The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 06, 1961, Page Page 2, Image 2

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The Nebraskan
Friday, Jan., 6, 1967
Allies Not Clients
But Our Partners
Eric Sevareld
By Eric Sevareld
A sew year, a new decade and a new American cap
tain command the horizons of the Western peoples who
are stumbling together as protection against the most
rapid and most profoundly revolutionary upheaval in
human affairs in all recorded time. -
In this process I do not know all the questions, to say
nothing of all the answers. After 18 months of criss
crossing the Alliance countries I am most keenly aware
of a paradox, and most keenly wary of simple solutions.
One must, with a sigh, agree with Dean Rusk that the
recognition of complexity is the beginning of wisdom
' But statesmen must decide, and decision means
selecting the dominant threads in the bewildering pattern
and following them to tneir ena. bo gooa
men disagree in their very premises. In
the same week Mr. Joseph Alsop has told
us that European statesmen yearn for
strong American leadership and that the
future of the Alliance is dark without it;
and Mr. Walter Lippmann has told us
that the Alliance is now grown up, Euro
peans are now our p a r t n e r s, not our
clients, and this must be an alliance of
But leadership implies followers and
European countries are less and less
able to follow our lead, however fresh and vigorous, be
cause they cannot agree among themselves on problems
that intimately concern them, whether it be the common
market, a strong or conciliatory line on Berlin, the mil
tary command of NATO or the spread or stoppage of nu
clear weapons. On such matters we can counsel and sug
gest, as Mr. Herter has frankly and boldly done on the
question of the Polaris Missiles, but we cannot direct or
even push very hard. If we try to we will experience a
fierce popular backlash against us, even in our steadiest
ally, Great Britain.
Yet an "alliance of equals", desirable in form and
manner, is a myth in terms of fact and action. This is
so not o n 1 y because our responsibilities are infinitely
more complex and widespread than those of any single
allied nation. We are a world power; no ally is, any more.
Only when he discusses generalities does a European say
to an American, "Why don't you give us a lead?" When
he discusses the specifics of any immediate issue he says,
"Why don't you follow our advice?" And the advice is
often in total contradiction, capital to capital. '
European governments cannot move very far ahead
of their national popular opinion, but they can try to guide
it. The recent story of European popular opinion has been
one of whipsawing the United States with contradictory
criticisms. When we are quiet and prudent we are "sunk
in complacency." When we boldly respond to Communist
challenges we are "reckless and trigger happy." The few
bad boners we have pulled, as in our handling of the U-2
affair, scarcely weigh in the balance against the truly,
remarkable record of American selflessness, risk-taking
and sensitive concern over these 15 post war years
the occasional thick-skinned preachments of John Foster
Dulles notwithstanding.
The Eisenhower regime has certainly not created a
world image of confident, directed American leadership.
But I cannot believe it is this that has produced the ap
palling results of the new opinion polls which show nearly
half the British people unwilling to be partners either of
America or Russia, and nearly half the Canadian people
uncertain whether they wish to be in the Western alliance
at all. It is something much deeper, including an impotent .
fear of the bomb, a weary wish-thought that history would
stop and the inevitable resentment against Big Brother.
Win this deep-seated and dangerous condition all
Allied governments must deal. Equality, of understanding
at least, must work both ways. It is my own impression
that Europeans are not so "subservient" to America as
Mr. Lippmann thinks they are. Often, they use the plaint
of "no American lead" as a rationalization of their own
inertia in tackling matters they must, in the first in
stance, settle themselves. I am tempted to say that it is
we who have been too subservient to our allies. Con
stantly they tell us that we "want to be liked", whereas
we should want to be respected. But that, too, is a two
way transaction. Mr. Lippmann says that Europe has
recovered from the war; economically it has, but psycho
logically it has not. No matter what we do or don't do,
the sub-strata of pure envy will persist, at least until
world tensions relax.
If European leaders want a s t r o n g and respected
America as leader or partner, they can help start the
process at home. Anti-American neutralism festers and
spreads in Britain, and Prime Minister Macmillan leads
no strong counter-offensive against it.
The kindly Scots villagers along Holy Loch are deeply
troubled about the coming of the American Polaris sub
marine, partly because t h e y are uninformed about Its
accident-proof security, and no British minister bothers
to go there and enlighten them.
Just once DeGaulle might acknowledge to his people
that Washington has been infinitely patient with their Al
gerian agony.
The Belgians might be told that we really have no
desire to steal their remaining Congo assets.
