The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 05, 1961, Image 1

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Vol. 75, No. 41
The Nebraskan
Tuesday, December 5, 1961
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E. W. Simpson, University public health Oda Mulholland, during the annual food
engineer, (left), demonstrates the salt test inspection Dec. 4-13. Salt is sprinkled on a
to Sigma Alpha Epsiloo first cook, Thelma wet glass. At places where t& salt won't
Dodson, and housemother (right), Mrs. stick there is a grease film.
Pu b lie Health Engin eer
Inspects Food Facilities
The Public Health Engineer!
. 1 1 TT .! J A - - T7 J .J tlf I
ai me university, niuwaiu m.
Simpson, will personally in
spect the 'eating facilities of
all housing units on the cam
pus during the next week and
a half.
Operating on a daily in
spection schedule through
Wednesday (Dec. 13), Simp
son will check food storage,
preparation, handling and
serving and garbage disposal.
"A full report and recom
mendations on the eating fa
cilities of each housing unit
will be sent to the house pres
ident, housemother, alumnae
advisor, the Division of Stu
dent Affairs and filed In the
Public Health Engineer's of
fice. :
The prevention of illness
and accidents through such
inspection measures saves the
individual student time and
money, noted Dr. Feunning.
He also pointed out the eco
nomical advantages from the
standpoint of reducing the de
mand on University health
Next spring, Simpson will
again inspect the eating fa
cilities and all other parts of
the living units.
Housing Code
With the development of
the Division of Environmental
Health and Safety as part of
the University Health Serv
ice, a housing code for stu
dent residences was formu
lated. Four basic principles have
guided the University's con
cern about the kind of hous
ing provided for its students.
Generally healthful housing
must supply:
1. The basic physical
health needs;
2. The basic mental
health needs;
3. Protection against con
tagious disease; and
4. Protection against acci
dents. These general standards
of a healthful environment
for University students are
specified in the Housing Code
approved by the University
of Nebraska Board of Regents
on April 22, 1958.
The code, administered by
the Division, is applicable to
all dwelling places for Uni
versity students.
All housing units meeting
the code's requirements are
registered in the office of the
Division of Student Affairs.
Thnse units which come with
in its provisions have until
Sept. 1, lifts, to compiy witn
the requirements.
The purpose of the Housing
Code is to establish minimum
standards governing the con
dition and maintenance of
of dwellings and supplied
utilities and facilities. It is
also aimed at fixing certain
responsibilities and duties of
end occucants of
dwellings and authorizing the
inspection or such dwellings.
According to Dr. Feunning,
the chief objectives of ' the
over-all health Including both
the Housing Code and the En
vironmental Health Code, pro
gram are the nrevention of
accidents and illness, and the
maintaining of students'
"The supporting aspect to
ward accomplishing this goal
is a healthful environment,"
said the medical director.
By controlling the factors
in the environment we live
in such as housing, food, and
water we can accomplish
these objectives, he ex
plained. Developed to raise the
standard of living for Univer
sity students, the code has
"gone a long way in main
taining their health," said Dr.
Feunning. .
"We have had good coop
eration from all houses in
making gradual changes," he
"We have noticed a definite
elimination of certain of the
illnesses that plagued us
when this program started,"
commented the medical di
rector. For example, acute gas
troenteritis (diarrhea) once
plagued whole housing units.
The illness is more of a rarity
now. ,
"This and other Illnesses
have been essentially elim
Administration Proposes
Expansion of
"The possibility of expand
ing the 10th and T parking
lot next February is the only
action the University is con
sidering now for alleviating
the parking situation," said
Steve Cass, chairman of the
Student Council parking com
mittee. In a report to the commit
tee last week, Chancellor's as
sistant James Pittinger re
ported that "no other meters
will be installed in the near
"Also, no expansion of
parking is planned for the
eastern sector of city cam
pus," Pittinger said, "since
area No. 2, Nebraska Hall,
17th and Vine and 16th and
Student Plan
May Affect
City's Future
A series of drawings of ex
isting structures of merit in
Bridgeport, Conn., by Rich
ard C. Farley, University jun
ior in architecture, may be
come an important factor in
the future development of that
The art work has been pub
lished in a special report to
Bridgeport's Chamber of Com
merce and Citizens' Action
Committee. It -was accom
panied by a critical examina
tion of the city's congested
central business district by
Patrick Horsbrugh, professor
of architecture at the Univer
sity. Horsbrugh was retained by
Bridgeport to conduct a
thorough study of the city's
architectural and planning
The professor requires all
students in his civic design
class to take part in "'Obser
vation Lincoln," a project in
which the students seek out
and present interpretive draw
ings of architecture worm sav
ing. Horsbrugh said the prob
lems of Bridgeport are some
what similar to that of Lin
coln's downtown shopping
inated as a result of the rais
ing of the standard of opera
tions," said Dr. Feunning.
