HUSKER COLORING BOOK . ii i M Page 2 EDITORIAL Thursday, October 11, 1962 TEXT OF SPEECH . . . Guard Against Sub-Rosas I (EDITOR'S NOTE: One of the things which the "Old Guard" and several other stu- dents on campus have concerned themselves with has been sub rosas. Part of the .program. of elimination of these organizations from campus is that of indoctrination of freshmen to properly orientate them to the problems which sub rosa organiza- Hons have caused in the pa'st. The following is the speech given to Junior IFC Tues- day night by Don Ferguson, past president of IFC and former editor of the Nebraskan. The characteristics of these organizations and their members are stated bluntly, and one might caution readers not to classify good Greeks who may fit one characteristic as sub rosa.) I Speech by don ferguson Last spring, Harold Angelo, dean of men at the University of Colorado, made a very fine speech to Nebraska Greeks during Greek Week. In his speech he made ref- erence to sub rosas. "Subrosas are a cancer," he said. And he continued to compare organizations such as Theta Nu Epsilon and Pi Xi to a cancer in that they eat away at the structure and the inner-workings of the Greek system until it is dead. What is a sub rosa. You men are just entering the Greek system at Nebraska. You are just beginning to involve yourselves in this idea of fraternity and what its idealism . and brotherhood really are. At the present time, you probably are curious about sub rosas, you have heard about them, but you don't feel concerned. You men are the potential leaders of this Greek system. Many of you and your pledge brothers will be approached by members of these organizations. They will prob- ably make wild promises of a great fraternalistic feeling which in reality can best be described as drunkenness. A sub rosa is a group of men who are not satisfied with their own fraternity. They may have failed to get an office. They may have lost their respect through acts unbe- coming a member. So they feel they can get even with their fraternity brothers by be- traying them to a sub rosa. I It used to be that sub rosas would require you to divulge fraternity secrets. But anymore, they just thrive on disruption. These men seem to attract each other. Sub rosas have also caused the degradation of many individuals. I can remember when two houses on this campus faced internal destruction because of heavy infiltration of sub rosas. I can recall pledge training programs that were wrecked because the pledge trainer was a sub rosa. I have heard of house power strug- gles between the good guys and the bad guys the fraternalists and the disruptors. Sub rosa members have black balled a pledge because he didn't drink enough. In one instance that person was a brother to an active. Needless to say the house conflict that resulted was damaging. These are men who are constantly opposing the general goals of a chapter. They are men who are referred to as the old guard keep the Mickey Mouse in pledge train- ing. Why should we care about the development of human dignity? Why should we be concerned with the need for scholastic encouragement? Isn't a man really measured by how much he can take? Isn't he measured by how much he can guzzel? Isn't he measured by the type of smut that emotes from his mouth regularly, disregarding who . is around or where he may be? Probably the worst thing about this whole stinking mess of sub rosas is the fact that they are promoted and developed by alumni of this University and the fraternities. Prominent Lincoln businessmen, who, like many men keep cats or gardens, keep col- lege students. They give them money to print smut sheets their newspaper, which they claim is a builder for the Greek system. Constructive criticism, you ask? No. Just plain obscenity. The impression it makes on John Q. Public or Billie Nebraska Legislature is probably not what we need in our public relations program. But why men, who have left the University, who have gained prominent positions I in the city and state, who have attained financial success, who have built a good repu- tation for themselves, who claim openly to be builders of the University and many of whom are actively involved in alumni activities of the University or fraternity system I why do these men destroy their image, why do they tear down the Greek system from within while claiming to support it from without. This is the main question that we have all asked. But there has not been an answer given. So you might ask, what is the solution? The solution is the watchfulness of the Greek system and its members. The fraternities must develop the type of attitude and I atmosphere that will not promote this type of activity. Freshmen must develop a sin- I cere respect for their chapters. You must build, not destroy. All of us who love our I chapters, who believe in the good of the fraternity system, who want to see it in exist- 1 ence when we send our sons to school, must develop a watchful attitude. Sub rosas are on this campus. The midwest is the primary place where they now exist. Every national fraternity has public ally and in their constitutions stated that they will remove from membership any man caught associating in sub rosa activities. I