The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 04, 1961, Image 1

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Vol. 75, No. 11
Alterations Made
In Administration
By Bob Nye
Dr. Adam C. Breckenridge, dean -of Fac
ulties, has announced
changes in the administrative organization.
One shift involves giving total responsi
bility of student housing to W. C. Harper, di
rector of University Services. Formally, off'
campus housing has been the responsibility of
Peace Corps
Agent Talks
To Students
Ray W. Focht, a'Peace
Corps field representative,
will be on campus Thursday
to discuss the Peace Corps
with interested students and
Foc'it will have his head-
quarters in 235 Student Union
from 2 to 5 p.m. 'His visit is
part o. a national information
program Involving 'over 500
campuses in regard to t h e
Teaca Corps.
Also in regard to the Corps
program, the confirmation of
tne appointment of 128 corps
men to the Philippines was re
ceived this week. Karen Long,
a former student and the first
Nebraskan selected for Peace
Corps training, is a member
of this group-
Of the original 157 candi
dates in the training program,
25 were not selected to serve
abroad and four dropped out
before the completion of the
training period.
Any person who is inter
ested in taking the Peace Corps
examination, which is re
quired before an applicant is
considered for the training
program, may take the exam
this Saturday at the Lincoln
post office. Application blanks
may be obtained from Dean
Breckenridge who is the Uni
versity Peace Corps liason.
Innocents Beanies
Persons wishing to buy
Innocents freshman bean
ies may obtain tickets for
them from Mrs. Lucille
Miles at the Student Activ
ities Office in the Admin
istration Building.
To Join, or .
Editors's note: this arti
cle is the third in a series
examining different views
of the compulsory ROTC
By Tom Kotouc
It's Christmas 1961. A
grimy frost has been spray
painted on the barracks and
parade ground outside. I got
a letter this morning from a
buddy of mine at the Univer
sity who escaped the draft.
He had been talking to Col.
Francis Drath, the Deputy di
rector of the State Selective
Service Department, about
his draft status.
The requirements are es
sentially the same as October
he said. Local draft boards
are not inducting anyone un
der 22 years of age, but are
concentrating on 23-year-old
men in the 1-A classification.
Fathers, and high school stu
dents too, are now exempt, but
husbands are not.
Generally, anyone satisfac
torily pursuing a full-time
course in college will not be
drafted. Although local draft
boards have the option of tak
ing any college student not
in the upper one-half of his
class at the end of his fresh
man year, in the upper two
thirds at the end of his sopho
more year, or in the upper
three-fourths at the end of his
junior year, the boards bave
not been exercising the op
tion while adequate manpow
er is available outside this
- A student above these min
imum standards is classified
2-S while ones below may be
classified 1-A at the option
of the board. A man is also
deferred if remaining in col
several structural
Van Westover.
Student Loans, previously
the responsibility of Unlver
sity Services, has been
merged with Scholarships and
Student Employment. Dean
Breckenridge said this will
make it easier for those seek
ing financial assistance of all
The head of Junior Division
and Deputy Registrar have
had their working facilities
arranged so that they will be
able to work more closely to
gether since they are both di
rectly concerned with admis
sions. There was, however,
no change in the structural
skeleton of either office.
These changes are results
of a committee for the evalu-
tion of all Student Services,
headed by Dean Breckenridge.
The committee's function is
to analyze and evaulate serv
ices which include, but are
not limited to, matters of stu
dent housing, administration,
records, health, the Nebras
ka Union and related activ
ities, relations with organized
houses, discipline, and finan
cial assistance.
Dean Breckenridge stated
that the committee is not look
ing for reorganization of serv
ices but merely making a
complete survey. He said,
however, that if the report
submitted to the Chancellor
indicated a need for change
it would be taken before the
Board of Regents. -
He also said that be hoped
to work with representatives
of student organizations on
this survey although there are
no definite plans as of now.
Another committee which
will be appointed about Nov.
