The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1961, Image 1

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    Rag Polls Students
Most Favor Twist,
If Done
By Tom Kotouc .
Three out of four University students polled gave a
"qualified" nod to the twist in a survey of 114 students
taken by the Daily Nebraskan last week.
The twist, a dance popular for several years in
the East and at resort areas, was introduced to the
University this fall. It may be described as "a dance
without movement of the feet but using a back and
forth motion of the arms, legs and body to keep
rhythm." '
A majority of those approving of the twist favored
It only if it were done "decently."
Only three per cent of those interviewed in , the
random sampling said that they had never seen the
twist before.
Many students favoring the twist agreeed with one
student when he said, "It looks vulger, but I love to do
Others qualified their nod on the twist by saying,
"It all depends on your attitude toward it. Some students
are definitely guilty of carrying it too far. -
Several co-eds agreed that "the twist is okay at a
small party, but not at a big dance. It shouldn't be
done around adults." '
"Most students don't do it in the right frame of
mind," said another student. "It is not only pointless
but suggestive."
Another student added that "The twist can look like
a sex orgy depending on the Inclination of the couple.
Jerry McDola of Red Cloud said that the twist had
been introduced into his community about a year ago.
"At. first," he said, "reaction to it was mixed. Then
It became very popular and has remained fairly popu
lar through today."
Louise Holbert, journalism junior, said the twist
reminds her of "a primitive Australian aborigine dance."
An international student believed that "it will take
time to get used to the twist. Some think it looks ob
scene now."
In a poll of Student Council members, the group
was opposed by a ratio of two to one to the new dance.
Mary Knolle, senior, believes the twist is "great
on the third floor of the Pi Phi house."
Cindy Bellows, sophomore, called it "a vulgar dis
play of animalism."
Jim Gather, who had recently appeared on a VWCA
panel where desirability of the twist was questioned, said
It's going through an introductory phase. By compar
ison with the ways the twist is done on. other campuses,
it's mild here. There's really nothing to get alarmed
Jim Gus, sophomore, said that "The twist is like
the black bottom. In the East the twist has reached the
point of obscenity. Yet the extent to which goes is still
up to the individual."
Another coed said that she "had never seen anyone
do it decently."
Jerry Gale, senior, said that "He knows better
ways of dancing."
Mortar Boards to Offer
Two $150
The University Mortar Board chapter will offer two $150
graduate scholarships to a University senior man and wom
an in conjunction with their first annual Graduate School
Seminar to be held Thursday.
The; scholarships are offered as part of a Mortar Board
project designed to help acquaint junior and senior students
with the opportunities and advantages offered by advanced
study after graduation.
Eligibility requirements for.
application for the scholar
ships include attendance at
the seminar, senior class
standing, and high scholastic
record. The scholarships are
limited to use at this Univer
sity. Procedure for applica
tion will be explained Thurs
day night. .
- A general session pertaining
to all students in attendance
will begin the program. Dur
ing this session, Dean Harold
Wise, who is in charge of
Graduate College admissions,
will lead the general discus
sion pertaining to the gradu
ate study field. The explana
tion of the Mortar. Board
graduate scholarships will be
also presented then.
Following the general meet
ing the group will divide ac
cording to colleges. Discus
sion of the graduate programs
available in the individual
colleges will be explained In
the small group meetings.
Colleges represented will in-
Picks New
Law Rep
The Student Council has se
lected Larry Myers, freshman
in law college, to replace
John Wightman as Council
representative from Law Col
lege. Wightman was removed
from the Council for four un
excused absences.
In his judiciary committee
report, Jim Samples, chair
man, reported the approval
of the Beta Chapter of Alpha
Tau Alpha, vocational agricul
ture fraternity.
Samples also said that the
amendment to the Council
constitution on whether or not
the Student Council president
shall be elected by vote of
the student body will be ready
for study by the Council this
next week.
Council associates chairman
Don Witt reported that "a
large number of the 70 as
sociates present at last Tues
day's meeting volunteered to
assist in the Big Eigh Stu
dent Government Convention
elude: Arts and Sciences, Ag
riculture, Teachers, Business
Administration and Engineer
ing. The seminar, scheduled for
7:30 p.m. in the Student
Union, is designed to acquaint
junior and senior students
with the opportunities in the
graduate fields offered not
only at this University but
also at other institutions. The
program will include informa
tion regarding graduate
grants, fellowships, assistant
ships and requirements for
grad school entrance particu
larly as pertaining to the Uni
versity. .
