1 i I i I D Page 4 The Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, Ma 18, 1960 Reservation Wishes 4 re Said 'Explicite The Student Union has very xDlicite wishes on how a croup should go about reserv ing space in the Union for meetings andor banquets, ac cording to W. S. Stockton, Union operations manager. "The Union can handle both meetings with and without food service," said the opera tions manager. Reservations are made through the reservations sec retary, Jean Weygint, in the Union office either by phone or by personal contact, be tween the hours of 8-5 p.m. daily. Initial Contact "This initial contact should be made at least one week in advance and should include such basic information as whether food service is de- d I AV?n8 PtN I AlttWS FES. rail TKEVfif TAUCWS ASXT Alt tWENCVW If ffc 1374 TKfcfE PGXJE.l TATS (uV ft U&iY 7" ( - v" ; j . k n I v y . mi, , i v I f . , I ; ,; 4- I x. jj ,. : - " ' . , v vt, TOWflT nir - , -in t- MT-MU1LJI im I 1 1 J FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE Second Semester 1959-60 sired, how many will attend, when the room is wanted and if any special arrangements are wanted," said Stockton. If food service and catering service is planned, the group should contact either Mr. Kohlligian, food service man ager, or Mr. Crispin, catering service manager, at the same time the initial reservation is made. "The best time of the day to contact food sen ice," sug gested Stockton, is between the dinner hours." The food service people will sit down with the group and arrange the menu to the ex act desires of the group. A menu can be chosen to include just coffee to a major banquet to the needs of a picnic, ac cording to Stockton. Equipment Available 'The Union can equip the room with tables,, chairs, chalkboards, lectunes, ash trays, sound assistances, pianos and movie screens if needed," said the operations manager. The final stage of reserving one of the Union's rooms is to contact the office within 48 hours before the meeting time and give an exact count of people to be present and equipment desired. "After the final arraige ments have beei made, the room will be set ep with a It per cent marginal allowance atwve and below the number of people said to be coming." Stockton said. "This mill al low a mu of, sav. 50 to have The scholarships, worth $75 at the most 55 guests served I each, are given to two iresfy and a minimum of 45 with oat i man sludents who have ex rrtni ! celled in scholarship and ao " . . nviues. Along wiui AIR AWARD The Nebraska Joyce-Johnson Squadron of Arnold Air Society at the University recently was presented the Out standing Squadron Award for Area G and installed new officers. Dr. Prank Sorenson was guest speaker at the meeting and gave an orientatioa on the Aero-Space Age. Dr. Sorenson is presenting the award, a travel ing plaque, to cadets Forbes and Flory. Newly installed officers are Lee Forbes, commander; William Wells, executive commander; Darrell Grapes, operations; John Power, adjutant; Edwin Sterling, comptroller; Stephen Watkins, information senices officer. Benidt And Edeal Get Scholarships Carol Berndt and Karen Edeal. sophomores in College of Agriculture, have been named recipients of the Fris bie Scholarship award. scholar ships ihe winners get their names placed on a traveling trophv which they may keep ' durag the year that they are the winner. Mr. Fnsbie was State 4-H The Union 'has at its dis posal for reservation. 11 meet ing rooms, 2 special purpose rooms (auditorium and ball room), and 5 rooms limited to food service only, including the Pan American room. Free Facilities - "These facilities are free to all student groups and groups directly associated with the scholarships have been given campus," said Stockton. j to University sludents. The operations manager The University 4-H Club al comclnded by saying that the so made the announcement of groups should check out the j the delegates to the Coop keys for the partv rooms be-1 camp in Woodsbury, Mo. They fore and return them after- are Marshal Ruhr and Sherry j wards. Bergh. j Paiihellenic To Limit Legacies Panhellenic has voted to limit legacy weekend next year to sisters and daughters who are seniors in high! school. j Pat Johnson. Panhellenic president, said the question; bad been discussed ia the sor ritifs and that a delegate, vote at the Panhellenic meet-; ing indicated agreement with the purposed change. The reason for the change is due to the fact Legacy Weekend is becoming so large it is diincult for the sororities No Union Flick No movies will be shown in the Student Union this week end. The regular recreation areas will be open for bowl ing and pool. - p.m. I- F BI -lt 1- M. -It t-t f.m. 1-J .m. 1-4 .m. t-1 a.a. 1 m. -It a.m. or y of tins of tbM two day. or tny ) -It .. t-11 I S-S I gstardty, tl AU Mctton of Bnglirt A. Mooter. Mw M Clasm mMtmf t 1 p.m. or 4 dy. or WF. day. milnr at 1 P m Tin or Ithor on. AJi OMtloaa of Buainau Organlxatlon i. Taaadaj, Star t4 n. mMtlna at I p.m. or 4 day, or MWF. of thoa day. Cla mttaf at t P-m. TTh or .Ithor of . two day. All aoctioM of "Ec 15. AU tactions of Franch It. 14. All OMtlona of Spanlah 52. '64. AU taction, of Horn Ec 41, 42. Wednesday, Mar tS CT. moMinc at t p.m. or 4 day., or iSWT. or or., or two of these days. CI.