1, will advise the Chancellor
on individuals to be consid
ered for the Dean of Student
Phillip J. Colbert, present
dean of Student Affairs, will
retire July 1. The committee
is expected to give their rec
ommendations to the Chancel
lor during the spring.
. .
lege until the end of his fresh
man year.
Grad Students
A graduate student is usual
ly deferred if studying in the
sciences, mathematics, teach
ing or engineering fields and
if carrying what the dean of
the graduate college deter
mines a full time course of
study. Graduate students not
working in these critical fields
should check with their local
draft boards to determine
what deferment value their
course of study has. Under
graduates in these fields are
also usually exempt. Students
in pre-med or pre-dentistry
or in dentistry or medical
schools are exempt from the
draft under most circum
stances. The selective service pro
gram, said Col. Drath, is de
signed to encourage a student
to stay in school as long as
he is mentally and financially
Students expelled or
dropped out of the University
are reported twice each se
mester to the local draft
boards by Mrs. -Irma Laase,
assistant registrar. At the end
of each school year Mrs.
Laase also reports the rank
of each male student in his
class to the local board.
Selective Service form 109
is available from the regis
trar to report a student's at
tendance and work load at
the University to his local
draft board when he is clas
When I read what Col.
Drath had said about "today's
repellent force being based
upon strategic and tactical
weapons and machines rath
er than upon a huge stand-
Will File
As Regent
Regent Foote Silent
After Hearing News
Val Peterson, three-term
governor of Nebraska and
United States ambassador to
Denmark, announced that he
will file soon as a candidate
for the Board
of Regents of
the Univer
sity from Dis
trict 5.
The fifth
district post
is represent
ed currently
by Frank
Foote of Ax
tell. Foote, in
an exclusive
phone interview with the Dailv
Nebraskan, declined to com
ment about Peterson's deci
sion to file for the post. Ear
lier Foote said he would de
cide whether or not to file
for re-election "when the time
In making the announce
ment, Peterson said: "A great
many of my good friends from
all walks of life have come
to me in recent weeks and
asked me to seek this post
on the Board of Regents. I
have decided to do so be
cause of the importance of
the University and because
I want to see our great state
have the finest possible high
er education that it can af
Peterson, a native Nebras
kan, received his Bachelor of
Arts degree from Wayne State
College and his Master's de
gree from the University. He
formerly held an instructor-
ship in government here.
Peterson was elected to
three consecutive terms as
governor of Nebraska. He
served in that capacity from
1947 to 1953. He became Fed
eral Civil Defense Administra
tor in 1953 and relinquished
that post in 1957 when he was
appointed ambassador to Den
mark. He resigned his ambassa
dorship in 1961 and became
vice chairman of the board
of the J. M. McDonald Co.,
with headquarters in Has
tings. He and his wife now
reside in that city.
Air Force cadets pass in review at the
spring change of command parade. Stu
dents accusing the ROTC program of
"Mickey Mouse" ask whether drilling like
ing army, 1 began to won
der what benefits a student
would derive by entering the
ROTC program.
The answer I received from
the ROTC department was
this: Students in the advanced
prqgram are given the 1-B
The Nebraskan
Innocents Agree to Increase
'61 H
Budgets from
By Margy Martin
The Innocents Society
agreed Monday night to raise
the expense limit for Home
coming displays from si50 to
They explained their kction
as necessary because most
houses now exceed the; pres
ent $150 limit. However, they
stressed that the new limit
will be enforced very strictly
and any house judged by the
evaluation team that has sur
passed the limit will be dis
qualified immediately. Also,
an organization does not have
to spend as much as $250 on
a display.
The Innocents also clarified
the fact that the .words
"Homecoming" and "alums"
do not have to appear in the
title of the display. In the
past-a sign welcoming the
alums to Homecoming was
and still is sufficient
The 1961 Homecoming has
been set for Nov. 4, when Ne
braska meets the Kansas
Friday Evening
Homecoming house displays
will be judged Friday evening,
November 3. House displays
plans must be in , the Inno
cents Society mailbox by 1
p.m. Friday afternoon, Octo
ber 13. In case of duplica
tions, the entry submitted
first will be accepted. Entries
must include a theme and a
fairly detailed sketch of the
display. A $15.00 entry fee
must accompany all entries.
