The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 17, 1959, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Page 4
Do-It-Yourself Exams
For Diabetes Planned
By Ann Moyer
Student Health officials are
introducing a' do-it-yourself
diabetes test for all Universi
ty employees, staff and inter
ested students.
The tests are being taken
in conjunction with the annual
Diabetic Detection Week,
Monday through Saturday. Di
abetes, Assn through the co
operation of state and county
medical societies.
Diabetes Detection
The purpose of the program
Is to help discover unknown
diabetics. Statistics show
there are more than one mil
lion diabetes in the U n i t e d
States under treatment and
the same number of undiscov
ered cases.
The do-it-yourself test will
make it possible for persons
to run their own sugar test. A
test strip is dipped into the
specimen. If there is a color
change the test is positive,
otherwise it is negative indi
cating no diabetic condition.
The result is checked on a
provided card and returned to
Student Health directly or by
means of campus mail.
According to Dr. Samuel
Fuenning, director of Student
Health, this is the first time
the self-tests have been used
for this study. If successful,
he reported, the do-it-yourself
plan may be adopted nation
ally. Progressive Disease
Dr. Fuenning stressed the
Importance of discovering di
abetes at an early stage. If
discovered early, preventive
measures may be employed
to check the disease. Diabetes
is a progressive disease which
eventually leads to other mal
functions. Diabetes results from the
lack of msulin. Due to a lack
of insulin the body cells can
not use sugar. Therefore, an
Sari-Clad Indian Student
Becomes Point of Interest
A sari-clad Indian student
center of attraction as a mod
el in the fabrics section of a
Lincoln department store.
Beatrice Franklin went into
the store to buy some mate
rial to make a winter sari
after she had experienced a
few days of Nebraska win
ter. When she found that she
could use one of the sewing
machines in the store to sew
the sari, she sat down to do
just that..
Soon she found herself sur
rounded by curious women
and when she completed sew
ing on the colored border,
Want Ads
Ko. Word! 1 da. da. S da. 4 da.
.40 M .85 1.00
1MB JO .80 1.05 1 2ft
.80 .98 1 28 1 60
1-M ( .70 ( 1.10 1.4 T78
26-30 .80 1.2ft 1.60 2.00
1-M I -tO 1.40 1.80 I T5&
I 1.00 I 1.66 2.05 2.50
TbeM !ow-eot rate
Ada which art placed
dart and art paid for
after the ad expire or
apply to Want
for eonnecutlve
within 10 day
1 canceled.
BahvBiulnr in my home. Any houra.
Can 6-0647. 1101 Holdreg.
Barn extra money working on the
alt taff at KNU8 Radio. Contact
Program Director or galea Manager.
KNU8 Temple Building UnU exten
sion 3268.
1 would like to rent a ear for line In
town from November 20 to 29. Any
make or model acceptable. Price
depends on car. Call Nebraakan Of
fice. University Extension 4226 or
A charming younc couple desire a
ride to Kansa Slate gam. I will
Jay for more than half the gai.
im Quick. 6-5251.
K. How' com you are never home
when I call. J.
Two tuxedne, Oood condition. Biz S6
and 38. Phone 4-4254.
Boom with cooking facilities for ntu
dent or working girl. 3211 Starr
Street. Call 6-3170 evening, or
2-7631. Ext. 7183 during day.
Trove with IITA
Bncttfievobfe Urn Co
. ..1--$675
many torn ntle1e
off9 credit
luw eeit Wipe M.ko
1169 up. South America So9? vp,
Hawaii Study Twr 5Wp
Arswxi the World llt -
Ak 1mm travel
U U W-Aai.e 4, MSP
crow I
excessive amount collects in
the blood.
In an attempt to wash away
the unused sugar there is an
increased intake of liquids.
Other symptoms include in
crease in appetite, loss of
weight, weakness and general
nervous irritability.
Runs In Families
Diabetes runs in families
and tendency to the disease
often is inherited. However,
anyone can develop diabetes
at any age, Dr. Fuenning said.
Mild cases of diabetes may
be controlled by a diet. A
carefully ordered diet lessens
the amount of sugar intake by
reducing the pure sugar and
starchy foods eaten. Exercise
is also important to the diab
ic. It enables his body to in
crease its ability to use sugar.
A more severe case may
require, in addition to diet and
exercise, the use of insulin or
an oral tablet to make up the
body's insulin deficit. The oral
tablet recently has been de
veloped and has been proved
reasonably effective, accord
ing to Dr. Fuenning.
He said it is used in mod
erate cases raquiring some
medication other than re
stricted diet.
