The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 08, 1960, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Page 2
A Liberal View
Needless to say this cor
ner has received many let
ters in the past few days
on several issues, the pri
mary cause for concern be
ing editorial comment car
ried in this paper a week
ago regarding some rather
ludicrous comments of one
Bill Jennings (After reading
the reports of the Omaha
Quarterback Club meeting
IVIonday, we can comment
that judging from the sup
port Jennings received, his
only mistake at Nebraska
has been winning a few foot
ball games.)
However, our purpose in
writing this column is not
to defend our stand against
Jennings, but rather to
justify our right to take
such a stand on such a
matter and as far as that
goes, on any issue.
A letter received recent
ly (but not signed, unfor
tunately, so It could not be
run as a Letterip) charges .
us with "grievously violat
ing the confidence which
has been placed in your
hands by the University
and the student body. Un
less I have been grossly
misinformed, it is the re
sponsibility of any public
medium to give fair, impar
tial and unemotional cov
erage. You have not done
The author's information
is correct, up to his last
sentence. This responsibil
ity for impartial coverage
extends only to the news
columns. If the author can
illustrate a case where we
have not been impartial,
fair and unemotional in our
news coverage, we will
gladly apologize. However,
part of a paper is also de
voted to the opinions of the
editorial staff, which appar- '
ently differ with those of
the letter writer. We make
no attempt to reflect opin
ions other than our own in
the editorial columns. When
there are two sides, we pre
sent what we think is the
more correct side and we
support it. Such is the case
with our opinions concern
ing Jennings. In the news
columns we printed a report
Ferae Naturae
The human personality
and (dare I say it) soul
are inseparable. If one
wishes to rear the type of
individual who is able to
think for himself and to
have a certain degree of
freedom of thought in this
world of dictators and bu
reaucrats, one must allow
them freedom in the areas
they would like to be free
in as well as freedom
(sic) in such ways as the
restraining body feels de
sirable. To elucidate for the il
literates; if we are to de
mand that . the University
students learn to think we
must be willing to be at
least tolerant towards the
consequences of that
thought whether it be free
love or the desire to drink
Maybe these activities
are not desirable. If so the
laws of society provide a
sufficient redress. The
University is not and
should not deceive itself in
to believing that it is a
To elucidate again: if
the legislature wants stu
dents punished beyond the
level of other citizens for
abusing the laws let it say
so. To be even more basic:
if a student is to be fined,
Daily Nebraskan
Member Associated CoIIeriate Press, International Press
Representative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated
Published at: Room 20, Student Union. Lincoln, Nebraska,
14th A R
Telephone HE J-7631. ext 4225, 4226, 4227
Subscription rates am 93 per eamter or 15 tor Iho casVmlc rear.
Entr M cronS clan matter at th post of fit ia Uarala. Nrbraika,
aafer the art of Aomin! 4, ISIS.
Tin Dally Nebraakan hi publish Monday, Tmilu, Wednesday ind Fri
day during the srhool year, exernt dnrlnir vaeatlona and nam periods, by
students of tne University mt Nebraska endir authorisation of the Committee
a Student Affairs as an expression of student opinion, Pablleatloa under the
Jurladirthm of the ftnbeonunttte on fltudrnt Publications shall be free from
editorial censorship on the part of the fluhenrmnlllee or on the part of any
person outside the University. The members of the Dally Nebraskan staff are
personally responsibly for what they say, w do, or cans to bs printed.
r6ruarr S, IMS.
f A'tor . ,. Kerb Frnbasos
Mauarinr. Editor Dnvs Calhoun
ewa Kdltor Knrrn Ixxis
Sports Bdltor , Hal Drown
At News Editor ..Oerald Lamherson
ropy Editors Pat Dean. Ann Mer, (Iretrhen Nhrllhers
Staff Writers Norm Rrntty, Have H'ohlfarth
Junior Staff Writers. .Naney Brown. Jim Forrest, Nancy Whitford. Chip Wood
Wight News Editor Ann Moyer
Business Manager sjtM Rstman
Assistant Business Managers ....Don Ferguson, Chip Kuhlin, John tirhmrder
Circulation Manager Bob Haft
Classified Manager jert Johnson
By Herb Probasco
of the proceedings of the
meeting where "Siily Willy"
made his charges against
the press and the fans. We
have also been extremely
liberal regarding the pub
lication of letters which we
have received criticizing
us, although at times we
had to sacrifice what we
consider more important
material to make room for
the "other side."