The entry fees should be paid
by check made payable to
the Innocents Society. : r -
The evaluation team will
check all materials and equip
ment being used on the af
ternoon of November 3. All
materials used must be out
side by 2 p.m. and evalua-
The name of Jack Watkins
was unintentionally ommitted
from the list of Prince Kos
met finalists in Tuesday's
Daily Nebraskan. Watkins is
a senior majoring in music
and is a member of Beta Sig
ma Psi fraternity.
this is important if the student does not
enter advanced ROTC or if it will help
him after being drafted or after enlisting.
reserve classification which
exempts them from the draft
under all circumstances. Also
a student entering the armed
forces from the ROTC pro
gram enters as an officer
and not a private, seaman
or airman.
omecoming House
tion sheets filled out by that
In order to keep the com
petition controlled price-wise,
the Society has given the ap
praisers the following criteri
on: 1) AU expendable materials
will be assessed at face value.
This includes paint, all lum
ber (allowances will be made
for lumber in very poor con
dition), wire, paper, etc.
2) All borrowed items will
be assessed at rental costs. A
valid rental receipt must be
shown for each rented item.
Transportation costs of these
borrowed and rented items
are to be included. In this
category will be items such
as large dimension lumber,
public address systems, elec
trical equipment, scaffolding,
lights, etc.
Completion Time
Displays are to be com
pleted November 3, by 6:30
p.m. and be in operation from
6:30 until 10 p.m. For the
Denetit of Saturday visitors,
all houses are encouraged to
keep their displays intact un
til after the game and to op
erate their displays from 11
a.m. until 1 p.m. The dis
plays will be judged on four
points: originality, attractive
ness, construction, and g e n
eral relationship to the Kan
sas Jayhawks. A reference to
Homecoming and alums must
still be incorporated.
There will be three divisions
in the competition. One di
vision will consist of women's
organizations. The remaining
two divisions shall consist of
the men's organized houses.
Group I of the Men's Divi
sion includes Alpha Tau Ome
ga, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Tau
Delta, Kappa Sigma, Phi Del
ta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta,
Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Chi,
Theta Xi, Sigma Nu, Sigma
Phi Epsilon, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, Farmhouse, Delta
Upsilon, Selleck Quadrangle.
Group II of the Men's Di
vision includes the following
houses: Acacia, Alpha Gam
ma Rho, Alpha Gamma Sig
ma, Beta Sigma Psi, Delta
Sigma Phi, Pi Kappa Phi,
-'Vs .vV'
Although students in basic
ROTC are subject to draft un
der the above restrictions, the
ROTC department may re
quest that up to 50 of the
freshman and 100 of the
sophomore students be ex
empt if they desire.
$150 to
Sigma Alpha Mu, Zeta Beta
Tau, Theta Chi, Cornhusker
Co-op, Brown Palace, Pioneer
House, Ag Men's Club.
First, second, and third
place plaques will be awarded
in each of the three divisions.
A first place traveling trophy
will also be presented to the
winner of the Women's Di
Producer Contest
Kicks-Off Campaign
The 16th annual Honorary
Producers Contest began a
two week campaign with a
kick-off luncheon yesterday
for representatives from the
organized houses.
Sororities that have entered
the contest are Alpha Chi
Omega, Alpha Omicron Pi,
Alpha Xi Delta ,Chl Omega,
Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Del
ta, Kappa Kappa Gamma,
Delta Gamma, Pi Beta Phi,
Sigma Kappa, and Zeta Tau
Delta Sigma Phi and Theta
Xi are the two fraternities en
tered in the contest.
Other organized houses com
peting are Towne Club, Fedde
Hall, and Burnett House.
Other houses may enter
the contest by sending repre-
Pub Board Blanks
Publication Board ap
plications are due Friday
at 5 p.m. Application blanks
may be picked up at the
Student Council office from
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Interviews will be held
Saturday in the Council of
fice, beginning at 9 a.m.