Men will continue to pledge their fraternities, they will subscribe to the principles and goals and the constitution, then they will betray their brothers. This activity will con- f tinue unless men on this campus act to stop it. They will pledge men who want a thrill and think they can pull the wool over their chapter walls. But someday that wool will cause the collapse of those walls. They will disrupt pledge training until there are no I pledges to train. They will print smut about their brothers and their activities, about 1 their university and its faculty, until there are no future brothers, no activities. They will continue to lie to you and worse, to themselves. How these men can i live with their consciences is beyond comprehension. They will paint their emblems on steps, until more of them are banned from the University. They may be re-admitted, but their permanent records can not be changed. Files even indicate that sub rosa mem- bers have even been -denied admission to medical schools or promotions in the military services have been blocked because of their activity., So their acts really don't comple- 1 ment their personalities or their lives. f There is no place in our chapters for sub rosa sympathizers. f There is no place in our University for these disrupters. And you, the future fra- 1 ternity leaders, should pledge yourselves to fight it, each Greek should take it upon himself to see that his brothers, your pledge brothers, don't become involved. I even feel it would be a good idea if all freshmen pledges would sign a pledge upon their ini- I tiation or upon pledging, to never become associated with such activities. But don't think that all is doom. The things that I have talked about spell a pretty 1 black word for most of us. But they are the only major black marks we have. The college fraternity is not headed towards death or doom. I am confident that leadership will stop the continuation of these organizations and their sister organizations, and that the system will grow. Last year, Dean Parke, from Illinois, was also a campus guest. He talked to the old Jr.-IFC officers and all chapters. He left me one statement made by one of his fellow administrators: I "I suspect that fraternities will survive longer than I will, and in those spots where zealous administrators abolish fraternities, they probably will reappear ... An institu tion with the stamina to survive for more than a century may just possibly prove adaptable enough to last another hundred years, provided it makes itself a useful mem ber of a dynamic educational community. My thesis is that our educational system is undergoing a period of rebirth which must be encouraged if American society as we know it is to survive. Fraternities in my opinion can muster forces strong enough to impede, if not entirely to thwart this ren aissance. On the other hand, fraternities have the capabilities and I believe the obliga tion to actively promote the movement which brings education again to a preeminent place in our modern society." Fraternities can impede if not entirely thwart the advancement of education. We have been faced with rapidly increasing standards at our University. Pledge training is changing. Fraternities are placing more emphasis on the scholarship aspects. A new type of men are coming to school now. You have one of the strongest and most effec tive Interfraternity Council systems in the United States. But it needs support. Here again, is a place where sub rosas have, several years ago, hindered growth. But under John Nolon and his fellow officers, Nebraska fraternities have an excellent future. The task or challenges rest on you and your chapters. Work together, build to gether. Work with your institution. Dr. Ross, Chancellor Hardin, deans and administra tors. They are not anti-fraternity as many would lead us to believe. They have a job to do. They have a university to perpetuate. We have a job to do. It is our university, too. Would we thwart its growth? Would we hinder its development? I think not. With one last thought, I will close. Remember that fraternity is an' ideal with high goals. That idealism must not be lost. But along with that idealism must go realism- and dedication by each one of us to do our part in the building of a better Univer sity and system. . Thank you iVf Discrimination: Is It Not Serious? To the Editor: After reading your edi t o r i a 1, "Discrimination Style" (0"t. 4), Daily Nebraskan SEVENTY-SECOND YEAR OV PUBLICATION Telephone 432-7631 ext. 4225, 4226, 4227 Member Associated Collegiate Press, International Press Representative, Na tional Advertising Service, Incorporated. Published at: Room, 51, Student Union, Lincoln 8, Nebraska. Enters as mnd class matter. mU pa at the wt fflua la I Jnonln, Nebraska. Ttia Dally Nftbraskan la published Monday, Wednesday, Thnrsdst and Friday during the ichool year, exeept daring vacation and exam nerloda. and ones during August, by students of the University of Nebraska under the nuthorlza tlen f the Committee en Student Affairs as an expression student opinion.