This letter writer goes on
to say, "In expressing your
preference for Senator Ken
nedy you have indicated to
the students and. the citi
zens of this city and state
that Kennedy is the choice
of the University. This is
not true as was shown by
the mock election held on
campus last week. If you
are going to report in this
manner, it is also your re
sponsibility to devote an
equal amount of space to
the opposition. This you
you have not made a point
of doing. Why?"
If the writer knew any
thing about the function of
an editorial he would know
that we were not intending
to support a candidate as
the choice of the students
and .the citizens of this city
and state. We supported the
candidate of our choice.
The function of an editor
ial is not to represent the
opinion of its readers, but
rather the opinion of the
newspaper regarding what
it feels is best for its read
ers. Fortunately, no body
has clamped an "equal
space" burden on newspa
pers as the FCC hason ra
dio and television regard
ing "equal time." But we
have tried to be as impar
tial as we can in reporting
the news in the news col
umns. Although the o n 1 y
jury is the public and a
newspaper, if it wants, can
distort the facts, few news
papers have not been im
partial in their coverage of
the campaign nor any other
issue for that matter.
We reject this letter writ
er's charge of an "irre
sponsible attitude," and we
would suggest that more
careful thought be put into
further criticism.
placed on probation and:
further threatened and em- i
barrassed for an error com- j
mitted en route to maturity
let such punishment be
meted out by a group elect
ed to supervise society
rather than a group which
is afraid to stand up to
public opinion when its own
freedom and standards are
threatened (Re: Bern
stein). It cannot be maintained j
that this jejune level of
fines, wrist slaps and in- j
suits makes for better
scholastic standards. Am-j
herst College, which one of j
the national magazines has j
labeled a collegiate leader, j
permits minors and adults i
in its group to maintain j
liquor cabinets in its j
rooms. It is not maintained j
that this improves the col-!
lege; it is maintained that
it does not harm it. We j
need not bore the intelli- i
gent reader by reminding j
them of behavior patterns
at the Sorbonne, Southern i
California, Harvard, etc. !
The amount of time that i
is saved for the student i
(since he does not have to I
use his mental energies to i
thwart the campus patrol j
so that he may behave as ;
he would at home) is ob- j
viously available for study j
AUF Acknowledges
Student Support
I To the editor:
i The All University Fund
board members wish to ex
press their most sincere ap
preciation to the students,
religious groups and their
leaders, the Union, s house
presidents and all those
who helped to make Sunday
night's pancake feed a big
success. It is good to see
the campus get behind a
project of this kind the
house presidents waiting
tables, IWA members shin
ing shoes, students stand
ing in line for pancakes,
and all working to make
the kick-off affair a fun
event as well as a profit
able one.
The Student U n i o n de
serves a great big "thank
you" for its contribution.
Its personnel allowed us to
use all the facilities, as
sisted us in planning and
executing the event (some
of them were even flipping
Also special mention
should be made of the
group that presented the
musical skit, "The Hag Be
hind the Flag." These peo
ple spent hours practicing,
making scenery, and ad
vertising for the "feed."
This is surely an example
of group cooperation for a
worthy cause. Thank you
The All University Fund
Sue CarkoskI, President
Completely Behind
Editorial Stand
To the editor:
I'm completely behind
the stand of the editorial of
The Daily Nebraskan along
with Hal Brown's com
ments on the sports page.
However, I think that a few
pertinent facts should be
brought out to substantiate
your position no matter
any member of the athletic
deparment are of the voice
of the student body.
In 1955 when Bill Orwig
came to Nebraska as athlet
ic director, he promised the
people of this state a re
turn to greatness. After
Bill Glassford had a 5-5
year, he was fired for lack
of luster in his offense and
his supposed inability to
handle football players. In
the same year, Harry Good
was fired for having five
losing seasons in a row aft
er winning and being co
champion of the Big Eight
conference two years in i
row. Lets look at the re
placements that were
Pete Elliot c a m e to Ne
braska the next year and
had a 4-6 record. After be
ing lured off to Califor
nia by more money, which,
incidently, didn't break too
many hearts, Bill Jennings
took over. Since that time,
we have not had a winning
season; 1-9, 3-5, and 4-6.
