t The , Daily Nebroskon Tuesday, May 12, 1959 Editorial Comment: .A WATERC:5H.ASU?PER (5 a special plate for TWENTY-SIX-INCH PIZZA! J DISH, A DESSERT DISH. Vienna Festival Calls For American Caution bNACK PISH... ? i i .M i LI BUILDING- N UP A PRETTY GOOD k COLLECTION i'OL AND OVE3 HERE 16 my) Qavorite of ALuy nx Throughout the semester, our office has been bombarded by material concerning the World Youth Festival to be held in Vienna, Austria from July 26 to Aug. 4. Most of this material Is from the com munist side and It Is no better than most Americans would expect communist propa ganda to be. That is, pretty transparent, not very believable and very badly writ ten. On the other hand, several publications have been received which have objective ly reported on the festival and the pos aible consequences of Americans partici pating in jt The festival coming up will be the sev enth such gathering since the end of World War II. The last one was held in Moscow In 1957 and quite a few Americans attended. For those who may be contem plating it this time we might review some facts about the big youth carnivals. - They are sponsored by two communist . front international youth movements, the World Federation of Democratic Youth and the International Union of Students. Usually, they are held In one of the Com munist capitals, but this year, for the first time, a sit In the free world has been chosen. ' In the past, some American youth groups have fallen to the communist blandish ment! and openly supported the festivals. This time, however, no American youth group has done so. This throws a mighty big monkey wrench into the communist gears. This means that they can no longer claim that even capitalist countries have young people who reject "sterile western democracy." Even Austrian youth groups have re fused to support the festival in spite of its location. So violent has been their opposi tion to it that the Austrian people, who were at first noncommittal about the proj ect, are so stirred up that plans are being msde to transfer the carnival to nearby Prague (in communist Czechoslovakia) if things should get out of hand. A letter from Senator Hubert Hum phrey makes perfectly clear what the American student's attitude should be to ward the festival if he plans to attend.. ' The American should make it understood that he represents no organizations in the United States and Is there strictly on his own. Moreover, he should not allow the "state fair" atmosphere to draw him into concessions to the new "soft" communist line. In conclusion the letter makes a point which we feel is a pretty good one. Sena tor Humphrey points out that a group of articulate, well informed American stu dents, participating' on their own, can do much to enhance the United States. If they will make a fight of it with the facts, it will be pretty hard for the Com munist delegations to make the festival what they would like it to be an indoc trination session for those from the world's uncommitted regions. Another One? In case you haven't noticed, a new sub rosa organization has joined the pair that have been, ensconcing their names for posterity on the sidewalks of the Univer sity. The new organization hasn't written anybody a letter yet, so we're not sure what its name is. But its symbol is a green Z smeared liberally over the signs of its two competitors. We await with breathless anticipation the first edition of the "Zorro" press. Faculty Asked To Favor SC Dead Day Plan Today the Faculty Senate will consider the Student Council's proposal for a "dead day" for reading and review before finals start. We won't go over the reasons why the Faculty Senate should adopt this proposal. We stated those clearly in an earlier edi tion. We would like to commend the Student Council for its work on this project. Few things the Council has done this year have been as worthy. When the old two week exam schedule went out, stduents were at a lpss for an ade quate substitute. The pressure of cram ming for most of the three hour finals into the first week created quite a strain on the retentive powers of the reviewing stu dent. And anybody who says students don't have to review much for finals if they have kept up with class, is not being very realistic about the amount of material covered by University level courses. The solution proposed by the Council may not replace the old two week sche dule for exams. But if we can't have that, we have at least got, in the Council suggestion, a practical, workable and very necessary program. Conservative Estimate I am considerably less bitter about the accomplishments of this - year's Student Council than certain