- Publication under the Jurisdiction of a MkconuBUIft en Biuoent FuDileatlons shall It free Northe-n Style" (0"t. I felt that it contained a fairly accurate summary of the racial . prejudices that do exist on the NU campus. But the one point in the editorial with which I differ is "we have no serious prejudice problem at the University." Do we need martial law on our campus before we . admit that the problem is serious. Isn't it serious when a person who is at the age in life when opinions are formed that will endure throughout life becomes ' embittered, cynical, pessi mistic, prejudiced, un friendly and begins to sus pect that maybe some of the derogatory .belief s about him may be true as a result of constanly being stiffled in every form of interaction with other stu dents? Isn't it serious to be stared at by unsophisticat ed people to the point where you look down to see if your fly is open? Isn't it serious when a person earnestly asks "do you tan as a result of sun ning yourself?" Isn't it serious when all the positive attributes pos sessed by you for the making of an attractive person and personality are canceled out by the fact that you are a Negro? Isn't it serious when a person who enjoys your company tells you "they'd rather not be seen talking to you?" If these experiences be fall one person, then isn't it important to society or the country as a whole? But when we realize that experiences such as the ones mentioned above will be encountered by nearly every Negro who attends the University and schools like it throughout the coun try for the indefinite fu ture this is very seri ous. i No Negro after having experiences s i m i 1 a r to these is still capable of making the same contri bution to society that he was potentially capable of before having these best forgotten experiences. When we consider the magnitude of the loss that society will suffer as a direct result of Negros be ing discriminated against and resenting it, I say it is serious! If enough people agree with what I have said, the situation may improve. Otherwise, the only good accomplished by Meredith in Mississippi is that Ne groes may now have the right to attend school there under the same cir cumstances that now exist at Nebraska. I do not think that when Meredith decided to en dure the atrocities he has in Mississippi that he was from editorial censorship en the part of the Subcommittee or on the part -f any person outside the University. The members of the Dally Nebraskan staff are personally respoii" for what they say. or do, or cause to be printed. February I, IdSi. 14th & R EDITOttWL STAFF E""0'' Jim Forrest Managing Editor Dave WohMarth Sports Fdlto. mck Akin Copy Editors ... Linda Jensen, Susie Rntler, Lynn Corcoran Staff Writers Sua Hovlk, Gary Lacey, Karen Ounllcka Junior Staff Wrilera Ai Spore, Jim Moore, Susie . . . Bmllhberger. Tom McGlnnls Photographer Rosemary Bmallwood Reporters Diana Corner, John Rleacr BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager John Zeilinger Assistant Business Managers . . .BID Gunllcks, Bob Cunning. , ham, Tom Fltchett Circulation manager Jim Trester hoping , for his efforts to result in a situation like the one here at Nebraska. If I am wrong on this point, I feel that Mere dith is a fool. I do not think that Mere dith is a fool but I do think the discrimination at NU can accurately be called SERIOUS. Sincerely, Ronald Moore. (Editor's Note: The quote you refer to was made by a faculty mem ber of the University's ad ministration. We do feel that the problem here is serious and feel sorry for anyone who does not think that it is. And if the ma jority opinion feels that it is not serious, we feel sor ry for the country.) Third-Man Theme Dear j.j.g and a.g.b.: I've been following with interest the war of opinions which has been raging 'twixt the independents and the Greeks in the Daily Ne braskan and I would like to throw my hat into' the ring as somewhat of a hybrid. , I joined a national social fraternity while attending college elsewhere last year. Since then I've transferred to this Unviersity where there is no chapter of the fraternity to which I belong. This "man without a coun try" situation has placed me in a third-man position with regard to those involved in the current argument. From this vantage point of being neither a Greek nor an independent or be ing both, have that as you will, I have made some ob servations and have some questions which may be of interest. First, a fraternity is an organization of young men, designed to further human relationships and give the individual something with which to identify. And, if you will notice, a non-Greek when asked about fraternal affiliations will usually state emphatically and proudly, "I'm a GDI." And by doing thisthe independent acknow ledges that he identifies himself with a group com prised of individuals with common interests or char acteristics. Now, independent, what is WTong with the Greek sys tem? It merely performs the function that the GDI group performs for you. Perhaps while you are answering this question, you should also examine your motives for so loudly decrying the Greek system. It couldn't be that you feel left out, could it? Okay, Greeks, how about a little introspection on your part? Does your particular or ganization really meet the stipulations set forth in your charters and by-laws? Are you really function ing in the manner intended by