Union Facilities Reflect Student Needs
Someday the Student Union may have a beauty shop
-if the students indicate this is what they want.
The male segment of the University population in
dicated their desire for a barbershop several years ago
and this need was met in the new addition of the Student
Union completed in 1959.
This example illustrates but one instance when the
Union's philosophy has- been translated into action: "We
feel as a staff that the service should simply reflect
the needs of the campus," said A. H. Bennett, Union
The Union has a two-fold program to carry out this
philosophy. "First, we take the funds provided by stu
dents fees and spend them for services the students in
dicate they want. Secondly, we present a more cultural
program not indicated as a want, but recognized asva
need," Bennett said.
' . Management Skills
An incidental benefit; the students involved in such
projects as Union program council have the opportunity
to learn management skills through the success or fail
ure of their projects.
Food service is the number-one service demanded
by the students, and of the four types of food service,
the informal Crib food line is the largest in both size and
content, Bennett said.
He said the cafeteria, with its student-faculty scaled
prices and menus, ranks second. The Union also provides
a catering service for banquets, both in the Union and
out, and a waiter service area in the Colonial Dining
Bennett said the Union food service is also one of the
largest in Lincoln: "We have modern equipment and a
professional staff to carry out this job."
N Other Services
Other services the students have .asked for and re
ceived: 14 meeting rooms, each used an average of 3 times
per day by an average of 20-25 persons per group;
a main desk where checks may be cashed and maga
zines can be purchased;
the games area bowling, table tennis and pool table
Vol. 75, No. 32
By Nancy Whitford
A University agricultural
economics leader has denied
a legislative charge that the
University is spending money
to influence opinion on Jthe
University budget.
The project being criticized
is a series of 12 to 15 tax in
stitute workshops which will
be conducted by the Univer
sity throughout the state in
Febrjary and March.
State Sens. Richard Mar-
I '7 -J J , .
Maureen Frolik wears a her new smile, her new
crown, her new robe after the All University Fund named
her the 1961 Activities Queen. She is a sophomore in the
College of Arts and Science and a member of Kappa Alpha
Theta sorority.
1961 Activities Queen
Is Maureen
Maureen Frolik of Lincoln
was revealed as the 1961 Ac
tivities Queen Sunday night
at the annual AUF Pancake
A sophomore in the College
of Arts and Sciences,
Maureen Is an All University
Fund assistant chairman,
chairman of the Union Music
Committee, and a member of
Pub Board, Tassejs and Al
pha Lambda Delta. She is al
so a member of the American
Field Service, and plays the
violin in the University Sym
phony. An English and French ma
jor, Maureen accumulated an
8.8 grade point average last
semester and holds one of the
highest overall scholastic av
Institutes Under
el, chairman of the Legisla
ture Budget Committee, and
Kenneth Bowen, chairman of
the Legislative Council Tax
Study Committee, were quot
ed In the Omaha World Her
aid as saying: "
"The persons who conduct
these workshops are in a
very difficult spot if they are
to avoid being accused of at
tempting to do more than in
form the people . . . ine uni
versity feels it lost a fight
erages among women in the
Roy Arnold, president of
the Innocents Society, and
Helen Schmierer, last year's
Activities Queen, performed
the coronation ceremonies.
Maureen is a member of
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority,
and is' the daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. Elvin Frolik of Lin
coln. Dr. Frolik is dean of
the College of Agriculture.
The AUF-sponsored Pan
cake Feed was Jield in the
Student Union cafeteria Sun
day evening. A crowd of ap
proximately 1,000 was ex
pected to attend.
Members of the Innocents
and Morar Board societies
made up the serving line,
while presidents of organized
houses bussed.
facilities which are used both for recreation and, in the
case of bowling, also for educational purposes;
v the card lounge, main lounge, TV viewing area and
book nook;
the University Bookstore relocated in an area more
accessible to students.
"We are continually committed to listening, sorting
and feeling the needs of students and to servicing those
needs which are real rather than imagined," Bennett
said. -
At present the Union staff is studying such items as
the need for a commuters' lunch room, the need to sell
drug sundries at the main desk and the need for a
place to cash checks of unlimited amounts.