The well fed Germans might be reminded that Ameri
cans, so "rich and fat," have five million unemployed
among them and still pay three times more per capita
tax for defense than do the imperiled Germans.
Virtually every allied people might be reminded that
American boys do a longer military service than their
Our allies have taken us much too much for granted.
Their popular press and salon intellectuals have moved
much too far from justified criticism into abuse of our
good name, our good record and our honorable purpose.
Many American readers will accuse me of chauvin
ism for saying this. That will be evidence in Itself of how
extraordinarily patient we have been w i t h our allied
friends. s
(Distributed 1980. by The Hall Syndicate. Inc.)
(All RiltiU Hsserved)
Daily Nebraskan
Member Associated Colleriate Press. International Pres
Representative: National Advertising Service, ?ncmorated
Published at: Boom 51, Student Union, Lincoln, Nebraska,
14th & ft
Telephone HE 2-76S1, exi 4225. 2, 4227
ftahscrlptlsa ratea are 93 ex amwsttr a fS far (ha sraaVmla ;rar.
Eatmd aa arana class matter at tat past afflra la UanMa. Wrtrsska,
adar taa act of Aarnst 4, lilt.
Has Dally Nahraakaa la pabltahad Monday, Tarsdaj, Wednesday and Pit-
day dartag the aehonl year, except dortnc vacations and nam periods, by
atndenta t the University of Nebraska antler aothorltatloa of the Committee
a Student Affairs aa aa expeesalon of student opinion. PaMlratloa antler tbe
Jnrlsdlrtlaa af tba 8nbconunltte on Student Pnhllratinna shall be free from
adltortat censorship an the part af the Subcommittee or on the part of aay
person aatslde the University. The members of the Dally Nebraskaa staff are
personally responsible for srtiat they nay. or do, or causa to bo printed,
raaraary S, Wi.
Editor , ,. Herb Prnbasro
Maaaxlnf Editor Dave ( slhonn
News Editor Karen Im
parts Editor , . ." Hal Rrowa
A News Editor fleraid ranthersoa
Copy Editors Pat Deaa, Ann Mover, Cirrtrhen Nhrilhersj
Staff Writers Norm Beattv. Dave Wohlfarth
Junior Staff Writers. Nfcney Brown. Jim Enrreot, Nanev VYhltford. hip Wood
Klfht News Editor Ana Moyer
Business Manager gtaa Haimaa
Assistant Business Managers ....Doa Fergusoa. Chip Knklln, John Schnteder
Clrrnlatlon Manacer ' Bob Karl
CtaaaUicd Manacer dori Joaaaoa I
Inside View
Daily Nebraskan Letterips
By Phil Boroff
Films shown in Lincoln's
theaters during 1960 were
generally disappointing, in
dicating further commer
cialization and static pres
entation in one of our coun
try's biggest industries.
However, scattered be
tween the Italian spectacles
dubbed m English and the
pictures starring Doris Day
and Elvis Presley, several
worthwhile, creative p i c
t u r e s and performances
stand out. Of the first-run
films shown for the general
public in Lincoln during the
past 12 months, here are
my selections of outstand
ing achievements in the var
ious categories:
Best Picture
(United A r t i s t s) - Billy
Wilder's amusing yet force
ful seriocomic tale about
disillusioned love and get
ting that 'key to the ex
ecutive washroom'.
ed Artists) excellent
presentation of the w e 1 1
known Sinclair Lewis novel
about the radical, dynamic
(United Artists) fine adap
tation of the successful
Broadway play about the
infamous "Monkey Trial"
of "Darwin vs. the Bible."
(20th Century-Fox) A dra
matically and cinematically
beautiful adaptation of the
s e m i-autobiography by
D. H. Lawrence about a
young artist in an English
mining town.
MER (Columbia) Ten
nessee Williams' o n e-act
play about insanity, homo
sexuality and a mother's
love forcefully expanded for
the screen by Williams and
playwright Gore Vidal.
Best Performancei
By Acton
Trevor Howard in "Sons
and Lovers" as the sym
pathetic father, an out
standing performance by
one of our finest actors.
Burt Lancaster in "Elmer
Gantry as the preacher,
Lancaster's best perform
ance ever.
Fredric March in "Inherit
the Wind" as Matthew
Harrison Brady, a charac
ter patterned after Nebras
ka's William Jennings Bry
an, March was near per
fect. Paul Muni in "The Last
Angry Man" (Columbia)
as the doctor-philosopher,
Muni, the master of screen
acting technique, received
an Academy Award nomi
nation for this performance
last year. '
Spencer Tracy in "Inher
it the Wind"-as Henry
Drummond, a dramatized
Clarence Darrow, an old
time favorite again proved
his capabilities.