Eating facilities can be a
common route for the trans
mission of organisms, he ex
plained. To prevent the spread of
microorganisms via the food
route, all food handlers, such
as cooks and bus boys, are
required to have a food hand
ler's card as a requirement
for working in a registered
housing unit.
. Food Card
The card certifies that the
food handler has had a chest
X-ray, a review of his health
record, and that he has at
tended food handling lectures
sponsored by the . University
Health Service.
These annual lectures ori
entate food handlers on how
microorganisms may spread
and their prevention and pro
vide basic information on the
proper and safe handling and
serving of food.
10th St. Lot
Vine lots are usually from
one-half to one-third empty."
"The real parking prob
lem," said Pittinger, "is that
every student wants to drive
to the front door of Social
Sciences to park his car, an
impossibility under any cir
cumstances." New Lot?
Questioned about plans for
a new lot to replace the
Area No. 1 lot which will be
eliminated by the construc
tion of the new dorm, Pittin
ger said that "the University
has no plans for a lot near
the new dorm" since there is
not enough land in the eastern
sector of city campus for one
to be built.
In a report on the availa
bility of campus parking tak
en in the week of Oct. 30 to
Nov. 3, Capt. Eugene Masters
of the campus police reported
that 30 to 75 parking spaces
are available on city campus
during the peak Monday and
Wednesday, 9-12 a.m. rush
"The total," he said, "ex
cludes the 150-200 spaces in
the Nebraska Hall lot."
"Only two lots on the city
campus are consistently full,"
Masters reported, "the 10th
and T and the South Selleck
"Although in the peak times
of Monday and Wednesday
morning, the North Selleck,
the metei lot, the viaduct
and the 16th and Vine lots
have been full," Masters add
ed, "there was always space
in the Forberger, the 13th
and Avery, the 17th and Vine
lots and the Nebraska Hall
Explaining some of the in
crease, 117 more freshman
and 51 more sophomores have
been issued stickers this year
than last, while 77 fewer jun
iors, seniors and graduate
students purchased stickers
this fall to date.
The freshman will not be
deprived of his car, how
ever," said Pittinger, "as he
has been on some campuses.
We believe it is the job of
the parent, not the University,
to discipline or further re
strict the student.
To Meet
Interested students will
meet Wednesday at 7 p.m. in
the Student Union to form the
Nebraska Chapter of the Col
legiate Council on the United
Nations (CCUN).
The meeting will be held as
a result of last week's meet
ing with Jed Johnson, Na
tional Field Representative of
the CCUN, said Bill Buckley,
state chairman of the CCUN
and Student Council member.
Last week's student meet
ing was an exploratory ven
ture to discover the extent of
student Interest in studying,
discussing and supporting the
UN," Buckley said.
This Wednesday's meeting
will also discuss the Midwest
Model United Nations spon
sored by the CCUN to be held
in St. Louis at Washington
University March 29-31, 1961.
"Students interested in ap
plying as a delegate or who
have alreadv applied should
attend," Buckley said.
"The Midwest Model U.N.
is designed to stimulate in
terest in international affairs
and to give delegates a better
grasp ot the work or tne
U.N.," he added.
"Adlai E. Stevenson, U.S.
representative to the UN, has
been invited to address the
first plenary session of the
Model General Assembly.
Other speakers will Include
officials of the UN Secre
tariat, a former member of
the U.S. Mission to the UN,
and a past president of the
In a straw vote taken at
Student Council meeting
Wednesday, 15 Council mem
bers indicated their interest
in either joining or working
with the CCUN.
Jim Samples, the Univer
sity's representative to the
CCUN in New York City in
November, said then that
"the purpose of the CCUN is
to inform students about the
UN and what delegates to the
UN had observed.
Late Hours for Ball
The Military Ball rates 2
a.m. hours for University
coeds according to AWS
president Jeanne Garner.
However, any girl receiv
ing late minutes the night
of the Ball receives an au
tomatic campus. Special
permission Is also necessary
for any coed planning to go
home Friday.
Ball Tickets
Available Now
Ticket sales for the Military
Ball will continue Monday
through Friday of this week.
People wishing to purchase
tickets may obtain them from
12 to 4 p.m. either at the
main entrance to the Military
and Naval Science building or
the main ticket booth of the
Nebraska Union.