- martin .1 S P.m. or 4 day. or MWF. or any on. or iw. of then daya. All aaetHxia Of Ec 11. It. An section, of Ed SO, JL Claaaaa mttUnf atS p.m. TTh. or .Ither of these two day.. Claaaaa moating at 5 p.m. TTh. or any ona or two of the daya. AO oscUon. of Math 11. 12. IT. 42. All .action, of Math 14. IS. lift. 11 Tkarsday. May M 'Claaaea mettnf at 4 p.m. S or 4 daya. or tnaa day. An taction of English B. 1. Claaaaa meeting at 4 p.m. TTh. or eithar on. of thaaa two daya. AS mctiona of EngHah 2. I. . Friday. Mar tl Claxsea meeting at 8 a-m. ft or 4 daya. or MWF. or any on or twa of that. days. Classes meeting at 8 am. TTh. or oither of these two daya. All section, of Business Organization 21. Salarday. May 1 Clasae meotlng at I a m. a or 4 day, or MWF. or any on. or twa of thee days. Classes matting at -tn. TTh or either on. of these two daya. Tweaaw. May 31 dasaas meeting at 10 a m. ft or 4 daya. f thaaa days. Ctaasaa meeting at 1 a m. TTh or atthar ona of these two daya. Wednesday. Jaa 1 Classea meeting at 11 a m. ft or 4 daya. of these days. Classes meeting at 11 a m- TTh or atthar ona of these twa days. AO taction, of Speech . 11. AD taction, of Ed . C2. or MWF. or any ona or twa MWF. or any one or two or MWF. or any ona or two arntaj vac-rv- i f ttmm Cms Immrn- a.Aflc-rr professional drioen goi 27Q3 xzpg im tlkt Mdb&gat Economy Rum ' laaast iifii-n rtrim i-rri m.iiiTi nr i fii maf kMft ssaitrfi' Mall A' ( h m 71 U A i I Pi) U 0 jluLrQLSULziLj linn A l Cub leader for 32 vears and to handle so ra a n y guests. started the scholarship in re- Both junior and senior high; membrance of his wife. schoolers are invited to Leg- Since its beginning. 18 j acy weeKena unaer uie ent program. j Also, the Panhelic Council; made the final decision con cerning room rushing at its Monday meeting. It was de cided no room rushing would be allowed during open bouse or during the first set of one-; boar parties, although an or-' ganization tour of the bouses w:Q be allowed during the! first parties. j RuHn-rwteng will be sd- toned daring the two-boari parties. Miss Johnsoa said. Paiihellenic is csidenngj the possibility of sponsoring j Amy VanderbDt as main; speaker at a convocation next j year. Slarkey Receives j Physics Atcard Gary Starkey has been chosen as recipient of the freshman physics achieve- ment award." The award is given annnal ilv to an outstanding student i iii a freshman physics class. Sharkey will receive a per sonaDv engraved copy of the " Handbook of Chemistry and ! Physics." I Dr. Paul Golahammer, as- fiurjji professor" of physics, made the presentaUon. ?iVlrakan Vamt Ada i Worwai laa.la.)l. ? P& Lincoln flafflS for the graduates who are going places! Wherever you're headed for gay odvenrure, to career success in the city, on the happy honeymoon of your dreams . . . the smartest way to go is with American Tourister Tri-Toper in hand. It's the sleek, modem luggoge that's meant to go pldtes! Lightest Fiber glas glass fiber shell with tough perman ite coverings that resist scuffing, scratch ing, staining ond travel dirt . . . wipe clean with a damp c'oth. All in oil . . . the best gift for those who ore going ploces! 71 ' filial n ' X. 7W TmoO mm i 'i m lai m t 1 1 m 4 t a I i ' e KM i 2. a. 4. by $ddtori of Mlmr Trmd nagazi4 1 tit TMt luw-enat rsua apply to Want ( aoi art u aatntd 1tr oonateWHt 0 twd V" r-n'" ; awr a ad sratj 01 tmTmVm- i w t nraned Attse -mmm at aw W,ra mat we swHiM-nftd WM PSi-tBg si. r , r fjatmr 4-floor th tr!rHt Z2- n ---S!Si - W ill take xrao. lbona 7-i. ) for men fit tf T ., i 1 1. 1 lisa ond for ';' JSm, je1rSB(-f,n-iH5 - Smart women! iii Ford TBrtlO. . iaw.fi rr V-M A utrmtHt r- Tlw- w rETV..7. C' A IL.VKtV n idet mrntW xt nules from every gallon, and oewit taddng np as 196(rf uitndlit2 car-look what else Corvsir baa in stare far you. The smooth-as-butter fid Toa get from independent suspension at aU four wheels. The increased trctba tiist come, witb tte fngm' V0. I ., .-"""l t Muat sell ffiis v. snrtan Trailer ) tar rmaM TAItOEIMS Dnmuktna or alteration don. a res- "nK" HE 2-2214. t' jie. KIDS uaa luur ri I t-IU. J . 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