Poge 2 The Daily Nebraskan Monday, September zi, , -i A Top-Notch Squad Jmimsw By George! The Cornhuskers didn't provide an open ing gann upset again this year, but Ne braska fans saw a team with the ingredi ents of a top-notch football squad. And barring a couple of mistakes which the players have assured us won't happen again, Saturday's contest might have been a different story. Most evident improvement of this 1959 Husker team was the depth they dis played. Instead of one first team, there were two, with both teams able to move the ball equally well offensively and hold their own on defense. The line was unsually tough and there was new talent in the backfield. The Cornhuskers showed one of their best team efforts in recent years, with no one player standing out far above the rest. They never let up during the entire con test. For seven members of the team it was their first varsity football game and two The Handy Man Lest the tumult and the shouting of the dedication of the new Union addition cause it to be overlooked, we'd like to say a good-bye to a really good friend of this campus. Bob Handy, who has accepted a job as managing director of a student union in Kansas City was due .to leave Sunday to take over his new duties. His leave-taking had been postponed in order that he could be here to add his knowledge and enthusi asm to the planning of the opening. Many of the activities which now make up the sphere of the Union can be direct ly and indirectly attributed to Bob Handy. He is a man of almost boundless enthusi asm and seemingly inexhaustible energy. Into the activities orogram of our Union he breathed an infectious spirit of opti mism and growth. He will be missed, but it was the recog nition of his fine work with the Union here v that he was offered the managership of a not-yet-completed student union in Kan sas City. Nothing could be more up Bob's line than the job of planning from scratch the activities and functions of a top notch student center. more were wearing the Scarlet and Cream for the first time as transfers. The fact that none of the players suf fered a serious injury is a good sign that the team is in top physical condition. All Big Eight teams with the exception of one, were in action along with Nebras ka this week. Only one victory was re corded for the Conference in seven games, and the lone win was by Iowa State, prob ably the weakest team in the Conference, over Drake, hardly a team to give much competition. The rest of the opponents de feating the Huskers' other six rivals were not the competition that Texas was. Colorado fell to Washington ; Penn State, Nebraska's opening game victim last year, dumped Missouri, the team consid ered by the odds-makers to be Oklahoma's best competition; Texas Christian defeated Kansas; Wichita dumped Kansas State; and Cincinnati blasted Oklahoma State. Oregon State, the Huskers next home game opponent fell to Southern Cali fornia, while Indiana and Minnesota, next week's opponent, were idle. We realize that paper statistics don't win games, but the type of desire, talent and teamwork that stood out for Nebras - ka in Saturday's game are fair warning enough for Minnesota, Oregon State, In diana and the six conference teams on the schedule this season. "Look out ahead, here come the Corn huskers!" . Your Name, Please We told you once, we told you twice now we'll tell you again. The Daily Nebraskan staff is not an iso lated group of 10 or 20 individuals running around smugly holding the thought that they can reflect alone all nuances of cam pus opinion. Therefore we hold our Letterip column open to any student, faculty mem ber or other interested person. However, we require that any individual submitting a letter to the editor sign his or her name. If the letter is not a person al attack on an individual the letter prob ably will be printed under an assumed name. But the letters must be signed or we cannot print them. Hence all but one of the letters received this past week will never see print, since only one carried a signature. From the editor's