The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 12, 1962, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    ' ' ' Friday, January 12, 1962
Page 2
The Daily Nebroskan
Entertainment Due:
Groups Defy Gold
Apparently the icy winds and sub-freezing tempera
tures have not frozen everyone. Despite the weather
and the accompanying temptation to stay home nights by
the fire, a great many efforts are presently formulating
to rouse the campus population out of their hibernation
for a great deal of entertainment.
Selections for the annual Coed Follies show were
made last night by the Associated Women's Students
v (AWS) as what seemed like hundreds of girls flocked
to the Student Union to participate in the tryouts. The
show is slated for Feb. 23 where the Cornhusker year
book will take the opportunity to announce the 1962
beauty queen and eligible bachelor finalists. The com
bination of the skits and the fresentations should be
welcomed by all after a rather slow season entertainment-wise.
Kosmet Klub, undisputed leader of those who at
tempt to entertain the students and faculty by develop
ing home grown talent, will be announcing the cast for
their spring production of "Guys and Dolls," the second
half of their yearly presentation. If past productions
are any indication of what lies in the future, an evening
' of professional-like entertainment will .await everyone
March 31.
Another group is also engrossed in bringing more en
tertainment to the campus at the moment. We are
speaking of the Student Union workers in the Talks and
Topics and Special Activities organizations. The earli
est entertainment is the appearance of satirist, author
and lecturer Richard Armour next Thursday. The spe
cial Activities group will present entertainer Ahmad
Jamal February 8 after second semester gets under
way. These two events only add to the constant forms
of entertainment available in the Student Union.
"All in all it appears that the spring thaw has al
ready arrived on campus dispite the snow and below
zero temperatures. These are the things which make
University life constantly interesting as well as profita
ble outside the classroom.
What's Happening?
By Dick Stuckey
Final exams always bring a certain amount of con
fusion, but this year that has been added to by certain
errors in the final exam schedule.
The administration has asked that we print, once
again, that officially corrected day-by-day test pattern
for your use. Be yet not dismayed.
Tuesday, January 23
9-12 a.m. Classes meeting at 2 p.m. 5 or 4 days, or MWF,
or two of these days.
2-5 p.m. Classes meeting at 2 MWThF or any of
these two days.
Wednesday, January 24
9- 12 a.m. Classes meeting at 9 a.m., or 5 or 4 days or 10
a.m., 3 or 4 days, T-Th., and-or 9:35-10:50, W-F,
T-Th, SMTWThFS or one of these days . . .
2-5 an. Classes meeting at 2 p.m. Wed. or any or these
two days.
All sections of Economics.
All sections of French 69.
All sections of Spanish 51-53
All der classers auf der German eines, zwei, drei.
Omnia sectionus Latinorum VIII, IX.
Thursday, January 25
8- 12 a.m. An classes meeting at classes meeting at 9 a.m.
, 2-5 p.m. All sections of Journalism.
7-10 p.m. AH sections Soc. 53
10- 3 a.m. All sections of Home Economics you-know-what
Friday May 30
9-twelve a.m. an sections of english, B;
2-5 p.m. Memorial Day service
Saturday, January 27
9-12 a.m. Special meeting of faculty committee on regis
1 tration.
2-5 p.m. Football, Wyoming, here
Sunday January 28 .
9-12 a m. Faculty kick-off tea for second week of fi
nals. Speaker, Dean Fowles. Theme: "Lets
Not Let Up Now."
2-5 p.m. All sections of Criminology.
7-10 p.m. sStudent organization meeting concerning final
exams. A-G, social science basement; H-K,
Field House tunnel entrance; S-Z, Andrews
. HaU shrubbery. Do not wear white clothing.'
We have had trouble with this in the past.
Manday, January 29
9-12 a.m. Classes meeting at 11 a.m., 5 or
. 1 any two of these days.
i 2-5 km. Classes meeting at 1 p.m., 5 Or
MWF, or any iwo oi we&e uajo.
Tuesday, January 30
9-12 a.m. Student Victory party. . moT1
2-5 p.m. Special Faculty meeting to discuss phenomen
- al 67 per cent grade increase. Freshmen Eng
lish staff explains complicated "sinking scale
Wednesday, January 31
9-12 a.m. Postcards begin returning
2-5 p.m. Faculty Victory- party. Speaker. Dean Fowles.
t Theme: "The Last Laugh.:
Monday. February 5 .
