The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 21, 1962, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Friday, September 21, 1952
Brown for Governor
History has given each age and cri
sis throughout mans tenure on this earth
men who are able and willing to rise,
confront and defeat the forces of evil.
We- all know of these brave. nrble, and
farighted individuals.
Today we s a state arid the free
nation as a community are confronted
by problems more serious, complex, and
intensive than our forebearers ever en
visioned. Yet, at a time when strong
unerring and wise guidance is most
seeded few men have risen to the task.
Of these men some nave proved them
selves incompetent and a few are in
the process of doing ficb right now. Our
only hope, then, rests with someone, who,
if given the opportunity, will straighten
this whole damn mess out-
We need a leader ho is able U take
the burdens of our state with self sacri
fice and nobility. We need a leader who
is able to withstand the rigors and
taunts directed at his office with a phil
osophical attitude and a determination
to improve.
Where are we going to find this
mac? I say that Nebraskans need not
look any further than our everyday life.
The man we need is with us at this
very moment and eager and willing to
give us the benefit of his vast experience.
The more astute of you will already
know about whom 1 am talking, but for
those still in doubt: Citizens, I give you
the messiah of the Twentieth Century,
Those of us who are familiar with
Charlie tbe sagacity of my choice be
comes immediately apparent, however, a
few words (even though the roost com
plimentary adjectives win not be suffici
ent) should be directed to tbe few re
maining sceptics.
Nobility, self-sacrifice, and the abil
ity to meet a challange are so associated
with this man that we fail to view them
as admirable qualities, rather we accept
them as commonplace.
The record, however, is there for us
to examine. Charlie Brown, the man
who piloted his baseball team through
65 straight kisses over three seasons and
lost tbe final game through his error.
The losses are immaterial compared with
the qualities shown by Charlie during
tbe worst crisis. The fact that he has
learned to accept defeat and still come
back for more is overshadowed only by
his ability to accept responsibility in the
face of tremendous odds.
Charlie Brown is the man to continue
leading as down the road of mediocrity.
In this sense he is no different from the
present administration, however, Charlie
will do so with the dignity which our Re
public deserves. He will make no apol
ogies for doing what be believes is right.
He will make no concessions to the
forces of normalcy and insipidness. He
will face these with tbe courage and de
termination of a great Governor, and,
when be is defeated be will not bow his
Charlie Brown is the only person
capable to continue leading us down the
road in the proper manner.
Nebraska needs you Charlie. No long
er will we have to select our state lead
er from the better of two evils we'll
have the best.
The need is apparant, but it is up to
us as citizens to find tbe answer. Where
can e start? The road is certainly
rockv and uphill for the battle ts not
only "with ev ils of tbe "spoils" system but
also with organized ignorance such as
Grand Island's Think and Act commit
tee. We start right here in our front
yard. Nebraska, the " white spot" of the
nation is the state to carry Charlie's
banner to victory. Certainly far-sighted
and informed citizens such as we have
here will grasp this challange and not
pass what may fee our last opportunity.
tB. N.)
Grilled cheese and pea
nut butter sandwiches
cost the same as ham
bergers in the Crib only
because you get chip? and
"slaw on a big plate.
I (Sandwich alone is a
1 dime cheaper than a Un-
ion hamberger.)
Tbe city Union doesn't
j irake mere ironey in a
day than the Ag Union
1 does in a month. How-
i ever, it used to be that
1 way up until IS months
I ago.
I City Union admits Jo
I the question concerning
I friendliness. Reason: 7
staff members serve 5.0)0
s customers daily Ag un-
I ion's 5 serve 1.0M. (Un-
ion plans to issue its em-
ployees nam? tags.
Lights in tbe Crib are
dim because tbe lighting
system is incomplete.
I 4 Seems they are waiting
I for a "dimming" board
H to arrive.)
1 Campus
SKY SHOW. "A trip to
Venus," Ralph Mueller Plane
ftarium, Morril Hall 2:45 p.m.
CERES, transparent worn
fan. University Health Gal
I'eries, Morril Hall basement
10:30 a.m. and 3:45 p.m.
notes m nrotest: an answer
Messiness of Crib is ad
mitted and is blamed bn
the usual inefficiency oi
the staff at tbe start of
a new j'ear . . . confused
student employee situa
tion. Also, students must
be blamed for a great
deal of the mess . . .
must yon students put
cigarettes out on seri
cushions, over tur a
drinks on the tables, play
the upside down cup full
of water trick, etc.?
(Editor's Note: Tbe
above is a series of an
swers to a list of ques
tions directed at the Un
ion rscnagcmenL Most of
the questions that ap
peared in yesterday's Ne
braskaa were 2fir sd
based on hearsay, but
were asked in print to
clear up many misunder
standings concerning the
Union's management.
prices, activity, etc., that
many opperclassmen and
freshmen alike were com
plaining about this last
week. Anything bothering
yon? Try asking someone
who knows about it. It is
a very effective method.)
k '. -J ; -. J. i Si
'sin tni uotie
Open Letter to Team, Coach
In about 27 hours the
Huskers will taue to the
field against South Da
kota. It win he the first
game of the season. It
will be the first game for
the new and bigeer foot
ball team. It will be the
first game for a fine new
coach and staff. It will
be fiie first game for an
excellent, new Athletic
Director. What more
could Cornhuskers want?
It is with this in mind
that the Nebraskan staff
takes this opportunity to
send its best to the 1902
Husker football team and
staff. The University has
never fielded a finer team
thanks to their excep
tionally hard work and
the dedication and en
thusiasm of Coach Devan
ey and Director Dye.
Nebraskans here and
elsewhere in the nation
will be watching confi
dently this season. They,
and we are fully behind
the Huskers. Spirit in an
ticipation of the Univer
sity's greatest season will
be at its highest Satur
day as the Scarlet and
Cream takes to the field.
No one doubts Nebraska's
potential, talent or form
ability this fall ... no
one, least of all, we the
Reports from the prac
tice field tell of a new
Husker spirit among the
players. Its not the nor
mal team that has been
pushed around the grid
iron in years past. They
now work as a unit, a
team in its full sense.
This editorial may seem
to be aimed at inspiring
both team and fans, but
its not they don't need
it. Rather, it is addressed
to the players and their
coach from the Nebras
kan staff as the official
voice of student opinion
of confidence in this
year's team before the
season starts. I suppose
that it would of been been
sufficient to repeat the
feeling of the campus,
state and Nebraskans ev
ervwbere GIVE 'EM
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31ember Associated Culleglate Press,
International Press liepresentatlve. Na
tional Advertising Service, InrorporatM.
Published at: llootn 21, Student Uniua,
Lincoln , Nebraska.
Daily Nebraskan
Tlmrttmt mm Triti 4orta the Ml rt. no Guia
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