UNIVERSITY OF NEBR' LIBRARY NQV 21 I960 " Thunder Strikes Sooners As Huskers Do It Again By Hal Brown The Huskers did it agafn.'" Nebraska's unpredictable gridders came up with an other upset victory Satur day against Oklahoma on the strength of a strong second-half performance. The Huskers trailing 14-0 at halftime, battled back with their strongest offens ive display of the season to overtake the Sooners on two touchdowns by Thun der Thornton and a field goal by Ron Meade. Nebraska's win made the Huskers the first conference team to win two games in a row from the Sooners since Nebraska did it in 1939-40-41-42. Nebraska broke the Sooners' string of 74 conference games without a defeat when the Huskers scored a 25-21 upset tri umph a year ago in Lincoln. The Sooners, who hadn't lost a conference game at Norman since Nebraska won, 7-0, in 1942, have now lost two straight at Norman with Missouri winning, 41 19, a week ago. The Nebraska win gives the Huskers a 4-6 season record to match last year's mark, and a 2-5 mark in the conference. The loss leaves Oklahoma with a 1-4-1 record in the conference and 2-6-1 overall with Ok lahoma State remaining on the schedule. Sixth Place The Huskers are now in sixth . place in the Big Eight standings and can do no worse than a tie for that spot depending on the outcome of the Oklahoma Oklahoma State contest Sat urday. If Oklahoma State wins, the Huskers would be AUF Student Drive Soliciting Ends; Collecting: Starts The 1960 All University Fund Student Drive ended Saturday but not all the money has been received by the AUF according to Deon Stuthman, AUF treasurer. Money coming in through check and mail transactions will take some time, he said "We did not receive all the money last year until the middle of January," Stuth man added. 'Greatest Year' "This is the greatest year the AUF has and for a long, long time!" stated Ron Mc Keever, AUF vice president in charge of solicitations. "I see no reason why we should not reach our goal," Stuth man said. The goal for the student drive was set at $4,800. This will not include the money received from the Pancake Feed which kicked off the present drive. The faculty drive will be held next spring. The total goal for the two drives has been set at $5,500. A Lincoln drive has also been conducted to solicit from Independent students. This was especially successful be cause of functions held by some sororities and fraterni ties, who helped canvass the Lincoln area, McKeever ex plained. Shoot High "Every area we know of is progressing even better than usual," McKeever noted. "It's hard to tell if we will make our goal, but you always want to shoot high in such a drive as this," McKeever said. Last year the goal for the total AUF drive was set at ver said. "In addition, some other organizations have even offered to help us in the drive," he commented. This year, the money col lected by AUF will be given to five national and local rhnritips- th T.nnnnstpr As sociation for Retarded Chil dren, the Nebraska Ortho pedic Hospital, the Nebraska Division of the American Can cer Society, the World Uni versity Service and Tom Doo ley's Medico. . v No Rag Tomorrow There will be no publica tion of the Daily Ncbraskan tomorrow or next Monday in order that the staff may go on vacation with the rest of the student body during the Thanksgiving holidays. Next publication will be Nov. 29 and all stories should be brought in on the 28th. The Rag staff wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving vacation. Vote for One Commandant Students going to the polls on November 29 to elect the 1960 Honorary Commandant will vote for only one girl. rather than three as in last year's election. All students may vote, even if they do not plan on attend ing the Military Ball, accord ing to Dave Calhoun, elections committee chairman. All that is required in or- all alone in sixth place,, but if the Sooners win, then Nebraska would have to share the sixth spot with me Cowboys. Nebraska's first tally Saturday came early in the second half when Thunder Thornton rammed his way into the end zone from the one-yard line. The drive began on the Oklahoma 46 where Ronnie Payn punted the ball dead for the Sooners. Nebraska needed 10 plays to get the score. Clay White picked up six yards on two carries and Bernie Clay got a first down at the Oklahoma 35. On the next play Clay bolted for 15 yards and a first down at the 20-yard line. Bennle Dillard picked up five on two carries and then quarterback Pat Fischer found White with a pass good for 10 yards. Three