The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 13, 1960, Image 1

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    IM Cage
See Page 3
. Column
See Page 4
Vol. 34, No. 55
Wednesday, January 13, 1960
m m
New Center Shell Completed
NEWMAN CLUB Pictured above is the and Q Sts. The outside structure of the
new Thomas Acquinas chapel and Catho- center is nearly completed. Opening date
lie Newman Club center being built at 16th is expected about August.
-Big 8
LaC? of
Due to lack of entrants
from Big Eight schools, the
Big Eight Talent Show sched
uled for Feb. 14 has been
The official decision was
made Tuesday night by the
Student Union Activities
Board after the University of
Colorado called Monday and
said it couldn't gather enough
acts to make the tour.
O-State Out, Too
Friday Oklahoma State
cancelled because of a bas
ketball game scheduled on
the same night
With thnsc - cancellations
only Kansas State and Ne
braska were left in the show.
The other four schools did not
want to take part in the pro
gram because of cost factors
and regulations placed by
their respective Student Af
fairs agents.
The Union committee said
that with all the difficul
ties incurred that it would be
doubtful if this type of show
would be tried next year.
"The anouncement will
come as a disappointment to
those who tried out in the lo
cal contest and were await
ing the announcement of the
acts which were chosen for
the traveling show," said Al
len Bennett, Union manager.
"It is unfortunate and we
apologize to all concerned,"
he said.
The board hopes this will
not discourage students to
participate in other future
Bennett said he wanted ev
eryone to understand it was
no intention of the university
that this be cancelled until
the unavoidable circumstance
However, the Union board
is working on a plan for next
year which would lead to a
all-campus variety show at
which numbers would be se-
Union Door
h Broken
Another glass door in the
Student Union was broken
about 10:30 Monday night due
to "boisterous activity."
Five students were brought
back for conference after the
night manager and staff
members identified the last
people to occupy the Crib.
The tame group or individ
uals in it are believed to have
defaced some Union furnish
ings in the Crib, also.
Union manager Allen Ben
nett said, "We like to see
everyone in the Union and in
no way imply that we want to
throw anyone out, however, we
also want respect for both
Union stalf members and the
buildings and furnishings."
Disciplinary action for the
Incident is penaing.
Talent -
lected for touring Nebraska
for organizations and high
schools. Other Big Eight
schools also are contemplat
ing a similar program.
$400 for Tour
The Union board did not
know whether such a tour
could be organized from tal
ent interviewed earlier this
year due to financial reaso
Bennett estimated that a
three-day week-end tour for
15 people would cost about
The Big Eight talent show
began three years ago. Mon
ey to finance the trip was ob
tained by admission for the
show at each school.
Meals were furnished at
the host's expense but addi
tional finances for traveling
were made available by each
participating school.
Alternate Courses
Often Not Listed
All students who failed to
turn in their worksheets last
week must now wait until Fri
day, Jan. 29, to register for
next semester classes.
According to Mrs. Irma
Laase, assistant registrar,
only a few students failed to
turn in worksheets during the
time alloted.
She remarked that regis
tration was progressing
smoothly. The program was
simplified further due to the
fact that students in Business
Administration and Agricul
ture turned their worksheets
in to the office cf their col
lege dean.
The worksheets for these
two particular colleges were
turned in each day in a single
group cutting down on the
confusion at the desk in Ad
ministration. The only difficulty encoun
tered has been failure of stu
ents to list alternate
courses, Mrs. Laase said.
New students and returning
students may register Jan. 29
Feb. 13. Approximately the
same number of new students
are expected next semester
as compared to mid-term of
last year. Approximately 200
to 300 new students are ex
pected next semester. Last
year the University gained
243 newcomers at mid-term.
No increase in married stu
dents is anticipated second
semester in spite of many se-mpstpr-hreak
weddine nlans.
According to attendance fig
: ures, however, the number of
married persons on campus
increased from 1,515 last year
to 2,906 recorded in this fall's
Today is the last day to pick up your Student Directory in the Student Union lobby
Friday's Paper
To Be 8-Pager
Friday's edition of the
Daily Nebraskan will con
sist of eight pages.
