The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 26, 1961, Image 1

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Vol. 75, No. 6
Reproduction of Dqrun Rooms
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Four Japanese Students
In '60 Maes-Per-Gallon'
By Sue Hovik
"How many miles to the
gallon do you get?"
You probably dont think
that this 'is one of the first
questions you would ask a
foreign visitor, but four Ja
panese students touring the
United States find that this is
a frequent question from
Driving a Japanese "Maz
da", they are able to answer
that question with an amaz
ing "60 miles to the gallon."
These visitors believed that
this question shows that
"American folks are sick
with the expense of gas."
Yusuke Ishizu, 24; Kensuke
Inukai, 22; Hajime Hasega
wa, 21; and Kiyoshi Miyata,
20 are all journalism stu
dents from Sophia University,
Tokyo, Japan.
Four Chosen
From applications, different
companies chose to sponsor
these four students to visit
in the United States. They ex
plained the reasons they ap
plied were that they like to
travel in foreign countries,
they could make the trip
worthwhile since they are in
journalism and better under
stand activities here, they
want to promote better 'un
derstanding between the two
countries, and they wish to
tell the truth. If they dont
have an academic purpose in
mind when they apply for the
trip they will not be accepted.
Although they all under
stood English, Hasegawa
acted as spokesman for the
group. He reported that there
are many differences between
the journalistic methods of
the two countries.
In Japan they have four
national papers which cover
all of the islands. One of
their bjectivei in the trip
was to examine local United
States papers. Japan doesn't
have anything on this order
Three weeks ago they ar
rived in Los Angeles, they
Young Democrats
Young Democrats are in
need of 15 volunteer work
ers to help with the Dollars
for Democrats fund drive
this weekend. Anyone inter
ested in helping should con
tact YD President Ted
Muenster at GR 7-3328.
Last Med School
Exam Scheduled
The last Medical Coflege
admission test for students
who are applying for admis
sion to medical colleges in the
fan of 1962 wiU be given in
Lincoln, Oct. 21.
All med school applicants
must have taken this exam at
least once. Information about
the test may be obtained at
306 Bessey Hall.
Applications for admission
to the University CoUege of
Medicine must be on file at
that college by Nov. 1.
Forms for application to the
med school may be obtained
from 306 Bessey Han.
.will spend two days in Lin
coln. They now have ten
weeks left in the U n i t e d
States. They have already vis
ited San Francisco, Boulder,
Colorado, and Salt Lake City,
Utah. They win receive credit
at the University for then-
tour, but the one condition in
volved is that they must be
home by the end of Novem
ber. Chose The U.S.
These Japanese students
chose the United States to
tour because Ihey "know that
it is formost in journalistic
activities and in journalism
research." They hope the tra
vel abroad win deepen their
understanding and broaden
their perspective in order
that they may contribute to
a peaceful world order.
The purpose of the trip is
four-fold: to observe the ma
jor activities and programs of
journalism departments of
American universities, to
study the function of the local
newspaper, to learn from per
sonal contact with American
students what we are think
ing about problems facing
American and the world so
they might strengthen the
mutual understanding between
the two countries, and to visit
some of their sister colleges
and universities which are
conducted by Jesuit Fathers.
Hasegawa said he n d e r
stood English a little bit la
Japan, but the people in the
United States are destroying
it with slang. This gave him
a little trouble when they first
arrived in the United States.
Nebraska university's Japa
nese counterparts were found
to be more serious than the
ones in Japan. They reported
they couldtat find any "dop-
NU Flying Club Adds New Plane to Roster
By Mike MacLeaa
The University Flying Club boasts a brand new 1961
Piper Colt, according to Neal Thomssen, president The
Colt is an ultra-modern two passenger Irainer in its first
year of production.
The club also owns and maintains exclusively for its
members a Piper Trt-Pacer, a four passenger long dis
tance aircraft
The Flying Club, which has flown 10,000 hours without
a personal-injury accident, currently has 32 active mem
bers and 250 lifetime members.
The club members are quick to take advantage of the
convenient mobUity offered by their aircraft Last spring
they used their two airplanes and rented another and 12
of the members flew to Kansas City and toured the Air
Traffic Control center at the Municipal Airport there.
Fly to Wichita
This fan there are plans for a similar trip to Wichita
to tour the Boeing Aircraft and MissHe plant
"Through constant maintenance and an eye toward
more and newer equipment we strive to make it possible
for as many University students and faculty members to
fly as cheaply as possible," explained Thomssen.