charges into the line by Thornton netted the touchdown. Ron Meade came in for the conversion attempt but Fischer stood up as he took the snap and looked for a receiver. When he found everyone covered, Fischer raced into the end zone with the two-point con version and the H u s k e r s trailed by only 14-8. Oklahoma opened! the third quarter with a quick kick by Bobby C o r ne 1 1 from its own 14 to the Ne braska 17 to set up the ty ing score by the, Huskers. White moved the ball to the 25 with two plays and Fischer picked up two yards and a first down at the 27. An offside penalty advanced the ball to the Nebraska 32. Thornton Goes Thornton, who has been hampered by a jammed neck nearly all season, took the handoff from Fischer and broke through a hole over his own right guard and raced 68 yards with the tying count. The long run was the second of the season for Thornton as the Husker sophomore romped 57 yards to score against Minnesota earlier in the season. Meade's extra point kick was blocked by Oklahoma's Ronnie Payne and the score was knotted at 14-all. Oklahoma took the ensu ing kickoff and immediately began a goalward drive. Fullback Ronnie Hartline and left halfback Mike McClellan drove from the Oklahoma 36 to the Ne braska 28 where Clay and White broke up a Sooner pass in the end zone. The Sooners then pushed to the 17 before a pitchout from quarterback Jimmy Carpenter to McClellan went astray and Noel Mar tin pounced on the loose pigskin at the Nebraska 22 with 8:11 remaining in the game. The Huskers moved to a fourth and one situation on their own 45. Thornton rammed three yards for the first down with five min utes left. Fischer rolled out on a bootleg and scampered 23 yards to the Sooner 29. Ne braska needed five plays to move to the 10-yard line and on fourth down, Meade raced onto the field with the tee in his hand. The ball was teed up on the 18 by Fischer and Meade booted it between the uprights for the win ning points. The Huskers reached a season high in rushing yard age as they gained 277 yards from the doublt winged T. vol. m, no. n .1 Lincoln, Nebraska Monday, Nov. 21, 1960 GAD irector Coming Theater Will Produce Winning Play "Lady of Eternal Spring time," winning play of the 1960-61 Nebraska National Playwriting contest will be produced at Howell Theatre March 15-18. The winning author, Ber nard Sabath. of Chicago, wit nessed three separate cast reading performances of his prize winning play. His play was chosen from 53 entries from 21 states, ac cording to Dr. Joseph Bald win, director of theatre. After watching the readings that included the efforts of 27 student actors and two stu dent directors, Sabath re turned to Chicago where he will work for a month and a half making revisions in his script. Sabath, part-time instruc tor of fiction on the Chicago campus of Northwestern Uni versity, praised the "Nebras ka method" of trying out plays. "Money cannot buy this kind of experience for the writer," he said. Gettman to Draiv 'Greek Sketches9 For 1FC Book flir flatrmQfi mnmKat t der to vote is your student1 iu 'n... 1. r. $5,000 and contributions fell ! ID card," said Calhoun. . I hT accented contract with approximately $500 short. Polline Dlaces will be One of our main purposes m the student Union lobbv 1 ; arr n 7 ZZHZ and in the Ag Union. They j the 1961 book. will be open irom 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. "The polls will be set up to handle two flows of traf fic during the noon hour and final hour of voting," Calhoun stated. "This should Is to educate the student com munity about various chari ties, and I feel that this has been accomplished," McKee FiveQuizless Days To Talk Turkey, Kids By Norm Beatty It's here at last! The official Thanksgiving vacation starts Wednesday. After two full months of studying, cramming for exams, worrying over quizzes, reports, themes, speeches and grades in gejieral, the nearly 10,000 University students and faculty will have five full days away from the classrooms. For some the five days will mean five days of work. For others it will, mean a chance to get caught up on class work that book I should have read three weeks ago, a re port that was due day before yesterday and that term paper which is due before Christmas. Hunting will undoubtedly fill the majority of the vaca tion hours for a sizeable number of the male students. For these ambitious people the day usually starts at 5 a.m. and runs until dark. For most of us it will simply mean five days in, which to do little or nothing except watch TV, talk with