Student Solves Treasure Hunt
A fire extinguisher case lo
cated in the Student Union
art gallery outside the Pan
America room, has been dis
closed by a perceptive
searcher as the niding place
for the Military Ball treas
ure, an expense-paid evening
to the Military Ball.
, Raymond Grandon, sopho
more in Arts and Sciences,
found the hidden envelope Be
hind the fire extinguisher m
the Art Gallery Monday.
Grandon said that he looked
at the fire extinguisher twice
before he finally thought to
look behind the extinguisher
inside the glass case. He said
that he hadn't planned on go
ing to the Military Ball, but
he was going now.
He won $7 for a tuxedo, $7
for dinner for two, $9 for
tickets and expenses, and $7
for flowers, a total of $30.
The clues given up to the
point of discovery are as fol
lows: Tuesday, "To get "Out
of This World" you must
realize, The proper thing to
do is to Unionize;" Wednes
day, "Go to the Crib, don't
hesitate, Remember the Ball
is December 8;" Friday,
"You'll find Glen Miller is the
very best, Go take time out
for a little rest;" and Mon
day, "Near the Male Gender
sign is the place that you
should be. You can still buy
Re-evaluation of System
Is Greatest Challenge
Facing Greeks: Ferguson
. By Tom Kotouc
"The greatest challenge to
the fraternity system today
is the need for each fraternity
to constantly re-evaluate its
Bentley to Talk
On Shakespeare
Gerald Bentley, a scholar in the field of Renaissance
literature, will present the Montgomery lecture Monday on
the topic "Shakespeare's Plays and Shakespeare's Theatre."
The lecture is open to the public and will be at 4 p.m. in
Love Memorial Library.
Bentley received his Ph.D. from London University and
is presently a Murray Professor of English at Princeton. He
has been a Guggenheim Fellow twice, in 1944-45 and 1957-58.
and a Fullbright Fellow m England in 1952-53,
Bentley will also lead dis
cussion at classes Tuesday.
Tuesday morning he will
speak to' speech and drama
students at Howell Memorial
Theater and Tuesday at 3
p.m. he will speak to an Eng
lish class in 115 Andrews.
He has written "Jacobean
and Caroline State," a
seven volume history of the
stage during Shakespeare's
later life and during the peri
od of Ben Johnson and Beau
mont and Fletcher.
He has also written several
other books on Elizabethan
and English literature, includ
ing "English Literature His
tory" and Modern Philology.
Bentley has taught at a
number of schools including
Illinois, Chicago, Princeton,
California Tech, Cambridge
and Birmingham.
His interests range from
classical Roman literature to
Renaissance architecture and
the modern theater.
The Montgomery Lecture is
presented each year by the
University Research Council.
The Union talks and topics
committee is assisting with
the preparations.
Lecturers during past years
have included Carl Friedrich,
government; Karl Shapiro, po
etry, and Hans Selys, medicine.
Prof. Esquenezi Establishes
Prize for Spanish Essay
Twenty -five dollars will
be awarded annually to t h e
winner of the "Latin Ameri
can Prize Fund," established
by Professor Roberto Esquen-ezi-Mayo
of the Romance
Language Department.
This fund has been set up
through the University of Ne
braska Foundation and will
be awarded each year to the
writer of a winning Spanish
essay. Its purpose is to im
a ticket for a very tiny fee."
The two remaining clues
were as follows: Thursday,
"Decorations at the Ball are
really works of art. In the
picture room is where you
should have had your start;"
and Wednesday, "Find the
small glass door, take a little
peek. If the prize isn't there,
you can't find what you
The treasure hunt winners
and others attending the 1961
social season opener, the Mill
tarv Ball, this Friday night
I will dance to a style of music
J . v. I
V A 1
s if iy
position in relation to the edu
cational pattern of its Uni
versity," said Don Ferguson,
president of the Interfrater
nity Council (IFC).
Ag Students
Confer with
Nearly 500 College of Agri
culture students have pre-reg-istered
for the annual Pro
fessional Opportunities Con
ference to be held at the Ag
College Thursday afternoon.
It is anticipated that over
three-fourths of the Ag Col
lege students will take advan
age of the opportunity to talk
wih persons working in 50
different fields of agriculture
and home economics.
Students taking part will
have a chance to attend
group conferences conducted
by persons in four different
fields. In addition, students
may -schedule personal inter
views with certain represen
tatives on Friday and Satur
day, according to Charles
Adams, chairman of the
planning committee and as
sistant professor of animal
Guest speaker at the event
will be Chester Peters, direc
tor of placement, Kansas
State University, Manhattan,
Kan. He will speak at t h e
Thursday evening banquet.
prove understanding of Latin
America and its language.