Sign up for times at the
Council office.
I Enough for the draft. Heard
about the program which the
Air Force and possibly the
Army will be instituting with
in one or two years:
New Air Force Program
A freshman or sophomore
would take no basic ROTC,
either voluntary or compul
sory. In his sophomore year
he would apply for the ad
vanced program, and would
compete with an estimated
60,000 other sophomore stu
dents over the nation through
exams, interviews and physi
cal tests to be accepted.
The advanced cadet would
be paid $1100 a year for his
work in the program geared
to the profession training of
the officer and for attending
two summer camps of six
weeks duration.
Students enrolled in college
not offering ROTC or in jun
ior college would also be elig
ible and would transfer to a
school with an ROTC detach
ment on acceptance. At pres
ent over 35 of the candi
dates for an AB degree are
being denied participation in
an advanced ROTC program
from its absence in the col
lege or junior college.
The end result of the new
program,' said Col. Frank E.
Sullivan, professor of air sci
ence, is the same number of
contact hours as with the pres
ent program. Drill, he said,
will be emphasized primarily
at summer camp. The pro
gram is expected to save the
Air Force from $3 to 6 mil
lion annually on its total
ROTC Cost of $26 million, as
well as attracting as good orj
Wednesday, October 4, 1961
vision,, and a traveling trophy
will be presented to the grand
champion winner of the Men's
Divisions. All awards will be
made at the Homecoming
Last year's display winners
were Gamma Phi Beta, PM
Gamma Delta and Delta Sig
ma Phi.
sentatives over to sign op fee
fore Oct.. 11.
Sponsored by the University
Theater, the purpose of the
contest is to promote the sal
of tickets.
Each organized house se
lects an Honorary Producer
candidate. These candidates
sell University Theater tick
ets. The sorority and frater
nity representatives selling the
most tickets in proportion to
the members of the house
will be selected Honorary
Producers for the 1961-'62 sea
son. The membership totals
will be provided by the Dean
of Student Affairs office.
The first and second place
winners in both the sorority
and fraternity divisions will
receive trophies which they
may keep for one year and
the following Rush Week. If
a house wins the traveling
trophy three years in a row,
they retain possession of it.
The Honorary Producers will
each have a page in the Corn
husker and tiublicitv in the
University Theater play pro
Last year's winners were
Alpha Xi Delta and Delta
Sigma Phi. Runner-ups were
Mgma Kappa and Theta Xi.
Tassels Tryouts
Interviews for new Tas
sels will be held Sunday,
1:30 to 3:30 in the Union.
The schedule will be post
ed at the interview room.
Not to Join
better a quality of officers
from a wider base.
8 to 18 Months
If legislation to set up the
program is not delayed, we
expect to begin phasing it
within eight to eighteen
months after Congress gives
us the go ahead, Col. Sullivan
reported, meaning as early
as fall 1962.
Col. Elmer Powell, profes
sor of military science, said
that studies are being made
to improve the Army ROTC
program and that possibly a
better program can be de
veloped which will not re
quire the first two years of
basic ROTC. "It is probable,"
he said", that we could identi
fy the best leaders as well as
providing drill or leadership
laboratory without the basic
cadet program."
"At any extent, proposals
for changing the ROTC pro
gram should reflect the need
to bring the service programs
closer together," Powell said.
"The higher cost of the
Navy's Holloway program has
prevented us from adopting
it today with the Army
ROTC's huge manpower re
quirements. According to a study of
ROTC by Gene M. Lyons and
John W. Masland, the Army
commissioned 13,613 2nd Lieu
tenants at a cost of $4462
each, the Navy commissioned
2319 at a cost of $6659 each,
and the Air Force commis
sioned 6401 at a cost of $4170
Compulsory ROTC
But let's go back to the
issue of compulsory ROTC.
Chancellor Clifford M. Hardin
has said that compulsory '
ROTC was adopted by the
(continued on page C)