Best Performances
By Actresses
Katharine Hepburn in
"Suddenly, Last Summer"
as Mrs. Venables, Katie
again proved she's 'one of
the greats,' received an
Academy Award nomina
tion for this part last year.
Wendy Hiller in "Sons
and Lovers" as Mrs. Mor
el, the mother and wife,
Oscar winning actress de
livered a strong, impres
sive performance.
Shirley MacLaine in "The
Apartment" as the eleva
tor operator, Miss Mac
Laine's performance won
the 'Best Actress' award at
the Berlin Film Festival
last year;
Jean Simmons in "Elmer
Gantry" as the woman
evangelist, Sister Sharon
Falconer, Miss Simmons
proves her consistent ex
cellence with previous out
standing performances as
Ophelia in Olivier 's "Ham
let" and as the insane wom
an in "Home Before Dark."
Elizabeth Taylor in both
"Suddenly, Last Summer"
and "Butterfield 8" (M-G-M)
the first film won
Miss Taylor an Oscar nom
ination last year and the
second may win her the
Oscar award this year,
both proving she's one of
our finest young dramatic
Best Performances
By Supporting Actors
Luther Adler in "The Last
Angry Man"; Francis
Blanche in "Babette Goes
to War" (Columbia); Peter
Falk in "Murder, Inc."
(20th Century-Fox), Arthur
Kennedy in "Elmer Gan
try" and Akim Tamiroff in
"Ocean's Eleven" (Warner
Best Performances
By Supporting Actresses
Betty Field in "Butter
field 8;" Eileen Heckart in
"Heller in Pink Tights"
(Paramount) ; Shirley Jones
in "Elmer Gantry;" Mer
cedes McCambridge in
"Suddenly, Last Summer"
and Jo Van Fleet in "Wild
River" (20th Century-Fox)
Memorable Scenes'
The chess game between
Alec Guinness and Ernie
Kovacs in "Our M a n in
Havana" The beginning
, and end of "The Mouse
That Roared" Katherine
Hepburn ascending and de
scending in the elevator in
"Suddenly, Last Summer"
Muni's death scene in
"The Last Angry Man"
The shower murder in
Hitchcock's "Psycho" The
burning of Sharon's taber
nacle in "Elmer Gantry"
Tracy questioning March
on the witness stand in
"Inherit the Wind".
Suggest Athletics
Be Re-emphasized
I was somewhat d i s a p
pointd at the stand that
the Daily Nebraskan took on
deemphasis of athletics at
the University. Although re
cent yetkrs have been far
from anything to cheer
about, our original problem,)
at present arose from Chan
cellor Gustavson's deem-'
hasis program. Rather, I
v think we should take a po
sitive approach to the mat
ter. In a recent article in
Sports Illustrated, t he de
emphasis of sports was dis
cussed at Johns Hopkins
University and it was shown
that it ruined their inter
collegiate program com
pletely. It appears that
many of the Eastern schools
that deemphasized athletics
didn't have the material,
couldn't get the material,
so they attempted to criti
cize and ruin it.
Their basis of criticism
can be summed up in three
phases the high salaries of
coaehes compared to pro
fessors, the academic stat
ure and scholarships of ath
letes, and the prestige an
athlete has in the academic
sphere of life.
In the first aspect, one
must admit that coaches do
receive substantially higher
salaries than professors.
However, their future is us
ually not over five to ten
years while the professors
can look forward to a much
longer time at the institu
tion. The second reason seems
to be the real sore point.
Many professors will tell
you the undoing of the aca
demic system is athletic
scholarships, yet the aca
demic scholarship is the
basis of a sound university.
The last criticism of pres
tige of athletes is the worst
When things get too close for comfort
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argument of all. Who re
members the Don Webef,
Gary Renzleman, Fred
Seger, Dick Hutton, George
Mink and others of a short
ten years ago?
In my opinion, the answer
at Nebraska is a reempba
sis of cooperation of a t h
letics and the academic
world. The athletic depart
ment has trouble with the
academic departments' in
obtaining aid for their ath
letes in the form of tutor
ing, a simple thing which
most departments could do
but don't.
The old axiom in athletics
of, if you don't have the
horses, you don't have the
team, is very true. At times
we have had the horses I
have felt, most of the time
we haven't. Some top-notch
prospects have soured and
then coaches are criticized
for not having developed
such players. This criticism
should be directed at the
individual, not the coach.