desk: On Campuses Vi Things Nobody has ever requested my expert Friday night's rally was an example of opinion on football and the like but I this sort of thing. The weather was mungy thought our team looked good. Let's face to say the best, and dismal to say the it we opened against a powerful, highly worst. It was drizzling and cold but sev- rated team. We were heavy underdogs. eral hundred Huskers turned out for what Nevertheless, the team , was one of the best rallies we've had de made what I thought was ' spite the brawls over fraternity banners, a darn fine showing. ; a This was the first rally. Houses had I could say less for the v , I rolled out the pledges to get out there and crowd. ; lv yell. Fine. Great. Love to see it. Remember last year 1 1 . about this time when the . fr y j Then came Saturday and after one Huskers staged a fantastic jj , J toucndown goes by a spendid Texas team upset over Penn State? g ,w kept rolling over a good Nebraska team. The school literally went j Xhe same people who did the . Fri, wild. Nothing was too Lmuk dav sa jn gjoom great for the team. Spirit ' Diana lt,s like were a pack severa, thousand was so high you had to strong) of absolute defeatists. It seems like strain to touch it. We had won, we were we just ca,t honesU bejeve can winners and boy! wasn t everybody great. be w,nners in anything ,f we are onc6i everybody's glad, but it's passed off as But spirit is a nebulous thing. It's like some kind 0f a nuke somebody probably a sunset which changes tone and shade g00fed somewhere. so rapidly yet so imperceptibly that you Its enough to make you want to roll are never sure just what you are exper- out Norman Vincent and all his 'Powers iencing. And at a college what makes 0f positives.' spirit? Is it a winning football team! Is it a bas- Au this goes back to what wgs sajd ketball victory? Is it a day out of classes fore about irjt bd somelhi mu(h because a foot or two of snow dumped d than m at a footbaU or down overnight? Or is it maybe something knowing the schoo, and wan(i 0 . way beyond and before all these one-time stand when jt jg bejng p,ayed R gocs events. . t r back to the state. Nebraska. At Nebraska school spirit isnt par- tiadarly fashionable. Cheering at the Until Nebraskans can forget to apolo- gamS - a small manifestation of it at ze for he state and remember to be E only one indication of the Husker Pud of the state and its people, I can t S. It's easy to yell and jump and holler . wh"c7 Hus,ker sPirit is to 2h .Pat Fkcher is Dlaving touch-me- sPnnS full-blown from anyone's brow. 2?lito55ii ta'cklef as he loops Until the students can get over this screw- E? IS tostt SV23 J with the whole thing, I can't see th.? Husker when Clay White is doing a pn. oi fancy footwork downfield. Actually, the whole thing sort of boils down to the fact that the team did a fine Spirit here seems to come only in job. Sure they made a couple of mistakes flashes. Just when you think that maybe --but this was the opening game. Texas something has really revived it like bas- played a beautiful game and won. ketball season two seasons back you find The only ones who didn't make much of that you've been fooled, and what you a showing at all were the Nebraskans in thought was spirit was just the release of the stadium particularly those who came some pent-up energy. in on student tickets. , Daily Nebraskan Srvmr iTtTT, in? 1DQ OI Tl Calveraltr. Th nrnnhrni t thr Iailr Xrbraikaa 1X1 X-rtlWti lEiAn.3 ulaff arc prrnnaallr mponsililr for what thi-r My, or HTunhM" Associated Collegiate Press, Inter- , or to t- print. rtmry . iwss. Member, a",, preM J2E5?Z " " " " Representative: National Advertising- Serv- KnterM ft ueeond elans matter at the pout office lea. Incorporated i- ueoi, JiTK i A.a h s-Kif-m? ' m2' Fublishcd at: Boom JO, Student Union riiUtr D)(MI. Mwrl, Lincoln, Nebraska Managine Editor Carroll Krau J4I Xrw-ft Editor 8ondra H'halra ItW at, sporti Ktltr Hal Hrown Telephone t-7611, txt. 42Z5, ZZ8, Z&1 Msht fin; Editor Jarnie Janrrrk Tk Rally KtbrsKHM Is poWIhr4 Monday, Turnday. Copy