1 Page 2 EDITORIAL Thursday, April 12, 1962 The New Dean .By Choice or Chance? Chancellor Clifford Hardin has an nounced his decision for the successor of J. P. Colbert, Dean of Student Affairs. The decision to name Dr. G. Robert Ross to the position has been met with mixed reactions on the part of students across the campus. We would like to discuss, briefly, some of the facts behind the selection and criticisms. According to Dr. Hardin, the decision was difficult to make. All three of the candidates were deemed very capable and in many respects equal by the board and those who interviewed him. All three were young men, had earned their doc tors degree in specified areas. All three men came to the University for inter views and were highly recommended. Several students speculated that the Dean was selected by ouija board, a de vice consisting of a planchette and a board with alphabet and other symbols. It is a device used in spiritualistic seances to convey the hidden meanings and give one the right answers. After talking with the Chancellor, we can see that this is not the case. We have been made aware of the fact that there will be several changes in the func tions of the Division of Student Affairs. The Chancellor and the committee felt that there had to be a good administrator in the position. They felt that he should come from a similar situation bearing comparable authority and responsibility. Dr. Ross has been their selection. He bas a sincere maturity, is able to meet and work well with people, and is fairly progressive in his outlook on education. He feels that activities, living groups, fra ternity and sorority chapters all have a place in the total educational picture. He is also in favor of corrective discipline and is not opposed to the tribunal as such. He does reserve opinion as to ef fectiveness, but was not familiar enough with Nebraska's to make a judgement. What will Dr. Ross's responsibilities be? He will supervise housing, admis sion:;, Junior Division, scholarships; he will coordinate Student Health, Student Union, foreign student activities. In short, any activity which deals with the student. Dr. Ross does believe in the fraternity system and its potentials.' He feels they should constantly work to develop their position on the campus in relation to the total educational pattern. He was not af filiated at Texas A and M as they did not have fraternities. However, Dr. Har din pointed out that his record with fra ternities at Ball Stale has been impres sive. The decision has been made. Dr. Rob ert Ross will succeed Dean Colbert. Only the formal approval of the Regents re mains. Dr. Hardin is very enthusiastic over ths prospects of a revitalized Student Affairs under Dr. Ross. Those of us who have been critical of the selection should consider the fact that a great deal of time, effort and money not to exclude the experience was extended to make the right decision. We are certain that the Chancellor has made that decision. We are also hoping that there will be a more enthusiastic approach made in Student Affairs. We hope students, who have ideas on the function of that office, will not be afraid to express them to the Chancellor's office. They are now in the process of making the decisions as to its functioning, and we have been re-assured that student opinion will be appreciated. SCBC Slate Lack of Independents The Student Council Betterment Com mittee (SCBC) has released its slate of 13 candidates. We would like to point out the fact that only ONE of those slated was an independent, and that a good number are also on the IFC slate. We are, hc-'ever, concerned over the lack of qualified independents on the SCBC slate. Why weren't more slated? Was it a lack of interest on the part of the in dependent student? Was it a lack of ap plicants? Was it the failure of active sup port from RAM?. We are pleased to note that the SCBC this year looked not just at potential; but that they went further in seeking students with background and interest. It appeared to us last year that these ingredients were, for the most part, neglected. Now the field opens and the candidates move out into their campaign. A special orientation session is slated for tonight in which the candidates will hear a short pep talk from President Steve Gage and learn of rules from Don Witt. Candidates will also be given Nebraskan information forms for onr series on the candidates. The next event in the election is the Monday session with Edward Garvey, president of United States National Stu dent Association (NSA). We were pleased 1 to see the Council mandate the All-University convocation and equally pleased