The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 14, 1961, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1961
Page 2
The Daily Nebraskjn
A Tribute to !
John K. Selleck 1
The University of Nebraska has progressed at an 1
almost unbelieveable rate over the past 92 years in the
area of educational facilities, qualified instruction and
aids in obtaining a well-rounded educaton.
The accumulation of specific achievements is not 1
credited to any single individual or group of individuals. I
Our institution today is a result of individual efforts and J
contributions taken collectively.
Certainly one of the most outstanding individuals
whose name has been practically synonomous with the f
University for the past 40 years for his work as a Uni-
versity administrator is John K. Selleck.
Dr. Selleck (an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws j
in 1957) was graduated from the University in 1912 and
ten years hence he was back to stay with NU. s
Although Selleck's efforts contributed greatly to the
overall expansion of the University, Jus greatest accom-
plisnments are evidenced on the athletic side of the insti-
tution. His first big project as a business manager of the
athletic department was the raising of $500,000 to build
Memorial Stadium which opened in 1923 and helped the
Husker athletic department to'regain financial stability..
This dvnamic individual did not become complacent
at this point, however. He undertook the responsibility
of constructing the Coliseum against some dubious pre- 3
dictions that the building could never be filled. As he I
put it, "I was sure I would never see it filled. I was I
convinced it would be known as 'Selleck's Folly' ". To I
day, twenty five years later, Selleck wishes he had made
it larger
.Nebraska's Field House was also built during his
term as athletic business manager.
A. fact probably unknown to many is Selleck's con-
nection with the founding of the annual Band Day. He
noted the empty seats in the stadium and hit upon the
idea of inviting various community bands. The rest is I
history. Band Day evolved and spread throughout other
universities and colleges in other states.
The venitle Seueck ws not nnisnea wini nis conm. n nnm
buUon to the University after all these laccomphshments. Dorm Dames
In 1941 he was named as the Iniversity comptroller and iBoo Edilorai
in 1944, became the corporation secretary to the Board
ZMJ!l&JtfZ2l LD,Ver- I We a JSStf N.U.. are
sny purenauiS, nuam-uig uu u..uu.s
. .u v v v v 1
Selleck reached the heigh of his career when he
became the chancellor of the University in 193. He held
his temporary position tor wyears wnue a searcn
rnnHnMMi fnr a nermanent
I torial" in Tuesday's paper.
Active in civic affairs today at the age of "2, Selleck You .say, that it is not
will receive the Lincoln Kiwanis Club's Distinguished your purpose to widen the
Service Medal Friday. Although he is still the corporation split between Independents
secretary of the Board of Regents and a member of the and Greeks. Then just ex-Lincoln-Lancaster
County Planning Commission, Selleck actly what was your pur
wiO soon see retirement. pose? Perhaps it was to an
. We are sure we express the opinions of the campus tagonize the lowly "dorm
population when we congratulate this outstanding indi- I ies." jf So you have sue-.
viauai ior an outstanding jou. iue pioicss w uu
institution is truly indebted to the accompiisnmems oi
John K. Selleck, "Mr. Builder" and leading citizen of
this University and state.
Tax Institute
Communication Probleni
... . . , . s
During the last session of the Legislature, Sen.
Richard Marvel, Budget Committee chairman, -empha- I
sized two major problems in the job of allocating funds to
th. University: (1) Getting the facts and (2) Communi-
eating una information. ,
In order to promote these objectives Marvel sched-
nled record number of "facWinding" conferences with 1
the University, and also, backed a successful proposal I
to hire a fiscal liaison agent who would spend consider-
?;jrr5 tte maet of ,ute Mgamt 0B 1
Thus Sen. Mard does not appear to be taking his
own advice when he comment on a University project,
such as the Tax Institute workshops, before investigating f
the merit of the project. i
Soch a case occurred Sunday when Sen. Marvel
made a statement to the Omaha World Herald that people f
are asking him about the workshops and he has to tell I
them "I don't know tile University's reasons."