This year we can't do much
better and at present it ap
pears we will slip to a 3-7
mark again. Jennings and
Elliot together had more
losing seasons that Bill
Glassford, yet we axed him
to improve our football sit
Then along came Jerry
Bush, probably the greatest
showman and personality in
basketball for a long time;
yet, his overall record is
45-72; much poorer than
Harry Good's record here.
He was hired to bring
greatness to Nebraska bas
ketball and although he
probably is the greatest
clown in basketball, his rec
ord shows inability to han
dle basketball players
with such greats as Ron
Parsons leaving school and
troubles occuring on the
squad every year with men
like Kowalke quitting only
to return. Then there was
the sad m istake of Bob
Boozer going to Kansas
State since Jerry B u sh
said that Bob couldn't play
Big Eight ball. Also, a few
comments about how Ne
braska couldn't furnish bas
ketball players of any cali
ber similar to the Jenning's
statement were quite out
standing early in his pro
fession. However, no one
ever takes Jerry to task be
cause he's a great back
slapper and a hell of a good
guy with the sports writers
although he has no record
to go along with it.
Baseball has been in the
same sad shape. Two years
ago we backed into title
contention with forfeits
from Missouri. Nebraska
has had fabulous baseball
material for years and time
in and time out they can't
produce. Encouragement
seems to be lacking from
the baseball field evey
year if one listens closely
to the critical sarcasm of
the Coach on the bench.
The Nebraskan
aily Nebraskan
We must say that track
has improved greatly since
Frank Sevigne has tried his
best to assemble the best
he can with what money he
has. He deserves a well
earned congratulations.
But let's look at the facts
in athletics. Bill Orwig
has not fulfilled the
iiromises he made. Our atr
etic stature has fallen con
siderably in the past five
years in all sports. Our
only accomplishment has
been the minor sports of
gymnastics which really
doesn't enter the scholar
ship or profit-making end
of Nebraska athletics. How
much longer do you think
Nebraska fans are going to
spend four bucks to see a
dud play? How much longer
are upsets what the fans
are going to come to see
rather than a good football
team? We've sunk a lot of
money into Nebraska ath
letics, where are our re
sults? Just where has Ne
braska gained in their in
vestment in a do-nothing but
personality athletic depart
ment? I think it is time to reex
amine the situation. No one
has heavily criticized any
thing in the athletic depart
ment since Orwig took
over. Everyone has tried to
cooperate with money, time
and patience. If we are go
ing to change football
coaches, is this the solu
tion? This must be answered
no, the solution is either no
change or a complete
change, athletic director on
down for those people not
producing. Just like any
place else in the cruel
world, if you don't produce,
you don't have a job. We
aren't producing, therefore,
I recommend the people of
Nebraska put pressure on
the University foi a com
plete change again with the
exception of the producing
coaches and that we do the
job thoroughly from athletic
director on down before it
is too late or form another
conference with North Da
kota State, South Dakota
State, South Dakota Uni
versity and North Dakota
University and possibly in
clude Kearney as Nebraska
State to play in a league
where we won't have a los
ing season every year. It
seems Nebraska doesn't
benefit from tough outside
schedules such as Missou
ri and Kansas had this year
and isn't beneficial to us.
Hurry! Rush out now and buy a pack of Luckies! Smoke
them quickly! Send the empty pack to Dr. Frood. If you
do it now-Frood guarantees not to send you this photo.
' r
I m'.un'V Li'
f l!"f"Y A
4. r. Cm,
We can criticize every
major sport of Nebraska
objectively, football for lack
of fundamentals, basketball
for lack of handling men,
and baseball for the inabil
ity to get the most out of
the material we have.
Lets wake up before it is
too late. Lets have a com
plete change or go small
Thanks Rag
For 'Courage
To the editor:
I think you and Hal
Brown deserve a mndal for
your article in the Daily
Nebraskan in regard to
Coach Bill Jennings and the
Cornhusker football situa
tion. No truer words have
ever been written and thank
you for your courage in
speaking up for the fans
who have waited and waited
patiently for a winner but
instead have had to "sit and
suffer" afternoon upon aft
ernoon while opposing
teams clobbered and humil
iated the 'Huskers.
Some i e o p 1 e seem to
think that coaches are
something sacred . . . that
they must not be criticized
or condemned no matter
what their record is. But
how about the fans? Cer
tainly they are entitled to
some consideration. To say
the least, they make var
sity football possible . . .
they- finance it and in my
opinion they certainly have
the right to criticize when
things get as bad as they
I have been attending
games at Lincoln since 1924
and knew Husker teams
when they were great and
when loss of three or four
games was regarded as a
disastrous season. How the
picture has changed!
