Tuesday, April 4, 1961 The Pink Rag Poge I- 7TD om Named Athletic Director Ping Pong Coach Moves Up at NU Reddy Predicts New Frontier For Athletics at Nebraska Reddy "The Kid" Roundbottom has been named to the post of athletic director at Nebraska by the Board of Regents. The announcement came on Good Friday amid tearful cheers of joy. He is replacing Big Bill Errorwig who took an extended leave of absence shortly after receiving the annual press award as "The Biggest Sport of the Year." ' Roundbottom, a graduate of Dumb College, was named to the post on the basis of his past experience and his pro gressive views on college ath letics. Reddy has been coach of the table tennis team for the past 10 years and has been connected with the intermural program for as long as any one cares to remember. Roundbottom's record in the win-loss column is not im pressive the first few times you look at it and the next few glances makes it look even worse. One of Setbacks - His team finished 8th in the Big Eight ping pong tourna ment last year without scor ing a point. This, however, is just one of the many setbacks which has made him great, and has given him a philos ophy that is cherished by all who know him. "It's not whether you win or lose, but if you have a good time," he says. Reddy continues, "I have always tried to instill in my boys the spirit of losing grace fully. This is something that 1 could not carry on without and I feel that passing this philosophy on to all the young men I come in contact with is one of my greater accom plishments." Reviewing the records we were inclined to agree with the new athletic director his boys had to be good los ers. Reddy is known in some circles as one of the most progressive minded coaches in the nation. I asked him for a prognostication of the trend bl college athletics. After thumbing through his Webster Vest-Pocket he said, i prognosticate a gradual decrease and eventually the abolishment of the brutal f ports and a trend toward more friendly games, it is be cause of this that my experi ence in intermurals will be a great benefit." Reddy Cited Roundbottom, who is giving up his nook after a long Nebraska Officials Surprised by Move Most in Athletic Department Not Happy with AD Choice Most of Nebraska's athletic coaches and officials were stremely surprised and some were even a little bitter at the appointment of Red Roundbottom as athletic director. . Mother Klink, assistant to former director Bill Errorwig ind present concessions manager said, "Maybe he will do a :wd job, but I doubt if he will He is too radical and I eel that I would have been men better able to handle e position, since I am noted br my ability to remain 'col, calm and collected un i'?r any situation.' ' Husker football coach Nil Winnings expressed fear that . jme money would be taken ay from his department by . le new athletic boss. "Everyone knows that he 'as been unsuccessful as a mnis coach and that he Hames his losses on the fact fiat we get most of the schol arship money while his poor boys get only a meager share, said Winnings. "If he takes away some of our money we may lose a couple of boys out of the 90 that we have on scholarships. "The thing that worries me "le most about this is that be gives more money to . iher sports and they start - inning, then people will ex- ect me to produce a win- pr and I will be in real trou i !e then. "That is the main reason fiat we have been spending co much money. Because as ig as we can keep the oth er coaches here from getting . and producing a winner, the people in the state won't st too unhappy if we don't .ave a winning football Swimming coach Rickey Noclass was happy over the rppointment of Roundbottom. i was glad to see my room mate here in the PE Building ' et the job. Now that he's in the big chair maybe I can I a little money for my swimming team. . "With just about $1.25 more reign as intermural director, was cited for raising the pro gram to its present level of excellence. Some of the intermural managers even invited him to a necktie party, but Round bottom was called out of town at the last minute and the party had to be called off. Freddie Fratrat, intermural manager for Phi PI Phew, said, "We are sorry that Reddy couldn't make it to the party, but we are planning another and we'll keep trying until he is able to attend one. We want to express our feel ings for all that he has done to as in intermurals." Speaking of the intermural program, Reddy says, "I was very happy to work with the intermural program because it is very dear to me. It is inspiring to see the young men competing so fiercely in such fine sports as badminton and horseshoes sports that I feel will one day dominate college athletics." The new athletic director has released no immediate program, but his moving and historic acceptance speech gave us many of his ideas. New Frontier He said, "I feel we are on the edge of a new frontier in college athletics, an era full of challenges which will be difficult, but can be over come with my leadership and a lot of hard work." ' Reddy has one major plan which he is working on and which he feels, "... will stimulate more interest and will be a major step in rais ing the quality of college ath letics." He plans to submit a re vised program for raising the minimum wage to $1.25 an hour for athletes. He feels that inflation has taken the bottom out of athletes salar ies. In introducing the proposal he said, "If we are going to keep the top men here we are going to have to show them in some small way that we appreciate and love them." be able to stand the pressure. I could have a winner. But there is another reason I am glad he got the job. "Don't print this, but I am glad to see him leave this office. Yon see, he had bad