If the matter was of concern to the people -of the
state and these people were questioning him about it
in connection with his duties as Budget Chairman, it
was his duty to be informed. He could have picked up 3
the telephone. He could have written a letter. 1
Thin ii not to say the issue should not have been I
dlinimi fa the oress. but it
vel should attempt to inform himself before making the
A second statement in the same story the World 1
Herald quoted Sen. Kenneth Bowen of Red Cloud as
saying: 'The university teeis a nas iosi a ugm uu s
year on the budget and has given the impression it
want to broaden the tax base." s
Vet Bowen also appears to be guilty of not inform- s
ing himself: Everett Peterson, professor of agricultural
economics, appeared before Sen. Bowen s Legislative h
ii m r- .. - nArf on uiwnl matter 1
Lonncu ia miubuhct
including the tax institute. Peterson said he did not
meml5r Sen. Bowen asking any quesUon. about the
UI SSSmate problem again seems to be a matter of
communications. But this is a two-way project. Both the
University and the legislators must have the initiative s
to Uke the first step if misconceptions are to be
Daily Nebraskan
Member Associated CoHerUte Pre. International Preas
lpmeBtve: National AdvortWiit Inwrporate 5
Vumtei l it: kn 8t-7eriJB Uwln, Nebra.k-.
Telephone HE J-76J1
"xSi2 9nrm pb mm4i. TwMaf. w4m4f m4 fji- strip to Oklahoma State for
tZJlZTl Z: ZZL7 VX,:;:.)JZ iNebralka's game with them.
Z nn m nvm i immm rabiiMum "'- Hit was their Homecomin? and
lmMrtt -lxnmttt m U pmn mt mrnr
JSljyS f ail Ti Mx. , mm t. k. rri.w.
Srrurf a. is. editorial s?af
utrt, "rm smui
ioer D" flr'i
rr t4Hin ..... bcmw Biaia iMtort. Am rrm
tiStfZl." :V:X":5.Z
tufiriwMffMMr ?
WriiOT w"" to-rJSnr.;
9mmmm .!?..,.!rr. a- r
Atst fo auuccfs jota scansr. Bin oifc-iM,
cu MMafw "..iSTi"
would seem that Sen. Mar- I
(N.W.) i
. I
ft -
ext. J1ZL I
The Dmnr J!rka win pMtsh ealy thomr Irttrri whlrii mrm Urnr. Wttm alrarklnf hrirrMaah mm
nrry the author'! umt. Ottlrra may nr HiilMK er a prm mmmt. hool4 not rxtrr4 i0
arrten rxrmri this Itmlt th Xrlnvku limn the Heht f nmirmm thwn. malnlna taw wrtter'e view. Th T"
taM examar k tawee ttiXrrt 4a act emeesarlry turn th lrw of the Dally Krbratkaa.
- are' -
:aturiPd with thp 1961
jf JS
Homecomhig Quee? s
. ,
us after reading your edi
In the first place, yoir in-
sinuation (quote) "that sjh
organized tactics do not a!-
ways lead to the best re-
suits" (end quote), as well
as states that an independ-
ent isn't worthy of being
II r1 HuoAn XJ a Kat'a inner
as good anybody else on
this campus Pardon our er.
' . ,econA Diace vou
JSd gfhS
rofprrwl to as our
Lk S " W"hat blS
btock voUng JJ
fct 8 yd ""5
You condemn Iependents
votuig for independents
while it u a known tact
G e k UW lr
wouldn t vote for anything
but a Greek,
We are sure that this un-
gentlemanly article was not
meant as a personal slam
to Miss Polenz, but is she?
Wonder (Sic) how your edi-
torial would have run
(SIC) a Greek would have
achieved this great honor.
M. C. Marian Corkle
J. S. Joyce Schelbitzki
S. R. Susan Rogers
J. A. Janet Anderson
Pz B. Paulette Bruckner
lt '
Dear Editor.
Robert Bas-
luo'm J '
oro for exnress ne
? J.. . '
Clark's un
g.'! 0f lhe Ne
tr!Z' fortunate in
' nlf
for continuing education lo-
cated in our state.
I Helen R. Smith
Registrar's Office
iVt Spirit
Compared to Ukla. bt.
n9r ir
1 Two weeks ago I made a
. WOuld like tO tell about
what I saw. First, some ter-
fjjrific house displays and a
sgood Homecoming parade
Ithere is only one difference
between the judging of dis-
plays here and there and that
is the small factor that their
parade winner gets a first
prize of m, the seco.-.! place
1 winner gets $150 and the
third place winner gets $75.
