The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1958, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Tax Bite Taken
Academy Announces
Post Doctoral Grants
Post doctoral Resident Re
search Associateships have
been announced by U,& Na
tional Academy of Sciences
and the National Research
The associateships have
been established to provide
young scientists of unusual
ability an opportunity for ad
vanced training in basic re
search in a variety of fields.
Set by MDs
A two-way closed-circuit
telephone will be used to
bring postgraduate education
to physicians in the Omaha
area from 3:45 to 5:00 this
Doctors will gather at the
North Amphitheatre at the
University College of Medi
cine and also at Our Lady of
Victory Auditorium at the
Creighton Memorial St. Jos
eph Hospital for the telepo
sium on "Diseases of the
Adrenal Cortex.".
Questions will be submitted
to Roberto Escamilla, M. D.,
who will answer from his
office in San Francisco, where
he is Clinical Professor of
Medicine at the University of
California. Dr. Escamilla is
considered a well-known au
thority on his subject.
Service Award
To Med Grad
A graduate of the Univer
sity College of Medicine has
been named recipient of the
7th annual Twin Cities Cos
mopolitan Club's disting
uished service award, offered
by Scottsbluff and Gering.
Dr. W. Max Gentry of Ger
ing was presented the award
at the annual service dinner
at the Scotts Bluff Country
He was recongized for
"distinguishing himself in his
home, his profession and the
local and world-wide com
munity." After his graduation from
the College of Medicine, the
doctor served as a Methodist
Church missionary in China.
Home Ec Tea
The Nebraska Home Agents
Association Monday hostessed
a tea for University of Ne
braska coeds interested in
home economics and the pos
sibility of a career as a home
economics agent.
The tea was held on the Ag
College campus.
1 - OaV -sfj
s . sHlax.
( 6oor
wrnifiii ta
gift tsme&yi VA
Mil MMjwcotM 4?
i mi MHimiH 'A
Facilities are available in
specified areas of the biologi
cal, physical and mathemati
cal sciences as well as en
gineering. Research in cer
tain areas of psychology is
also available.
Applicants must be U.S.
citizens and produce evidence
of training in one of the listed
fields equivalent to that rep
resented by the Ph.D. or
Sc.D degree. They must have
demonstrated superior ability
for creative research.
Participating Laboratories
The associateships are
worth $5,985 to $7,510 a year,
subject to income tax.
Laboratories participating
in the program are the Na
tional Bureau of Standards,
Boulder, Colo., and Washing
ton, D.C., the Naval Ord
nance Laboratory. White
Oak, Silver Spring, Md., and
the Naval Research Labora
tory in Washington, DC;
the Navy Electronics Labora
tory in San Dieeo. Calif.: and
the U.S. Army Chemical
Corps Biological Warfare
Laboratories in Fort Detrick,
Md., will also take part.
The Air Research and De
velopment Command is also
participating in this program
at four Air Force installa
tions. The installations are
the Air Force Cambridge Re
search Center in B e d f o r d,
Mass.; Air Force Missile De
velopment Center in Alamo
gordo. New Mexico; Rome
Air Development Center in
Rome, N.Y., and Wright Air
Development Center in Day
ton, Ohio.
The ARDC is also sponsor
ing a program of Post Doc
toral University Research As
sociateships tenable at 21 uni
versities in the U.S. j
Application Filings
Amplications must be filed
at t'ne Fellowship Office in
Washington by Jan. 19, 1959
to be considered for 1959-60
awards. ADDlication ma
terials may be obtained by
writing to the Fellowship Of
fice, National Academy of
Sciences-National Kesearcn
Council, 2101 Constitution i
Ave., N.W., Washington 25,1
D.C. !
Awards will be announced;
about April 1, 1959 by the par
ticipating laboratories and re
search centers.
Physics Colloquium
Dr. E. J. Zimmerman, asso
ciate professor of mathe
matics, will be on hand
Thursday to discuss "The
Stopping Power ot Hydro
carbon Compounds."
The physics colloquium will
hp gin at 4:15 D.m. in Room
211, Brace Laboratory, and
tea will be servea ai j:
Arnold Air
Arnold Air Society will meet
Wednesday at 7 p.m. at 203
Military and Naval Science
Building. Uniforms must be
worn at this time.
Bulletin Board
State Executive Conf., 830 .m.. Ball
room. Home Agents Assoc., 8:30. 315.
Home Agents Lunch, 12:30. XY.
Opening of Con!., 1:30. Ballroom.
Meeting. 12:30, 315.
Meeting, 5.30, Y.
Gamma Lambda Lunch, 12. Z.
Univ. Found. Lunch, 12. 212.
