Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1961 The Nebraskan Page 3 ! NU Gymnasts Keep Winning By Hal Brown While Nebraska's major sports teams struggle to reach the .500 mark each season, the Husker gymnasts continue to win meet after meet. This year's gym team is no exception to the winning pattern that has been established by coach Jake Geier as the Huskers have completed an unbeaten season in dual and triangular meets. Nebraska hasn't had a losing season In gymnastics in the 12 seasons that Geier has been at the helm and only once have they lost more than two meets in a season. This i happened in Geier's first year when the Huskers won six and lost four. The Huskers have had six seasons with only one loss and four seasons in which they suffered only two setbacks. Geier refuses to take any credit for this season's un beaten mark. "There have been some seasons when I felt that I deserved a little credit, but that isn't the case this year," Geier said. "All the credit for the undefeated season goes to the boys." Stars of the Week For completing an undefeated season the eight mem bers of the gym team will receive the Daily Nebraskan Star of the Week award. The eight gymnasts and their home towns are Dennis Anstine, Hastings; Bill Brass, Sargent; Lou Burkel, Bea trice; Herbert Hanich, Lincoln; Gene, Hart, Lincoln; Dick McCoy, Lincoln; Doug Moore, Omaha and 'Charles Wil liams, Ainsworth. , Anstine, Brass, Hanich and Moore are seniors. Wil liams is a junior, and Burkel, Hart and McCoy are sopho mores. Moore is captain of the squad. When informed of the Dally Nebraskan award, Geier said, They sure deserve it and I know they will appreciate it: These boys have done more than I ever thought they could . - "I told them at the beginning of the season that we would lose meets, but that I expected them to do their best. They started working real hard and as the season continued they got more hard-nosed with every meet." Geier illustrated what he meant by hard-nosed by citing the final triangular against Kansas State and Man kato State last Saturday. Burkel Injured "Burkel injured a leg in the opening event of the meet and since he is an all around performer this meant that t we would be weakened in several events, but the rest of the boys beared down and made up for the points we lost with the loss of Burkel. And as you know we won the meet," Geier explained. The gym mentor explains that he didn't think the team had a chance to defeat either Colorado State College or Mankato State this season, but he says, "The boys worked real hard and wouldn't give up so we were able to win both meets."- This year's wins included three triangulars and nine duals. The Huskers will meet the freshmen Saturday and then compete in the all-college tourney March 3-4 for their next outing. Geier figures that the Air Force Academy will win the meet with Nebraska, Colorado State and Mankato State battling for second place. 'That's the way I have it figured," he says, "but the team doesn't think that way. The boys think they can win the meet." Six AAU Crowns The Husker coach, who has directed Nebraska to three all-college crowns and six Midwest AAU championships, also credits his two assistants with much of the work that hat been done this season. Don Langdon and Charles Ellis have worked with the freshmen and varsity respectively. "Both of them have done terrific jobs this year," Geier said. Geier, himself, is only a coach on the side. He is an assistant professor in Teachers College and teaches a full load of subjects. "Coaching is just a sideline" and gives me a way to spend my time between 4 and 6 p.m. each day," he says. The Husker gym team receives only $1,200 a year for scholarship aid. This is less than the cost of a football player and must be divided among the entire team. Until two years ago, the gymnasts received no aid. Geier uses the following axiom in coaching gymnas tics: "The measure of all routines is that he have routine with a start, a "body and a finish with perfect form." He operates on the idea that if you can't do it well you shouldn't do it. "We have won a lot of meets against stronger opponents where they try more difficult stunts, but have a break in the routine and we get the most points in the end," he explains. Background music is used at all home gym meets be cause Geier feels that it is good for both the spectator and the participant. "The music helps one to relaxe and adds more dignity to the meet," the Husker coach explains. With no large grants-in-aid available for recruiting help one might wonder about the troubles involved in getting a good gym team. "When I first came here we got little help from high schools because all the good boys were going to places like Iowa, Florida State and Colorado schools,". Geier said. High Schools Change "This is changing but we still lose some good high school gymnasts. We have been getting the rest of the boys, however, and they come here and work real hard to be come top gymnasts. After he gets the boys out for gymnastics he has little trouble keeping them. Only