The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 27, 1960, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, April 27,
Husker Cindermen Win
First Outdoor Match
By John Jett
The Husker track team
handily defeated the Univer
ity of Houston Tuesday aft
ernoon in a duel meet, 80-55.
The Huskers won 9 out of
18 events with Joe Mullins
the only double winner for
nd win 1 choimtl stereo
Manning is fierce u a tiger
on offense, strong as a bear
on defense, and wise as an
owl in the huddle. Every
body's All-American selec
tion, he makes the All
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be chooses his underwear.
He knows you can do
most anything in Jockey
cants brief. Jockey
Hants are cut high at the
ides, low at the waist, and
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You can't beat them for
sports, for travel, for com
fort m any pursuit Your
campus store has them!
SKANTS brief
New CoMoa
7. S 1
wmi ovix
puts cloud 9
YeiCJowdOfr oreotir
. . combining of
5 Doctor
wontmj In a
shouldered farmer
ihat weigh le
than two pounds
...... .
o host OT Tine coicws ? .11
the mile and the 880-yard
The mile run was the most
exciting race of the afternoon
with three runners closely
bunched going. Into the final
turn. Joe American Horse,
who had lead for three and
a half laps, faultered in the
last 100 feet, allowing Joe
Mullins and Houston's Pat
Clohessy to pull ahead. Mul
lins then went on to win the
race in 4:13.2. - .
In the 880-yard run Mul
lins' main contender, was
Barry Almond. Almond led
until the three-quarters mark
when Mullins pulled ahead to
win in the time of 1:53.3.
In the field- events the
Huskers swept the javelin
and the high jump. Nebraska
also won the pole vault. Win
ner of the javelin was Nellor
with a throw of 207 feet 2
inches. Al Roots ' jumped 6
feet inch as he took first
in the high jump. Al Wellman
placed-first in the shot put
with a cast of 50 feet 7
inches. First in the discus
was Bobby Weise of Houston
with a throw of 157 feet, 5
inches. A jumpjrf 22 feet 9
inches won the "broad jump
for Bob Knaub.
In the 100-yard dash Andy
Anderson of Houston took
first with the time of :09.9.
Nebraska's Bob Cross placed
second and as he broke the
tape he fell with a leg injury.
The seriousness of the injury
is not known.
Anderson also won the 220
yard dash with the time of
June con mean the stqrt of a
satisfying career in the field of
your choice particularly if
you enlist the aid of a reput
able and qualified placement
agency such at A PLUS.
We work to place you in the
best position, with the beet
company. Call, write, of
cam in head of graduation.
A PLUS Employment Agcy.
4838 South 24th
Omaha 7, Nebraska
135 North 13
Styles Men
Captains tfialh
"R" Street
within your reach
and 45 4
natural "-"j
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1 W S7-.
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$50.00 'tJ II
:22.3. Houston's Danny Frey
came through with a :48.6 to
win the 440-yard dash. LeRoy
Keane of Nebraska was sec
ond. Nebraska made a clean
sweep of the 120-yard high
hurdles with Bill Fasano first
with the time of : 14.9. Milt
Haedt and Steve Smith placed
second and third in the event.
Keane picked up another blue
ribbon for Nebraska in the
220-lows in :24.9.
Houston won . both of the
two relay events of the after
noon. They won the 440-yard
relay in :42.2. Norman Jehle,
Jim Parkhurst, Andy Ander
son and Ollan Cassell were
the 440 men. Ian Goldfoot,
Barry Almond, Danny Frey
and Ollan Cassell ran on the
mile relay winning team' for
Houston in 3:18.5.
Ernie Gunter, Nebraska's
top freshman, won "two exhi
bition races. He beat Keith
Gardner, a former Nebras
kan, in the 100 meter run
and won the exhibition 440-
yard run with a time of
Eleven Clubs
In Softball
Eleven teams are currently
undefeated in the Intramural
Softball Tourney. The dia
mond tourney, scheduled to
be double-elimination, is a
week and a half old.
In Fraternity 'A' Division,
Sigma Phi Epsilon, Sigma
Chi, Alpha Tau Omega and
Delta Sigma Pi have perfect
Farm House, Brown Palace
and Pi Kappa Phi are unde
feated in Fraternity 'B Di
vision, Manatt and Selleck in
the Burr-Selleck Tourney, and
the undefeated Independents
are the Pathogens and Phy
sicists. At the completion of the
four tourneys, the champs
will then vie for the All-University
title. '
Sigma Phi Epsilon 11 Phi
Kappa Psi 1
Sigma Chi 16 Beta Theta Pi 7
Alpha Tau Omega 3 Delta
Upsilon 2
Delta Sigma Pi 6 Phi Gamma
Delta 5
Farm House 30 Alpha Gam
ma Rho 4
Brown Palace 13 Cornhusker
Pi Kappa Phi 15 The ta Chi 5
Manatt 16 Hitchcock 1
Pathogens 2 Junior Dents 0
Physicists 9 Navy ROTC 7
German Film
Is Based On
Mann Novel
"Bekenntnisse des Hoch-
stablers Felix Krull," a Ger
man film with English sub
tit 1 e s, will be presented
Thursday in Love Library
auditorium1 at 7:30 p.m.
