The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 01, 1961, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, Nov. J, 1961
The Doily Nebraskan
Page 3
ATOs Down Sig Eps
To Take Frat A' Title
By Mel Hester
Alpha Tau Omega took the
fraternity" A" intramural
football championship Mon
day oy topping Sigma Phi
Epsilon in an offensive dual,
Sigma Phi Epsilon scored
first on an ATO intercepted
pass, but before the first quar
ter was over, the ATOs came
back to match the Sig Eps
first tally.
Each team scored once
more in the second quarter
and at the half time the Sig
Eps were leading 14-12 due
to two missed extra points
by the ATOs.
Alpha Tau Omega domin
ated the scoring in the third
quarter with a seven point
tally making the score 19-12
going into the final quarter.
With the championship pend
ing on one quarter of play,
the Sig Eps put on sustained
drive sweep around right end
to put ATO's on the trailing
end again 20-19 with only four
plays remaining.
Trailing by a slim one point
margin, the ATOs took pos
sesion of the ball. On the first
of the last four plays remain
ing in the game, the ATO's
tested the Sig Ep ground de
fense with little luck on s
short gain up the middle
Then on an attempted pass
play, the ATOs were forced
to run.
With the Sig Eps deep for
pass protection, the ATOs
sprinted half the' field where
the ball carrier was stopped
and the Sig Eps were penal
ized for tackling. Two plays
later and goal to go was the
situation when an ATO Dick
Beecher snared an ATO pass,
only one play remaining.
Tonight the ATO's will go
against Gus I to decide who
will play the Dental College
Friday in the All-University
Championship game.
Another game tonight is the
Ag Men vs. the Play Boys
at the Ag College field.
N Club Pictures
All members of the N
Club are to wear their
sweaters to the Coliseum
stage at 12:30 p.m. tomor
row to have their group pic
ture taken for the Corn-husker.
November 5,. 8:00 p.m.
Tickets: $4.00, $3.00, $2.00
1 1 Advanced tickets! Harold Novicof f GR 3-6287
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Sport Shorts
From The Old Pro
. By Bob Prokop
After viewing the number of mistakes that the of
ficials made in the Missouri game, the Old Pro sat down
and wondered if possibly the racketeers have not found
another method of fixing games. It certainly wouldn't hurt
the A.A.U., the N.C.C.A., and the federal government in
taking a look into this aspect.
Officiating is not above reproach. A good instance of
this was at Missouri where the calls were consistently
against the Huskers.
Here are a few examples: The rules read that before
a first down can be signaled, the opponent must be asked
if he wishes a measurement. This was overlooked many
times during the course of the game and the Old Pro
remembers two instances where the football had not
reached the marker and the officials in question signaled
a first down. '
Two punts were very much in question also. An offi
cial is not supposed to leave the spot where the punt
goes out of bounds without first throwing his cap. This
also occurred with the subsequent development that the
ball was moved up three yards, out of danger for Missouri.
s The pass and fair catch incidents were the final straw.
What was more interesting is that one official was in
volved in all but one call. This does raise questions??????
The Old Pro was very happy to see Bill Jennings show
a little emotion. The quiet-mannered gentleman doesn't
get too excited often. Anybody close to the football situa
tion realizes Bill knows the game of football well. The
only problem with a coach is that lie can't be a blocker
or a defensive man, he can only instruct. Our interior
line on defense smells. They may all weigh over 220 but
blockers are pushing them around like tenpins.
Our ends are Just the opposite. They looked great on
defense, but on offense, they need two orders of glue this
week. Our passing is good from the throwing standpoint,
but our catching game is beginning to look like a hot
potato contest
One bright light in the Husker picture is Thunder
Thornton. Thornton was being played man to man by a
linebacker and still gained 55 yards. He gained the respect
of Missouri's linemen; so much so, that they claimed
Thunder could be an All-Amerlcan if he were on the
Tiger squad this year.
Coach Jennings is not getting a maximum from all
his players and his coaching staff. This, along with many
other little things, has Bill's hair turning gray and his
ulcers working overtime .The pressure is so heavy right
now. that he loses his composure and control on the field.