- 8 e m A funny thing happened to me on my way to the
SVuSV 120 'more dropping days until
finals. Better student than prudent.
I '-pi 1 ASSESSMENTS i '
j . ' W7 j !
I illifl iV&Hl HA L fMtmM
days, or
days or
Daily Nebraskan
ltmm AMoeUt. CoIlerLte Pr.. IntentIoi,l Frew
rSlk&ei at: Boom II. Student Union, Mnwta. Nebti.k.
..ti... rrK t.lttl ext. 422S, 4Z2(, 4227
I.wMi4 twKteiH lot " m turn
Norm Ptty
&j' mm V.V.V.V.V.V. a "'
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Pir-t ItiW Hrnftllkrtib
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? .f f-i-HyttiQ n ............... . .... Pm4 RnMlflT
. ,. ,,. fivaM mm Wdr atm, CWr Brtkiwf. Tvm KstoM,
"" Hik riaclwira. M Bnrik
Bcsnnoa itaf
umi iMiMl isMWCun.a Jota UAUmr, Bill Otmltrka,
Sfw Fictcs .
Oiif 0 Tie IFooJs
..... By Jim Forrest
On FiKjiis and Things
It's now 1962. This in it
self is not 'too startling of
a statement. However, if
one thinks ahead in pen
spective, it is not to hard
to see
that '' this
p r O'm
ises to be
anythi n g
but drab.
M ac
beth's c o m-'
m e n t
life and . Forrest
how it creeps from day
to day in its petty pace
signifying nothing will
certainly be out of place
this year as it was last
and will be in the future.
There is nothing petty or
insignificant about a
struggle, not only for
power, but for life itself
when it encompasses the
entire world's population.
On" the international
scene, 1962 will probably
be a rubber stamp of 1961.
The United States and the
system of democratic
countries are not about to
give up the struggle for
freedom any more than
the Russians and the com
munist bloc are ready to
halt their erosion of de
mocracy nor ebb their de
sire of world conquest.
War? I don't think so.
Now days it is much
harder to start a war than
in ages past. Subtle slaps
in the diplomatic face
doesn't start world wars
any longer. As has been
said by the President and
others the real danger is
from within . . . mass
hysteria. Such groups as
the John Birch Society
and Minute Men are such
dangers from within. It is
groups like these that de
stroy national spirit and
confltence in not only
America's leaders (refer
ring to D w i g h t Eisen
hower as a communist)
but in our fellow country
men by tabbing every
shadow as communist.
This gives the number of
communist in this country
and the party as a world
organization super human
powers that they do, not
have. These "nationalis
tic" organizations c o m
pare and do as much
(Continued on page 4)
$305 "0" ST.
Look For The GoWen ArcttM
Pure Beef Hamburger. ,15
Tatty Cheeseburger . . .19
Triple-Thick Shakes . . .20c
Golden French Fries . . .10c
Thirst-Quenching Coke. 10c
Delightful Root Beer . . lOe
Steaming Hot Coffee . .10c
Delicious Orange Drink . 10
Refreshing Cold Milk . .12
Audiences in Lincoln
during 1961 viewed a com
plete range of films. Some
outstanding, truly creative
productions appeared dur
ing the year. Let's con
sider "the Ten Best of
From January 1, 1961
to December 31, 1961, the
ten best films to play a
regular run for the gener
al Lincoln audience are:
FANNY, Warner Broth
ers presentation of the
center of Marcel Pagnol's
trilogy of Marseilles wa
terfront life, beautifully
photographed by Jack
("Sons and Lovers") Car
diff and directed by Josh
ua ("Sayonara," "Pic
nic," South Pacific") Lo
ONE, the most exciting
adventure film of the
year, a Columbia Pictures
presentation of a plot to
destroy the German gun
placement at Navarone,
starred Gregory Peck,
David Niven and Anthony
Quinn and was directed
by J. Lee Thompson.
Century-Fox presentation
of the sordid, dramatical
ly intense world of pool
sharks and their personal,
potent lives, directed by
Academy Award winner
Robert ("All the King's
Men") Rossen.
a Lopert Films, Inc., pres
entation of the delightful
tale of an American's at
tempt to "free" a Greek
prostitute from the deca
dence of her profession,
directed by Jules Dassin,
also co-star and author.
passionate, brutal, yet ten
der, delicate western of a
different vintage, ! set
against the Monterey sea
coast, and directed by
actor-star Marlon Brando.