parents and friends at home or entertain a friend at our homes. The mid-term examinations are finished and will be forgotten for nearly a week, regardless of how the grades came out it's water under the bridge. ' Thursday is Thank giving day and in most cases it is the "turkey day." Food, food and much too much food. Turkey, dressing, cranberries and pumpkin pie (with whipped cream). The list goes on and on. Friday, for most, will be "recouperate day" as cries of "I ate too much" fill the air. This is one time of the year that most of us will agree that "America is the land of plenty." Besides hunting, the traditional Thanksgiving Day foot ball games on TV and the Thanksgiving church services are about the only forms of activity some will have. Then comes Monday morning. Ah-well forget it! 1 1 'V' d mWt0tctt3Mfl;t RIDDLEBERGER Study Council Will AWS Rules The Associated W o m e n's Student rules governing fe male students on the Nebras ka campus will be studied by a special Student Council committee. George Moyer, Law College Council representative, brought the motion before the council to set up a committee "to study 'the AWS rules, compare' them with similar rules at other schools and recommend to the Council their findings and suggestions for changes in these rules." One reason for the study, according to Moyer, is the possibility of extending the girla hours during the week for study at the library. Sherry Turner said that a recent poll of female students showed that most of them were "satisfied" with the present rules. Susanne Tinan noted that Panhellenic is presently in the process of a similar study. President Ken Tempero ap pointed Moyer, Tinan ai'd Jeanie Morrison to the study committee. Today on Campus Mu Epsilon Nu, 12 noon, 414 Administration Intervarsity, 12 noon, 349 Student Union International Luncheon Steering Committee, 12 noon, 338 Student Union. Tassels, 5 p.m., 235 Student Union. Sigma Delta Tau, Pawnee room care of the rush during these periods." Representatives from the election committee of the Stu dent Council, and the faculty will supervise the polling places. Lcder Named Builders Head . Ingrid Leder has been se lected to assume the duties of Builders president upon the resignation of Larry Kilstrup last week. Miss Leder will also re main as vice-president in charge of publications. She expressed apprecia tion to Kilstrap on behalf of the Builders members for the "leadership he has given to the organization since last year." A reorganization plan will be completed concerning the redistribution of work loads for committees and will be presented before the end of the semester, according to Miss Leder. New officers will be elected after Christmas vacation. Eta Kappa Nu Elects Twelve Twelve students have been accepted as new "members of Eta Kappa Nu, electrical en gineering honorary. They are Clark Baltzell, Dan Blazek, James Brink, Le Roy Holcomb, Clifford Kreif els, John Kucera, Darrel Lou, Robert Meier, Robert Miley, Roncld Shafer, Jerome Twi bcll and Larry Weitzenkamp. Inside The TSebraskan International Fiesta i Approximately $6,000 worth of gifts from all over the world will go on sale at the YWCA Christmas Bazaar in the Indian Suite next week Page 4. Sports Doubleheader Twin sports attraction featuring Nebraska's varsity wrestlers and cagers against their freshmen counterparts will greet returning students next Monday Page 3, International Businea tified that they have until 5 Eric Sevareid says the President-elect's first order of inter- p.m. today to be included in national business is to persuade our allies to action which the book. ' will strengthen America Editorial Page Gettman, a freshman, will ! be paid to prepare seven Greek sketches" to fit the themes of the rush book. Steve Gage, co-editor of tab i the book, announced today thai five houses had failed to meet the copy deadline for the book. They have been no- -'if .; j. r- . . ,- : '-4 I , : J J TOP WOMEN SCHOLARS The University of Nebraska's scholastic pride the top women undergraduates (from left, seated) Barbara Kramer, Thclma Christenson, Marilyn Lee, Sharon Ramge, (standing) Jane Foster, Lorna Helm, Nancy Miller, Patricia Mullen, Mary Weathcrspoon, Nancy Carroll, Karen Bocsiger, Karyl Rosenberger, Sharyn Wat son and Lynn Wright. Not pictured is Sonia Anderson. (U. of N. Photo) James W. Riddleberger, director of the International Co operation Administration, will speak at the annual fall con vocation of the College of Engineering and Architecture at 11 a.m., Nov. 29 in the Student Union Ballroom. The 