other Nebraskan columnists. It was through their efforts alone that student seniority was preserved in the registration system we have now. Today another of the Council's projects, the extra day study before final exams comes before the Faculty Senate. The Council has worked hard on this mi til least we can do is show our sup port Chuck Huston, chairman of the Council final exam committee has spent many hours on research and more on pre paring a report giving the necessary rea sons for this change. Bob Blair, Council calendar committee, and many others have combined to take this thing as far ai it has gone. Faculty The faculty committee on final exams lias agreed to support the measure. There is only one step left: that is the Faculty Senate which meets at 4 p.m. today. The Council has presented many argu ments la favor of the change and has re ceived very few offering good reasons why It shoulda't be Instituted. The biggest argument received by the Council when the proposal was in its ini tial stages Is the old statement "most of the students wouldn't use it anyway." Here Council president Dwaine Rogge took what I thought was an admirable stand. He told the Council, "So what, the purpose of this University Is to educate ns. If an extra day of study time before - finals makes reveiwing more effective and wil knable us to learn more and raise our grades, the mere fact that a few stu dents will use the time to poor advantage Should not be considered." Rogge explained that la his opinion If only 15 ef the students used the time to food advastage it would be worth It. This percentage seemed a conservative estimate In view of the many letters the Council has received in favor of the pro posal. Usually the students who bothered . to write were ones who had really been hurt with several important finals all bunched at the beginning of the week. First Tuesday (I have a close friend who has four finals this semester. Three of them are on the first Tuesday.) The Student .Council deserves special commendation for undertaking this en deavor for ope reason not immediately apparent None of them will benefit from it. Every member of the Council that did all the work advancing this Improvement as far as it has gone will have graduated by the time it goes into effect, in 1960-61. A group which will undertake a project to benefit future students certainly is worthy of our support So here's what I'd like you all to do. Run up to your nearest instructor. Collar him carefully and proceed to explain the benefits of the Council's extra day of study. Ideas should not be hard to find with finals looming closer and closer. Explain to them that we don't want the time for cramming but only for an ade quate job of review. It is a known fact that many instructors give hour exams on the last day of classes. A student's time consequently is occupied for the most part until classes are over. If he is hit with a double whammy right off the bat there is only time for a frantic cramming session. The extra day would eliminate this situation In most cases. A full 24 hour study period can make a big difference in a final grade when some finals count as much as Vt the course. Note to the faculty: Get out to that sen ate meeting and VOTE. t Daily Nebraskan rrtTT.ncaT YTA2S OLD aoaaJr, w nw tm ba arlated. taarw . lata. tZsmben AeUtel CoUegUte Trtm JZEZ? " M " " IstereoUeflAt rreas "KtrSM . mmtm m m Stprwwittfttira N.UmuJ Aarertlstas terrtas, tt "brtZJ?l. wa?" " Incorporated i?H'-"- Mw - " , , Muh Editor Btamt Maroa FK&Ulx4 ti aUom 29. Stadeat Cslwa rn.fi mmt ... orf mtZ Nebrrt VM -:v::.v.r.:r.v.v.Err,riTTI: IttS m B Wf Crro Krw, mmdm Uwiii rf4. "" J! r2Jr- ataffWrttara Uararm Cutlet, aa4ra tVaaiaa, t af ttaa mm timmuuum af urn tM Paatacropber Mlartto Taj C..M.MI.. mm InMI AtraJr KLM.ft MATT xa$ FMa. fwwt mmttr imtirtUm at urn .riia Maaacar Mrrrm i4iattS hMrattM as erm r.K"'"M iWI at In, fraaa ,MUa tnlni Maaact Maa ILaimaa. aaMtmaJ nmfc as P ' " braa (,.. ftwm gaWAft. ft M aw a aaaaaaer mi Om tetettr Ma Cat. Kmm , tm Oratr m twwaawa mm las 1 ' nu w- innaat auasfur. ................ .vase I Daily Nebraskan Letterips Objective To the Editor: I have read the replies to the "Beatnik" letter with some amusement. No one has yet attempted to interpret it in an objective way, Neither praise nor rid icule are appropriate for an objective view of the "Beatnik" protest. . Certain ly it is a trend that points out a number of interest ing ideas. It is basically, as far as lean see, a strong literary movement represented by Kerouac, Ginsberg, and others. The movement points up the malaise that most of us feel but find so hard to ad mit to ourselves and oth ers. This feeling is one of of spiritual bankruptcy In which "God is dead. Man has killed him" as Nietz sche so aptly pointed out Mr. William Barrett has pointed out this bankrupt. cy in a very fine book "Ir rational Man," a study in existential philosophy. He shows that modern art and literature are products of a bankrupt culture. I realize this is a debatable point but it is something we can't ig nore. Faulkner shows us this is so called bankruptcy in "The Sound and the Fury," where Quentin Compson tears the hands from his wrist watch sym bolizing the continuous movement of time while we have no idea of its mean ing, thus causing it to be an empty sound to men or, to borrow from H. G. Wells', "The Country of the Blind." The "Beatnik" then is a symbol of this emptiness. Existentialism also is a re action against this degra dation of man, and the movement deserves consid eration as offering some in sight into this problem. ' Oswald Spengler, Arnold Toynbee and Petrim Soro kin have also attempted to portray this feeling of dec adence that many feel is part of Western culture. Whether this is true or not remains to be seen; cer tainly our culture has be come obsessed with mater ialism and religion has reached a pseudo es istence. WThat is important here Is that we begin to think and not accept values blindly. William White in "The Organization Man" has shown that just because the majority determines truth, they may be in error. I am certain the majority thought Hitler was right. The Existentialist, the "Be atnik," and the "prophets of doom" all deserve an ob jective hearing from what shall I call our generation? maybe the "Apathetic eGneration," for the name fits us better than any other coined so far. I would be the first to admit that the "Beatnik" movement is very imma ture and childish, but it perhaps can help by point ing out the need for a re evaluation of our values and maybe . . . with luck, it may make one or two people begin to think about where we are headed in a world that is, if not chaotic, certainly disorganized. Harry Easton Ears To the Editor: Although some may feel that the adult education pro gram at this University is already sufficiently exten sive, I believe it should have one more course, dealing specifically with "How to Talk Softly on the Tele phone." Registration for this course should be com pulsory for all librarians now employed on the cam pus. I would like to add for the benefit of those to whom this seems overly harsh crl ' tlcism that I have the law behind me concerning the concealed megaphones which I suspect are now being used. Ralph Waldo Ears A Few Words Of A Kind I i as cap pop ping and beer drip ping. T r a di- tionally the 4 Outside My Skin , 1 1 v An. -4 Barbara Over the last two weeks I have been called an athe ist, a "say-anylhing" girl, a "say-nothing" girL and other names too numerous a n a oo- r scene to jii e uuuu. This Is ri diculous. I am just as just as normal jast as fond of cutting c 1 a s ses, drink i n C beer, ignoring studying in the hope that it will go away, and in my own per verted way, just as religi ous, as the next person. So, I am about to launch into a long, boring dissertation in defense of the Little Peo ple, the Conventional Ones, the dull group, of which I am a part, which forms the Backbone of Our University- . Mental Health I win not beatalqye around the buah. (Lousy pun.) The beatnlques, ob viously subversives, are trying to undermine our political, moral, and ment al health. How can we stand by, in our khaki's and ivy leagues and striped blazers, and allow the campus to be overrun by bearded characters in t-shirts and toreador pants, with six inches of anatomy (between the ankle and the cuff, of course) in plain sight? Dis graceful. We owe it to the public well-being to make conventional clothing man- the scope of colleges down to Teachers College and En gineering. Only average work should be encouraged. Those who do above aver age work should be pun ished by permanent suspen sion from the ping pong tournament. Those who do below average can-always be put to work as janitors, along with the teachers . from the disbanded depart ments. Brainwash As long as the best is none too good, we're okay. Eventually, we may be able to brainwash everybody in to thinking that there is actually nothing better than average. Everyone, in this Little People's paradise, will look alike, think alike, talk alike, and be alike. Only then will we, the Lit tle People, the Convention al Ones, the Backbone of Our University, be safe . . . from the things our fear some minds, unfettered by pettiness and convention, might do. Living In a University community helps