters, 1100 'O Street. All paraphernalia will be pro vided, and "grubbies" may be worn, said Steve Stastny, YR President. The Daily Nebraskon Politicians Debate Yell Entries Due Today Today is the last chance for students to enter the Corn Cobs' new Yell Contest with $150 in prizes. The winner of the contest will receive flOO and the runner-up will receive $50. Any one desiring to enter the contest should fill out the blank which is in to day's Daily Nebraskan and take it to Wes Grady at 3601 Apple Street Winners will be an nounced at the Homecom ing Rally and in the Daily Nebraskan. Will Speak Tuesday Sanford Advocates Education Changes By DIANA COPSEY Daily Nebraskan Reporter Dr. Nevitt Sanford, editor of The American College, a book which, according to Dr. Gerken, chairman 0fthe Uni versity Counseling " Service, may influence the patterns of United States education for several decades, will speak in the Student Union Ball room on Tuesday at 10 a.m. Sanford, who has studied higher education from many angles, feels that education in America must become more liberal and must place a greater stress on the develop ment of the total personality of the individual. At 3 p.m. on Tuesday San ford will be at the Nebraska Center for an informal dis cussion with graduate stu dents and University staff members. Associates Program Underway Council Selects 114 For Revised Group The associates for the cur rent Student Council year have been announced by Sue Moffitt, chairman of the pro gram. A total of 114 students par ticipated in the weekend in terviews, and t9 were chosen to assist council members in their work. The new non-voting mem bers of Student Council will work on various committees and projects which the Coun cil sponsors throughout the year. It is hoped the program will provide training for fu ture Council members. The new associates include; Steve Willett, Del Phillips, John Lydick, Steve Bramer, Nancy Alden, Ron Y 0 u n g, Jane Benda, Kermit Brash ear, Gus Shaw, Karen Mil ler, Janice Woelfle, Judy Johnson, Jean Probasco, Mik Jeffrey, Karen Watts, Cliff Hardin, Liz Ryan, Jeane An derson, Marty Andre, Tom Crester, Jo Lee Hirnisek, Gary Fick, Mike Batken, Richard Halbert, Tom Kert, Don Benson, Jan Chuikehank, Rolland Nichols, Jerry Owen and Glenn Korff. Fred Boelts, Doug Thorn, Lynette Loescher, Brad Ur fesch, Arnie Peterson, Carol Brri'k, Dick Jorgensen, Mike Gottschalk.-Bob Faiieng, Jan Rohlfsen, Lynn Farris, Fred Waltemade, Greg Brokma, Dallas Likens, Frank Partsch, Bert Aerni, Bill Ahlstrand, Rosalee Pleis. Jane Yost, Jim Anderson, Mike Patterson, Segrid Hoce kal, Kay Christensen, Mary Cumberland, Twilla Sutton, Gary Liess, Sharon Morris sey, Jim Klimes and Mary Lee Jepsen have also been selected to serve for the coming year. Gerdes, Boyles Talk On Reapportionment By JIM MOORE Nebraskan Staff Writer Should the reapportionment of the Senate of Nebraska be based on political .compromise or do the citizens of the state have a constitutional right to equal representation? This was the question under consideration as Pat Boyles, Mayor of Lincoln, and George Gerdes, state senator, debated the reapportionment issue. The object of. the debate is proposition seven to be pre sented to the voters of the state on the November ballot. The amendment to the constitution provides that reapportionment shall give some representation weight according to area. Gerdes, speaking for the amendment, commented, -"There must exist some provision by which the minority can be heard" Continuing, he pointed out, "The proposition giving sole His main objection to mod ern American education is its "failure to develop human personalities and potentials." Society, he feels, is respon sible for developing children and youth, not through the school of hard knocks but by providing experiences which are deeply challenging at a point of individual readiness. WTiy, he asks, should stu dents be expected to merely absorb material? Separating the intellect from the person ality is unintelligent, serves no educational aim, and is vicious in encouraging the notion that "if one takes it upon himself to be a student he cannot at the same time be a human being." Dr. S a n f 0 r d also feels a sympathy for administrators. In a speech given last March at the National Conference of Education, he stated "It would be a fine thing if col lege presidents could be he roes. If they cannot be, what with all the shopping, house keeping and trouble shooting they have to do, they must at the least behave so con sistently with our basic val ues that they can be ignored, or taken for granted by stu dents on the assumption that all is well. College presidents have to be wise and just and good men without expect ing, or getting, any credit for it." Dr. Sanford hopes for a general advance of knowl edge, progress in profession al schools, more research to outline programs for progress and indicate failure of present programs, enlightened public criticism, and, most of all, "peroration on value for the individual and for the use of intelligence in the quality of life." Dr. Sanford, who is the Di rector of the Institute for the Study of Human Problems of Stanford University, is com ing to the University of Ne braska as a part of the na tional meeting of college and university counselors. His visit is supported by the Convocations Committee and the Research Council. Folsons Increase Painting Reward Mr. and Mrs. Arnot Folson have added $300 reward to the $200 already offered by the Nebraska Art Association for information leading to the recovery of valuable paint ings stolen from Morrill Hall. Junior IFC Selects Scott as President Members of the Junior In terfraternity Council (Jr. IFC) selected officers Tues day night in the Student Union. They are: president, Brent Scott, Delta Upsilon; vice president, Shelly Krizelman, Sigma Alpha Mu; secretary, and treasurer, Ron Gouchen our, Acacia. Thursday, October 25, 1962 Hears weight to area is recognized in most other states, and even in the Federal