Cooperation Required
. Adiabetic patient must co
operate whole-he'artedly if his
condition is to be controlled
and limited. He must comply
with the limitations of his pre
scribed diet and must use oral
medication or insulin accord
ing to his physicians recom
mendations. Diabetes is rarely fatal but
deaths that do occur are due
chiefly to the fact that people
with suspicious diabetic
symptoms still fail to seek
medical advice or fail to do
their share in carrying out
their doctor's orders, Dr.
Fuenning said.
she was asked to model it.
According to Miss Frank
lin, it takes an hour for her
to machine-stitch a border on
six yards of material com
pared to three hours by hand.
But even though her sari
has the border, in India it
would be "out of date." Bor
ders today are woven into
the fabric .
In India she would be wear
ing two saris a day, one
during the day and the other
in the evening. And she
wouldn't wear the same two
that she wears in a day
again until the next week.
When asked if she prefers
to wear a sari rather than
American-type clothes, Miss
Franklin answered, "Yes, al
ways." Rockefeller Gels
Student Support
Young Republican presi
dential support for Nelson A.
Rockefeller is being solicit
ed by the National Students
for Rockefeller.
In a letter to all Nebraskan
Young Republicans, Bruce
Chapman from Harvard Uni
versity invited support for
the - Rockefeller candidacv.
and urged replys from all in
Chapman is chairman of
the National Students for
Rockefeller, a organization
comprised mostly of Young
The organization is now
mobilizing support for the
nomination and election of
Rockefeller as the one can
didate in the Republican
party who can successfully
appeal to voters of varied
economic, religious and po
litical groups, according to
"The group feels this appeal
is a necessary prerequisite
to a GOP victory in 1960."
Secretary School
Offers Awards
National scholarships each
worth $785 in tuition and $500
in additional cash are being
offered to two college senior
girls by the Katharine Gibbs
Secretarial School.
Every university may sub
mit two candidates for the
national award.
Further information can be
obtained by writing the Kath
arine Gibbs School, 230 Park
Avenue, New York 17.
Open Bowling Weekdays Till 5
Sat. All Day, Sundays Till 5
24 Lanes Automatic Pinserven
' Restaurant . . . Barbsr Shop
920 IV. 48th- PHONE 6-1911
Continued From Page 1
sired and also for the fiction'
The music rooms also may
be used for reading or study
ing but not card playing. Al
len Bennett, Union Director,
said that the Book Nook was
to be primarily a room for
enjoyment and not one for
. Art Displays
On the second floor of the
union another change is tak
ing place. Soon it will be an
art gallery where photograph
ic and art displays from cam
pus and off campus organiza
tions will display their items.
The material is already up
on the walls outside the ball
rooms. The walls around it
will be painted so the display
can be made more attractive.
Bennett said that the new
building was being used to
its maximum utility and for
the next three days all rooms
are booked solid.
The problem now is that the
Union needs to find more per
sonnel, he said. This includes
a baker, which the union has
been without for .tee past
10 days. It now has to
order all baked items from
outside sources except for
pies. Before, two regular bak
ers produced everything ex
cept bread.
The campus is suffering
from overemployment in Lin
coln, he said. Lincoln is 98.2
per cent employed and this
makes it difficult to secure
people in all types of work
that have suitable quality
which we need.
"We hope students will be
tolerant while the number now
employed seek to do what we
can," he continued. "It was
heartbreaking last year when
business did not require the
personnel we did have and
now this year with added per
sonnel we cannot handle it
like we want to," he said.
He said that suggestions
from students are welcome on
how service could be im
proved as well as any com
plaints that they might have.
A new passenger elevator
now is being installed in the
west part of the building near
the music room. It will be
completed over Thanksgiving
vacation and will serve all
four floors.
Nebraska Artists
Exhibit Creations
Works of present and for
mer Nebraska artists are on
exhibit at the All-Nebraska
Art Show in the University
Forty-one artists have 71
works in all media on dis
play. Jurors for the exhibition
have recommended the Lin
coln Artists Guild to pur
chases for its permanent col
lection the following paint
ings on exhibit:
Irish Banquet, Potted
Plants, Cheval-Hommage A
Lascaux, Landscape Study
IV, Lakeside No. 2, The Trio,
Spring Landscape Study IV,
Lakeside No. 2, The Trio,
Spring Landscape, fiarly Joy,
a brass bird sculpture and a
ceramic bowl.
'Happy Fella'
Rates Late Hours
The only Nebraska stop of
the Broadway musical "The
Most Happy Fella" will be in
Lincoln Wednesday.
Frank Loesser's musical in
cludes a company of 30 and
will be presented in Pershing
at 8:30. University women
will be allowed to attend and
return to their houses Within
15 minutes after the show.
Richard Wentworth stars in
the Broadway show along
with Carolyn Maye and Law
rence Brooks. Prior to appear
ing in Lincoln, the play has
been in Kansas and Iowa.