one varsity gymnast has been scholastically ineligible in the 12 seasons Geier has been at Nebraska. Some outstanding freshmen are also on hand to bolster the outlook for coming years. Leading the frosh gymnasts is Dennis Albers, who was state champion in every thing but selling tickets at the state gymnastics meet last year. "The thing that worries me. about Albers is that people will expect too much from him the first year," Geier said. The Husker coach also picks out five other freshmen as being just as outstanding in their events as Albers is in all events. They are Tom Nystrom, Gerald Harvey and Tom Sitz man, all of Lincoln, Larry Hojer of Crete and Steve Swihart of Grand Island. i s1 -v i V f i SPECIAL STUDEftT DISCOVXTS Diamondi Watches Jewelry Gifts CMABSt ACCOUNTS WflCOMl . fXPMT WATCH-JtWIUV REPAIRS ' KAUFMAN JEWELERS mz "O" st. OPEJ MOX.-THURS. KITES rv iL 1 V EIGHT GYMNASTS GIVE NEBRASKA UNDEFEATED TEAM Nebraska's eight-man gymnastics team under the tutelage of Jake Geier completed an undefeated season hi dual and triangular meets. Huskers above the bars are (from left) Doug Moore, Dennie Anstine, Herbert Hanich, Dick McCoy and Gene Hart. Below the bars are (from . left) Charles Williams, Bill Brass and Lou Burkel. (Photo by Dave HiTIman). Daily Nebraskan Sports Swimmers Set Busy Sports Pace Nebraska's athletic team will face a busy weekend of activity this week with th swimmers setting the pace. Coach Dick Haas's mermen will see action Friday, Satur day and Sunday. They will meet Kansas State of Pitts burg at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Kansas State and Grinnell at 3 p.m. Saturday and will par ticipate in an AAU meet Sun day. Preliminaries in the AAU meet will begin at 10 a.m. with the finals starting at 3 p.m. All three swimming meets will be held at the Col iseum PooL The undefeated Husker track team will entertain Ok lahoma at 2 p.m. Saturday in the final tune up before the conference meet. Nebraska's cagers will fac Kansas Saturday at Lawrence. A freshman-varsity gymnas tics meet is slated for th Physical Education Building at 2 p.m. Saturday. Coach Mickey Sparano's grapplers are idle until March 4 When they meet Missouri in the season finale at the Coliseum. Phi Delts Edge Theta Xi Cagers Phi Delta Theta and Phi Kappa Psi jumped to a lead in the Class C intramural championships in Monday night's two games. Bob Peterson of Phi Delta Theta scored 11 points to lead the Phi Delts to a 25-22 vic tory over Theta Xi. Wayne Howlett was the high scorer for the losers with 9 points. Phi Kappa Psi scored 33 points to Alpha Tau Omega's 21 to advance into the third round of C competition. Stan Schrag and Jerry Overgaard each scored 12 points to lead the Phi Psi'i scoring attack. Tareyton delivers the flavor. . . $fi DUAL " I r ' Tareyton, ' -gd It V- , Z$yJ'Cy,:- 1 1 Four Undefeated Teams Meet Tonight in IM Play Kappa Sigma-A will go against Beta Theta Pi-A and Burnett-A will take on Guss II-A to highlight tonight's all University basketball tourna ment action. ,The Ag Men-Beta Sigma Psi game in the Fraternity-A division also figures to be close. These four teams, Ag Men, Beta Sigma Psi, Kappa Sig ma and Beta Theta Pi are the only undefeated teams in the Fraternity-A division of the all-University tourney. Main Feature Clock Varsity: "The Misfits," 1:35, 4:13, 6:51, 9:24. State: "Look in Any Win dow," 1:35, 3:37, 5:39, 7:41, 9:43. Thursday night, there will be only one undefeated squad in the league as the winner of the Kappa Sigma-Beta Theta Pi game plays the win ner of the Ag Men-Beta Sig ma Psi game. The schedule: Wednesday: PE Court 1 5:00 Hitchcock-A vs. An-drews-A 6:30 Sea ton I-A vs. Avery-A 7:30 Burnett-A vs. Gus Il-A 8:30 Selleek-A vs. Bouch-er-A PE Court 2 5:00 Kappa Sigma-A vs. Beta Theta Pi-A Here's one filter cigarette that's really different t The difference is this: Tareyton's Dual Filter gives you a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, definitely proved to make the taste of a cigarette mild and smooth. It works together with a pure white outer filter to balance the flavor elements in the smoke. Tareyton deliver and yoj enjoy the beU latle of the best tobaccos. DUAL FILTER Tareyton ACTIVATED CHARCOAL inacr filter X 1 PAUL ANKA-RUTH ROMAN THE SHADES ARE OPEN. r it i t ; ii it t.t, lit iv Jjtf w f i "Nothing between, their secrets and the neighborhood except a pane of glass!" "Adults who pretend to be good parent ...until they think no one is looking!" 6.30 Ag Men vs. Beta Sigma Psi-A 7:30 Alpha Tau Omega-A vs. Delta Sigma Phi-A 8:30 Acacia-A vs. Theta Xi-A Thursday: PE Court 1 5:00 -Winner of Sigma Chi Phi Kappa Psi-A vs. winner of Phi Delta Theta-Pioneer-A 7:30 Winner of Kappa Sigma-Beta Theta Pi-A vs. win ner of Ag Men-Beta Sigma Psi-A 8:30 Alph Gamma Sigma-A vs. winner of Delta Sigma Pi-Farm House-A PE Court 2 5:00 Kiesselbach vs. winner of Gus I-Manatt-A 6:30 Winner of Smith-Goodding-A vs. winner of Burnett-Gus TI-A j r; j . f ADULTS ONLY kite JHHtlUVMM.:f "', I " t,lf.'Bliiiinii AiMimrtiMiiia Ili pt- rxr "-v COMFNS . Pure white outr filter I