However,1 I feel several
points could be critically
shown. First, over the past
few years the boys without
the scholarships usually
don't have a chance to play
varsity ball in the major
sports. Second, the training
program of individual ath
letes and coaches in the
past has been detrmental
to the rules that athletes
should live by. Last, a
closer understanding be
tween coaches and players
and both explaining their
"problems to each othef
would definitely aid the pro
gram here. Some of the top
coaches in the country as
Bud Wilkinson and Whitey
Sharman have shown that
these things can be a valu
able asset to a coach and
to the player.
Thus, I feel a reemphasis
of certain parts of athletics
is necessary. The coopera
tion of coaches, athletes and
the academic fathers is a
necessity for both to suc
ceed. Next year's winning
season should blot out the
memories of yesterday.
1 Tonight, Fit, Jan. 6 From 8:00-12:00
g $2.00 per couple or Student Ticket
5 Featuring the
1 JProugljams;
Qa Campus
(Author of "I Was a Teen-age Dwarf, "The Many
Lows of Dobie Oillis", etc.)
Well Sir, here we are in 1901, which shows every sign of being
quite a distinguished year. First off, it is the only year since
1951 which begins and ends with the Figure 1. Of course, when
it comes to Figure l's, 1961, though distinguished, can hardly
compare with 1911, which, most people agree, had not just two,
but three Figure l's! This, I'll wager, is a record that will stand .
for at least two hundred years!
1911 was, incidentally, notable for ninny other things. It
was, for example, the year in which the New York Giants played
the Philadelphia Athletics in the World Series. As we all know,
the New York Giants have since moved to Sun Francisco and
the Philadelphia Athletics to Kansas City. There is a movement
afoot at present to move Chicago to Phoenix the city, not the
baseball team. Phoenix, in turn, would of course move to
Chicago. It is feltthat the change would be broadening for
residents of both cities. Many Chicago folks, for example, have
never seen an iguana. Many Phoenix folks, on the other hand,
have never seen a frostbite.
There are, of course, certain difficulties attending a municipal
shift of this size. For instance, to move Chicago you also have
to move Lake Michigan. This, in itself, presents no great prob
lem, what with modern scientific advances like electronics and
the French cuff. But if you will look at your map, you will find
that Lake Michigan is connected to all the other Great Lakes,
which in turn are connected to the St. Lawrence Seaway, which
-' s; aw
i . hi .
in turn is connected to the Atlantic Ocean. You start dragging
Lake Michigan to Phoenix and, willy-nilly, you'll be dragging
all that other stuff too. This would make our British allies
terribly cross, and I can't say as I blame them. I mean, put
yourself in their place. What if, for example, you were a British
workingman who had been saving and scrimping all year for a
summer holiday at Brighton Beach, and then when you got to
Brighton Beach there wasn't any ocean? There you'd be with your
inner tube and snorkel and nothing to do all dny but dance the
Lambeth Walk. This, you may be sure, would not make you
NATO-minded! '
I appeal most earnestly to the residents of Chicago and
Phoenix to reconsider. I know it's no bowl of cherries going
through life without ever seeing an iguana or a frostbite, but I
ask you Chicagoans, Phoenicians is it too big a price to pay
for preserving the unity of the free world? I am sure that if
you search your hearts you will make the right decision, for
all of us whether we live in frostbitten Chicago, iguana-ridden
Phoenix, or narrow-lanelled New Haven are first and foremost
Americans! v
But I digress. We were speaking of J961, our new year. And
new it is! There s, for one thing, new pleasure in Marlboro
Cigarettes. How can there be new pleasure in Marlboros when
that fine, flavorful blend, that clean easy draw filter, have not
been altered? The answer is simple: eacn time you ligfrf a
Marlboro, it is like the first time. The flavor is such that age
cannot wither not custom stale. Marlboro never palls, never
jades, never dwindles into dull routine. Each puck, each
cigarette, each puff, makes you glad all over ugain that you are
a Marlboro smoker !
So, Marlboros in hand, let us march confidently into 1901.
May good fortune attend our ventures! May happiness reign 1
May Chicago and Phoenix soon recover from their disappoint
ment and join bur bright cavalcade into a brave tomorrow!
IUM1 Mas Bhulmsa
The makers of Marlboro und of the new urtlltered king-mz
Philip Morris Commander join Old Max in adding their good
wishes for a happy and peaceful 1961,