Inter Varsity, 12:30, 313.
Vn. Act. Publ. Rel. Comm.. 4. 315.
Inter Varsity. 4. 313.
Un. Act. Hosp. Comm.. 4. 211.
Corn Cobs. 5, A.
Dn. Act. Gen. Ext. Comm.. 5. 30.
Corn husker Mtg.. 5, 310.
IJn Act Music Comm., 5, 211.
Audubon Naturalist Dinner, 6. X.
Pi Mu Epsilon Banquet. 6. BC.
Konmet Klub Rehearsal. 7, Ballroom.
AUF Interviews, 7 p.m., 316.
Jr. IFC, 7, 315.
Pi Alpha Theta Mtg.. 7 30, Z.
Alpha Lam Initiation. 7:30, 313.
NHRRF Mtg.. . Y.
Math Colloquium
"The Torsion of Shafts of
Variable Cross-Section, Part
II," will be the topic of the
mathematics colloquim today
at 3 p.m.
Dr. H. L. Hunzeker, assist
ant professor of mathematics
will speak in room 209, Bur
nett Hall.
Main Feature Gock
Stuart: "Houseboat," 1:00,
3:05, 5:10, 7:15, 9:20.
Nebraska: "Shoot-out At
Medicine Bend," 1:00, 4:33,
8:00. "The D. I.," 2:33, 6:04,
Lincoln: "Party Girl," 1:10,
3:15, 5:20, 7:25, 9:30.
Varsity: "The Big Coun
try," 12:30, 3:22, 6:14, 9:06.
Stat: "The Night Heaven
Fell," 1:00, 2:46, 4:32, 6:18,
8:07, 9:53.
Joyo: "Tank Force," 7:00,
10:25. "Gigi," 8:25 only.
Starview: "Cartoon." 7:15.
"Gigi," 7:25. "East Of Eden,"
9:35. "Last Complete Show,"
84th & O: "Cartoons," 7:15.
( w
" - - -
FARMERS FORMAL QUEEN was the title bestowed on
Jan Montgomery, Fedde Hall senior, at last weekend's
top social event on Ag campus.
KFMQ Begins French
Music Series Friday
"Masterworks of France,"
a French broadcast, begins
this Friday at 9 p.m. over
KFMQ radio.
The program is recorded in
Paris especially for KFMQ
and sent directly to the U.S.
Geology Dept.
To Hear Dallmus
The University department
of geology will be addressed
today by Karl Dallmus, a con
sulting geologist from Cara
cas, Venezuela.
Dallmus will speak at 8 p.m.
in Room 20, Morrill Hall, on
the subject, "Mechanics of
Basin Evolution and its Rela
tion to the Habitat of Oil in
the Basin "
Dallmus, a distinguished
earth scientist, was invited
by the department of geology
and the University Research
Council. He is sponsored by
the lecture committee of the
American Association of Pe
torleum Geologists.
Freddy Brown, University
of Georgia halfback, is a
nephew of movies' Johnny ;
Mack Brown, who did his
football playing at Alabama, j
a Swingline
Stapler no
bigger than a
pack of gum!
Million! now in use. Uncoridi.
tionally guaranteed. Makes book
coven, fastens papers, arts and
crafts, mends, tacks, etc. Avail.
a. . ... . .. :
able at your college bookstore.
Cub'-atoDlaf 11.
ltt7tMSSZZ- INC.
will he maintained during the
engagemant of this notion pic
M.iO - t:22 - :14 . 9:0
CHARLTON'"- ,yi&gSS ; 'it
The Daily Nebroskon
"We have an arrangement
with the French Broadcasting
System whereby we can do:
this," Herbert Burton, gener-j
al manager of KFMQ. said, j
"We are the only station in!
this area doing a thing like
this." I
This Friday is the first in:
a series of weekly 30 minute
programs. The programs will
consist of classical and semi
classical French music.
The first program will fea
ture "Pastorale D'Ete," by
Arthur Honneger and "Diver
tissement, by Jacque Ebert.
KFMQ is also planning a
program of the folk music of
France for future broadcast
ing. "We are negotiating with
the British Broadcasting Sys
tem and the broadcasting sys
tems of other different coun
tries for the same arrange
ment," Burton concluded.
See how
Fall Mall's
famous length
of fine tobacco
travels and
gentles the smoke
makes it mild
but does not
filter out that
satisfying flavor
Honor Nn Grad
A University graduate has
received the Philippine Le
gion of Honor, degree of of
ficer, for meritorious serv
ices to the Philippines.