SPARTACUS, a Unlver-sal-International
tion of the epic of the
year, the truly human
story of the slave revolt
against Roman tyrany, ex
cellently directly by young
Stanley ("Paths of Glo
ry") Kubrick.
GRASS, a Warner Broth
ers presentation of an or
iginal William ("Come
Back, Little Sheba," "Pic
nic") Inge screenplay of
restless, impatient youth
in Kansas during the
1920's, excellently direct
ed by Elia ("On the Wa
terfront," "A Streetcar
Named Desire," "Gentle
man's Agreement," "East
of Eden"T Kazan.
Warner Brothers presen
tation of Australian sheep
men and the struggle for
survival in this, our last
frontier on earth, direct
ed perceptively by Fred
("High Noon," "From
Here to Eternity," "Okla
homa!",. "The Nun's Sto
ry") Zinnemann.
Lopert Films, Inc., pres
entation of the struggle
between two powerful in
dividuals for the com
mand of a Scottish regi
ment post, directed by
Ronald Neame.
sy Pictures presentation
of the abosrbing, power
ful drama of a mother's
anguish in war-town' Italy,
directed with skill by ac
tor Vittorio DeSica. (this
film played Lincoln first
run in a drive-in theater.)
The best: "The Hustler."
The best performances
by actors in films during
1961 were:
Warren B e a 1 1 y for
"Splendor in the Grass,"
Charles Boyer, Horst Buc
holz and Maurice Cheva
lier for "Fanny," Alec
Guinness and John Mills
for "Tunes of Glory,"
Charles Laughton and
Laurence Olivier for
"Spartacus," Paul New
man for "The Hustler,"
and Sidney Pokier for
"A Raisin' in the Sun"
The best: Alec Guin
ness. Actresses of the highest
caliber during 1961 were:
Leslie Caron for "Fan
ny," Bette Davis for "A
Pocketful of Miracles"
(United Artists), Greer
Carson for "Sunrise at
Campobello" (War
ner Brothers), Audrey
Hepburn for "Breakfast
at Tiffany's" (Para -mount),
Deborah Kerr
for "The Sundowners,"
Sophia Loren for "Two
Women," Melina Mercouri
for "Never on Sunday,"
Lilli Palmer for "T h e
Pleasure of His Company"
(Paramount), Jean Sim
mons for "Spartacus,"
and Natalie Wood for
"Splendor in the Grass."
The best: Sophia Loren.
Supporting actors who
gave outstanding per
formances during the past
year were:
Lee J. Cobb and Sal Min
eo for "Exodus" (United
Artists), Keir Duella for
"The Hoodlum Priest"
(United Artists), Peter
Falk for "A Pocketful of
Miracles," Jackie Glea
son, Myron McCormick
and George C. Scott for
"The Hustler," Pat Hing
le for "Splendor in the
Grass," David Opatoshu
(Continued on page 4)
Friday, January 12
"The Eccentrics"
$1 Person
fl" 02 V BD IT
Saturday Jan.
13, 2:00-5:00
Sunday Jon. 14, 2:00 - 5:00 7:00-10:00
Liveliness and luxury at a low, low price!
1. j rr...
llW"'wiiiiiwiiIWii,.l,iWi.ltiH,ii ..rmmmmmnK
d i. - ft I
1 11 Iff
L --ii:-.: - - J. 1
1! , i H-A 7
liL 1 ii
czzirr" , 'j
' ""-L'111 P''"l'PWiuii m at iiiwiaiiiiiia ..liiiiiiriimiiiiiliilii .H . . -"'Uuw,,-
A top-down picture hi January?
Sure! We simply couldn't wait to
show you the easiest-to-own Cbev
rolet Convertible you ever flipped
top over! Get a load of that
broad-loop carpeting, the elegant
instrument panel, and the leather
like vinyl on those bucket seats
up front. We call it Fisher Body
finesse. What else will you find?
Plenty of zip, for one thing, from
a spunky 6. Plenty of room, too.'
And the ride's firm, but ever ea
gentle, thanks to new Mono-Plata
rear springs. Go see how inexpen
sively your Chevrolet dealer can
put some June in your January
with Chevy II!
Chevy II was jnd to (he ted
by the men who knov cart bed"
r-.-, r ""i
L 1
Optismd at ertru en. An
ml at Mow Stmt Cam
See tlx not Chevy 11 ci your bed tw&orisd Chazokl dealer's Ossop Shopping CczZr