The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 21, 1959, Image 1

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    " AH? gTflsT
Vol. 33, No
Council Gaps Filled:
Additional Filings
Biz Ad,
Six students have filed for
Student Council from Business
Administration and Engineer
ing to complete the slates in
these colleges for the May 4
election. '
The Student Council consti
tution specifies that each stu
dent must be opposed in or
Union European Tour:
Morris Will Discuss
'Contrasts in England
"Contrasts in England" will
be the first topic in a series
of orientation meetings for
University students who will
participate in the first annual
Union European Tour June 19
to August 5.
Michael Morris, assistant
professor of law will speak at
the first meeting of the group
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the
Union Faculty Lounge.
Silver Key
Is Planned
Nebraska high school jour
nalists will be on campus
Saturday for the annual Sil
ver Key Awards Luncheon
sponsored by the University
School of Journalism.
The nigh .school journalists
entered a contest sponsored
by the school. The contest
was divided into five categor
ieseditorials, sports, news
feature, news and columns.
Silver keys are awarded for
outstanding writing in these
categories. Fifteen keys are
Thirty certificates will be
gives to students who place
in the contest. - -
Memben of Theta Sigma
Phi, professional journalism
fraternity for women, and Sig
ma Delta Chi, professional
fraternity for men, judged the
contest entries.
The students will begin their
visit Saturday morning with
a tour of the Journalism
School. Faculty in the school
will hold career conferences
with the journalism students.
Before the luncheon the
girls will attend a style show
sponsored by Theta Sigma
Phi and the boys will attend
a movie presented by Sigma
Delta Chi.
Medical College
Gets Microscope
The University of Nebraska
College of Medicine will re
ceive an electron microscope,
which was financed by the
Nebraska Cancer Society,
The microscope, which mag
nifies up to 200,000 times
100,000 times as powerful as
an ordinary instrument will
be used in the study of cell
In the study of cancer, it is
necessary that both normal
and malignant cells be ex
amined and photographed in
greater detail than has been
possible with present equipment.
Need Money, Prizes? Be Beautiful!
tI mosey watches 1
radian cameras stationery
er jewelry?
Enter a beauty contest.
tWverslty coeds have been
winning all these and more
useful articles in various con
testa, both local and national.
Many Prizes
Tha latest winner, Marian
Brayton, was selected Miss
Lincoln Sunday night. As well
a i a modeling course and
halrdressing appointments,
Miss Brayton receiveda
watch and trophy.
The first runner-up, Sandra
Whales, and second runner
up, Yvonne Young, also re
ceived watches and trophys.
Charm braclets engraved with
"Miss Lincoln Contest" were
given to other participants.
Skip Harris will be . pre
sented as Queen of the Drake
Relays this weekend. Appear
ances will be her chief re
ward, as she attends convo
cations, several dinners at
fraternity houses, a fraternity
The Daily
Engineering Slates
der to make a valid election.
Approximately 53 students
are running for the various
representative positions.
When filings officially closed
April 11, an insufficient num
ber of students had filed from
Business Administration and
The seriet is desinged
help acquaint tour partici
pants with the countries they
will visit.
Morris attended Oxford Uni
versity in England as a
Rhodes Scholar after gradua
tion from Yale University.
Members of the tour will in
clude University students
Sharon Quinn, Sandra Johns,
Judy Mueller, Tom Neff, Shar
on Sterner, Gail Parker, San
dra Whitmore and Donna
Scriven. Joel McGreer of Lin
coln, a high school student,
will also be a member of the
Miss B. J. Holeomb, College
of Law student who worked in
Europe for six years, will es
cort the group as representa
tive of the Student Union Ac
tivities Committee which is
sponsoring the tour.
The group will be joined by
students from, other colleges
before leaving for Europe.
Zariski Gets
Dr. Raphael Zariski, a Uni
versity political science pro
fessor, has been awarded a
Fulbright scholarship to lec
ture on American government
in Italy.