that the Administration accepted. Next Wednes day the Council will meet one-hour ear lier to discuss affiliation with the NSA. Continuing the election calendar we point out May 4. The Nebraskan will pub lish a special political election supplement to discuss the candidates and the issues in the election. The election is the following Monday, May 7. The SPEAKEASY SPEAKEASY. There is a new magazine a-brewing on our campus. It's called the SPEAKEASY. For a short time there was a conflict over whether or not the book would be allowed under Publications Board provi sions. But the book Las finally cleared that hurdle under condition. The first issue, expected to be ready for sale next week, will be weighed very critically by the board for its content, its financial structure and need. If it is deemed A-OK by the Board they will be allowed to continue publication. We are very enthused over the maga zine. The SPEAKEASY contains humor, satire, literary efforts, short stories, car toons, and all of the ingredients of suc cess. It also carries a low price-tag. It has stories about campus events; campus personalities. It does fill the need. Nebraska is one of the few colleges without a college HUMOR magazine. A few years ago the CORNSHUKS died, partly due to finances and "smut" content. But now we have the SPEAKEASY. Why not try it. Dean Selection By Ouija Board? JUT f 7T7V I Fri. 1 - - . S-:: I i. 9. " -i --JT s-.Vjt V-V -J. J. Lend Me Your Ears Friends, scholars, coun trymen, lend me your ears. I have come to bury language, not to praise it. Walk across the campus in any direction, listen to the speech of every student and faculty member. Can you under stand every word they say? Of course you can. We have spoken English since speech was possible. In the Student Union, for example, you see a sen ior girl pat her tummy, she says, "It belongs to Tom and I." Of course, she should have said, Tom and me, but we know what she meant. Yes, we can understand English, write a letter to momma, and read a let ter from our sweethearts. We make gross errors in grammar. Many of us cannot work the mechan ics of English. But is that important? Of course not, because we can be understood sometimes . The University realizes that all students who can talk fast enough to get into college know enough English to last them the rest of their lives. For example, note that in the Arts and Science catalog three words and four fig ures outline the entire English requirement. But then, Administrators in industry recognize that all students who graduate cannot communicate, and they provide night classes to teach their employees a little practical English. Thus, the University is justified in not bothering to require enough Eng lish. Our students ignor ance is profitable to the textbook industries who know that students do not know about mechanics and grammar and save money by not hiring an English proofreader. They can publish books with many mechanical mis takes. Docs this stupid ity matter? Nah, some of these illiterate books pass from hand to hand year after year and no one ever notices their mistakes. What do we do with them? We study foreign grammar. That is re quired. The foreign-language department re quires practically every student to take semesters and semesters and sem esters of their languages. Of course, they realize that anyone, whether he has ever gone to school or not, could acquire a speaking knowledge of any foreign language by living in the country for a short time. If he can not, he has not lived with the natives and does not need to learn it anyway. On the other hand, the foreign-language depart ment can never teach a speaking knowledge oi it in the classroom. The University realizes all this but still outlines carefully In its catalog, in four hundred words plus fifty figures and more, exactly how a stu dent cannot escape tak ing a foreign language. Every student has, In ef fect, a "minor" in a for eign language. The stu dent cannot escape that minor unless he can ob tain a grade of 6 in the fourth semester. Why not this requirement for English, and since we are pressed for time cheat the foreign language not English? Of course, , we cannot do that either what a pity. Yes, when a student graduates from college, he is able to write home to momma in a foreign language. Of course, momma cannot read the letter and will not send the ten dollars it re requested, but maybe that is the purpose of the foreign language depart ment. Is something wrong here? Do we really have people who believe that a foreign language which cannot even be spoken in the classroom is more important than English which is used very