Ag Department
Seeks Recruits
The Agricultural Marketing
Service, Department of Agri
culture, is in need cf agricul
tural commodity graders for
duty in field offices.
Appointments will be based
on Civil Service examinations.
Those who qualify will be
placed throughout the country
with starting salary levels at
$4,980 and $5,985 for fresh
fruit and vegetable graders
and $4,040 and $4,980 a year
for grain.
Full information and appli
cation forms may be obtained
from Gerald W. Vallery, Civil
Service Examiner in Charge,
Lincoln Post Office.
The Daily Nebraskan
Twenty Girls
Will Attend.
Home Ec Meet
Twenty girls from the
Home Economics Club will
attend a workshop of the
Nebraska Home Economics
Association Friday and Satur
day at Peru State Teachers
The theme of the workshop
will be "Home Economics
The Area of Opportunity."
In line with the theme each
club will give a short presen
tation on the opening fields
in home economics.
Girls wanting to attend the
workshop should contact Al
ma Heuermann, president of
the club section, or Nina
Herndon, council representa
'ive. Prejudice Panel
A panel of Lincoln teachers
and University professors will
discuss "Prejudices in the
Classroom" at the Wednesday
night meeting of the Univer
sity Student Education Asso
ciation. UN'SEA will meet in the
South Party room of the Stu
dent Union.
i ii n
f. Sfevr 1111
Get satisfying friendly to
f NO DRY yf tfi
( -SMOKED-OUT" J s$"J& j
and they are Mild!
Geography Frat
Gamma Theta Upsilon,
geography -honorary, will
meet in 105 Geography Build
ing at 7:30 p.m. Thursday.
Dr. Rayfred Stevens, assist
ant professor of geography,
will give an illustrated lec
ture entitled "Diversification
of the Economy of the Cacao
Coast of Bahia State, Brazil."
Dr. Stevens was on the fac
ulty of the University of Ba
hia for two years.
Society Shows
Seven ill Seal
"The Seventh Seal," a
Swedish film, will be shown
at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the
Nebraska Theater by the Stu
dent Union Foreign Film So
ciety. s
The film is directed by Ing
mar Bergman, the outstand
ing Swedish director. Berg
man has five of his produc
tions currently playing in New
Pen Tour Bus
The bus for the Ag Union
Pen Tour will leave the Ag
Union today at 5:15 p.m.
If anyone who has signed
up will not be able to attend,
they are to call the Ag Union
Activities Office. "
You get Pall Mall's
famous length of the
finest tobaccos ' ,
money can buy.
C T C Pnductof J&
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i ; i .Aji ii J; I i nil 1 j'Li
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Testing Service
Will Administer
National Exams
The Educational Testing
Service will administer Na
tional Teacher Examinations
in 160 testing centers in the
United States next Feb. 13.
A candidate, In a one-day
testing session, may take the
common examinations, which
include tests in professional
information, general culture,
English expression and non
verbal reasoning; and one or
two of the 12 optional exami
nations designed to demon
strate mastery of the subject
to be taught.
Further Information may
be obtained from college offi
cials, school superintendents,
or directly from National
Teacher Examinatinos, Edu
cational Testing Service, 20
Nassau St., Princeton, N. J.
All applications must be
turned in before Jan. 15.
KK Workers
A Kosmet Klub workers
meeting will be held today
at 8 p.m. in 349 Student Union.
BURT dSA I --,.-
too weak.
u just
You can
See how Pall Mall's famous length of fine, rich
tasting tobacco travels and gentles the smoked
makes it mild but does not filter out
that satisfying flavor !
liJI.Ar,ii.''fci)iiiiiilna'nt,,-Miij !-..-., ..,.. ,.. .............. ,.....-,,..,
Pall Mall's famous
length travels and
gentles the smoke
naturally. ..
trfmaxiacm J&So-oiyicmif yjuxeeo- it our m'M'm
Tuesday, November 17,
Ar Extension
Holds Meeting
"Broadening Our View
points" is the conference
theme of the annual meeting
of the Agricultural Extension
Service workers to be held
at the University today
through Thursday.
Topics on the agenda in
clude: resources develop,
ment, farm surpluses, public
relations inventory and a
trip to "Merrie Ould Eng
land." Nearly all subjects on the
conference docket are related
to social and economic
changes in Nebraska and the
Application Due
For YW Offices
Thursday is the last day to
turn in applications for YWCA
Wednesday is the last day
these applications may be ob
tained. They may be picked
up at the YWCA office, 335B
- 4
light cither end I
your taste!
Travels it over, under,
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Pall Mall's fine tobaccof
... and makes it mild I
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