Now maybe this is not the
wit 111
Nebraskan Letterip
best wav to get school partici-
nation for a Homecoming par-
jde but at least they have
d . it outstand-
H floats, i'might add that
the winners of the house dis-
Pi'S also receive cash prizes,
The second thing I saw was
sp1RIt Before the game
fraternities and organized
houses came around the track
in fire engines and old trucks
which were pulling huge bells
and ringing them as they
drove along. Next came the
cheerleaders racing arourvd
the field in go-carts and hav-
ing a good time. WTien Okla-
homa State made a touch
down not one side but both
sides of the stadium got up
and waved their hands back
and forth. I m not saying the
fire engines and go-carts help
instill spirit in the football
team but it sure wakes the
X '
What docs tliis lovely College Queen
want in her diamond ring?
Mim Pat Weaver, America' National College Queen, re
vealed her feminine taste as well a her practical sense when
asked about diamond rings. She selected as her favorite the
lovely Artcarved Evening Star one of Artcarved's award
winning designs. Why did she choose it? Because of its
breathtaking beauty and guaranteed quality. Yoo see, every
Artcarved ring is guaranteed, in writing for all the years to
come by America's most respected ring maker. You buy
it with confidence wear it with pride.
Visit your local Artcarved Jeweler and see why Artcarved
diamond rings have been the choice of millions for more
than century. Perhaps you can start hinting for yourt nowl
A, r iz c arve cT
. it . , V
First choice of
America's College Queens
students and alums up and
puts them in a good spirit
even if their team has lost
most of their games. I say,
to hell with tradition, lets get!
a little color and excitement
into the moments before the
opening kickoff. Our band has
done a terrific job in enter-
taining us but I think a little
more student participation in
things would warm the sta-
dium up a little bit before
each game. And by student
participation I don't mean
give a trophy to the house
who yells the most,
Another ,hine that nas beeri
on my mind is how anybody
can boo a player on the field
or criticize a player on the
field wnen does
not havc talent to be out
on field himself
B Hickman
Pt Weaver, Nt-onl Couege Oueen
J. R. Wood . Sons, Ine Oept CP-31
216 E. 45th St, New York 17, N.Y.
Plrix send me more facie about tiamonii ringi and
"Wedding Guide tat Bride and Croom." AUo name
of neareit for hometown) Artcarved Jeweler. 1 am
ncloaing 10 to cover handling and pottage.
.County or ZonM
3& U
Now that the editorial ban
has been lifted, Eloise vis
its the campus to take a
look around, and if she can
be so bold, to ask a few
questions and submit, per
haps, a few answers.
She asks What, oh what
can be the cause of so many '
students physically, running
around, knocking down old
women, children awd 4-F
No, the runners are not
Sevignes' proteges, they are
running from the dreadful
monster called the menace
of the meter and the little
men in grey soldier suits.
One student I knew was
in a class in Stout Hall and
had parked in the many
metered lot, north of the
nasty no-metered lot (where
those nasty people who get
up and come to campus at
4:30 a.m. park their cars)
and at 10 :28V a.m. one
morning realized that his
car in the many-metered lot
was due for a yellow slip
(priced at one dollar, then
after 4 days at the bargain
price of four dollars) at
20:28te a.m. from the grey
Anyway, the chap raced
out of Stout Hall, down the
sidewalk in front of Burnett
Hall, where what should he
encounter but a whole bat
talion of hocky-stick laden
freshmen P.E.ers marching"
to the ROTC field. Summing
up his courage, he raced
right through the line. (John
Hadl style) picking off only
four P.E. cadets.
Passing on in front of
Andrews Hall, he encoun-
AH year knur you've been promising yourself to go there. !ow
the semester is nearly over and you still haven't set foot ia th
piaoe. 8hm on you 1
But it's not too late. Right now, this very minute, befoM
you weaken, lift up your head and forward march to the place
you have been avoiding ever since school began. I refer, ef
eotirse, to the library.
Now here you are at tiie library- That wasn't so bad, was
it? Of court not ! Go inside. What do you see? A sign. that saye
' SO SMOKING." Go vmtside. Light a Marlboro. Smoke.
