The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 15, 1959, Page Page 4, Image 4

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The Daily, Nebraskan
Tuesday, December 1 5, 1 959
... Ministers
The religious atmosphere
at the University is belter
than at many schools of sim
ilar size, according to the
opinions of two campus reli
gious leaders.
The Rev. Keith Stevensen.
pastor of the Baptist Student
fellowship, and the Rev. Rex
Knowles, pastor of Presby
House, agreed upon this point
when ( questioned about re
ligious attitudes of college
Become Concerned
The Rev. Knowles said stu
dent groups seem to becom
ing more concerned about the
religious problems of this age
rather than less so as theo
logians often have claimed.
He also pointed out that he
had noticed a progressive in
crease in student participa
tion in church activities and
church services during the 12
year period he has been at
the University.
More than 95 per, cent of
the students indicated a
church membership on their
Information cards. According
to the Rev. Knowles, this is
a much higher percentage
than most schools.
He estimated . approxi
mately 40 per cent of the stu
dents attend church services
Student Health Councils
Unique, Fuenning Says
"Where are the cold pills?
What do you do for a stiff
neck? My ear lobe itches . . ."
So goes the life of a health
chairman, the students' liai
son between Student Health
and group. This medico is in
charge of the first aid kit and
co-ordination of health prac
tices of his particular house
with methods recommended
by the health center.
The University's student
health councils are unique, ac
cording to Dr. Samuel Fuen-
Offer Award
For Women
For the. eighth year the
Soroptimist Club of Los An
geles is tffering a $1,500 fel
lowship ftward open to wom
en graduate students. The
award is for the 1960-61 school
The deadline for applica
tion is Feb. 1, 1960. Minimum
requirement is a Bachelor's
degree or equivalent.
The competition is open to
women for study in a gradu
ate school of an accredited
college or university in the
greater Los Angeles area,
and foreign women for study
in a graduate school in the
The Los Angeles club has,
in the past 10 years, awarded
a total of $12,350 in fellow
ships and grants. Recipients
also have the opportunity to
study in foreign schools.
Videotape Gift
Minnesota Mining and
Maufacturing Co. presented
a gift of $10,000 in videotape
for a videotape recorder for
the University's television
station this week.
Robert Schlater, KUON-TV
program manager, s a i d the
tape will allow the station
to increase its local live pro
gramming because programs
can be recorded at various
hours of the day and" then
played back at the regular
programming times. (
NU Radio CI id)
Schedules Party
The University Amateur
Radio Club will hold its an
nual Christmas meeting at 7
tonight in 207 M and N Build
ing. Students interested in
electronics or amateur radio
are invited to attend.
ACE Christmas
Party Set Today
A.C.E., teachers organiza
tion, will hold its Christmas
Party and regular meeting
Tuesday at 4:45 p.m. in 202
Teachers College.
m !) in;
-m. w m m-t m w & w m w " w w m
Discuss Attitudes
and 10 per cent are consistent
workers in church groups and
Y groups.
Both pastors agreed the ac
ceptance of religious belief
and practices often becomes a
problem to the college stu
dent. The Rev. Knowles re
marked that a falling away
from the present orthodoxes
of religion are expected. It is
a part of the psychological
development of the individual
to question the concrete con
cepts of religion which he
learned as a child.
This questioning indicates
a move toward discovering
himself. However, the Rev.
Knowles pointed out the ma
jority of students find, main
tain or restablish their re
ligious concepts by the time
they approach graduation.
The Rev. Stevensen attrib
uted the college student's at
titude to religion as also hav
ing other bases besides re
ligious psychological adjust
ment. He cited one as inade
quacy in pre-college training.
The second reaction is against
social background and family,
another typical psychological
reaction of this age group, he
The pastors mentioned that
ning, director of Student
Health. He said he knew of
very few schools or universi
ties with a student group
health program.
The health councils were
founded shortly before the flu
epedemic of 1957 and proved
their effectiveness in helping
to control the "flu bug."