The issue will be the last
of the semester and will fea
ture "Outstanding Nebras
kan" award winners-
Late Hour
Is 'Quiet'
First Night
Draws 100-150
Frank Lundy, director of
the University libraries, de
scribed the student reaction
to the late Love library hours
as "quiet."
He said there were approxi
mately 100-150 students in the.
library Monday night until
the new late hour of 10:50
p.m. He reported all were
quietly studying and were
very cooperative and under
standing about the system
the library has adopted in re
gard to the late hours.
Staff Assignments
Lundy explained the regu
lar staff would be on hand to
assist students with reference
help only until 9 p.m. each
evening. After nine, student
assistant who haVe had ex
perience working in the li
brary will check out books
for students. However, no
reference help will be avail-,
able after the regular staff
has left.
Lundy commented,' "We
feel the students need this
service and will use it."
He anitcipated the number
using the library until 10:50
would increase as they be
came accustomed to the new
Police Patrol
He explained the campus
police were cooperating with
the library in regard to the
late hours. Campus police
will check the library occa
sionally after 9 p.m. and
patrol the surrounding area
after 9 p.m. as a safeguard
to the students.
"We are trying to provide
the student with the service
he needs at a minimum cost
and with the necessary safe
guards," Lundy explained.
He said this is not the first
time the library has tried ex
perimental hours at the re
quest of the students. About
three or four years ago they
opened the library for the
first time on Sunday after
noons and evenings. After
one semester the evening
hours were abandoned be
cause not enough students
took advantage of them.
The present 10:50 p.m.
hours will be maintained
through finals and become
the regular library hours next
Ag Exec Board
The Ag Exec Board will
meet at 7 p.m. today in the
Ag Union.
For Contest
Are Tonight
Five Judged to Pick
Best Dressed Girl
Interviews will begin at 7:15
tonight in 349 Student Union
for the Best Dressed Girl con
test. Seventeen coeds have been
entered in the contest which
is being sponsored on campus
by the Daily Nebraskan for
Glamour Magazine.
The girl winning the title
will be entered in the national
contest. Ten winners of the
national contest will then be
flown to New York in June
for 10 days of parties, fashion
shows, tours and dinners.
Judges for the event include
Mrs. Naomi Schleis, buyer at
Hovland-Swanson: Mrs. Ginny
Hollenbaugh, fashion coordi
nator at Ben Simon and Sons;
Miss Mary Louise Babst, fash
ion coordinator at Miller and
Paine; Jack Nielsen, presi
dent of Student Council, and
Stan Kaiman, business man
ager of the Daily Nebraskan.
Candidates should wear
street dresses with appro
priate accessories for their
interview. They will be asked
questions pertaining to clothes
budget, campus customs,
understanding fashion ana
The coeds, their affiliation
and interview times are as
Jeannie Spahnake, Alpha Chi Omm 7:15
Jackie Shatter, Alpha Omicron Pi 7 25
Sueleal Thornpaon, Alpha Phi 7 35
Mary Anne Weber. Alpha Xi Delia 7 45
Kav Straiiss, Chi Omega 7:55
Janet Hoepimer, Delta Delta Delta B:(I5
Jeanne Garner. Delta Gamma B:15
Penny Praulle. Gamma Phi Beta 8 25
Janice rlellwe. Kappa Alpha Tneta 6 55
Ruth Huston. Kappa Delta 45
Kav Swoboda, Kappa Kappa Gamma 55
Clair Vrba, Love Hall S:t5
Rhoda Skiff, Residence Halla 15
Bunny Aaikeiw, Pi Beta Phi 9 :
Patricia G'Dell. Towne Club 35
Kaymarie Swaru. Sigma Kappa 45
Karea Knaob. ZU Ta Alpha :S5
Handed Out
On Saturday
More t h a n 390 graduating
students will receive degrees
Saturday, Jan. 30, at the Uni
versity's mid-year Com
mencement exercises.