Go back inside.
Bfcause now you are redy. Now your trembling reaolulioa
is rigid. Now your pulsing psyche is serene. You haw bee
calmed by mild Marlboro. You have been soothed by that fine
vlectrate filter, by that fine full flavor that dotes and pamrwra
and caressee, that lift the fallen, repairs the shattered, straight
ens the bent, unravels the knotted, rights the askew, and"
fastens the unbuttoned.
to the center of .the library you see the main circuluUon desk.
IxxA in the card catalogue for the number of the book yo
want, WTite the number on slip,' and hand it to the efficient
and obliging young lady at the desk. The efficient and obliging
young lady then gives the slip to an efficient and obliging page
boy who trots brit-kly back into the stacks, curls up on a limpa
leather encyclopedia, and sleeps for an hour or two. Then,
puffy but refreshed, he returns your clip to tlie efficient and
obliging young lady at the desk, who tells you one of three
things: a) 'Tour book is out." b) "Your book is at the bindery."
c) "Your book is on reserve."
Having learned that the circulation desk hasn't the least
intention of ever parting with a book, let us now go into the
periodical room. Here we spend hours sifting through an kn
poking array of magaiines tnagasines from all the far earoera
of the earth, magazines of every nature and description but
though we search diligently and well, we cannot find Mad at
w-r4 "j
a. 'HjSW' Jf'.
Uummummmatnmmmwr jv T'W-- ' sgyr m
Next let m venture into the Mferenee agooa. Ben k
husbed, vaulted chamber, we find the true sohoiata of fee
university earnest, dedicated young men and women wfao aan
for only one thing in the world: the pursuit of knowledge.
Let us eavesdrop for a moment on this erudite eoapfe
over heavy tomes at the oorner
SHE: Whatcha readin', bey?
HE: The Origin of Spec. Yo ever mad M
the movie.
HE: Oh.
SHE: You like leeckiT
HE: Kaah.
SHE: What do yon like?
HE : Hockey, koorice, girls, itufl Ifke tKat.
SHE: Me too, hey.
HE: You pinned or anything?
SHE: Well, tort of. I'm weario a fellow's motoNren
emblem . . . But it's only ptatonie.
HE: Wanna go out for a smoke?
SHE: Marlboro?
HE: What else? '
And a our learned friends take their leave, let ue too wend
our way homeward a trifle weary, perhaps, but enlightened
and renewed and better citiaens for having spent these happy
hours in the library, Aloha, library, aloha I
Th makara of Marlboro, who apojuor thit column, could
write volume about another one of their fine product-'
the unttiered kina-Ht thilip Morrit Commander but
we'll omit tell go thtrn Take a leaf tram our hook. Knjoi
Commmnaer todag.
tered a flock of English in
atnictors basking In the sun
and flattened only two of
Reaching the corner of
Andrews, and about to cross
the street, with the many,
metered lot in sight, he was
blinded by the sun glaring
off of all these shiny many
meters, and blindly ran into
three undergraduate biology
majors, and one old lady
who had actually graduated
in 1920, but was back for a
course in Education 102.
Finally reaching the site
of his car, he was encount
ered by a grey Midler who
was cheerfully writing down
the last number of the poor
fellow's license number on
one of those bargain priced
yellow slips (four dollars
after four days, you know
the old story, 190 dollars
after 6 days etc.).
The poor fellow then got
a strange look in his eye,
collapsed on the spot, and
since, has been seen run
ning around in the many
metered lot with two tickets
stuck in each ear, one
hooked around his nose, and
a sprig of pine (from the
trees that adorn the nasty,
no-metered south lot) be
tween his teeth.
To date, his car has ac
cumulated 5,482 y e 1 o w
slips, and on occasion, , 48
sophomore ROTC units have
been called In to quell var
ious riots caused by jeering,
nasty, early-rising, no-metered,
south, parkplotters.
(Next: Eloise asks where
does the money go which
has been accumulated in the
M vlhor of "Barefoot Boy WUH Cheek", " Tk Many
Love of Dobie Gillit", ek.)
-""V' '-r .... -jm
' "JtA
table. Rush! gbespealcst