Ed I ton JiiIiii iinrrnrr, Sandra Ijtakrr, WrdnMdM Krlday Haf the arbool year, ntfpt Hrrl, fmhaMv durloi vacation. ad " iwrtodo. by itudnt of tlio Ntarf Wrltrn Jaciiie Janrrrk, Harm Imbi, 1 lrrnlty of Nobranka ' uHiortnatloa of th Douc McCartnry iii Htodrnt Affair aa aa nnmwloa of to- Jr. ftlarf Wrltrr Mllir Mllray, Ana Muyrr rat ODlnlo fubllratloa aodrr lh Juri.dlrtlo of b ROIMKriN M AKE SubVonTnilttw oa Ntoil-ot Pulllralln h" " oIii-m Manager Ktao Katitwn from editorial erBn.hi on tlir nart of the Nubrnm- Al!ant ltuii-is Manasrri lion Krri-uHitn. (;ll nilttre or oa the part of any mrmlwr of the faculty of irady, f harlrne (.rum ton lalvrraltr, or oa tlie part of aay prraoa ouuide Circulation Mauagrr Doug lounidatal 7foflpT if f II irt -C r. .. bn f ,1 I l i II I 1 By George Mover 'Another thing -don t be- tardy wz ha6 a vw of tAAwKKAINa YOJ VNHcN COf& H I. ATE. The day of miracles is not yet past. Upon opening to the soci ety page of Lincoln's most esteemed newspaper the other day, what should my wondering eyes behold but a one Sandra Boyd. Seems this young lady has made the liiistake of becoming engaged to a red faced, cigar puffing, cigar ette and beer bumming Phi Beta Kappa and 1959 gradu ate, to wit Robert Michael Ireland. The event was presaged by some suspicious com ments on the part of said Mr. Ireland; namely: "I think people who get mar ried are out of their minds." Oh well, God bless them every one. And I haven't even got a date for Saturday. w t it The news pages of this paper have beer, filled with Spirit Nil, But People Great; That's How 'Aces' Saw Us By Sondra Whalen Impressed by the people but dismayed by the lack of spirit was the attitude of the Four Aces after their weekend stay here. "Everybody we've met met has been just great," Dave Mahoney, the elder member of the quartet, said. "Usually you meet some slrange ones every where, but we've seen noth ing but the best." 'In Stride' Described as "down to earth" by all who came in contact with them, the quartet took the campus in stride by attending Satur day's football game and having dinner at a sorority. Fred Diodate, who was captain of the football team when he was in the Ma rines, was shocked at the lack of schttol spirit. "The kids don't even know the yells," he said. "Ne braska's got a good team, and they're going to win quite a few games. All they need is a little student backing." The lead tenor said also that he had been very im pressed with Darrell Coo per's playing. "And a good thing too," he added. "I talked about him the whole game before I realized that his parents and wife were sitting right in front of us." Praised Union The group also had praise for the new Student Union, calling it the "best we've seen." All married and all Phil adelphians, they spend an average of 36 weeks on the road. "We try to get home at least every other week," they explained. "The long est we've evejy been gone was three weeks." None of the quartet plans to spend the rest of their lives in show business. "And when we get out, we'll get clear out," Fred added. "It won't be open ing a restaurant or a night club." As well as singing, the group all play musical in- Tribunal Charter Wf, (he fct'MenU f the Vnli-ertiitv f Nebraska, n Hit the ronoent of the Hoard tit KrutfiU. do ht-rvhy ordain and eMulitUh this charter tut the judg ntrDt r fttuflttu dWciplliw. AKTK1.K I Nam: The name of 1hl body hal be the student Tribunal of Mir 1 nlverhity of rlraka. AHTK I : II Ptirp'! The piiifXHte of IhU TnSunnl Khali be to nerve a the Mudrat eoiirt n nmllfni of mu.l.-ni dirlpliiie that are rrfrrrrd to It by th .minion of Mudt-nt Affair nd. or Mji-nci,-a of the fr'aulty ?vi.a!e. AKTtt LK III e Power: Thr Mudent Trltmiml ,.hall have the follow Inn power: Nt-4-tioa 1. The THbuital liU hear alt eat of ludnt di.ripline that arr r-frrrd to it by the IMvKloa ol student Affair and or UKrarirft of the faculty Senate., rttn t. The Tribunal khall renniuueiid a derUlun to the Ikean af Mudent Aftair) andor the pruer aKrnuri of the I ault Nraalr. Section 3. 