56-year-old career am bassador will address the stu dents and faculty of the Col lege on the U.S. economic and technical assistance programs in the underdeveloped coun tries of the world and on how the objectives of the programs are furthered by engineering and related fields. Thirty Years of Service Riddleberger, who began his foreign service career as vice-consul and later consul in Geneva in 1930, was ambas sador to Yugoslavia and Greece before his appoint ment as director of the ICA last year. The ICA is a semi-autonomous agency within the State Department charged with the task of preventing conquest of peaceful nations through mili tary force and to cooperate in the social and economic fields so that peaceful nations can develop self-reliance and rea sonable self-sufficiency. The ICA programs of tech nical assistance are carried out through the United States Operations Missions in some six countries and dependent territories in Latin America, the Near East, Asia, Europe and Africa. Graduated from the Randolph-Macon College at Ash land, Va., in 1924, Riddleber ger did graduate work at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, and the American University, both in Washington, D.C. Son At University His son, . Peter Riddleber ger, is a student in the Col lege of Arts and Science. He is a senior majoring in history and anthropology. Peter, who is from Wood stock, Va., has lived abroad with his father in Germany, France, Switzerland and Yugoslavia. Evaluation Discussed By Council Rating Committee Presents Report The newly organized Stu dent Council committee con cerning faculty rating gave its organizational report at the Wednesday Council meet ing. Committee chairman George Moyer said the com mittee had talked with Dick Shugrue, editor of the Daily Nebraskan at the time of a previous Council-Faculty eval uation attempt, about the need or desirability of a faculty evaluation program. Shugrue brought to the committees' attention the fact that both the speech and physical education de partments had tried faculty evaluations and the results of these experimental tests might be available to the Council. Moyer said he intended to investigate the results of these evaluations and attempt to find out if they served their purpose and were ac cepted by faculty and stu dents. Committee member Ron Witt is investigating the use fulness of a study being done at Harvard University to evaluate teachers of the edu cation department, and the s t u d e n t-faculty evaluation plan used by the Oklahoma State University Student Sen ate, Moyer reported. The third committee mem ber, Don Epp will visit with University faculty members and secure their reaction and suggestions to the plan. Moyer further remarked the committee had agreed any evaluation plan would have to be objective and pro fessionally prepared to avoid questions tnat would not be significant to the evalua tion's purpose. The committee also agreed that the evaluation tests should be administrated vol untarily both on the "student and teacher level. Another point of agreement by the committee was that the evaluation plan would have to meet the approval of the administration, faculty and students before its final adop Vacation Rules Set by AWS AWS has set up the follow ing rules for the Thanksgiv ing vacation. 1. Organized houses and residence halls will be closed by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 22. 2. If it is necessary to leave before Tuesday, a special per mission slip must be obtained from the housemother. This slip does not excuse one from classes. 3. Arrangements should be made for the time of your re turn. Regular closing hours on Sunday, Nov. 27. will be observed. Those Teturning later should obtain permission from the housemother. 4. If there is a change in plans for returning, notify your housemother by tele phone. 5. Do not forget to sign out. 6. All houses will be open by 3 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 27. Wishnow Attends Music Meeting Prof. Emanuel Wishnow, chairman of the music depart ment, will represent the Uni versity of Nebraska at the Na tional Association of Schools of Mus'c in Chicago, Novem ber 25-28. The NASM is the accredit- in? agency for all music de cree curricula with speciali- tion. Also, that the evaluation j zation in the fields of applied should first be instituted on 9 small scale to work out faults which might prevent it from becoming' fully operational. music, music theory, compo sition, music therapy, music olocy and music as a major in liberal arts programs.