day? There are such people, and we must spend not two hours outside of the hour classroom in order to pass their courses, but beaucoup de l'heures of memorization which is almost useless in actual speech for the average student who finds himself in a foreign land or anywhere else. If the av erage student cannot write and speak perfect English after sixteen years of school, he will not learn an unspoken un heard foreign language in the few hours a day avail able for a foreign tongue. Why not teach only foreign literature? We should feel cheated with out that, but teach gram mar in grammar-school. (Continued on page 3) the menninger approach to mental illness: no patient s Fur filn A patient at the Menninger Hospital had been hate-ridden for years. So the doctors let her work off her 8nger by hitting golf balls. And it worked! In this week's Post, you'll learn why the Menningers feel no patient is hopeless. And you'll read case histories from their files. TA Saturday Evening APRIL M IMUE NOW ON SALE, ilffllWIWMW f i.'Jy'Mf' k Jv W r: Vu Uf.i Mr I Best, Haass, owcchts, oM8muiJJc UJ' A .... VJLi: IT FfSHMGPOi.ESMD MANY OTHER C 'iti. OBJECTS. AND ITS RATe OF GROWTH -.'.. .7 T f. is OFT6H AN INCH PR HOUKJ X- W jaCfc LIVING LIGHT X Bob Luke Suggests that you tfiiarantee the results of your education by insuring the investment you and your parents have made in your college course. GUARANTEE MUTUAL LIFE Daily -Nebraskan Member Associated Collegiate Press, International Press Representative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated Published at: Kosni 61, Student Union. Lincoln, Nebraska, 14th A R Telephone HE 2-7631 ext. 4225, 4226, 422? SuburiptloH ram mn l wt nmeanr W far ita a0Knrn'o year. Entered mwn4 fllara matlr at Uw pod offloa Ml tjMalM, NrhrRka. undnr Ihn aoi of Aurust 4. IHIS. SEVLNTY-ONE OLD The Dally Vfhrattkan it publlHlied Monday. Wadnittdayt : Thur"da nd Pridnj durlni the irhoci) fear, einept during varatHtm and mm per tods (n etudetite of the Unlvjreity of Npbmttka undfr aatharitatlon m the Commlttr oo Rtudpnl flfatre a an vprpRlon af muriont opinion. P ibUntton iindftt the turlridlrtlon of the Aubrommitiee on Student Publication aliall be free from editorial eennomhlp oti the par of the ftuhrnmmlttfp or on the purt of any peraoi en tn (rip the iinlveralty The mpmhpri of the Dllr rVphrnittan taff are pprnonall) reiipnnfllhle for what tfter aaT, or do. or "nnie tr hp nrlnred Ffhrunr H, lftS5 BI'HIN'KSK S I AIT BuHlnPM MntmrT Hit) Cimllrka AftslHiunt HiiNlnpfti Manavrra John ZcillnifiT, Turn F-'ltchptt. l Bb ('uiinliiKhiifq ClruufcUoo Mun aver j,m iruator pfffBFLteS WBQE VSPO as HAIR ADO&MMEN TS 771 E$4Y NOT START A COLLEGE FUND WITH SAWVGS SOWS 7HCe'S NO SETTER WAY TO HELP YOOR COUNTRY TODAY and yov YOUNGSTER TOMORROW 'f BOOK REVIEW 'The Naked by jim woodson College students today are well aware that Com munism exists. They know it constitutes Democracy's deadliest rival for men's minds. But do they know how it functions or what its ac tual goals are? They tend to shy away from the obscure complexity of texts on this ideology be cause in the drawn- out list of names, dates and platitudes they normally feel they are only groping about in a vacuum of un known quantities. In this light, it is en joyable and rewarding, to say the least, when one occasionally finds a con temporary author capable of making his subject live for the reader. Such is W. Cleon Skou sen, who has recently published his tenth edition of The Naked Communist, a bright, interesting and comprehensive study of Communism from i t s birth to present-day activ ity and ultimate goals. This book begins with the teachings of Marx and Lenin, carries its reader on through the Russian Revolution, World Wars I and II, the tragic story of China, Korea, the UN, and up to date with the RB 47 and U-2 incidents. Skousen attributes h i s facts well and succeeds in keeping his reader in terested. T ji e book is printed in large, easy-to- -read type and fairly brief chapters so that the read er can pick it up again later without backtrack ing to refresh his memory of what has already trans pired. The author has lectured on Communism at many state and national conven tions. He attended school in three different coun- Communist9 tries Canada, Mexico, and the United States, and also spent two years in Europe. He also served for 16 years with the FBI and then became Director of Public Services at Brigh am Young University. The author took a leave of absence in 1956 to serve as Chief of Police in Salt Lake City and, completing that assignment in 1960, became the Field Director of the American Security Council in Chicago. The