The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 18, 1959, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Poge 2-
The Daily Nebraskon
Monday, May 18, I951
Editorial Comment:
Accusations Damaging
Even if Unsupported g
( 11 All brides are'v-7
You can always develop little better
conception of an individual's attitudes and
Ideas if vou can have a personal conver
sation with him.
We found this to be true in the case of
Don't Look Now
But We May
Win a Big 8 Flag
A couple of weeks ago, we spied an
article on the sports page of one of the
state's leading dailies bemoaning the fact
that for the first time in lots of years, Ne
braska was not going to have an athletic
team finishing in the first division of any
Big Eight title race.
However, the situation has changed a
little since then.
Athletic Director Don Faurot of the
University of Missouri has literally pushed
the Huskers kicking and screaming into
the first division of the conference base
ball race.
It seems that the honorable Mr. Faurot
discovered that undefeated Missouri had
used an ineligible player in all its Big
Eight games. As a result, Nebraska earned
three wins by forfeit.
That gave the Huskers a 6-4 conference
record going into a weekend series with
of all people Oklahoma. The Sooners were
not out of the running either and their
record looked much better than Nebras
ka's. But Husker coach, Tony Sharpe, one of
the wiliest strategists in the Big Eight
(he's never had a losing season), used
everybody but the bat boy to pull out three
straight one run decisions, 4-3, 2-1, 5-4.
In the meantime, Iowa State was taking
two of three from league leading Okla
homa State. The wins left three teams in
contention for the title, Nebraska, Iowa
State and Oklahoma State.
With each team having just three games
left, the Huskers are in an ideal position.
They play the conference doormat, Kan
sas State a club that hasn't won all year.
A Nebraska sweep would leave them with
a .750 win percentage.
Oklahoma State now has a 15-3 record.
One more win and they finish champs 16-5.
But the club they have to play is Missouri
-whose ineligible player hasn't been
missed in recent games.
And Iowa State must sweep three from
Colorado to win. The hitch there is a fel
low named Jim Puelo, Colorado's ace
twirler who will be almost a sure thing
to stop the Cyclones once anyway.
Somebody has left the back door to the
Big Eight trophy room open. And Tony
Sharpe's determined crew might just
shoehorn in for Husker glory.
Everyone keep their fingers crossed.
state Senator Jack Romans. After lunch
ing with him and Senator Burbach Fri
day, we felt that we could understand
Senator Romans' charges about the Uni
versity Law College a bit better.
Not condone them, but at least under
stand them.
Senator Romans is a sincere person. He
is the type of man that would make any
body a good neighbor. A family man and
self-made businessman without a college
education, he is, in many ways, the Ameri
can example of success.
In the trucking business, Senator Ro
mans ran into the same labor problems
that small lines all over the nation have
had with the Teamsters Union. Though
his employees had a right not to belong to
a union under Nebraska's right to work
law, pressure was brought to bear by
members of the Teamsters through sec
ondary boycotts.
Testimony taken by the United States
Senate Labor Racketts Committee in Ne
braska showed that this pressure ran to
violence at times. Trucks often were not
allowed to load at docks operated by firms
in interstate commerce whose employees
were Teamsters members.
This explains Senator Romans' interest
in labor and labor problems in Nebraska.
As a member of the Legislature's Labor
Committee, Senator Romans came in con
tact with the liberal attitudes of the faculty
at the University College of Law.
At the same time, Senator Romans says
he came in contact with a group of Lin
coln attorneys who held this attitude sus
pect. Together, they began to check into
the background of members of the faculty
in the law school.
The conclusions and accusations that re
sulted from this investigation are pretty
well known to most students by now. And
the value of them as concrete evidence is
also pretty obvious.
In conclusion, we reiterate that Senator
Romans and his backers are sincere. Un
fortunately, they are sincerely wrong.
Moreover, their charges are damaging
to the reputation of the University. Once
an accusation is printed, no matter how
prominently and conclusively it is de
nied, some people will still continue to be
lieve it.
That is the tragedy of Senator Romans'
actions. And it is the lesson to be learned
from the whole unfortunate affair. There
are a dozen quotations which might sum
up the situation in the Legislature. We
think this one fits best:
"Knowledge without action is futile. Ac
tion without knowledge is fatal."
Though the actions of Senator Romans
may not be fatal, they are certainly dam
aging. And they were made without the
knowledge that could have prevented their
A Considerable Speck:
From the Editor i
So much to say and so little time to say
it in.