government." Gerdes explained, "We can not return to a two house leg islature to solve the problem. The constitution of Nebraska requires that all legislative houses be based solely on population."" "In 1925 the state was bas ically rural, bow it is more urban, Gerdes said. "Anoth er problem concerns the boun daries for redistricting,' Ger des continued, "It cannot be argued that county lines are the only practical lines to fol low." "Basing redisricting solely on "population would necessi tate crossing county lines and splitting counties into differ ent districts, Gerdes ex plained. Concluding, Gerdes said, "Legislation is basically the art of compromise. It was in this spirit the amendment passed the Senate." Boyles Objects Mayor Pat Boyles strongly objected to Gerdes' argu ments. "Legislative reprsen tation is not the art of com promise but rather a basic constitutional right." "It is not constitutionally fair that 39 of the people in this state have a controlling majority in the legislature," he argued. "I have strong persona feelings that I should have a full vote for my state senator not just a one-third vote, Boyles confined. Further explaining his stand "The citizens of Omaha demand an equal voice in the legislature as a matter of principle." 'Doesn't Apply Here' "The fact that consideration of area is grven to states in the national government does not applv to the individual state legislatures," Boyles said. "The Federal constitu tion was written to give equal representation to sovereign states joined in union, 'ihe state legislatures do not rep resent sovereign bodies they have complete control over the functions of the counties, unlike the federal govern ment's relationship to the in dividual states." In replying to the question whether area should be given any weight, Boyles quipped, "I recognize the right of peo ple to be represented, but not at the expense of others which the current proposal on the November ballot would do.' "Most of the people, prob lems, and money comes from the eastern part of the state. Why can't they have propor tionate representation?" ques tioned Boyles. 'Welfare of State' In commenting on the sen ators' accomplishments dur ing the last legislative ses sion concerning reapportion ment, Boyles commented, "The state senate should be composed of men who have the welfare of the state at heart, and not just represent the people who they repre sent." Thus, according to these two gentlemen, those who fa vor the amendment feel that it was all the legislature would pass and therefore a legislative compromise. The opponents of the amendment feel that no com promise can be accepted. Emphasizes U.S. Faults Cuban Student Tells Radio Havana Views By TOM McGINNIS Nebraskan Staff Writer "Kennedy is going crazy. He has been completely in fluenced by the power hit country possesses and "wants to use it," is one of the state ments heard by Tony Rod riguez on Radio Havana. Rodriguez is a University sophomore from Cuba and has been following the Cuban situation very closely over the Havana radio. Castro and Khrushchev lave been issu ing many statements and opinions, which are quite different from what is known to be true to the Cuban people concerning the present situa tion. Rodriguez pointed out that in all speeches to which he has listened the United States has been continually called the aggressor. Castro once mentioned that the United States has taken aggressive moves against Cu ba "on the land, in the air, and on the sea.' Castro then stated that Cubans have nev er taken an aggressive posi tion; they have been con tinually on the defensive against "Pirate Kennedy". Rodriguez noted that one of Castro s favorite terms for President Kennedy is "Pi rate. In an address to the Cuban people, Khrushchev stated that Russia was sending arms into Cuba only to "protect the people against the Yankee Imperialists,1 noted Rodri- -guez. Rodriguez said that anoth er often repeated statement of Castro's, which is obvious ly not true, is that '"The United States is imagining things. There are no offensive weapons in Cuba. According to Rodriguez, Cas tro also has stated that the American people do not feel the same way about aggres sion that their government does, and revolution is bound to take place soon. When asked how the Cuban students on campus feel about the situation, Rodriguez stated, "The Cuban group has never felt that the United States should risk war over Cuba only. War should be risked only for the safety of the whole hemisphere. "It now appears that with the offensive weapon build-up in Cuba, the safety of the whole hemisphere is endang ered, and President Kennedy has taken the right step," he concluded. CD System Now Here An air raid warning sys tem has been installed on the top of Bancroft Hall, accord ing to a civil defense repre sentative. A siren increasing and di minishing in pitch means to take cover immediately. A monotone siren means to evacuate immediately. Uni versity evacuation routes are Highway six or "O" Street west to Seward. For cover, use the base ment or a hall in the middle of the building. Stay as far away from windows as possi ble. flUBVIVAL SUGGESTIONS: 1. Take cover 2. lroi to the floor. 3. Cover your faoe. 4. lx not roan outaide. 5. Avoid toot) and water Id open con tainer. 6. Uo not apread ronton. KNOW 1. How to flaw lire. 2. How to take aanitary precaution. 3. Home fiuraini. HUKVIVAi. EQUIPMENT 1. Battery radio toned to & or 1240 Jclloryckw. 2. Blanket!. 3. fcciuipment to diepoae of waate. 4. Flashlight with ireab battened. 5. Firat aid 6. Two wwk aupvly cf food. Bottietf "wa ter, and pork and toeana are auueated. 7. Rope, noae, anovel and Jmcaeta m and. Blasting Will Begin; Parking Is Eliminated Captain Eugene Masters of the Campus Police issued a statement that students should discontinue parking under the 10th Street -viaduct for a few weeks. Masters said that sand blasting will begin within the week, as a preparation for painting the viaduct, and cars could easily be damaged.