to remind one that youth is eternal. Why each spring there emerges horde after horde of diligent young fel lows who special i ze in s u c h scholarly atuviu c 9 1 ? i 1 iNK e.e. TNEs and PiXis have been dominant figures in these feats of bravo and dash and dilettanteism. For yean these boys of brew have been accused of everything except the hiring of chan cellors and the imposition of sometimes partial judgments by AWS on mis wayfaring coeds. Year aft er year smug columnists would defy these demons of the dark and drop a nasty word here and there about "those no good sub rosa" groups, hoping to be beaten severely or have their cars painted in order to be pro moted to the rank of Mar tyr for the Great Cause of Above-Boardism. But, alas, too few of them were mar tyred and they had to re turn to hacknyed topics like fraternity morals and the exorbitant charge of coffee in the Crib. Bless or Curse The TNEs and the PiXls, bless or curse their secret little hides, have by no means disappeared from the scene this year. Their work, however, has seemed to suffer. Where they were once steady enough at least the PiXis, who appar ently created the art to Eaint their symbols for pos srity with bold free hands, ttiey have now apparently reverted to uninspired use of the stencil This, of course, can be expected. Every great school of art sooner or later begins to slip into bad habits. Eccentric But what makes this spring especially exciting Is that some wild, eccentric youths have joined the Unit ed Youth Movement of Walk Splatterers. About a half-dozen crude Zorro "Zs" were slapped on the pavements of fraternity and sorority walks this last week raising speculation that perhaps the poor in dependents have arisen at last to add more color to the night My sources are totally unreliable, but if rumors are true and the independ ents are beginning to paint their way to the top it is ob vious that we Greeks need protection. Is the adminis tration going to stand around and watch carefully stenciled, TNE and PiXi signs maliciously defaced? Heaven forbid! Call up the campus cops! TC33H JHd Ma ISTSTTP! NnTvs gwvioTJi XIV 1 fa AH O N I M S M!rNlv!3liTWHTsT3l5T51 ilMlMunmim W LOJAJJ 31N3 SS I r-rr NivfrsosiTio S dl13Hq3 IjNja O 0 jJvToWpia Hli'oiows 3ja06I j3miTWTTv tOMSNVIODH CROSSWORD o. 25 an datory on this campus. Per haps some sort of a uniform could be issued to each stu dent upon registration. Nonconformity Nonconformity must b e wiped out at any cost. As far as religion is concerned, the answer is simple. Tear down Andrews and Morrill Halls and construct a big church with a steeple and stained glass windows. Re quire everybody to attend the eleven o'clock service. During the week, the church basement could be used for square dances and ping pocg tournaments. Getting rid of Andrews and Morrill would also help rid the campus of two de partments, too subversive, to mention, which have been highly suspected of encouraging free, individu al thinking and expression. Gradually, we could narrow ACIOSI I. A4U appro-at ItatUm Monm If. Jf ilMiufcoaj. im 14. It ta tfc BIKldJ of wythinf If. Witk Koula, roar tsroat f-ll . IT. Wawry aurroiA4iaflB 11 Muanr It. to. Laaa. long IL Kind el nta or ntatatar ti. Cud tLtio) ti. Bum . tC to witmy aortic, la M. fcsdit Yo-ro 2. Halookr ancrf SL Pat it csafutaj . a bat Una M. k"M v ftaow in.' t$. Koattgiaa rot. . fraahar caata ti. Trauaporwtisa) tnwmrf 44. Ot aider. DOWN LWatartal Praaaa I. Km aulM (iaiaorcaia, but a. bayl 4. H a Savtry aitkt Y a. Alwr r J wo' da) a. A ward (or ferifltu T. Wallop WUHana 1.11 iMjro jixi f t. Maa.tanta kmrii ara It. Part from tht back IU Tty kit bm Umtot&mm6 IL PUtar part af.lUal It. Thm tmot fay tL (Ad hufm movia daaaie Si. Waataaucr aaaj V. Ha cliapcrosai COUPM tt. Htve Inraa ma. tfea lo-at ma tot II. Kind af mmtk ti. Maahd'tfraat nruarum. U.StaUi tt4mmttr'mmtfou 77" " Ti-"" m"""" "" a-MM a-M MM- -MW ' -BMM -SMWi U I 17 . .mm. mmmm . mm " 11 " 'are vou kccl JJ 24 " IS t HOUGH TO t - KRACK TMIS? 24 27 21 J J 37 """" Jl "" St 40 41 42 4J 44 , 41 tf " " F ' EiMa 1 f . I Mm . M 1 1 m I I tWt 44. Eber UtcraZy la EarUad 47. Plaud 44. What ia tt haa t. Mumbrjr fa) HtMt ti. Hailoa 17. trmat aur &ara H. Naatbar-tot bof 44. Manaa nuanla 41. If a naaatad br t BMnlaqi 41 Hat ra ta ai. luier dvpa SWITCH FROM MULsTO r t if 1 A eool and &a m a iret li ef frttk tir. Rnaat leaf tobacco. ..mild refrWhing man t hoi mod. thm vyrW moat tHarrogfo! tagti ff.rt Vith varjr jntt yoos mouth fl cIma, your tivraat rfrhdl ,..Ll3 EaUL t it KOOL WITHOUT PILTEII Itaa, famaWiiuaatjaaTataaaaCarp. QDL Mi &H I r nutmnmim t W'jKi Kiaa-f ill 1 mm m-r-, ....... . , . I. ... ... Wa),,wrfmk-tlSrtMSwa, aj