The film, based on the last
novel of Thomas Mann, deals
with the confessions of a con
fidence man. The film was
extremely sucessful in Eur
ope and stars Horsl Buch
holz, now appearing on
Broadway, and Liselotte Pul
The public is invited to at
tend' the two-hour film and
there is no admission charge,
The program is sponsored by
the Genrfan Club.
aS .
The Daily Nebraskan
Deadline May 3
The deadline for entries
In the Faculty Golf Tourna
ment is 5 p.m. May 3.
Anyone interested in en
tering should call Mrs. Sco
field or Gene Gross at Ex
tension 3180 leaving your
name, address, telephone
number and average score.
Dumped by
NU Netters
Al Arrigunaga and Bill Ken
dall won two singles and a
doubles match to pace the NU
netters past Washburn 7-0,
Tuesday, at the NU Courts.
The Huskers won all five
singles and two doubles
matches while winning their
second straight meet. Nebras
ka has now won six and lost
Arrigunaga dumped Wash
burn's number one player,
John Wohlfarth 7-5, 6-2 and
Kendall thumped Gary Steele,
6-3, 6-0. The two then com
bined to knock off Wohlfarth
and Tom Romig in doubles.
Other winning singles play
ers for NU were Stan Krush
chwitz, Dave Calhoun and
Jack Craft, while Tom John
son and John Nasi added the
other doubles victory.
The win for Kruschwitz was
his 10th of the season against
only two losses. The former
Nebraska Wesleyan ace leads
the Huskers in wins this year.
The Huskers will be seeking
to hit the ,500 won-lost mark
Thursday when they meet
Omaha University at the NU
Courts. Starting time is 1
In their first meeting, Ne
braska downed Omaha, 4-3
at Omaha, winning four
singles matches.
Arrinaunaaa fNk Art Wnfclsrtfc IW
Kendall (N) def. Steele fW. .. SJ1
Kruachwitz (N) def. Roraig W. 6-4,
Caiaoaa (rrt aaf. Jim Uui run. -i
Craft (N) del. Dkk Brehna W. 6.1.
AjTinin&xa-Kandall (N) daf. Wahliaraa.
Romis W. 2-4. -. 6-1.
Johnon-Naai (N) dot. Stcett-Mau W1.
3-. 6-4.
Chiefs Designate
Friday To Be
Colleee Niclit
College night will be held
at Siieruian Field Friday as
the Lincoln Chiefs wind up
their short home stand
against Sioux City. Game
time is 8 p.m.
College students will be ad
mitted to the grandstand for
only 50c upon presentation of
their ID card.
Every Friday night will be
college night according to
Roger Bottorff, general man
ager of the Chiefs.
W.ant Ads
No. Worda 1 da. 2 dm. I da. 4 da
J .40 . t .85 I 1.00
I .60 .80 1.0 1.23
I .60 .05 1.26 1.BO
J 70 1.10 I 1.45 I 1.T5
( .80 1.S6 1 65 2.00
.00 1.40 1.85 2.25
I 1.00 1.55 2.05 3 50
Thaw low-mat rataa apply to Want
Ada which ara placad for eonraeutlva
dajra and paid for within 10 daya
after tha ad expire, or la eancelad. Ada
to ba prlntad hi tn elaulfM aactlon
of tha D.ilT rtabraakan muat ha
aoeoinpaniM by tha sarna of tha paraoa
placing aafd ad.
09. SALE
Beat rent "S Spartan trail". 25 ft
attached xl knotty plna aturty
mom. Will aall both, art up for
llvlnr. at ruat a ilttla ov.r tha loan
value of trailer alone. Quality
throughout. Sae It now move m
Eaater t cation (or before i. Banlt
will handle larea percentage. Con
tract an balafca tf neded. tot
106-O. aOOO Corhh inker Hwy.
1950 Chevrolet Coupe Good Mechanl
eal Condition. 120. Call IV 9-3589
'54 Plymuoth Belvedere, excellent con
dition. Sea at DX Gaa Satlon. 40th
and South. Muet aell.