Dr. Fuenning explained
there are four health councils
the IFC, Panhellenic. Co-op
Council and the Selleck-Burr
Hall Council. Members of the
councils are elected within the
fraternity, Co-op or sorority
house. Counselors from Sei
leck and Burr serve as mem
bers of the fourth council.
The councils meet once a
month to discuss health pro
grams and problems. Mem
bers may arrange for discus
sions for their houses on a
current health problem or
Dr. Fuenning said he felt
the council has served to ad
vance the program of pre
ventive medicine among the
students of this campus.
KUON Physics
Series Debuts
Christmas Eve
The National Educational
Television series "Live and
Learn" will make its debut
on KUON-TV Dec. 24 at 7:30
Twelve half-hour programs
are the setting for many of
the most important topics in
physics in this series of dis
cussion and demonstrations
prepared by Professors Pat
terson Hume and Donald
Ivey of the University of To
ronto. The series is designed as
an introduction to this sub
ject, or as a re-introduction
for people who have studied
elementary physics and wish
to refresh their memories.
Ed Association
Will See Film
The monthly meeting of the
Nebraska Student Education
Association will be held
Wednesday at 7 n.m. in the
Little Auditorium of the Stu
dent Union.
Students in Teachers Col
lege, vocational agriculture
or vocational homemaking
are invited to attend. A film
will be shown and refresh
ments will be served.
Good Here
of NU Students
the youth of this generation
tend to avoid definite commit
ments to anything abstract in
nature such as religion. They
attributed this to the growing
insecurity of the world caused
by scientific developments
and unstable world situations.
The Rev. Stevensen said he
felt the increase in church
attendance throughout the na
tions is not an indication of
a return to religion in faith.
He said he thought the church
had lost some of its strength
because it had sought social
acceptance by all, thereby
losing much of its individuali
ty. It has become paralleled
with our society rather than
maintaining its original posi
tion of an institution greater
than the common man, he
The Rev. Stevensen con
tends the church and religion
must change to recover their
original birthright, the con
viction that the world and
life are measured by Jesus
Christ. Religion must restate
its original conviction in
terms of this age in order to
recover its rightful place in
our lives, he said.
Social Institution
In contrast, the Rev.
Knowles commented that he
considered the church to be
one of the strong social in
stitutions of our land and par
ticularly of the University
and Lincoln. He said he con
sidered it to be more of a
challenge to be a Christian in
flu (Jpniil"a( inn lii in n.t
this generation than in past
He said the-horror of atom
ic power and the realization
of our present mode of life
will eventually lead man to
the realization that the hu
manist answer to worldly sit
uations is not sufficient. Peo
ple will then, once again,
realize the importance of re
ligion in their lives.
Both pastors agreed that
the popular conception that
philosophy weakens religion
was false. It merely asks
many questions which often
an individual's faith cannot
They contend this stimu
lates religious growth by de
stroying weak faith and re
establishing, with the aid of
counseling or religious study,
a stronger, more meaningful
Prof Offers
Tree Formula
A simple method to make
your Christmas tree fire-resistant
has been offered by
Dr. Carl Potthoff.
Dr. Potlhoff. chairman of
the department of preventive
medicine and public health
at the University Medical
College in Omaha, suggest
ed spraying the three with
the following ingredients:
Nine ounces of borax and
four ounces of boric acid in
one gallon of. water.
This spray is recommend
ed because it has no offen
sive odor and will not cause
the needles to drop off ear
lier than usual. Another ad
vantage of the method is
that the mixture can be used
either indoors or outdoors
The solution is most effec-j
uvc wnen administered in
liberal amounts with an in
sect spray gun, Dr,
hoff said.
Entries A
II.. i
m-r if
' :
Entries for th.
Dressed College Girls in Amor- held at the Walter Reed Army
ica" contest are due in the i Medical Center in Washing
Daily Nebraskan office by 5 1 ton. D.C, today through
p.m. today. Thursday.