Dr. Zariski, a native of
Rome, will lecture at the Uni
versity of Florence next year.
He is a member of the
American Political Science
Association, the Midwest Con
ference of Political Scientists
and Phi Beta Kappa. He re
ceived his undergraduate and
graduate education at Har
vard University.
Dr. Zariski has been at the
University'since 1957.
Approximately -400 grants
have been made under pro
visions of the Fulbright Act
for lecturing and research
abroad for 1959-60.
Cattle Discussed
By Matsushima
"Efficient beef cattle pro
duction does not limit itself to
the feedlot," Dr. John Matsu
shima, associate professor of
animal husbandry, told the
Animal Health Institute last
"Proper nutrition of breed
ing stock and growing ani
mals is just as important in
achieving more efficient beef
cattle production," he said.
Dr. Matsushima talked
about feed additives and men
tioned that the most recent in
novation is the use of pelleted
formal, the Relays, the Re
lay dance, open houses, .din
ner at the Chamber of Com
merce and TV appearances.
E-Week Queen
Miss Whalen, first Miss Lin
coln runner-up, was Miss E
Week last year. She was also
a homecoming attendant.
Yvonne Young, who was the
second runner-up to Miss Lin
coln, was elected Miss Rural
Electrification of America in
Her rewards haven't
stopped coming in. She re
ceived $500 from the national
REA, a clock radio and brace
let The Nebraska REA pre
sented her with a formal
gown and a trip to Washing
ton, D.C.
Miss Young also has re
ceived a total of four watches
for these and other contests.
utner prizes nave inciuaea
. . . ; i - i J
two clock radios, a travel
clock several pairs of pa-
iamas, five or six sets of
necklaces, bracelets and ear-.
Nebroskan Chives Tuesday, April 21, 1959
The Student Council elec
tions committee decided to ex
tend the filings to 5 p.m
April 17.
Filing for the position of
Business Adminstration rep
resentative were Jackie Col
tins and Darrell Frenzel.
Roy Cook, Bill Paxton, Rol
and Rader, and Dick Valdez
filed for Engineering college
Six candidates are needed
for both Engineering and
BizAd to make a valid elec
tion. Of the Business candi
cates two must be women.
Dental Group
Will Honor
5 Students
outstanding dental seniors
and faculty members were
honored at the annual Honors
Luncheon sponsored by Omi-
cron Kappa Upsilon, national
dental honorary society.
William Zeig received the
C. V. Mosby Award, the
award from the American So
ciety of Dentistry for Children
and the Oral Medicine Award.
Clarence Lippstreu was pre
sented the Mosby and the
American Society of Dentis
try for Children awards.
Other recipients of the Mos
by awards were: Dean Doyle,
Richard Jirovec and Ronald
George Andreason, Stephen
Leeper and Clifford Moss
were elected to membership
in the honorary and Dr. Ed
win Collins, faculty member
who was graduated from the
College in 1949, was elected
to faculty membership.
Elected to honorary mem
bership was Dr. Alvin Goding,
a 1903 graduate who practices
general dentistry in Alliance.
Applications Due
For Cornhusker
Friday at 5 p.m. is the dead
line for submitting applica
tions for Cornhusker positions.
Applications may be ob
tained from the School of
Journalism office, 309 Burnett.
Interviews for positions will
be held April 30 at 2 p.m. in
the Faculty Lounge of the
Eldridge Speaks
On Farm Jobs
The increase in farm spe
cializing is creating jobs for
more highly trained people,
according to Dr. Franklin
Eldridge, professor of animal
With the trend toward more
specialization in farming and
ranching, people entering this
field will need the higher de
gree of specialized training
an agricultural college offers,
he said.
More specialization also
creates jobs for more highly
trained people to supply and
process the products of these
specialized farms and ranch
es, Eldridge said.
About 15 per cent of the
College's graduates are re
turning to farms and ranches
while some 10 to 12 percent
of the graduates enter con
servation, he added.