Impression this writer had, after reading The Naked Communist, was that Skousen pre sented a fairly accurate picture but still was unable to completely cover up his stand as a "super, patriot." An interesting sugges tion for the press, brought out in this book, and more or less shedding a little unintentional light on Skousen's beliefs reads: "Use quotations from American patriots for box stories and fillers." . If the reader examinej the book with this in mind, a large amount of know ledge can be acquired to help him understand the actions of the Communist Party today. STUDENT EDUCATION Association (UNSEA) has elected the following new of. ficers: president, Sharon Ma clay; vice-president in charge of programming, Steve Honey, vice-president in charge of membership, Jan Quible; secretary, Gwen Showalter; treasurer, Sue Blevins; and historian, Betty Alberts. (Author of "I Wat a Teenraoe Dwarf", "The Many LovetofDobit GiUit", ele.) CRAM COURSE NO. 2: BIOLOGY The grisly shadow of final exams looms over us, so today hi this column instead of merry quips and homely saws, you wiU find hard facts quick cram courses to help you through the ordeal ahead. Last week I gave you a rapid survey of Modern European , History. Now let us turn to Biology. Biology is divided into several phyla, or classes. First is the protozoa, or one-celled animal. All life stems from the one celled animal. Over a spaceof millions of years, life slowly evolved until today we have animals with as many as 12 cells. Some larger mammals claim they have 14 to 16 cells, but yo fcnow how larger mammals lie. The second class of animals is the periphera a shadowy category that borders often on the vegetable. Take, for example, the sponge. The sponge is definitely an animal. The washcloth, on the other hand, is definitely not. Next we come to the arthropoda, or insects. Most people, of course, find insects fairly repulsive and yet, if one will but look, there is exquisite beauty in the insect world. Who doei not remember the lovely insect poems of William Cullca Sigafoos such enchanting lyrics as Tuvilling Along with t)i4 Tumbling TvnMt bug, Fly Gently, Sweet Aphid, and GnaU My Mother Taught Me. Mr. Sigafoos has been inactive since the invention of DDT. Our next category is the mollusea lobsters, shrimp, and the like. Lobsters are generally found under rocky projections on the ocean bottom. Shrimp are generally found in a circle around a small bowl containing cocktail sauce. Marlboro Cig arettes are generally found at any tobacco counter or vending machine. What have Marlboro Cigarettes got to do with biology? Well, actually, not very much. It must I remembered, how. ever, that the makers of Marlboro pay me for writing this column, and they are inclined to get surly if I fail to mention their product. Mind you, I enjoy singing the praises of Marlboro and so will you once you try that flavorful tobacco, that fine filter which lets the flavor come through undiminished. It is a great pleasure to smoke Marlboros and a great pleasure to write about them, but sometimes, I must confess, I find it a bit difficult to work the commercial into the column. Some yeart ago, for example, I did a piece about Alexander the Great, and, believe you me, it took a heap of stretching to drop in a plug for Marlboro. The way I finally managed it was to have Alexander go to the Oracle at Delphi and say, "Oracle, I have conquered the world and tasted all its pleasures, but somehow I am not content. I know that somewhere there must be joy I have not yet experienced." To which trie Oracle replied. r r 1 'Yea. Alexander, there i mwh a inv hi. ,i., : : a. yet. I refer to Marlboro Cigarettes which will not be invented for another 2500 years." Whereupon Alexander fcU into a sulk I sold a lot of cigarettes with this ingenious commercial, but the gang down at the American Academy of Arts and Letter gave me a mighty good razzing, you may be sure. But I d.gress Back to biology, and the most advanced phylum of all -the chordata, or vertebrates. There are ta H JwJT W whn" rut, horizontal!' and those iwhose backbones run vertically. Generally, there . no great difficulty ,n distinguishing the two varieties. A fish! for instant has ahonzonW backbone, and a man haviti ai backbone. Occasionally, however, you run into a problem-likl a fish who swmns upright and a man who spencFsZTof S time m the nek. How, in such a case, do you teH one fr m another? SV.enoe struggled with this sticky qj m Z 2 tunes, but finally Sigafoos of M.I.T. came up will, . brimJX simple answer. Offer the creature a MariKf i 1 a fiJ'RS t a.? 0"u Kr'v1 wil1 In f"i sapiont, ine quicker the iKiecrttancp