Staff Members
"It is our job as staff members to relate the Union's
facilities to the needs of the customers. To understand,
we must question and the student must make his wants
known," Bennett said.
The communication link is provided by the Union
program council and the Union advisory board which
take student's suggestions and channel them to the Un
ion board of managers, who direct the operations in
terms of "prices, hours of service and type of service
and employees needed.
Cultural programs "not expressed as a want, but
recognized as a need" are divided into the areas of
music, art, talks and topics and films.
The student committeees for each of these areas
have planned for the Fall Symphony, Singers Christmas
concert; art displays in the Pan American Room and
in the halls, the picture lending library; speakers such
as Jaime Benitez, Norman Cousins and Tom Dooley;
foreign films and documentary films.
"Sometimes we feel like a chamber of , commerce,"
Bennett said. We help groups book talent, we loan
equipment, put groups in touch with people who can
service their needs and we work closely with all campus
service agencies."
"We on the staff are in a unique position because we
have all chosen to do Union worn., and this is the type
of a job which requires that you give of yourself," Ben
nett said.
The Nebraskan
this year on the budget and
has given the impression it
wants to , broaden the tax
Better Informed
Howard Ottoson, .chairman
of the Department of Agri
cultural Economics, said the
purpose of the tax institute
was "not to influence legisla
tive policy, but to let the peo
ple be better informed on
government finance."
He said the institute had
been deliberately scheduled
in an off-legislative year to
prevent this type of miscon
ception. "We have been thinking
about such a project for sev
eral years and during the
last 3-4 years have been do
ing research on agricultural
taxation in the Great Plains
region," Ottoson said.
He said the program is for
educational purposes only
and was to present both
Kiwanis Club to Honor
Nebraska's 'Mr. Builder'
John K. Selleck, the man
who had the University's city
campus dormitory, housing
almost 1,000 men, named aft
er him, will receive the Lin
coln Kiwanis Club's Distin
guished Service Medal Friday
For Selleck, who is known
as tne university s Mr.
Builder," this amounts to re
Selleck, 72, is a member of
the Lincoln-Lancaster County
Planning Commission and
corporation secretary of the
NU Board of Regents.
Selleck received an electri
cal engineering degree from
Nebraska in 1912. After hold
ing several jobs and serving
in the Army, he became a
University Press
Receives Award
University Press has been
cited by the American Asso
ciation of State and Local his
tory for its recent book,
"South Pass 1868."
A journal of James Chis
holm .during the Wyoming
Gold Rush, the book was one
of 11 in the nation to receive
an award of merit as an out
standing book in American
local and regional history.
Dr. James Olson, vice presi
dent of the association and
chairman of the University's
history department, said the
Press was the only publishing
house to be cited in the plains
The book was edited by
Lola M. Homsher, director of
the Wyoming State Historical
Society. Director of the Uni
versity Press is Bruce Nicoll.
sides of various tax systems
rather than to try to influ
ence opinion towards one
type of system than another.
Farm Audience
He said the tax institute is
directed primarily toward the
farm audience although oth
ers will also be able to at
tend. Ten leaders will be in
vited from each county in a
six-county area until all 93
counties are covered.
Each workshop will last
two days and be staffed by
two agricultural economists
through the University's Ex
tension Division.
"This points up once again
the problems that exist in de
termining where legislative
policy ends and administra
tive responsibility begins,"
Sen. Marvel was quoted as
"We in the Legislature and
on the Budget Committee
have been criticized in some
general assistant in the NU
purchasing department in
1921 and. athletic business
manager in 1922.
Selleck's first project was
the successful raising of over
$500,000 to build Memorial
Stadium, which opened in
1923 and helped get the Husk
er athletic department back
into the "black."
Coliseum Next
His next endeavor was the
Coliseum, which was quite a
bit larger than -average coli
seums on other campuses
when it was built.
"I was sure I would never
see it filled," said Selleck.
Because he was again the
main force behind its financ
ing and planning, Selleck
says, "I was convinced it
would be known as "Selleck's
Folly." Twenty five years lat
er, after seeing it filled nu
merous times, his answer is,
"I wish I would have made it
twice as big.".
Selleck cast a financier's
eye at the many empty seats
every Saturday during the
depression. He invited vari
ous community bands to
come and play at the games.
This project developed into
"Band Day," an annual
event now at Nebraska and
numerous other colleges and
universities across the na
tion. The Nebraska Field House
was also built during his
term as Athletic Business
In 1941 Chancellor C. S.
