Page 4 The Daily Nebraskcn Tuesday,-March 15, 1960 't ft BATTALION STAFF Members of the Navy ROTC battalion staff pose for the photographer. Left to right are Bill Danek, company commander; Dick Basoeo, ex National YD Federation Seeks Legislation about Loyalty Oath Th National Young Demo cratic Student Federation has called for the passage of leg islation which would repeal the use of the disclaimer af fadavit and the loyalty oath of the National Defense Edu cation Act. The group's nine member national executive meeting in Washington urged in a strong campus character: MANNING MOTION Manning is fierce as a tiger on offense, strong as a bear on defense, and wise as an owl in the huddle. Every body's All-Am erican selec tion, he makes the Ail American selection when he chooses his underwear. He knows you can do most anything in Jockey skants brief. Jockey exacts are cut high at the sides, low at the waist, and tailored of stretch nylon to provide maximum comfort with minimum coverage. You can't beat them for sports, for travel, for com fort in any pursuit Your campus store has them! $1.50. COOfCIt, UtCOWOOATH WHOM. Wit- tockey SKANTS" brief Men who Skin protection, that is. Old Spice refreshes and stimulates, guards against the loss of vital skin moisture. Feels great, too. Brisk, bracing;, with that tangy Old Spice scent. It does seem .ftrlict female admirers, but hat red-blooded man needs protection against lib fi , ! f S 1 c f J ill Cj LJ i ,f wiw resolution the organizing of letter writing campaigns on American campuses to mem bers of Congress informing them of the wide student protest of section 1001 (f) of the XDEA. The group in a resolution resolved that the Act "repre sents an unwarranted inva sion, on the part of the United States Government, into the traditionally private area of personal belief." The Student Young Demo crats further charged that "The affidavit and the ac companying loyalty oath single out students as objects of suspicion." The executive Committee, snpakinu fnr mnre than !0fl college chapters of the Young j Democrats, termed the provi-! sion presently included in the ' XDEA as "insulting the American academic commu-1 nitv." ' Booh Returned To Be Borrowed ACP In a letter to the I ian, a University of Califor I nia student comments: "Even though it is the pinnacle of efficiency, the library isn't devoid of humor. '"Recently a student asked the library to put a "hold" on a book, in this case a request that the book be returned to be reloaned. In the student's mail two days later was found a re quest from the library re questing the return of the book to the library which had been requested by the stj dent so that the library- could lend the book to the student from whom they now- were re questing the return of the book." .umLMi)if1ij.ii;wwy"mw &,A 2 fy. ms" face wind and weather choose the AFTER SHAVE LOTION girls? 1.00 A ecutive officer; Cliff Oberlander, battal ion commander; Chuck Taylor, communi cations officer; and Fred llowlett, com pany commander. As a possible combat against t h e movement of Communists into the field of higher education, the com mittee stated, "the affidavit and loyalty oath are ineffec tive in protecting the national security, and may even harm it by preventing otherwise well meaning students from accepting funds under the Act." The Democratic Party had earlier stated its objection to the disclaimer affidavit and loyalty oath through state ments issued by the Demo cratic Advisory Committee and resolutions passed by the national convention of the Young Democratic Clubs of America. 'I'M Si.'RP:SED THERE'S NO ktFL'Ni) ON TME .EMPTY BCTTLE! protection of. S M U U T O Contracts For Rodeo To Be Let Stock contracts will be lot. rodeo judges selected, and plans for building shoots will be discussed at the Rodeo Club meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Ag Student Union. Preparations for the May 6-7 rodeo this year will in clude the purchase of a killer horse and practice stock. A member of the Rodeo Club said that this would enable more people to be qualified for rough stock and the timed events. Previously there was no practive stock outside of a bucking barrel. Display space for depart mental organizations will be available in the State Fair grounds coliseum during the two day show. Arrangements can be made by contacting Ted Klug. Eggheads Need More Cooking CV) Eggheads should become hard boiled, accord ing to Dr. Paul Saltman, as sistant professor of nutrition and biochemistry at the Uni versity of Southern California. In a talk at Long Beach State College, as reported by the Long Beach Forty-Xiner. Dr. Saltman charged that "in stitutions of higher learning are committed to mass ed ucation and the adulation of mediocrity." Dr. Saltman resents the role the intellectual is relegated to in contemporary society. He believes the prevalent al titude of the American people at large is definitely anti-intellectual and hopes for social toughening of the American intellectual and his ascent in to respect of the mass. Union Management Thanks Student Hotly Walter Stockton, operations manager of the Student Un ion, commented Monday that the Union management was appreciative of the patience exhibited by the students dur ing the state basketball tourn ament. He noted that the student body had to put up with an inconvenience with he high school students overcrowding the Union. However, he added, not one student complained, and for that reason the Union was thanking the students. Her Uniform- Tie Kichisire Executive Model Tailored To Fit The Finest - 4 rr ' I, ;,i fit V - 4 U ' ; n ' -, ; " K 1 M 1 : y f . j tfM j, jkf -v - (K , fli I ( , , . - .