This Is the last time this column will
appear on the editorial page of the Daily
Nebraskan. When Friday comes, old man
Moyer will pick up his chips and depart
from the scene of combat.
Thus will end a four year association that
can be counted as the most rewarding
extracurricular gambit of my college ca
reer. It has been fun, hard work and heart
ache since as a freshman, Wes Pittack
seized my sweaty palm and dragged me
unwillingly before that god at the news
desk, Judy Bost. v
Back in those days, Dick Fellman was
the editor and the door to Rm. 20A, his
office, was forever closed to the likes of
me. There was a feeling of awe among all
the frosh reporters (a check of the 1955
masthead reveals there were 37 of us,
more than at any time since) whenever
Fellman approached.
We regarded the editor as a sort of all
wise epitome of the self-confident but
never overbearing senior. In a sense he
was, as all the men have been who have
since sat behind this desk.
Yet, in another sense, we freshmen
were wrong? Of that original 37, 1 am the
only one lucky enough to know first hand
how wrong we all were.
For the editor of any newspaper is a
man alcne and apart. He can request ad
vice from his advisors on the Board of
Publications; he can solicit opinions from
the rest of his staff. But in the end, what
goes into the paper every word of it is
his responsibility.
There are times when he is not sure that
what he says or causes to be said is the
correct perspective. There are times when
he doubts the wisdom of the stands he
takes. And there are those awful times
when the world stands still the times that
he finds he has been mistaken.
Through all of these moments of doubt,
however, the editor must retain his poise
and outward show of confidence and
competence for while he occupies the desk
in Rm. 20A, he is not an individual but
the voice the representative of the Uni
versity student community.'
' An ex-editor, now returned to the cam
pus for a job and some graduate work,
summed up the whole thing very well the
other day. She said to me, "Unless you
are a very exceptional person, it will be
20 years before you are again in the posi
tion of responsibility where you have a
load like this."
. She was right for most editors of a
daily newspaper serve an apprenticeship
of at least 20 years before they are offered
their jobs. At the University, time is short
and the maximum amount you have to get
ready is three and a half years.
Nevertheless, once you have become
editor, you wouldn't trade the job for the
premier position In any other organization
on campus. You wouldn't because it is the
most powerful and advantageous and
challenging position in the student heir
archy. Jttotrf'f'"
Daily Nebraskan
Member: Associated Colleriat Presi
Intercollegiate Preu
EcprotenUtiTe: National Advertising Service,
PablUhed at: Room 20, Student Union
. Lincoln, Nebraska
' Utb & R
fa Daily Jiebraakaa to puMMbea Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday ant Friday flaring Mm tehool year, except
taring vaoatloa and exam period, by etudente of ttte
Cnlerlty ef enegftf the authorisation of the
Committee o Btudeat affair a aa ernreawloc) of ate
aent optnlua. Publication) oadrr the tojrladlettoB of the
uiHHHnraltten n Student rubllratlon ahull be five from
editorial eeneorahlp oa the Dart ef the Subcommittee ef
ea Ms pert ef any member of the faculty of the Cat
enrelty. The member ef the Nebraelua ataff are ne
eooBlty re porn hie for erhat they pay, or ao of eatue ta
he printed. February 8, u.
Subscription ratea ere U per eemacter or fa tor the
academic year.
Entered a eeeoad elaa matter at the poet office la
Uaeeio, Nebraska, user the act at auguet 4, UU.
Law School Charges Ridiculous'
I had hoped that the last
few columns that I would
write would be of the mean
ingless, cheerful type that
usually fill the space on
page two of
the "Rag."
But after
reading the
article in
the Lincoln
Journal of
May 13, I
r e a 1 i z e
that this
was not the
time for
silly unim
portant words.
As a student in the Col
lege of Law and of both Pro
fessor Bernstein and Pro
fessor Beutel, I most strong
ly and violently protest the
insinuations and accusa
tions of Senator Jack Ro
mans concerning the loyalty
of Merton Bernstein and
T aav
f :
Frederick Beutel. The bab
blings of Romans in the
Legislature show a com
plete lack of taste, toler
ance, discretion and decen
cy. They are deceitful, fa
lacious, fraudulent and mis
leading. Old Hat
The attack on Bernstein
because of past member
ship in the ADA is old hat.