'the Tribunal hll rt.fahll-h tt own rul of prredure, Alt'! It I.K IV Mf-ii'ifthl: M-rttun J. The Student Tribunal fchall have the folhtwiiif iMmiiMHiltion: a. I- our Mudrnt ludtte wtio are niro lit the I niterlty. b. One Ktudeflt Jude from th olleice of law who, at thr t.iti it ttWrciiirfi, ban fttireHNtuii ctHiipletrd at haxt oee yrmr of Ijiw. a. Tmh Studrnt Judfru Mhn are Junior la lite I ,niverthy. d. 'Ih t-aruily -ludtreii who are nieiiilera of the i-aeuity. ? IHMI t. Student Judge a. ualtlra4iont It A Student Judee mut have a grade average whltb uimeea him la the uiner 6''V of bi rollt-Ke elaMi (An and Heleni-e. Aicrlrulture. HnineNH AdnilliUtratioa, eU-.l. t No tudeiit may Mne oa tMth the student i oanrll and the 1'rlbintat during the aaine aadtnlr year. 3 No Mndt-nt who keeka metnhrnihit oa the Tribunal may Iarttrlwte in the ftelerliim of Tribunal udice, b. Hetertiim t li student nmv make aiMtliratioa to the Kludent Counrtl fr nteniberohlp on the TribuaaJ. t) The 1 niverttlty l-arulty Senate f'onmiHtee a Student Affair may name additional applicant to the Student ( ounrll for nwrotoThhlp on the Tribunal. 31 Junior member of the Tribunal sball automatically be route nandtdat for Senior poitkn. 4 The Student i unH hall eleet thr Ktudent Judtf trom anionic the aforementioned applicants and candid ate by May I. ft i Alt vtudent varanetei on the Tribunal nhall be filled by tlie student t ouaril. sittcHi 3. Karull Judif Hie haurllor hall apiMtint two Kaeulty Judges from the tm.trurtiifial taff from nomination! made U him by ttie I nlterkity t arulty senate t omn.ute on Mtunlttee. A K i ll I K V IVnn of fffire: s-iloa 1. IHe term of offire for student Judire hall roait of one aea diniie y rr iMicmolna with the fall ttetiieftter. SfMtioa 1, Ihe frfu-ully 4odue whall erve four 4 year Urmn fKeepi a nt-reiimfier pro.idetf nd nta mrr no moro than two rii tri)i. a. I he flrt I acuity Judge boll be apoltited for a term of two tt tear and the teeond t acuity Judge hall be aitMiii.ir4 for a term of four tit year. b. Therettr one Karully Judi;e ahall le applntel every ae nd )mr foe a term of four 4 p tear, a. The term if offire for r'arulty Judge thai I bria with the fall Hemeater, ABTIf KK VI lutle of the Student Trlhunalt . , t . , ...... sertloa 1. Ihe student Tribunal In September of raeh year thai! etteblltfe a regular meeting titite. Sertloa t, 1 be student Tribunal in svptmber of earh year hall pabllab In the Oaliy Nebraskan It rules of proeedure. SerlHMi I. The student Tribunal aliall keep a complete writtea record af lt prooeediag and aetion. AKTHXK VII Amend meats: Section I. The Student C'aunHI wltb the approval of the student body mav propose amendment to the 1 atverslty faculty Senate Committee on Student Affairs. Sertloa X. This barter caa lie n tended enly by the Board nf Re rents upon recommend at if n of the I nlverslty acuity Senate Com mittee oa student Affairs, -ess ! Til I luJELLlTHe FlPST FALLINfi ) . i ' ! Ueaf of the reason ZJ a i TT! ( THE PIBST LEAT ) ZJ&s the First leaf to makc the cormeoob leap! the first leaf to depart from h3me!th first leaf to , PLUNSe INTO THE UNkMMN! struments. "In fact, we started play ing instruments first," Dave said. The singing came later." With the exception of Fred, the quartet has been together for nearly 13 years. Fred joined them two years ago. "I was taking singing les sons, when one day my in structor asked me if I'd like to try for the Four Aces," he said. "I sang with them, our voices fit, and here I am." No strangers to Nebras ka, the group sang in Oma ha last January and spent one night in Lincoln sing ing at a local ballroom. They stayed in Omaha dur ing their stand here. After a . short stay at their homes in Philadelphia, the group will go on to a nightclub stand in Reno, Nev. Writers Wanted, Apply Within A column, a column, my beermug for a column. Ever feel that you'd like to have the opporuntity to write a column for a news paper? Or ever have an opinion just a little bit too long to tuck into a letter to the edi tor? Or have you ever noticed something about the