This situation occurred directly before Glassford an
nounced his resignation. The Old Pro always wondered
what kind of coach Bill Glassford would have made the
next year; he learned an awful lot in thole waning days.
The same holds true for Jennings, the press is sharpening
up the ax and it appears now that the quiet is occuring
before the storm. The Old Pro can't agree that it's en
tirely Bill's fault and that Bill can't give the Huskers a
great team in the near future. But Bill's future success
hinges on two factors regrouping his forces and chang
ing his attitude about ball control.
Wisconsin was in a similar situation to Nebraska last
week when they faced the Big Ten leader, Ohio State.
The Badgers threw the ball 30 times. On the other hand,
at Columbia, Nebraska rarely threw the ball except on
third down. When they did throw the first two downs,
their receivers were almost always open. The Old Pro
wants to see the air filled with pigskins Saturday. Every
Nebraska opponent's scouting report has stated, "Other
than desperation plays, Nebraska will never throw the
ball except on third down, and they rarely throw the
first three plays of. the game."
All the Old Pro hopes for this week is that we really
bust somebody, John Hadl for example, and play like the
Big Ten . get him early.
Prediction of Week
Kansas to win by 14 points
Homecoming Court: Judy Howard, Homecoming
Queen, and Jeanie Morrison and Linda Jensen attendants.
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McDaniel h Nebraskan' s 'Star'
By Roy Scheele
The Daily Nebraskaa Star
of the Week award this week
goes to Dick McDaniel for his
performance against the Uni
versity of Missouri.
Right end McDaniel led a
determined corps of Husker
ends Saturday against the
famed Bengal end sweeps and
the Tiger power play was
held in check all day.
Time and again McDaniel
stopped the sweep when it
came his way. Charging quick
ly and at his anele. he eith
er made the tackle himself
or dumped the interference
to give the linebacker a shot
at the ball carrier.
McDaniel, who is a senior
in business administration and
secretary of the N Club, re
covered a Mike Hunter fum
ble at the Husker 22 to stop
one Mizzou drive.
He also caught a pass from
Dennis Claridee good for six
yards and upped his season's
number of receotions to 10.
for a total of 104 yards and
a tie tor the conference lead
ership in pass receiving.
Missouri coach Dan Devine
said after the game, won by
Mizzou, 10-0, "I thought Ne-
hraska's defensive ends played
awfully well. We'd have a
good sweep going and their
end would lust whip our full
The Missouri game was Mc
Daniel's second starring role
in two weeks. The week be
fore at Oklahoma State he
scored the Huskers' only
touchdown on a 19-yard pass
from Claridge.
McDaniel, 26, married and
the father of two children,
has become a leading target
just this year. In two per
vious seasons Dick hauled in
only six passes. But this year,
aided by the increased em
phasis on passing in the NU
attack, he has exceeded even
his own expectations. In the
North . Dakota game alone
he made five catches for a
single-game school record.
The tall, rangy (6-2, 203)
Texan from Port Arthur is
not exceptionally fast but he
has sure hands and good
moves; he is hard for de
fensive backs to cover. His
favorite pass is a down-and-out
pass angling for the side
lines, and he is hard to keep
from the. ball on his one.
Before coming to NU, Mc
Daniel served five years in
the Army as a paratrooper.
It was in the Army that he
first played football (he
played basketball but no foot
ball in high school).
V. I
') ' f V
I 5 '
Husker right end Dick McDaniel, who has tied the
Big leadership in pass receiving with 10 snares for 104
yards, is this week's Daily Nebraskan Star of the Week.
NU's Mitchell and Bishop
Will Miss Kansas Game
Nebraska guards Ed Mit
chell and Corwin Bishop will
miss the Kansas game due
to injuries, according to Husk
er Coach Bill Jennings.
Jennings also announced
yesterday that Bill Thornton,
Duncan Drum and Larry
Donovan were all hobled by
injuries but should be ready
by Saturday.
He reported that halfback
Dennis Stuewe, who missed
the Missouri game due to a
bad ankle, will be ready as
will .Bernie Clay, who is cur
rently running at the number
one right halfback slot
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