The subject of the.essay will
be announced for each aca
demic year by the Depart
ment of Romance Languages
It is to be submitted no later
than March 1 and should be
between 1000 and 1200 words
in length.
Any undergraduate student
of the University of Nebras
ka, with preference given to
those students whose native
language is not Spanish, may
compete for this award.
that has remained popular for
almost twenty five years.
The music will be provided
by the Glenn Miller . OrcheS'
tra under the direction of Kay
Featured with the band is
the versatile instrumentalist
Lenny Hambro. H a m b r o
joined the McKinley group as
the result of the "Miller re
vival" which began ten years
after Glen Miller lost his life
McKinley was faced with the
job of bringing together imi
sicians who could recreate the
sound and the spirit of the
original orchestra.
McKinley and Hambro had
been previously associated
when Hambro played with
McKinley's Orchestra as first
clarinetest, jazz altoist and
flutist. Since that time Ham
bro has had the opportunity
to record with other bands
and eventually. began record
ing exclusively with Savoy
Records with a small jazz
band of his own.
At the time of the reorgan
ization of the Miller Orches
tra under? the, leadership of
McKinley, Hambro was re
cording his first release on
Columbia Records. However,
when offered the chance to
work with McKinley again he
The music of Hambro's for
mer quintet will be featured
at the Ball.
As one of four- University
representatives to the Na
tional Interfraternity Confer
ence (NIC) in Boston, Nov.
30-Dec. 1, Ferguson predicted
that "with the steady growth
of the fraternity system in the
last ten years, and with pres
ent expansion plans of na
tional fraternities, the fra
ternity system has just started
to make its most progressive
movement in its history."
Attended by some 700 under
graduates, graduates and ex
ecutives of 62 national fra
ternities and deans of c o I
leges, the NIC acts as
a strong advisory and coor
dinating group for the the fra
ternity system.
The key topic of the NIC
was expansion," said Fergu
son. "Delegates believed that
within the next few years the
fraternity system will expand
greatly, tne university and.
the Big-8 to figure promi
nently in this expansion."
Strong System
John Nolon, another d e 1 e
gate to the NIC said that
"the IFC and fraternitv sys
tem at the University is one
ot tne stronger systems in the
U.S. .
"There is very little in new
ideas for the fraternity sys
tem that our IFC has not
used or adopted," he added.
Pointing tn a S7.SA0 hnWt
that had been adopted at the
nil for public relations work
within and outside the frntor.
nity system, Ferguson said,
h is time that we quit
spending time to defend the
few criticism that are leveled
against us and begin selling
the geed aspects of the fra
ternity which the public hears
little about.
"Founded as supplementary
to the educational institution,
there is little argument with
the fraternity's program in
character and personality de
velopment, with its atmos
phere conducive to good schol
arship, with its constructive
pledge training program, and
with its social and intramural
Positive Aspects
"These positive aspects of
fraternity life will be empha
sized in area public relations
workshops, a NIC public re
lations handbook to be pub
lished and in a National Fra
ternity Day to be developed
and supervised by the NIC,"
Ferguson added.
Ron Gould, another dele
gate, said that "numberwise,
the fraternity system with
over two million undergrad
uate members has never been
"Our IFC sponsored a well
received morning coffee hour
at the conference with the
executive-secretaries of all
national fraternities r e p r e
sented on campus," said
"We explained to them the
strength and functions of the
fraternity system at he Uni
versiy, of which we could
give an excellent account."
Delegate Roger Myers said,
"In comparing our IFC with
the ideal IFC's projected at
the conference and with that
of Oklahoma State, which was
awarded the over-all IFC rec
ognition for 1961, 1 see no rea
son why this IFC cannot
capture the 'outstanding' title
for 1962."
Nolon said that the Frater
nity Management Association
(FMA) suggested for the Uni- '
versity to meet all the criteria
outlined for such a program
at the NIC.
"Our program was much
respected and used as a mo
del for discussing such pro
grams there," Nolon said.
One unique practice which
the IFC at Oklahoma has
adopted is the substitution of
an IBM machine for a rush
week," Nolon said. "The ma
chine matches the rushee with
the house in what Oklahoma's
IFC president calls a 'flaw
less' success."
"The University especially
is being Viewed by several
national fraternities as a site
for immediate expansion,"
Ferguson said. "National rep
resentatives will be on cam
pus within four to six months
to survey the campus and
make a decision on colonization."