Government-rated instructors give lessons to members
who have not had any previous experience. It takes ap
proximately 40 hours of flying time, consisting of 20 hours
of instruction and 20 hours of solo to qualify for a Hcense.
In addition the student must also take a written exam.
AU lessons are scheduled at the student's convenience.
Anyone Can Join
"Anyone interested in joining the club is invited to at
tend our first meeting of the year, which win be held at
Union Airport, 7:30 p.m., Thursday," said Thompssen.
Thompssen points out that many University students
who have learned to fly in the club have made aviation
their career. He added that the club planes are a pleasure
and a convenience whether they are used for a trip home,
to a football game, or for a personal business trip to a
distant city.
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Three mock-up rooms, which are diagramed above, were
set np last week to enable the University Administration in
deciding which of three building plans to accept for the con
struction of a second girls dorm. The diagrams are not in
proportion to each other bat are drawn to scale with room
room dimension appearing on each.
Tour U.S.
ies." But they also feel that
the American young people
lack dignity. For instance in
Japan, you can't find any
couples who wane in town
hand in hand.
Cost Of living
An four students noticed
that the cost of living was
much higher than theirs, but
they also recognized that the
people were "anxious" about
the income to run a borne
and taxes.
One student said that since
TSey Tiegan traveling, they
realized that there still exists
the "people that we see in
Western movies in Japan. We
are very impressed.'
Lot Angeles wasn't much
different from any of their
larger cities, but they found
many more cart and older
women here.
On the question of the
American food, there was a
difference of opinion, they an
agreed that the meals were
cheap for the quantity re
ceived, but only one of them
thought they tasted good-
Hasegawa reported that un
fortunately their Impression
of the American people was
not favorable, but said, "well
try." There wasn't any dif
ference in the life of the
United States as to what they
thought it would be like, al
though many of the Japanese
have the impression that the
United States is a rich and
prosperous country. They re
ceive this from the movies
and TV.
Wednesday night, two of the
Japanese students win be
guests at the Delta Upsilon
house and two at the Pi Kap- j
pa Phi house.
The students win be visit
ing journalism classes today. J
The Nebraska
Blue Print Workers
Engineering and archi
tecture students interested
in working on the Nebraska
Blue Print magazine are
asked to come to room 52
Student Union on Wednes
day. r
Brazilicqi Economist
Joins University Staff
Dr. David Carneiro, an eco
nomics expert from Brazil,
has joined tie University
staff as visiting Land-Grant
professor of history.
His services for the next
academic year were obtained
through the national Land
Grant Centennial Committee,
which is assisting the na
tion's land-grant institutions
in securing distinguished for
eign scholars to hold faculty
assignments during the Cen
tennial year.
Dr. Carneiro has tome 30
years of experience as a pro
fessor ef economic! at the
University of Parana, located
in Curitiba, BrariL
Although he has only been
in the state a week, he says
he likes everything about it
"the weather, the people,
the students and his col
leagues." He terms his pres
ent assignment in Nebraska
"as one of Ms most interest
ing experiences."
"Fabulous Land"
"I'm actuany going to learn
more than I'm going to
teach. This is a fabulous
land. You are so technologi
caUy developed and your
transportation system is won
derful" stated the professor.
He commented that he
didn't see any weaknesses in
the U.S, "only strengths." ,
Two members of the Univesity Flying talk over flight
Club, John Vorboril and Norbert Chilewski, for take-off.
v.v?rf i I 1
Season Features 12 Movies
Sales Begin Oct 5
For Foreign Films
Foreign film Society tickets
win go on sale on Oct. 5,
according to a report from
the Student Union program
This year's film program
wiU include 12 movies which
win be shown at the Nebras
ka Center for Continuing Edu
cation auditorium. Due to
The students at the Univer
sity of Nebraska are much
different, he said. "In our
country, the students study
only for the reason of obtain
ing a degree. My impression
of your students is that they
want to leant for knowledge
Dr. Carneiro is teaching a
seminar in international rela
tions for graduate students,
pointing out the relations be
tween underdeveloped coun
tries and the U.S., and a
seminar in South American
history for upperclassmen.
Government Change
Dr. Carneiro caned the re
cent change of his govern
ment to a parliamentary sys
tem, shifting the executive
power to the newly estab
lished post of prime minister
from that of the new presi
dent Joao Goulart, as "the
best solution that could have
He feels that the newly in
staUed president, labeled as
leftist by the Brazilian mili
tary, "win be a conservative
"Goulart is a rich man and
owns much property. It
wouldn't be logical for him
to be other than conserva
tive. And, too, Brazil will pro
gress more rapidly internally
(Cont'd on page 4)
the capacity of the audito
rium, each movie win be
shown twice once at 7 p.m.
and at 9 p.m. The move to
the Center was due to that
fact that faculties used in
previous years were not
available for use.