breath and I bad to fumi gate the office' every morn ing when I came to work or I wouldn't have been able to stand it." Nowins Bushbeater, head basketball coach, was dis mayed at Bill Errorwig's leav ing and refused to comment on the new director. "I was real sorry to see my good friend leave the cam pus, but I guess you have to go some time," Bushbeater said. "He really stood behind me (he was way behind) during my terrible seasons and I just hope that Reddy has the same patience with me that Errowwig had. Big Billy was just like a father to me and when 1 needed someone to comfort me he was always right there." Revine Honored By Bennies Gang Dank Revine, Husker track coach, was presented a set of platinum track utensils as an honorarium by the Benze drine foundation in their an nual awards. The utensils included jave lin, shot, baton, hurdle, end cinder all of Platinum. In ad dition to these small tokens, the Benzedrine corporation gave coach Revine a pair of Vicuna shorts. Errorwig Takes Over IM Program iilpii TALUON Talljon Chooses Huskers Versatile Star Is AlLMelvin Whoopee Talljon, all-Melvin tennis great, has announced that he will play 'on some Husker athletic squad. The tall, versatile, ail-all-all- athlete will be forced to pick between tennis, basketball, football and baseball when he gets to the Nebraska campus All the Husker coaches, Nowin Bushbeater, Nil Win nings, Dank Revine, Tony Twinkletoes and new athletic director Red Roundbottom are engaging in fisticuffs over the newfound precocious, also rather smart all-all-all-star. Roundbottom commented that although the tall, versa tile athlete was a star in foot ball, basketball, tennis, and baseball at Melvin, he might have difficulties making the Husker squads. "It isn't noticeable in the picture, but Whoopee's right arm is trie only with an elbow and it had to sacrifice nearly half a foot of arm length and nine toes for the privilege. You can t see it, but Tall ion has to jump to hit the serve pictured," Reddy con tinued. NU Shooter Is Booted Herman Hotshot was boot ed from the Nebraska rifle squad Monday, rifle team coach Floorsluff announced to the Daily Worker. "Hotshot has been traveling with the squad but has not been one of the consistent high scorers, said Floorshuff. "I didn t want to relieve him of his rifle responsibil ities, but the incident during yesterday's range action forced me to take action, con tinued the coach. The incident Floorsluff Spoke of occurred when Floor sluff ordered Hotshot off the ranee after consistanly low shooting." Hotshot glared at Floorsluff and preceded to challenge the coach to shoot any high er. "The challenge wasn't the bad thing and for that mat ter, it wasn't so bad when he shot all the buttons off my new shorts, said Floorsluff "It was the fact that he was standing on the range, the wax you know. GRAVES PRINTING CO. Social Stationery Party Invitations Graduation Announcements Hare Graves Print It South of Temple Bhlg. NU Plans 0ensive Changes Nebraska football fans can expect to see more Offense from the Husker team next fall, Coach Nil Winnings said Monday as spring practice be gan for the NU gridders. The mam reason fans will see more offense is that the Huskers will be using anoth er down this year before punt ing. Faithful fans who have had the stamina to watch the dismal Huskers in past years will remember that Nebras ka always punted on third down. The Husker coach cleared up this phenomena Monday. The reason we have been punting on third down is be cause I thought the rules al lowed only three downs. "I had a dream one night that the rules makers changed the rules when I came to Ne braska and gave a team only three downs. That is why we have always punted on third down." When asked why he hadn't noticed that other teams nev er punted on the third down, Winnings replied, "If you will remember I always keep my head down and thus I never see what is going on out there." Winnings also hinted that the Huskers may pass more next year. "If we get good field position, well pass," he said. "We've never had good field position for passing since came here and the fans don't understand that yon can get in trouble without good field position." When asked what he meant by good field position, win nmgs said, I consider good field position anywhere with in 15 yards of the opposing goal line "Of course until we get that close to a touchdown we will have to continue to rely on our two yards up the middle and a cloud of dust offense." The NU mentor also said he plans to use Lightning Thunder at halfback instead of at fullback. "We are doing this because he will be able to hit the line at an angle now instead of running into it straight on. "As any good engineer knows there is less danger of breaking something if two ob jects collide at an angle than if they run headon. This new angle will save wear and tear on poor Lightning's neck and he may even be able to walk around with his head above his shoulders rather than be tween them." Winnings also has a plan for making a little extra spending money. He is manu facturing Lightning and inun der dolls which will go on the market soon. When the dolls are wound up they are guaranteed to run j straight into the nearest wall with their head down. The dolls will be available at most department stores and the dolls are guaranteed to stand up under any pressure. Sam and Tank To Lead Alums All-Sports day fans will see Slam Bam Sam and Tank Trackback in the All-Sports spring, the athletic director's office announced today. Sam and Trackback have been stalwards on the alum squad for the past decade. Sam is noted for his ability to roll up into a ball of fluff and become almost invisible behind the posterior of his mighty center. His versatile, running, passing, kicking at tack led the alums to a good after-game cigar feast last year. Trackback, mighty tackle for the Huskers, was judged last season's outstanding ball receiver in Alum play. Track back is also noted for his punt blocking prowess. Farmhands to Host Plucking Good Time Farmhands have announced that they will sponsor a chick en plucking contest next week in the intermural annual hoopla of fun games. HE22957j LITTLE MAN "This comzmiz frwmoTm. otn&Q toll. "Co yVa$ it patty iqmp?