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HERE IS MARIAN BRAYTON, one of NU's latest queens,
r: living
r: living the Miss Lincoln
1958 Miss Lincoln, does the
Busy Year
Is Ahead
For Blair
Big Eight IFC president
Bob Blair has a big job ahead
of him for next year.
According to Blair, the main
job of the 'Big Eight IFC
president is to plan the con
vention. "Of course it is un
derstood." Blair said, "that
we accept the responsibility
to have the convention here
next year."
Next year's convention will
be the third for the Big Eight
"Other state universities
and the deans of all partici
pating universities will be in
vited to the next convention,'
Blair said.
"The main purpose of the
Big Eight IFC is to meet and
take back ideas for a better
IFC to each university," Blair
"Plans for a stronger Big
Eight IFC possibly with some
regulatory power over mem
ber IFC's were discussed at
the convention," Blair said.
"The Nebraska delegation
report of the convention will
be presented Wednesday night
at the regular IFC meeting,"
Blair said.
NU Painting
Will Appear
In Moscow
An oil painting from the
Hall Collection in the Univer
sity's art galleries will be ex
hibited with 50 selected
American paintings next
summer in Moscow.
"Mt. Katahdin, Autumn
No. 1" by Marsden Hartley,
was choser "to show the
strength and originality of
American art to a predicted
three to four million Rus
sians," said Director Norman
The exhibition, to be held
Jn 'Sokolnlki' Parktiear Mos
cow's center, is planned by
our government to acquaint
the Russian public with life in
America and will last six
weeks in July and August. It
is sponsored by the U. S. In
formation Agency.
Another oil painting in the
Hall Collection, Edward Hop
per's "Room in New York,"
has been requested for a trav
eling art exhibit in western
and eastern Europe beginning
next September. The exhibit,
sponsored by U. S. State De
partment, will include works
of 25 American artists.
Prep Conference
Planned on Ag
Twenty per cent of the high
school senior boys who at
tended a conference on "Sci
ence in Agriculture" a year
ago are now enrolled at the
College of Agriculture, accord
ing to Dr. Franklin Eldridge,
associate director of resident
instruction at the College.
A similar conference will be
held Thursday. In addition to
15 demonstrations on science
in agriculture, the 1959 con
ference will feature a talk by
Dr. H. B. Tukey, head of the
Department of Horticulture at
Michigan State University,
East Lansing, Mich.
He will speak on "A Sci
entist Looks at Agriculture."
Suleal Thompson,
E-Week to Include
Window Displays
Dresses and cars will take
a backseat to E-Week displays
this week in the windows of
the local businesses which are
co-operating with the engi
neers and architects in their
once-a-year week.
A series of steel balls will
fall through a tube, bounce
from a metal plate through a
small hole, then return to the
Engineers to Sell Ribbons
Four thousand E-Week ribbons are available for sale
until 1 p.m. Thursday, Fred Howlett, sales chairman, said.
For the first time, badges will be sold to engineering
students with the words, "I am an Engineer, E-Week 1959"
printed on them.
The badges should enable the public to distinguish the
students from the guests at the open house.
Ribbons and badges will be sold on a competitive basis
by students of the six departments of the College of En
gineering and Architecture.
Winners are to be determined by their percentage of
total sales and on the basis of sales per capita.
Ribbons cost 15 cents; badges 40 cents. The proceeds
are used to meet some of the expenses incurred in prepar
ing for Engineers Open House.
Spring Day Fever
Crowded Cars
To Lead Parade
Car cramming will be the
main feature of the Spring
Day Parade it was revealed
Bob Kaff, Spring Day Pa
rade chairman told a meeting
of Spring Day House chair
men of final plans for the pa
rade. Entries
Each house is asked to sub
mit an entry in the parade
rnntest. This entry will con
sist of an automobile
crammed to its fullest capaci
tv with students.
Rules for the contest draft
ed at the house chairmen's
meeting were:
Spring Day
Is Cancelled
The SDrine Day Barbecue
has been cancelled because of
lack of barbecue equipment.