Boucher promoted Selleck to
comptroller. He was made
corporation secretary for the
Board of Regents in 1944. In
1948 he took command of all
University business opera
tions: purchasing, building
and grounds, and finance.
He was made acting Chan
cellor in 1953 when R. G.
Gustavson resigned that post.
He held that post for two
The University conferred
the honorary degree of Doc
tor of Laws upon Selleck in
He has also been active in
Lincoln's Auditorium Advis
ory Committee, Lincoln Gen
eral Hospital board, Univer
sity of Nebraska Foundation,
of which he is now president,
First-Plymouth Congregation
al Church, and the Lincoln
Chamber of Commerce.
Prof, Wishnoiv
To Attend Meet
Professor Emanuel Wish
now will represent the Uni
versity at the National Asso
ciation of Schools of Music
(NASM) annual meeting No
vember 24-25 in Denver. '
Chairman of the depart
ment of music,"- Professor
Wishnow is also a member f
the State Legislation and the
American 1 String . Teachers
Liaison Committee.
NASM is the agency, de
signed for the accreditation
of all music degree curricu
lums. They will be concerned
with music- composition, the
ory, and therapy at this meet
ing. The association will also
vote , on the accreditation of
several new members and re
view the status of the old
Monday, Nov. 13,-f9j
circles for delving into
mimstrative procedures.
Reasons Unknown
"Now the matter of these
"workshops" comes up and
people ask me and I have to
tell them I don't know the
University's reasons."
Bowen was also quoted as
saying he was afraid the peo
ple "are going out now to try
to defeat so-called conserva
tive legislators who didn't
support the full University
budget request."
He said he considers him
self generally favorable to
the University and fears its
approach may hurt the cause
of higher education in future
legislative sessions.
St. Onge
The Washington office of
the American Association
of University Profes
sors (AAUP) has completed
a preliminary inauirv into
Nebraska's Henry St. Onge
case. i - -
There was speculation in
Washington last week that
the AAUP might order a full
investigation to determine
whether the case involves a
violation of rights, including
academic freedom.
Robert Van Waes, AAUP
staffman in Lincoln for a
symposium at the University,
said AAUP headquarters has
made its decision on whether
to continue the investigation,
but he said he was not at
liberty to divulge the deci
sion. If undertaken, the invest!-,
gation could lead ultimately
to an official censuring of
Wayne State Teachers Col
lege, its president, Dr. Wil
liam Brandenburg and the
State Normal Board, Van
Waes said.
St. Onge is the Ohio State
University instructor whose
contract to teach at Wayne
this year was voided by the
State Normal Board. The ac
tion was taken after St. Onge
permitted William Marx
Mandel, a critic of the House
Nn-American Activities Com
mittee, to give a speech in
St. Onge's back yard after
being refused permission to
speak on Ohio State's cam
pus. St. Onge subsequently
was rehired by Ohio State.
Van Waes said that if the
AAUP continues the investi
gation, it would be made by
a special investigating team
whose report would go to the
AAUP committee on academ
ic freedom and tenure. If the
committee concluded that St.
Onge's rights were violated,
it could authorize publication
of the report and could rec
ommend that AAUP mem
bers consider censure.
Van Waes said censure is
an action never taken lightly.
Ten schools currently are
on the AAUP blacklist. '
Ag Fields
At Meet
Forestry, fertilizer industry,
interior decorating, meat
packing and U.S. border pa
trol are a sample of the 47
different ag related fields
that will be presented at
the Professional Opportunities
Conference Thursday, Dec. 7.
Students participating in
the conference will be able
to attend conferences with
four different industry repre
sentatives, according to
Charles Adams, faculty ad
visor for the conference.
Personal interviews with
certain representatives can
be arranged by the students
on Friday and Saturday,
Adams pointed out.
All University students, un
dergraduate and graduate, as
well as the Agricultural col
lege students, should register
with Dr. Franklin Eldridge in
206 Agricultural Hall by this
Wednesday if they plan to at- .
An earlier announcement
from Dr. Eldridge pointed out
that all Ag instructors had
been encouraged to cancel all
tests- and quizzes on Friday,
Dec. 8, allowing as many stu
dents to attend the conference
as possible. ; ,
8:30 P.M. $1 Ticket
(3 C3 u" EI D
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usj y