- I , t j ; i ... i I -i, . . if r . ' - ...... , y..ijt, .'A. if" sh Ill' '4 .t f l '''''"IZl'L I N ill ., H , y , I ' ' SPFCiAl...tUMMEI PROGRAM fO JUNIORS: Want Kpw-iiil preview of Arm;' lit? Why not. it tor yourneU this sumnipr! If you qualify tor this lmulcii program, you'll receive 4 wiks of oncntation train mH ihiH uuuiiiier without any conimit rornt. TIip program in to liplp .vou dm-ide with confidence if you want to applv for an Army ofltcer'w conmu-iou nftcr vou craduHi. If you'll iri1crc-1ci, today m lite day to uittii the coupcti. Xhcie s no oliligauou. LITTLE MAN Oh, AULW P?KEI5Kl GtZXZ ARE rppular. UNTIU lAKH tO SAY HO'. " Texas Beard Picketed As No 'Picnic9 (ACP) The Daily Texan reports that 28 students braved a Gamma Phi Beta sorority picket line in front of the University of Texas Union to sign up for a beard growing contest during the first hour and a half of registration. Most of the entrants are re ported to have feared the re actions of their girl friends more than the student pick ets, who bore signs saying "Gillette Blue Blades " for Me" and "Don't be Hairy." When asked what he thought his beard would do to his so cial life, one Texas student is said to have replied, "Well, I had a steady, but I don't know now. Most girls don't like to fight through the brush to get to the picnic." IFC Meeting IPC social chairmen will meet in 232 Student Union a! 7:15 Tuesdav eenine. Tickets to the IFC Ball, which will be held Friday at Pershing Audi torium, will be distributed at the meeting. Read Nebraskan Want Ads ON CAMPUS Bacteriology Pro To Give Lectures Dr. Donald J. Merchant, professor of bacteriology at the University of Michigan Medical School will give lec tures today and Tuesday in the Bessey Hall Auditorium. The first lecture at 3 p.m. today, is "Population Dynam ics in Suspension Cultures of a Mouse Fibroblast." The Tuesday lecture at 12 noon in the Plant Industry Building on the Ag campus will be "Growth vs. Special Cell Function in vitro." WccLli inn ions Engraved and Flat Printed Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14 One look at her and you know che's an officer in the United States .Army. Her uniform pives it away and doesn't, mind a bit ! B' it's her passport to prwt ige . . . 1 he di.-iiuctive sign of a young executive in the Women's Army Cor;. Wherever tlie goes and it might 1 anywhere from HeidellKTs to Honolulu! i-lie knowi tluit uniform will bring rspoct and recoenif ion. She doesn't Lave time to get smup; about it, though her uniform demands as much from her as she does from it! She's got to keep on her toes. She's got to nhow initiative and intelligence, foresight and flexibility qualities worthy of a college graduate. Qualities ivorlhy of an executive in a world-wide organizal ion. Interested in wearing the Army uniform? We'll lie ghid to tell you more if you mail us the coupon below . . . (It's your preliminary "passport to prestige 1") THE ADJUTANT GENERAL Dpartmnt of Hi Army Washington 25, D. C. Attn: AGSN4 JJluinf Ifll me nunc ahnut a imrld-trar't-hiiy. tsfcuttie ca.ecr in Lht Mom:ft' Army Corps. A4drM City Following Instructions 'Emphasized' (ACPI From the Oregon State Daily Barometer comes the tale of woe about the pro fessor who grimly watched ts 42 red-faced students left his 8 a.m. class recently. The quiz they had just com pleted began in the accepted manner with directions ver bose ones. Nothing unusual except for the last line which directed that the whole quiz be read before any part was answered. Near the end of the quiz, however, more directions ap peared instructing that the last few questions only be an swered and no others. Forty-two students took the quiz; 42 students did not fol low instructions; 42 students did a double take. A few tried to salvage a grade by hasty x-ing out unwanted answers. A few used an eraser. But on ly a few, for the wiley prof had innocently asked that pen be used instead of the usual pencil. The professor apparently made his point, but he influ enced people without winning friends. Sigma Xi To Eleet Sigma Xi, science scholas tic honorary, vill meet to night at 7:30 in Bessey Hall auditorium. TOMORROW! $ Mister 'A1 8r Mi,- I b V t m W -Jtr V CN . ZfM a J r.omes : 1,3,