The barbecue which was or
iginally sponsored by the
iTninn could only be under
taken if at least 1000 students
guaranteed they would pur
chase tickets.
This was necessary to rent
equipment for the barbecue
which was desired by Lincoln
ites for use in the centennial
Twenty-five houses guaran
teed a total of 694 students for
the event.
A box lunch proposal was
offered in place of the barbe
cue but this was rejected by
vote of the house chairmen.
Feeder Day Set
In North Platte
The 30th annual Spring
Feeders Day program will
open April 23, 10 a.m. at the
Experiment Station Auditor
ium, North Platte.
Drs. Johnny Matsushima,
Marvel Baker, and E. Crosby
Howe of the University wui
speak during the afternoon
session which will deal with
swine and dairy cattle.
The morning program will
be devoted to inspection ot
some 400 beef cattle involved
in various feeding trials.
rings, stationery, notes, lin
gerie and several individual
cash prizes.
Winners of all contests re
ceive roses, and usually
charm bracelets.
Camera Winner
Reba Kinne was Miss Ne
braska Press Photographer
of 1957. Appropriately, she
was given a camera as well
as a swimsuit and an expense
paid trip to the national con
test in Minneapolis, Minn.
. The 10 finalists for Miss
NPPAssociatlon this year also
received cameras and charm
Miss Nebraska also carries
its monetary rewards as well
as personal honor.
Both Sherry Johnson, Miss
Nebraska 1958, and Kay Neil
son. Miss Nebraska 1957, re
ceived $1,000 scholarships for
their talent in the Miss Amer
ica contest. Smaller scholar
shins were given to them as
winners of the Miss Nebraska
initial tube in the Agricultural
Engineers display at Miller &
Lincoln's History.
Ben Simon's will display the
architect's concept of Lincoln
past, present and future. An
ink sketch will show the cor
ner of 12th and O Sts. as it
looked in 1859 and as it looks
1. Cars must be a standard
sedan or convertible.
2. No trucks, hearses sta
tion .wagons, buses, or
3. All participants to be
counted must ride the entire
parade route in or on the car.
4. Contestants may use no
artificial means such as suc
tion cups, ropes', or straps to
hold themselves on the cars.
6. Contestants may receive
no hlep from house members
walking beside the cars in the
7. Parade contest judges
may remove contestants from
their cars at any time if, in
the judges' opinion, the en
trants safety is endangered.
rue parade will start on
Vine St. between the coli
seum and 14th St. according
to Kaff. It will proceed to 16th
and Vine, south on 16th to R,
west on R to 14th, north on
14th to South Mall Drive the
street running along the south
side of the maU, where the
entrants will be counted.
House members other than
those riding in cars are asked
to join the parade as it passes
their house Kaff said.
Govt. Needs
The U.S. Civil Service Com
mission announced that posi
tions for accountants and
auditors are available in sev
eral federal agencies.
Openings are in the Gener
al Accounting Office, the De
partment of Defense, the In
ternal Revenue Service and
several other agencies located
in Washington, D.C. and
throughout the U.S.
Entrance salaries range
from $4,040 to $4,980 a year.
Qualifications for applicants
include accounting study or
experience. Persons qualify
ing on the basis of education
or CPA Certificate will not
be required to take a written
test. Those qualifying on the'
basis of experience will be
required to take a written
Application forms may be
obtained at the post office or
from the U.S. Civil Service
Commission, Washington 25,
British Physicist
Plans Lecture
Dr. Pamela Rothwell, a Bri
tish 'physicist, will lecture at
811 Brace Laboartory at 4:15
p.m. Thursday.
She will speak on "Charged
Particles in the Earth's Mag
netic Field."
A lecturer in physics at the
Imperial College of Science
and Technology in London,
she has been analyzing the
satellite and lunar probe data
on the Van Allen radiation
belt. This year she is a re
search visitor at the State Uni
versity of Iowa. ,
' Dr. Rothwell also has been
a research physicist at the
British AEC establishment at
Harwell and a research asso
ciate at the University of Pisa.