Entries will be accepted: Those attending will be Drs.
from all women's orcaniyprt i John Barmore, associate pro-
houses as well as the RAM
council, IFC and the Co-op
Council, if they wish to spon
sor a candidate.
1 I ((
The Captain Suggests You
Stop and Shop at the Cap
tain's Walk on Vednesday,
December 16 on . . .
ond Cookies Served from 6 Until 9
t flptaitfs UalK
C!whs for tht Compleaf Gentlt.rr.or
"OM,Ort, I'M AfiZAlP MY N6W
cpurre mpito hanIpue that
It's Up to the Student:
'Only Way To Study
Is To Study Hard!'
By Jim Forrest
Dr. James E. Miller, head
of the English department,
said that the only way for a
student to study is to study
"Tim Qfiir1 tatm f.iiiA nf
Lfudv should be left upo the
"y - r
student. What is good for one
student isn't always good for
the rest."
However, Dr. Miller did
say that it is extremely im
portant for the student to
schedule his time. He suggest
ed that students regulate their
study time on a daily and
weekly basis.
Four Points
The Counseling Service
through their study skills pro
gram promote a four-point
criteria for studying:
1. Proper use of time
2. Scientific method of text
book reading
3. Technique of taking class
4. Technique of taking
To aid in budgeting this
time, the Service advises each
student to write out a list of
study assignments that he has
to prepare.
The scientific m e t h o d of
text book reading includes
taking notes on what you
read, going back over the
material and reviewing.
The most important thing
in taking class notes, says the
Counseling Service, is not the
thoroughness of the notes but
that the student review his
notes within twenty-four
hours of class.
In the technique of taking
an examination everything
depends upon the first three
J. P. Colbert, dean of
Student Affairs, says that in
a University worthy of its
name the entire responsibility
of learning is on the student.
Study Aids
"The text books and the
professors are just aids."
He commented that a stu
Med Symposium
T0 Be ill D.C.
Three University College
of Medicine members will at
tend the second MEND Sym
posium of the 1959-60 aca-
demic year
Entitled "Blood, Fluids and
Trauma." the meeting will De
fessor of surgery, John Por
ter, instructor m surgery,
and Richard Wilson, associ
ate in pathology
8ckao? cues ft himself.
dent, like a person in busi
ness, should have a plan to
Students know when they
have class, so they should be
able to set up a certain time
to study materials from class
"A" and a time for class "B"
and class "C".
As a professor of engineer
ing for many years, Dean Col
bert used to advise his stu
dents to give full attention to
their text and notes.
He would say, "A text book
is more useful if it is well
used and well marked than
when it was first purchased.
Almost all authors have just
certain important points and,
if underlined, a student will
be able to hit these highlights
while studying for an exam.
V " :" 1
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m mm
Short Tax Course Set
A two-day program in in
come tax and social security
short courses will begin at
8:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Uni
versity. The annual program, to be
held at the Student Union, is
Sigma Delta Chi
Initiates Three
Sigma Delta Chi, profes
sional journalistic fraternity,
initiated three new members
They are Dave Calhoun,
Carroll Novicki and Jack
A dinner followed in the
Student Union.
The group will hold a lunch
eon meeting in the Colonial
Room of the Union Wednes
day noon.
Why not place a
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in the
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sponsored, by the department
of agricultural economics and
the Extension Division
The social security portion
of the course will be held
Tuesday morning and the in
come tax sections will meet
at 2' p.m. and continue into
the second day.
Discussions of the wage
and hour law will be held at
1:45 p.m. Wednesday.
C. W. Bowmaster of the
University Extension Division
will direct the program.
Luncheons are arranged
for the convenience of those
who attend the sessions..
Wildlife Club
An organizational meeting
of a fish and wildlife man
agement club will be held
Wednesday at 8 p.m. in 202
Poultry Husbandry Building
on Ag Campus.
r if
(127 R St.
HE 2-2042