. Chancellor Clifford Hardin
will preside, Dr. Allen Breck
enridge, dean of faculties, will
serve as master of ceremon
ies; and the Rev. Charles Wil
son, pastor of First Christian
Church, Lincoln, will be chap
lain. There will be no commence
ment speaker this year. The
reason for the change in the
traditional order of gradua
tion is due to a decision made
by the Commencement Com
mittee that more emphasis
should be placed on the grad
uates rather than speakers-
The number of graduates js
slightly below last year's mid
term class of 404.
Meeting Set
The University Student Ed
ucation Association (UNSEA)
will meet at 8 tonight in Love
Library Auditorium.
John Lynch, executive sec
retary of the Nebraska Edu
cation Association, w;U pre
sent the program on "The
Teacher in Politics." Lynch
has served as lobbyist in the
state legislature for the NEA
for the past several years.
Gov. Ralph Brooks who
was scheduled to speak was
unable to attend.
Members of the Nebraska
Wesleyan Student Education
Association will be special
guests. The meeting is open
to the public.
hulalation Set
For Builders
University Builders instal
lation of executive board of
ficers and chairmen will take
place tonight in 340 Student
Union at 7 p.m.
Newly chosen assistants are
also asked to attend the meet
ing, according to Dick Basoco,
retiring president Retiring
chairmen are reminded to
bring their notebooks to the
nn n
Nominations Reach 15
For Nebraskan Honor
Seven students and faculty
members were nominated for
Outstanding Nebraskan Tues
day as nominations closed.
This brings total nomina
tions to 15.
Prof. Paul Schach of the
German department and Miss
Mary Jane Mulvaney of the
physical education depart
ment were nominated for the
faculty award.
Five Students
Nominated for the student
award were Bob Blair, Har
ry Tolly, Norman Rohlfing,
Gary "Doc" Rodgers, and
Larry Romjue.
Professor Schach was cred
ited with bringing "honor to
our University by being in
vited to lecture and teach at
other institutions of learning.
In addition, he has written
and published several books
dealing with the Germanic
languages and also transla
tions of Icelandic and Old
The letter continued that
Schach was an "outstanding
teacher. He has the helpful
ness and understanding nec
essary for this profession. He
excites the interest of his pu
pils with his own personal
enthusiasm for his subject.
Language Understanding
"Not only does he teach the
German language, but Prof.
Schack gives his students an
understanding of the German
history and culture and,
through this", a better under
standing of our own.
Miss Mulvaney's "bound
less enthusiasm and energy"
were praised in her letter of
"Taking a course under her
is a splendid experience. She
is never too busy to help a
Chancellor Hardin
False Says
Chancellor Clifford Hardin
again denied reports that he
had been offered the
presidency of the University
of Minnesota.
The Chan
cellor said
that he
heard a
word," add
ing that he
was w e r y
happy here.
My f amily is
very happy
here. We
wish to
He said inquiries have been
made locallv about him, but
he has not requested any job
elsewhere and delinittiy
wishes to remain here.
"I expect to be rooting for
l M
Average-Conscious Chart
Study at Grill?-
Pre-final days are hectic, worried times
for some NU students. Many probably al
ready are trying to predict their averages
for the semester. In an effort to provide
study place stacks house. Crib Grul
on campus dorm
over the finished partied saw
Christmas J reports, read oa most parents
vacation read I books train home nights once
finance pinned
situation married date around engaged three times
method of light group cram
studying review reviewing, cram and
for finals alone study alone rest
before go to 4-5 hours cram go to
exam movie of review movie '
1,1 - - . -
3-bour Vi hours I1 hours i hours V hours
final in . . . . '
prefer . ,
finals essay multiple easy sot gives
that are . . . ebokt
plans for v ' Omaha rest up
semester read wash car, night for next
Drea book clean room spots semester
"Next semester
I'M going afl 5 a 6.0 . a Job
to get " ' l
student or a student organization."