51 Plvmouth Convertible. "55 motor,
run good, 125. Phone GA 1-0250.
White gold wrlirt watch Bulov dla
mono a. Call Judith Ram at GR 7-1789.
White Cafrhmere sweater between 141 h
ISth St. on K. Saturday evening.
Finder please return to Mra. t. 1.
Burhama. 1401 "R" St.
Drearnnaklng. or alteratlotui dona at
atylea. Come to Mavla. 41 No. J3rd.
Mle student to work for areheologlcal
field party durtne aurnmer. Student to
work pert-time a cuntodlan In Un
eoln. Marvin Kivett. Nehrs.ka 8 late
Historical Society, 15W R Street. .
Wanted. to work for Bieaie.
contact Howard Kooper SAM
HE 2-3120.
Toung couple for apartment houee care
Ukera. Man atudent preferred. Rent
ta 4a per month plua eervicee for nice
flrrt floor apartment with bedroom.
Excellent location. 2-1757 or
GR 7-2S51.
You U think parts' JTday niKht when
American Horse Earns
Star of the Week Title
By Janet Sack
At the dual meet with Okla
homa State, a Nebraska
trackster toured the m i 1 e in
4:13. At OU, three days later,
he ran the two-mile run In
9:20, breaking his own dual
meet record.
The runner involved, Joe
American Horse, is this
week's Star of the Week.
American Horse, a junior
from Gordon, is one of the
American Horse
finest Husker distance run
ners and one of the best in
the conference. However Joe
feels there is always room
for improvement.
"I need more good, fast
competition in the mile," Joe
said. He also is confident
that he can better his cur
rent best time of 4:13 in the
The first time Joe took
part in an organized track
meet was in the third grade!
He attended reservation
school and each year before
Read the Daily Nebraskan
Classified Ads. Better still
f " r villi
I J ff r ;
Plus Zl"VC Green Stamps
school was out, a track meet
was held.
He didn't do very well, but
that didn't bother him be
cause his brother, Emmett
took first place. He dismissed
thoughts of track from his
mind until he reached the
seventh grade.
During the seventh grade
he ran in junior high meets.
By the time he was in the
eighth grade, he could beat
all the high school track
All during his high school
years, he took part in the
State Track Meat in Lincoln
as Gordon's Class B repre
sentative. His time in the
mile during his freshman
year was 4:41.9.
In his sophomore year he
ran the mile in 4:43, as he
took first place in Class B.
Joe trimmed quite a bit of
time off his mile during his
junior year. During the State
Meet he ran the mile in 4:29.8
and copped a gold medal. As
a senior he ran the mile in
the fast time, of 4:28.1 and
earned himself another gold
Upon graduation he was of
Typewriters For Rent
Royal, Underwood Smith - Remington
0 Try Our Rent af-Pvrchast Plan
Special Student Rates
125 No. 1 1th Phono HE 2-4284
TypowrHer Ribbons Put On
Large corporation has openings for eight
college men in sales and marketing depart
ments. Must have a car and be free to work
all summer. Earnings will be in excess of
$100 per week, plus chance for $500 schol
arship. No experience necessary
For personoJ interview, call Mr. Booth o at
Hotel Cornhusker, 1 1 a.m. - 1 p.m., 5 p.m. -7
p.m., Wed., Thurs., Fri.. HE 2-4471.
You'll Enjoy Shopping at Gold's
"Carnival Stripes
A treasury of dashing sportohirts in sun-struck color for
spring and summer ... in-door md out-door wear. Select
from -solid colors with striped trim, fine all-over stripes,
wide-tone stripes or mullicluster striped patterns. Men's and
women's . . . children's also, available in other departments.
A clever idea for the young couple. on the campus .
matched shirts from California!
GOLD'S Men's Store . . . Street
Page 3
fered an athletic scholarship
by Nebraska. He decided to
use the scholarship because
he was, quite impressed with
the university track and with
the city of Lincoln itself.
American Horse sajd "I
saw Lincoln for the first time
when I came to the Stata
Track Meet as a freshman.
It was like going to New
York City."
As a freshman he didn't
put much work into the mile
and two-mile runs. College
life was all new to him.
His sophomore year was
quite different. He was on
the varsity squad and he had
to "either work or get out,"
so he worked. He ran the in
door mile in 4:22 and the
outdoor mile in 4:20.
This year as a junior he
ran the indoor mile in 4:14
and the indoor 2-mile in 9:24.
$2.25 PER DOZEN"7
Thay Art tartar At firavea,
South of the Lobar Temple
DARING . . .
. . .
j m
you aee your name in jeuow