The ADA is composed of
honorable members, which
investigation will show. The
ADA members are loyal cit
izens whose devotion to de
mocracy and individual in
tegrity is unquestionable.
As to Bernstein's chairing
the A m e r i c a n Veterans'
Committee at Columbia Uni
versity, the accusation is a
half truth which is typical
of Romans' charges. Profes
sor Bernstein did serve as
chairman of the organiza-
I :
My Little World
Now that school has reached that point of no return,
there are many things which over the semester have been
left unsaid for various reasons of tact or cowardice. Prob
ably they are better off left unsaid. For many true-blue
friends who have been harping that I have shown no forti
tude on neglecting to write about a wen
known topic, I can only say that I decline.
If you don't know to what I refer never
mind. It isn't worth all the fuss anyway!
Ivy Day has come and gone, that's all
there is to it. It was a lovely rainy day.
Parking Lot
At this time last year, I discussed the
progress of the new Union and the dusty
parking lot. I think they are cementing the
whole thing by hand, but other than that it
sppms tn hfl fci'mff lin slnwlv but steadily.
I expect to come back in a few years and find the whole
thing finished and all the little students becoming degen
erate pool-hall bums.
Melvyn Eicklberry has become notorious for his seem
ing lack of intelligence. According to rumor he writes his
column only to enrage somebody enough to write a let
terip. If everyone could cease and desist, possibly he would
be content to live in obscurity.
Bob Ireland has plodded through the year with his
usual good form, managing to make a limited number of
attacks at sacred institutions and at the same time keeping
his head above the general slime.
Sipce the days of that boy-crusader, e. e. Hines, the
Tribunal has unfortunately been able to make some prog
ress towards pupil-respect. The present editor now appears
regularly at meetings as "counsel for the defense." May
this be a word to the unwary. G. M. has a heart of gold
and will wring it dry for a misguided youth. At least he
seems to have a genuine interest.
Casey's has become a thing of the past and the Grill
looms up with the prospects of a bright future. Ah the
risks of competitive enterprise wherein the whims of the
mob may break a thriving little establishment.
Steve Schultz appeared positively beguiling in the
Cornhusker. The people who can twirl a hula hoop and
maintain a looking-down-at-you-peasants-in-the-mortal-world
look are few and far between.
And now, god luck seniors, in your timourous ventur
ings into a vast and hostile world. From what I hear, the
ventures are not too ambitious for many. The "hungry i"
in San Francisco for the summer seems to about encompass
them. Well, even this is commendable. The prospects of
another school year are most unpleasing.
tion soon after the war. The
Communists attempted to
take over the group nation
ally. Bernstein and several
others fought the Commu
nists. Although the Commu
nists won control of the or
ganization at first, Bern
stein stayed in an attempt
to rid it of the Red influ
ence. In a second national
convention he and his asso
ciates were successful in
combating the Communists
and having them removed
from positions of control. In
other words, Bernstein suc
cessfully fought a Commu
nist attempt to control a
patriotic organization whose
slogan, by the way, was
"Citizens first and veterans
Americans First
The fact that Bernstein
was affiliated with the AVC
when Communists belonged
is no more to be condemned
than condemning those who
belonged to the America
First Movement before
WWII because a lot of neo
Nazis also belonged. Bern
stein personally feels that
his fight to rid the AVC of
Communists was one of the
most beneficial parts of his
To reiterate what I wrote
in my last column, Profes
sor Bernstein is a fine con
scientious instructor whose
loyalty and devotion to the
ideal of this republic can
not be questioned. He has
not attempted to influence
hi," classes in any political
matter whatsoever.
Apparently it is beyond
the comprehension of Sena
tor Romans that a man
would take a salary cut to
teach in a university. It
seems beyond his reach that
a man could be dedicated
to informing students and
would not be seeking
monetary gain. Well, Sena
tor, unfortunately it is true.
Almost every member of the
faculty is underpaid, and
yet they teach, and they
teach with dedication and
Nebraskan Letterip
The Dally Nebraakna win pnbllth only thoee letter which are elgned.
Letter attacking Individual null carry the author1 name. Other may
eae initial or a pen name, letter ihould not ezeeed toe worda. Whea
k-iht mowo mi um too aeoraeaaa leeerae toe right to eondenae
retaining the writer view.
devotion when they could
be working in much more
lucrative positions.