I think we have very fine
material this year and I
certainly don't blame the
players. I know they are
putting out. But they seem
a confused lot on the foot
ball field generally speak
ing and particulary with
reference to their offensive
I place the blame on the
coaching. Jennings in my
opinion is second or third
string in the coaching pro
fession and most of the
assistants are about in the
same category.
Nebraska needs a top
flight coach who can attract
the best boys in the state
j - 1 ' x ' A v
7 .' U- I' ) J
THIS IS NO IDLE THREAT! Dr. Frood portraits will be mailed at random beginning November 15.
Only students who send us empty Lucky packs will be safe! TAKE NO CHANCES! Mai! those
empty packs today. Send them, with your name and address, to Dr. Frood, Box 2990 Grand Central
Station, New York 17, New York. .
rroducl of
to play football for the
home state. A coach with
imagination, with proved
ability; one who can lead
and inspire his players to
"play the game to win."
You have the general
feeling of Husker football
fans sized up right. They're
plain "fed upY' they, too,
think it's time Jennings was
packing his bags and leav
ing and personally I'd like
to see most of the football
coaching staff and Bill Or
wig join him. An athletic
director who supports and
defends coaches like Bill
Glassford and Bill Jennings
and condemns football fans
for criticizing them, isn't
worthy of the job he holds
and ought to be fired.
Stay right in there and
keep pitching, Friend
Brown. In my section of
the stadium you've got all
the votes. Keep hitting 'em
where it hurts the most
(their failures and incompe
tency), and maybe we can
get the kind of athletic de
partment and coaching staff
at Nebraska that will give
us a winner.
Truly, the thousands of
loyal, patient and long suf
fering Husker fans deserve
something better for their
money than they have been
getting and it's wonderful
to have someone like you to
"speak up for us."
Fritz Dimmel
Compares Crowds
With Iowa State
To the editor:
I just completed reading
the Nov. ,1 issue of the
Rag in which you justly
criticized Jennings' state
ments of the preceeding
week. When you compare
the crowds the Huskers
have drawn with those of
Iowa State (which has had
pretty good teams the past
few years), it is evident
that the fans have given
much more in spirit than
Jennings has in achieve
ment. Doug Youngdahl
Would Demand
Apology to Coach
To the editor:
If the Omaha World
Herald quoted you correct
ly, I am almost ashamed
to admit that I graduated
from the University of Ne
braska. I -think that your
remarks about Coach Jen
nings are despicable, un
get some taste
Jtidmn, XeaQyu
, Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1960
justified and most certainly
were made by someone
who is definitely neither a
gentleman nor a loyal
Nebraskan. If I were an
administrator at the Uni
versity I would demand
that you march forthwith
to Coach Jennings and of
fer him your personal apol
ogy and that you publish
such an apology in the next
issue of The Daily Nebras
kan. It is true that this coun
try enjoys "Freedom of
the Press," and I would
be the last person in this
world to forbin you -t ex
press your opinions in
whatever medium is open
to you. Those opinions can'
be expressed, however, in
a much higher plane than
you exhibited. Especially
should this be true rA a
highly regarded institution
of higher learning. '
If you desire to improve
the fortunes of the Univer
sity's football team, you
could do it much better by
promoting confidence and
solidarity, rather than dis
unity. No team can win if
it lacks confidence and
high morale. A newspaper
can do more to tear down
a team with lust one issue
than a coach can build up
in a month. Think it over.
You can do harm or you
can do good. Which do
you prefer?
If you dare print this,
I'd appreciate receiving a
copy. Thank you.
Harvey W. Headley
Blasts Editorial
To the Editor:
On Nov. 1, The Daily
Nebraskan published two of
4he most unfair and base
less editorial persecutions
of a coach that I have
ever read. I believe that
this is just one more in
stance of the type of fans
and sports writers of which
Coach Jennings was speak
ing. You of The Daily Ne
braskan (along with a
great majority of the sports
writers and fans irv. the
state) must have awfully
sore toes in order to raise
such a wail when Coach
Jennings steps so lightly
upon them. . .
Coach Bill Jennings was
incorrect in blaming one
per cent of the defeats upon
the fans and sports writers.
A more accurate rating
(Please see page four)
for o chang
our midUw