&T Charlie Brown Named Athlete of The Week For the week of March 27 to April 4 Charlie Brown has been named the Daily Work er's Athlete of the Week. The great sports figure Brown, throughout his long career at Nebraska, has ma jored in physical education. His great hope is to be a tid dley wink coach. Throughout his six years in college he has won stupen dous honors in this major sport. As a freshman he won the Juliet Low Girl Scout Tro phy for winning the National Tiddley Wink Tournament held on the Memorial Stadium Field. Brown was the hero of that tournament for finding three long lost tiddley winks. In his sophomore year in the Tiddley Wink champion ship of 1957 he came from nowhere to win the tourna ment amid the tumult of shouts from his screeching supporters. From this day on he was known as "The Big Man on Campus." "The Man" is very modest, but throughout h i s fantastic career he has had BLAST-OFF THAT PAYS OFF. Roy Woodle, Convair Flight Engineer, supervises an Air Force Atlas Satellite Launch that will relay information from outer space to increase knowledge of the earth and aid weather forecasting and communica tions. This brilliant, young space engineer smokes Camels. He says they're the only cigarettes that give him real satis faction every time he lights up. i ! H UJ i 'It ' l ' U. ON CAMPUS as l I 5 CHARLIE the support of the beautiful University coeds. Some of the honors he has received are the marathon trophy for 25 straight hours of snapping his fingers, the most points accumulated in his six years of college 1,000, and his most outstanding achievement was the winning of the Benedict Arnold Tro phy for good sportsmanship Now, all you red-blooded University students know why we of the Daily Worker have awarded the Athlete of t h e week award to Charlie Brown. & g .in t. lujnooidi IoOhw Coapuy. K. C The host tobacco mokes the best smoh Former Athletic Director Resigns Indiana Position Bill Errorwig announced yesterday that he would quit his new athletic directorship at Indiana and assume the in termural management responsibilities at Nebraska. The IM director spot was vacated when Reddy Round bottom took over the Husker athletic director post. I've always had my eye on the intermural post, but 1 never realized that the pro ficient and masterly man who has made it what it is would ever be named to the athletic director's job," said Error wig; "When Roundbottom desert ed the Husker intermural post for my old job, the field was clear and I realized that if I was ever to break into the realms of IMdom that Husker ville would be the ideal place to start," continued Error wig. When asked about plans for the IM spot, Errorwig com mented, "I plan to continue in the shadow of Reddy, but I believe that intermural ac tivity should be further ex ploited and its full benefits enjoyed. 1 also plan to set up a more stringent program. Vio lations of IM rules will now be searched down rather than stumbled across. I am dedi cated to the fact that certain organizations have been pull ing shinanagins on Reddy and he has let them get by too easily. "To bring about this new spirit of good clean fun, I am going to renovate the present intermural rules system. This will include using first, middle and last names and finger prints to identify the inter mural participants. "I am also going to rec commend that every IM man ager put up a $10,000 bond. This new addition to the "Let's make intermurals big" program was brought to my attention by the recent mis use of badminton birds and undue horseshoe wear. Under Bill's new plan it will be imperative that every one brush his teeth with Pol gate, gargle Misterine and chew gum in the presence of the IM director. "Bad breath In one minute w seel in your pheret, ID't, licensM, Headquarters for Religious Supplies Nebraska Church Goods Co. Mr. and Mn. Bernard Matthew 144 No. 14th St. Lincoln . Nobr. mh & 4s sr ' " 1 (0l3inj ' v y .'. t ' - f i vv 'V detracts so from the clean competitive atmosphere of in termural play," states Error wig. A five-year plan has been set up by the new director. "The plan will eventually lead to the discontinuation of intercollegiate athletics which have become commercialized, brutish outlets of personal grievances against Nebras ka," continued the new IM head. Errorwig also believes that the new five-year plan will do away with the spirit problem now experienced. I mention spirit becausa of the tumultous approval tha six in a row porkers got as they won this year's IM title. There were more peopl watching the final game than have turned out for any twfr Husker games this year," said Bill. Keglers Try For Strikes The Nebraska bowling team will travel this week to Laws ence Kans. to compete in fet national bowling roll offs. This year's roll offs will ba judged not on total score but on the number of strikes hi a row. Roll-off director Burr Whine commented that Vxi. new style of competition should prove to be a nighrr competitive method of bowl ing. "Another feature of this type of tournament is the fact that we can get natic "l cov erage and three spons The proceeds zrcrrn uus lut&tu. make the trip a little easier for the under-scholarshipea' athletes," continued Whine. "Aid to bowlers long has been a sore spot," he con cluded. - hi i-m -I