The fact that a man felt
so strongly about teaching
for $9,000 instead of contin
uing in private affairs
should not be condemned
more than a physicist or an
engineer or a Pulitzer Prize
winner who all could be
making more money in pri
vate affairs. These men ob
viously feel that they are
of more service to them
selves and to the public as
college professors than in
other professions.
The article quoted by Ro
mans attacking Beutel is by
no means to be taken as
the truth. The author of the
article is J. B. Matthews, a
man who later also wrote
an attack on the Protestant
Church, for its subvers
ive members. Matthews was
hired by Joe McCarthy to
investigate Communism for
the U.S. Senate. He was
subsequently removed be
cause of his irrational ac
tivities. I doubt very much
that an intelligent think'."!;,
rational person would take
such writing as valid au
thority. Taking Romans' sugges
tion I have inquired as to
the thinking of member of
Beutels' Constitutional Law
Class of which I am a mem
ber, and as of yet there have
been no objections to Beutel
either as to his teaching or
his past. As a past Dean of
the Law College and as a
nationally known authority.
Professor Beutel is a credit
to the faculty of Nebraska
Senator Romans' attack
on Dr. Foote is an indica
tion of his complete lack of
toleration and understand
ing of personal liberty. His
attack on a person who on
conscientious grounds ob
jected to serving in the
army is irrational. To at
tack a man for this and to
question the hiring of such
a person is to attack a
major religion and deny a
person opportunities for em
ployment because of his re
ligious beliefs. Dr. Foote
was pardoned by the Presi
dent of the United States
in 1947, and was thereby
cleared, except in the eyes
of a state senator who evi
dently isn't satisfied with
the President's judgment
but seeks to smear and de
file Foote's name.
The further implication
by Romans that the peti
tions signed by students of
Professor Bernstein was ob
tained fraudulantly and was
a whitewash is a direct in
sult to the student body and
the attempt of a frightened
man whose accusations have
been thrown back in his
face. Every signature was
obtained legitimately and
was printed with the com
plete permission of every
student. The statements of
the law students were not
attempts to whitewash any
one. They were an honest ex
pression of opinion by stu
dents who had been instruc
ted by Bernstein and who
firmly believed in what the
statements expressed.
I welcome the suggestion
of Romans that people
should talk to law students
about Professor Beutel and
Professor Bernstein and the
manner in which they teach.
Such inquiry would only re
sult in the complete affirma
tion that both instructors
are loyal and devoted.
If the state Legislature
were to have in its members
all of the dedication, intel
ligence and integrity of
Professors Bernstein, Beu
tel and Foote, such foolish
charges as have arisen in
the past month would not
exist, and I would not feel
ashamed for the acts of a
supposed leader of the state,
a member of the lawmak
ing body of Nebraska. I
hope that everyone realizes
the foolishness of Romans
irresponsible charges and
reacts in such a manner so
that the Legislature and
Board of Regents will give
these accusations the small
amount of consideration that
they deserve.
No Revolt
To the Editor:
The great revolt will
never take place. The inde
pendent will never cast off
the chains of Greek domina
tion. Why? Because there
are independents and there
are Independents. That's
The independent is the
slob you usually read about.
He just doesn't care. All
the while the Greeks are
out broadening their per
sonalities and acquiring so
cial skills to better face the
post-college world, the inde
pendent sits in' the dorm
playing cards and looking
in the windows of sororities
with binoculars. He never
holds responsible positions
like president of the Alpha
Council; he never learns
how to act at big social
functions like pinnings and
off-campus parties. Apathy
is the word used to describe
the independent; the Greek
need not fear revolt from
The Independents are the
ones to watch. The Inde
pendent is really an unaf
filiated Greek; either he
didn't make his average or
else he just never got
around to pledging. But he
is intensely envious of the
activities of his fraternity
and sorority contempo
raries, and he too would
like to be in on the fun and
games. So the Independent
bands together with other
Independents, in order that
he may have his fair share
of activities, i.e., the impor
tant things in life. Because
they are organized, the In
dependents , might be suc
cessful in wresting some in
fluence away from the
Greeks; but because they
are so highly organized
they can no longer be con
sidered Independents; in
fact, they themselves be
come a species of Greek.
That's why the Greeks
will always dominate the
yffl nonce 7 f J
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"I figger, at least, I shoulda had a "C-mlnus" outa this
course. I had PERFECT ATTENDANCE ! "