campus to which everyone else seems oblivious? If so, you are the kind of person for whom we are locking. As an experiment in tapping new writing talent, the Daily Nebraskan will run a new column this year, "Be Our Guest." The writ er of the column won't be the same person any two weeks in a row. What we are looking for are persons with fresh view points who would like to write, but don't feel that they have the time or the interest to tackle a regular weekly column. Any student who would like to submit an article to this column send or bring it to the office of the Daily Nebraskan in the basement of the Student Union. Normal length would be about two typewritten, double-spaced pages. And no more anonymous offerings, please. Civil Service Posts Open Civil Service Commission offices are now accepting ap plications for student trainee positions in scientific, techni cal, agricultural, accounting and statistical fields. These trainee positions of fer students an opportunity to combine college study with on-the-job training in either vacation work-study programs or cooperative work-study pro grams. The first written test will be given Oct. 31 for those who ap ply not later than Oct. 13. Ad ditional tests will be given at monthly intervals thereafter. Applications may be ob tained from the Civil Service Examiner at the U.S. Post Of fice in Lincoln. Parking Stickers Will Be Issued Beginning Tuesday, automo bile parking stickers will be isued from 3 to 5 p.m. Students who have not re ceived their stickers may re ceive them at the Geography Building at that time. some remarkably vitriolic comments on the part of the vice president of the Inter fraternity Council concern ing the 1FC Rush Book and the number of men who chose to undergo the strict est test since knighthood was abolished Rush Week. The gentleman in ques tlon is perturbed over the ever declining number of men who go through rush which, all antagonisms aside, was remarkably well run this year. . At the same time, the na tional news wires have car ried a story revealing that west coast fraternity killed a pledge in a hazing inci dent. If the said vice president, matter, is really wondering why fewer boys go through Rush Week every year, they might examine that juicy little scab of unfavor able publicity. And while their minds are on the subject, they might examine the conduct of their own house during a recent "Help Week."- They might examine the conduct of their house at Friday's pep rally. They might con sider the infractions for which fraternities were placed on probation last yew. They might compare their house scholastic aver age with that of the leading sorority or Selleck house. The point I am trying to make is simply this. More boys will start coming through Rush Week when the fraternities stop acting like a group of mentally de ficient sixth graders and' start instilling a little ma turity into their programs. And I don't mean during proctered study halls five nights a week I mean all the time. The glory of the fraternity system is that it is so worthwhile. It is a positive force for good, for leader ship, for scholarship and for the support, and sustenance of the school. And yet it is so imma ture. It does such silly, tragic things by going off half cocked like some mad scientist, who has the pow er to create wonders and in stead destroys himself. So, there, Bob Blair, Is the answer to your question, and neither the Rush Book nor Sigma Delta Chi nor any one specific person can be blaimed for not healing a sore spot that only the franternities, in dividually, can heal. NKOTC Adds Lt. McCanley New instructor for the Naval ROTC junior and sen ior' engineering and naval operations classes is Lt. Wil liam F. McCauley. Lt. McCauley, a former Ne braska resident, is a gradu ate of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., and holds the China Service Medal and the National Defense Service Medal. Before coming to the Unl versity, he served as Execu tive Officer of an LST, the USS Sumner County. IVV S VI 1 ,r KITE! I'LL, fe 8 il fit KICK You!! nrr