She has studied at Oxford,
England and Smith College.
A model of a 13 block area
of Lincoln as it might look la
2059 one-way streets, a mall
down O St., underground park
ing and a tower similar to Eif
fel tower will also be shown.
The Civil Engineering dis
play in Mowbray Buick's win
dow will be a model of a
cloverleaf highway inter
change with scale model cars
moving along the highway.
A continuous magnetic sep
aration of two chemicals will
be featured by the Chemical
Engineers in the window of
Sears, Roebuck and Company.
One magnetic and one non-
TV! 1 fTK nt '. 1 ' , ... i
luagucuc cnemicai will urn
mixed and separated only to
be mised and separated again.
The Electrical Engineering
display at Gold and Company
will demonstrate how the
sound of a loud speaker is
produced through use of a
large cone and an electro
A machine that will write in
script the letters "M. E." will
be shown in the window nf
Central Electric and Gas Co.
by the Mechanical Engineers.
The writine machine will
work through the use of cams
and followers.
A hula hoop twirling doll
will be featured at Wells and
Frost by the engineering me
chanics. The doll, attached to
a rod, will be driven by
motor driven gear train.
The window displays are one
of six different chases nf indu
ing to determine an overall
E-Week winner anion? the
participating departments.
The phases are: window dis
plays, open house displays, E-
Ribbon sales, field day and
Blue Print Sales.
Open-house and window dis.
plays are judged by Lincoln
business and nrofessional
men. Results of the other four
phases are obtained from the
sales results at the end of the
campaigns and from the
points won in field day.
Window displays are judged
for drawing power, initiative,
laamy ana auracuveness.
This year five laymen and
four technical men have been
asked to serve as judges. Re
sults of the ratings by the
judges will be averaged to de
termine the winners.
44 Coeds
To Tassels
Forty-four University coeds
have been elected as new Tas
sels members.
The girls were elected to
membership after the Tassels
tea Sunday. They attended the
annual pledging picnic last
New Tassels members are:
'Alpha Chi Omega, Nancy,
Tederman; Alpha Omicron Pi,
Bev Heyne and Phyllis
Grube; Alpha Phi, Mary
Erickson and Carol Vermaas;
Alpha Xi Delta, Suzanne Max
well; Chi Omega, Judi Turek
and Jan Jauffelt.
Delta Delta Delta, Jean Hin
man; Delta Gamma, Letty
Hubka; Gamma Phi Beta,
Ginny Hubka and Julie Kay;
Kay; Kappa Alpha Theta,
Dee Hale; Kappa Delta, Cin
dy Peterson; Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Diane Tinan; Pi Beta
Phi, Mary Kay Coonrad and
Karen Dempsey; Sigma Delta
Tau, Muriel Lelchook; Sigma
Kappa, Janice Dorland.
Zeta Tau Alpha, Mary Ra-
ben and Joni Olsen.
Barb-at-large, Janis Akeson,
Betty Lou Bebb, Cleo Mur
phy, Kathi Paulman, Mary Jo
Mullin, Pat O'Dell, Karin An
ker, Alfreda Stute, Gisela
Starck, Ruth Ann Lind, Re
bekah Spore, Sally Pelvision,
Betty Jones and Dons Evans.
Ag-at-large, Brenda Kauf
man, Marcia tsoming, uay
lean Wells, Louise Tankell,
Carolyn Schuerman, Sandra
Obert, Betty Stading and Clare
SD Participation
Restrictions Set
No N-club members or men
on conduct probation will' be
allowed to participate in the
1959 Spring Day competition
the Spring Day committee
ruled Monday.
Ruling on these questions
was deferred in last week's
Spring Day house chairman's
meeting pending investiga-"
tions by the committee.
Rag Luncheon
A Nebraskan staff luncheon
will be held Friday noon in
Parlor X.
A speaker will address the
The cost of the luncheon
will be $1.25.