"She has been an adviser
of Mortar Board for many
years and was made an hon
orary member of that organ
ization last year. The qualifi
cations for honorary member
ship are very stringent and
require many contintions both
academically and activity
wise." Advising Positions
Miss Mulvaney also has
served as WAA adviser, AWS
adviser and president of the
Student Union Board of Man
agers. She has been a Coed
Follies judge many times.
Bob Blair was nominated
because, according to his let
ter, "there is no one person
who has done more for our
University in the past year."
His activities include com
mander of the Army ROTC,
Kappa Alpha Ma, honorary
photographic fraternity; past
president of Sigma Alpha Ep
silon, Student Council, IFC
and Innocents Society.
"As a member of Student
Council he worked hard to
help organize the new system
of registration."
Rush Week Revision
The letter credited Blair
with revising Rush Week too,
in his position as vice presi
dent of IFC. He was also
elected president of the Big
Eight IFC at the convention
held in Denver, Colo.
Gary Rodgers nomination
said that he is "known and
respected not only on campus
but throughout the state for
his many contributions to
good government."
Rodgers has been vice pres
ident of Student Tribunal,
Young Republicans and
NUCWA, a reporter, colum
nist and copy editor of the
Rumors Are
the Cornhuskers next fall,"
he said.
University of Minnesota Re
gents are making no state
ments regarding selection of
a president for the school un
til the man selected accepts
the offer.
A spokesman said he could
neither affirm nor deny a re
port that the University
chancellor is one of the top
Hardin came to the Univer
sity in 1954 at the age of 38,
the youngest in a succession
of 12 University chancellors.
He had been dean of agricul
ture and director of the ex
periment station at Michigan
State University.
Chancellor Hardin is among
the nominees for Outstanding
Daily Nebraskan and a mem
ber of the campus religioua
YR Offices
He is rush chairman and
secretary of Sigma Nu fra
ternity. He has been stata
college director, state organi
zational director and Mid
west college treasurer of th
Young Republicans.
The nomination for Harry
Tolly said t hat the reasons
for his nomination can "best
be summed up in the quali
fications required for a fine
honor Harry received earlier
this year."
Tolly was given one of the
National Football Foundation
scholar-athlete awards which
required "outstanding foot
ball ability and performance,
outstanding academic appli
cation and achievement and
outstanding campus leader
ship and example."
Baseball Player
Tolly has been a member
of the baseball team, Student
Council, historian of Phi Ep-
silon Kappa, national physi
cal education honorary; Pi
Mu Epsilon, national honor
ary mathematics fraternity;
Mu Epsilon Nu, local Teach
ers College honorary scholas
tic fraternity; president of
N club, member of Innocents
and the football team. He is
president of Sigma Chi.
Rohlfing was credited with
doing "much to improve re
lationships between the
Greeks and Independents
through his activities and po
sitions on campus."
"Norm gives unselfishly of
himself to help solve any
problems which may arise
with individuals, activities
and his fraternity as well as
the University."
He is a member of Inno
cents, Lincoln Project, Agron
omy Club and FarmHouse.
'Coveted Honor
Romjue's letter said that
"the Outstanding Nebraskan
Award should be considered
the most coveted honor at
this institution. It is with this
in mind that I submit t ha
name of Larry Romjue as a
He is a member of N Club,
the varsity golf team. Student
Council, IFC, and is business
manager of Kosmet Klub. He
was an Eligible Bachelor of
1959 and a member of Inno
cents. "Perhaps his greatest hon
or which most typifies his
worthiness of this award, is
the fact that he was a recipi
ent of the national Beta Theta
Pi scholarship award for bis
laudible services to both his
fraternity and his Univer
sity." Other nominations includo
Chancellor Clifford Hardin,
Mrs. Betty Carpenter, Dean
Jenkins, Polly Doering, Kar
en Peterson, John Coates,
Karl Shapiro and Dick
Two Average
the student with some idea of what ave
rage be'she may get for the semester,
the Daily Nebraskan offers this chart to
make the figuring easier.