Only 1,000 film subscrip
tions wfll be sold this year.
This is a decline of 100 mem
berships from previous years.
Ticket prices are: Students
$4, faculty, $5; and patrons,
$6. Tickets will be sold by sub
scription this year and the ac
tual tickets will be sent
through the mail.
Purchasers are asked to in
dicate which hoar of the
showing they would prefer to
attend. Once the choice is
made the ticket cannot be ex
changed in the program office
but it may be traded with as
other ticket holder.
Confirmations have been
received for nine of the films
"Would Be Gentlemen," a
French film will open this
year's season on October 25.
"The World of Apu"-hird of
the Anology, an Indian film
win be shown on December
13. "Hiroshima Mon Amour,"
a French film, win be shown
beginning January 17. "The
Virgin Spring," a Swedish
film, wiD be shown beginning
February 14.
The film "Grand Elusion"
win be shown beginning Feb
ruary 28. "General Delia Po
vere," an Italian film, wUl be
shown beginning March 14; it
win also be shown on October
9 and 10 in the lower corri
dor of the Student Union.
"Saturday Night and Sun
day Night" an English film,
win be shown beginning April
4. And "Ballad of a Soldier,"
a Russian film, win be shown
beginning April 18.
instructions as they prepare
Tuesday, September 26, 1961
By Janet Sack
Three mockup roms for the
proposed new dorm were fin
ished late last week, accord
ing to Verner Meyers, Univer
sity director of the division of
planning and construction.
The bdlding, which is now
in the planning stage, win re
quire approval by the Univer
sity Board of Regents before
any final arrangements can
be made. Plans now call for
the dorm to be primarily used
by women, but it win be sec
tionalized and could be used
as coed living quarters.
The three mockup rooms,
located on the third floor of
Nebraska Han, are an experi
ment in aa attempt to have
everyone see what s going en.
Meyers said. Interested sta
dents and faculty members
may view the mocknps.
Each room differs from the
other in size, shape and ar
rangement of furniture. The
rooms are arranged so that
each individual win have, the
oretically, one-half room to
Although the sizes of the
proposed rooms vary by just
a few feet, the arrangement
of the furnishings makes qaite
bit of difference in the
available space, Meyers said.
He added that he beUeves
money can be saved by build
ing the mockups. Plans are
first made on paper and then
an inexpensive model of the
rooms are made. By doing
this fewer mistakes are
made. Often times plans on
paper cannot be correctly in
terpreted. "We think that a mockup
study of any University un
dertaking it a good way to
handle construction," Meyers
The model rooms were buflt
near the waU in Nebraska
Han so the space between the
rooms and the wan would be
the same as the corridor in
the completed buflding. By
doing this a sense of relative
space is gained. The model
rooms were built side-by-side
for the actual effect
In addition to experimenta
tion of space, Meyers said he
is also working with color and
lighting and ventilation in the
In two of the rooms the
closets are on the exterior
wan and would cause the
bmlding to have an irregular
design when viewed from the
The third room is similar
to those used at the Univer
sity of Washington ia Seattle,
Meyers said. This room,
which is 197 square feet, gives
the appearance of being
crowded because of the ar
rangemerL An the rooms have bunt-in
desks and shelves for books
and a medicine chest The
bmlt-in desks caused some
comment from several stu
dents viewing the model
rooms. The boys in particular
said they often move their
desks to give a different fur
niture combination.
Meyers said at the present
time the beds were not de
signed to be stationary and
could be bunked for addition
al space.
These three rooms are not
necessarily the final blue
prints which wOl be used ia
bunding the new dorm. Mey
ers said that further rooms
win probably be bunt to give
the planners and the students
a better idea of what is best
for the University.
Classes Available
Students wOl have all of
this week in which to add
courses die to tanceDed
registrations. Spaces in var
ious sections have opened
and courses have become
available to students who
need or want them.
Regents Accept
Bids to Remodel
The low bid for the remod
eling of Unit II of the Univer
sity Hospital in Omaha were
accepted by the Board of Re
gents Saturday.
Sides Construction Co.,
Omaha, with a bid of 5173,300,
and O'Keefe Elevator Co.,
Omaha, with a bid of $52,432,
were chosen for the remodel
ing .work.
The project will include re
modeling . the old radiology
laboratory, introduction of
t w o elevators in existing
shaftways and reworking Unit
II ward for a service area.
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