Rear Admiral Arnold Karo,
Director of the Coast and
Geodetic Survey, U.S. Com
merce, has served over 35
years with the Philippine Bu
reau. He received his pres
ent directorship by appoint
ment by President Eisenhow
er in 1955.
Born in Lyons, he now re
sides with his wife and two
children in Bethesda, Md.
Thanksgiving TV
Nixed by KUON
In observance of Thanks
giving Day, KUON-TV will
not telecast Nov. 27.
Cornhusker Football, which
is usually seen at 9 p.m. on
Thursday, will be presented
on Channel 12 on Wednesday,
Nov. 26, at 8:30 p.m.
J. G. Geier, gymnastics
coach, and Dick McCashland,
captain of the Husker team,
will discuss the NebrasKa
Pittsburgh game. A film of
the game also will be shown.
First Swim
Test Friday
Hollie L e p 1 e y, Nebraska
swimming coach, is confident
that the Husker team is much
improved over a year ago.
First test will be Friday
when the squad will be split
into three groups. The fresh
men will make up one team,
the sophomores a second
team and the juniors and sen
iors a third team.
"We are deeper in all
events and our boys are get
ting better times in the work
outs," Coach Lepley said.
Nebraska n
Want Ads
No flat 'filtered-out "flavor I
Mo dry "smoked-out "taste !
aim Mf Xv-rv
Vtl .a 2
1 0ffelllilbmou.lergjthof
Outstanding-. and they are
M'lle College Board
QoilteSt Offers CllCHtCe
For Guest Editorships
Applications from under
graduate women for member
ship in the Mademoiselle
1958-59 College Board contest
are due Nov. 30.
The magazine's College
Board Contest offers a
chance at winning one of the
20 Guest Editorships
a month on the staff of Made
moiselle. Two Assignments
Applicants who are accept
ed on the College Board do
two assignments during the
college year.
The assignments give Col
lege Board members a
chance to write features
about life on their campus;
to submit art work and fash
ion as well as feature, fic
tion or promotion ideas for
possible use in Mademoiselle.
The members also have the
chance to -win cash prizes and
possibly publication for out
standing work submitted dur
ing the Contest.
Extra 'o' Sets
Neiv TV Heights
New heights in televi
sion entertainment were
proposed by the TV Guide
when they called KUON
TV's children's program
"Children Coroner".
The program is actually
"Children's Corner", a ser
ies which won an award as
the best local children's
television show in the na
tion. It is presented on Channel
12 at 5:30 p.m. Thursdays.
5:30 Sing Hl-Sing Lo
5:45 The Friendly Giant
6 Evening Prelude
6:30 TV Classroom
7 Ufa Visit School . .
7. JO Ten for Survival
( Language and Linguistics
B:30 Documentary
9 Briefing Session
will be on tale at oil the Bookstores
and the Student Union Tuesday
There will b house-to-hougc campaign next Monday night
our tas
O WMcfal OTroltovaruw.-
4 3&J,m, im'X&mm.mmmmiiiUm."
Tuesday, November 18, 1953
The tryout assignment this
year offers opportunities for
displaying talent in writing or
art, fashion or advertising,
promotion or merchandising,
or publicity.
The top 20 Guest Editors
will be brought to New
York next June to help write,
edit and illustrate the August
college issue.
They will be paid a regu
lar salary for their month's
work, plus round-trip trans
portation to New York City.
In New York each Guest
Editor takes part in a full
calendar of activities. She
whirls through an interview
with a celebrity in her chosen
field, and takes in the the
atre, parties, fashion shows,
manufacturing houses, stores
and advertising agencies.
Find Positions
Each Guest Editor also
works daily with the Made
moiselle editor to whom she
is assigned. 'The 20 Guest
Editors are helped to find po
sitions in their special fields,
and each year several join
Mademoiselle's own staff.
Successful candidates will
be notified of acceptance on
the College Board during
Christmas vacation. The first
College Board assignments
will appear in Mademoiselle's
January issue.
Further information may
be obtained from the Daily
Nebraskan office or the Au
gust, September, October or
November issue of Made
moiselle. NEBRASKAN
One-stop Servle Laundry, shirt Mu
lshingdry eleanlng. AJ's H Hour las
Bo. 18th.
' Slmoa available just take over
payments. Call 2-4064.
Small furn. apt. for rant to Univ. cou
ple. Just reel ecora tsrt. 155, 1118 O.
Rider wanted to Denver over Thank.
giving. Contact 7-7714 after T P.M.
w - - wvuiual,
Mild !
f B
ADULTS 75c THI 2 p.m.
90c Till .m.
SI 25 After ..m.
! "Spacemasterx7" 7:30, 10:30.
i "Proud Rebel" 8:45.