Ufvi''.miii!.--w-l Thursday, October 11, 1962 The Daily Nebraskan Page ,3 7 Can Hear Myself Think9 IE HIM CONTEST imz sue pro j nam vs ere? sm to He;nou pout car? 60 1 KAtfPIP Mf MOfHPe, CMC? 1 A ilSPk' T CkWr.0 m. aw TXP M5, 'AW Wf WAUT piifee. amp mors Use r )AfJT To KFKe w 5AH ID Me6JH0J AH I "SJHgRIMHW AW. wKk"' aud flicw aw to Me" CALL WO. See THEM liked Heef I ; 0tf flJT CAKE JF I IMCR've: NAM ,5 y-x auc r , i THAI J Vi 1 1 V-vvJ I V IT V I "esw 1 ft "Sw ISTARPCALLWSHERf WW AWO EMIM6 OP THERE IHSg CAST TfM5 r F01PH0? AT HER WATCH. X U SDTOEHtf THIS as? i cams; HER QVf AWrCfltlWT GET HeR HJ. FltWW THIS MOEWIW I KACHePBaWHWAMI ID SEE WI AW lieR.'iMBLWAUrWaaK'- me CARS iFUivece. Unions To Offer Dance Lessons Free dance lessons are be ing offered In the Student Un ion every Thursday, begin ning tonight, from 7 to 8, for four weeks. The same lessons will be of- Niemano's WHERE DINING 1$ A PLEASURE 620 No. 48th fered at the Ag Union Wednes day evenings. The group lessons, spon sored by the Union entertain ment committee, will be giv en by Don's School of Danc ing. A representative of the school said the program would consist of regular ball room dancing and would be geared to meet everyone's needs. Those interested in parti cipating should sign up in the Union program office. UNIVERSITY MEN We have Set Asidejiooms at Winter Rates for Students for Information Call or Stop By CONGRESS INN 477-4488 Campus Calendar TODAY YOUNG REPUBLICANS meeting, 7:30 p.m., Student Union South Party Rooms. Mrs. Ralph Beerman and Jack Scheutz are guest speak ers. PEOPLE TO PEOPLE So cial committee meeting, 4 p.m., Student Union. BLOCK AND BRIDLE, 7:15 p.m., Ag Union. VARSITY DAIRY CLUB 4 p.m., Dairy Industry Build ing. ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA Pledging, 5 p.m., Student Union. FOREIGN FILM "Two Women" 7 and braska Theater. 9 p.m., Ne- NEBRASKAN WANT ADS POLICY Classified ads for the Daily Nebraskan must be entered two days In advance and must be paid for In advance. Cor rections will be made if errors are brought to our attention within 43 hours. PERSONAL If there are any Chi Phi'i on the Uni versity Campu or in the Lincoln vicin ity, please call the Inter-Fraternity Council Office, HE 3-7631. ARE YOU TOO MEEK OR FRIENDLY? If people are always stepping on you, let us turn you into a raging bully I Our School for Aggression teaches Judo, street fighting, how to write poison pen letters, 100 nasty words for everyday situations, and 20 mean ways to get revenge. FOR SALE 60 Cbevu Roman red, 348 eng., carber ization, positraction, 3-speed W. 0. D. CaU Eric Garwood 435-9078 or go to 1245 New Hampshire at 6 p.m. 1951 Olds. Good tires, mechanically sound. Call 43S-3273 ext. 399, 8 to 5, or 4664354 after 5. Charcoal gray blazer size 36, S10. Navy pea coat size 36, $10. Ph. 435-3340 after 3:00 p.m. or see at 3035 T St. APARTMENT FOR RENT Matrimony Wins! Leaves apartment va cancy Oct. 19 for male student. Block from ag campus, va per montn, in cluding laundry faculties. Dial 466-4508 evenings. RIDERS WANTED Rider or driver to commute from Omaha 5 days week. Call Rex, Omaha 391-9559. DANCE BANDS Dance to the big band sound. Ray Rose' now Orchestra featuring N.U.'s SHIR LEY NUNNS. the most in DRY CLEANING J STILL TIME ONE HOUR MARTINIZING PRICES I MEN'S ! Suits 1.25 ! Pants 65 J Sweaters 60 Sport Shirts 60 Sport Coats 65 i jackets 75 J Overcoats 1.85 ! SHIRT SERVICE LADIES' Dress (plain) 1.15 Skirts 65 J Sweaters .60 J Blouses .65 s Short Coats 1.00 ! Medium Coats 1.25 26th and "O" St. (Campus Location) and South Street at 16th (Off Campus Location) New 1-Hour Dry Cleaning No Extra Charge , ONE HOUR MARTINIZING ... the most in quality dry cleaning is in the "PERFECTED" onehour process ... by using the newest, most modern equip ment, and applying our own spotting techniques, deep-cleaning methods and carefully finishing your garments, ONE-HOUR MARTINIZING ASSURES YOU i Lonr Coats 1.35 Odorless Cleaning k Garments Stay Fresh Longer k Gentle, Individual Treatment for Your Fine Fabrics Sanitary Clothes Cleaner, Brighter Garments differ 1 mo,, in dry Claras- 1601 South Street 2601 "0" Street 2 Complete Plants FREE PARKING themttinD8VQrjWc, Oct. 26 is the final . j "j CLIP AND MAIL deadline for 1st Anv ! , & trtlV 1 DA,LY NEBRASKAN 'Semester mO'' Nebraska union i Subscriptions AjL j .university of Nebraska . j 1V LINCOLN, NEBRASKA f Ay r LET YOUR PARENT'S Send T' - Qfljp read all about Youk j COLLEGE IN THE STUDENT'S j . ! I for semester year. Find J DAILY ISKM !: ; J $3 Semester $5 Year r --J-- f 1 . for the new Husker Symbol Sponsored by: Tassels Corn Cobs Athletic Dept. Prize: Two Tickets to Homecoming Winners Named in Friday's Daily Nebraskan NAME HIM CONTEST NAME '- ... ....... .f.-i.j Your Name (Last) (FirsO (Middle) Address... Phone Deadline Thursday, October 11 Noma will be chosen an the basis ef originality and appropriateness Ballot Box Located In the North Entrance of Nebr. Union Read Nebraskan Want Ads I THL Campus tragedy. A 29-year old ne gro enters the University of Missis sippi and triggers the most serious challenge to constitutional law since the Civil War. LIFE reporters, under siege with U.S. marshals, give a first hand report of the violence when American fought American. And an article by novelist Lillian Smith dis cusses the lonely decision for right or wrong that every Southerner must make right now. Canaveral tri umph. Astronaut Wally Bchirra com pletes nearly six orbits to land on tar get. LIFE takes a look at American space hopes, finding the experts sat isfied with Project Mercury so far. But there's still a long way to go. Catholic milestone. For the first time in 92 years, the Pope has sum moned Church leaders to the Vatican for an ecumenical conference. For the first time in history, non-Catholic ob servers have been invited. Is a new era of Christian unity in the offing? As 2600 Church Patriarchs gather in Rome, LIFE examines the aims of the council in a detailed profile of Pope John XXIII. Cinematic headache. What happens when Darryl Zanuck restages the Normandy landings? LIFE shows that his prodigious ef forts rival those of the Allies in June of 1945 as "The Longest Day" creates filmland's longest headache. On the Cover. Pope John XXIII. Don't let another week go by catch up with LIFE. 11 v. i -. .,'-witasi "