your founders, or have standards slipped through the years? If there is nothing rotten I 1 iia-vKj i I ' j j A SHIRT WITH AN OXFORD ACCENT British inspired, all-American admired . . . Arrow's "Gordon Dover Club." Medium-point, button-down collar is softly rolled for unstilted shaping and fit. Tailored with traditional placket front, plaited back in cool cotton Oxford. All American trimly tailored to look clean-cut, to feel really nuortable.."Sauuorized,,.labeIed keeps it that way. $5.00. -ARROWS FOUNDED 1BB1 in your state, I feel you de serve due credit; but if things are slipping, I also feel you should meet your responsibilities. I've also been wondering if somedne could tell me what, if any, are the sound foundations of the disagree ment, or is it a case of the Greek yelling "ya, ya, ya you're out of it" and the independents throwing rocks at glass houses just to be throwing rocks. I also wondered if ten sion would ease if Greeks and GDI's alike would hold each other in the light that Abraham Lincoln did when asked about a certain book: "PEOPLE WHO LIKE THIS SORT OF THING WILL FIND THIS THE SORT OF THING THEY LIKE." Yours truly, Michael P. Cartwright KUON-TV Shows Debut Next Week 'This New House" and 'Chal lenge' will debut on Univer sity television KUON-TV next week. 'This New House' which be gins Tuesday at 7 p.m. sur veys important political and economic developments which have taken place in Western Europe since the end of World War II. Atomic energy is the sub ject of 'Challenge.' The show, to be launched Thursday at 7:30 p.m., explains the hope ful and destructive sides of the atomic energy commis sion and takes viewers on a tour of the projects at Ar goone National Laboratory in Chicago. This is y tOUJlyJ r Nijf OMUWE "TOE toiAEn, fT W SnMCTW To To ucm SfcK, Read Nebraskan Want Ads c3 CifiCc! (Author of "1 Wat a Teenage Dwarf," "The Many Lovet of Dobie Gillii," etc.) HAPPINESS CAN'T BUY MONEY Can education bring happiness? This is a question that in recent years has caused much lively debate and several hundred stabbings among American college professors. Some contend that if a student's intellect is sufficiently aroused, happiness will automatically follow. Others say that to concentrate on the intellect and ignore the rest of the personality can only lead to misery. I myself favor the second view, and I offer in evidence the well-known case of Agathe Fusco. Agathe, a forestry major, never got anything less than a straight "A", was awarded her B.T, (Bachelor of Trees) in only two years, her M.S.B. (Master of Sap and Bark) in only three, and her D.B.C. (Doctor of Blight and Cutworms) in only four. Academic glory was here. Her intellect v.:is the envy of every intellect fan on campus. But was siie happy? The answer, alas, was no. Agathe she knew not why was miser able, so miserable, in fact, that one day while walking across campus, she was suddenly so overcome with melancholy that she flang herself, weeping, upon the statue of the Founder. By and by a liberal arts major named R. Twinkle Plenty came by with his yoyo. He noted Agathe's condition. "How come you're so unhappy, hey?" said R. Twinkle. "Suppose you tell me, you dumb old liberal arts major,1! replied Agathe peevishly. "All right, I will," said R, Twinkle. "You are unhappy for two reasons. First, because you have been so busy stuffing your intellect that you have gone and starved your psyche. I've got nothing ngainst learning, mind you, but a person oughtn't to neglect the pleasant, gentle amenities of life-the fun things. Have you, for instance, ever been to a dance?" Agathe shook her head. "Have you ever watched a sunset? Written a poem? Smoked Marlboro Cigarette?" Agathe shook her head. "Well, we'll fix that right 'now 1" said R. Twinkle and gave her a Marllwro and struck a match. She puTed, and then for the first time in twelve or fifteen years, she smiled. "Wow !" she cried. "Marlboros are a fun thing) What flavor! What filter! What pad- or box! What a lot to like! From now on I will smoke Marlboros, and never have another unhappy day!" "Hold !" said R. Twinkle. "Marlboros alone will not solve your problem -only half of it. Remember I said there were turn things making you unhappy?" "Oh, yeah," said Agathe. "What's the other one?" "How long have you had that bear trap on your foot?'! said R. Twinkle. "I stepped on it during a field trip in my freshman year,"! said Agathe. "I keep meaning to have it taken off." "Allow me," said R. Twinkle and removed it. "Land sakes, what a relief!" said Agathe, now totally happy, and took R. Twinkle's hand and led him to a Marlboro vendor's and then to a justice of the peace. Today Agathe is a perfectly fulfilled woman, both intellect wise and pereonalitywise. She lives in a darling split-hve! house with R. Twinkle and their 17 children, and she still keeps busy in the forestry game. Only last month, in fact, she became Consultant on Sawdust to the American Butchers Guild, she was named an Honorary Sequoia by the park commissioner of Las Vegas, and she published a best-selling book called vm a Slippery Elm for the FBI. lm Mia The maker of Marlboro art pleated that Agathe It finallg out of the woods and to will you be If your goal U tmoklng pleasure. Just try a Marlboro. '(