The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 03, 1958, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Editorial Comment
The Daily Nebraskan
Mondav, November 3, 1958
Vandals Lesson
In the carnival-like atmosphere of Fri
day night it wasn't apparent to most of
the viewers that a few physically mature
but mentally stunted persons had devoted
their early morning hours to burning dis
plays. Two of these persons have report
edly been arrested. Others are being
sought 6
That anyone would even thir of per
forming in such a ridiculous fashion is al
most unbelievable. What glory or satis
faction there could be in such a feat is
likewise impossible to comprehend. When
personal delight in destruction becomes
more significant to a person than consid
eration for the expensive and time con
suming efforts of large groups, it is time
for society to take some rather harsh ac
tion against that person. And convince us
that persons who engage in these types of
activities deserve protection from adverse
publicity. All they deserve is treatment
from a competent psychiatrist
But in the wake of the event, it might
be good for others on campus who have
delighted in similar vandalism to reflect
on the value of it all. Yanking up high
way signs, street signs, destroying per
sonal property, painting doors there are
all of the same foolish and perverted na
ture as burning homecoming displays.
Each pet entails personal delight in de
struction without consideration for others.
Each act entails, also, money and ef
fort in order to reconstruct the display,
the sign or even the unblemished con
crete sidewalk.
When a vandalist attacts a display, a
sign or a sidewalk, he not only attacks the
object but the people whose efforts made
these things possible.
To the girls who had worked on the dis
plays for weeks, the effects of such de
struction must have been more than disheartening.
Individual Staff Vieivs
By George
Saturday night somebody hanged Bill
Jennings in effigy.
The hanging might have been just an
ill-conceived prank or a malicious act of
vindicative people. Whichever was the
case, it certainly was in
bad taste.
More than any other
professional vocation,
football coaching depends
on the whims of the peo
ple who hire the coach.
When the University
hires someone to coach
their football team, it is
the people of the state
who are doing the hiring.
When the people, through the board of
Regents, hire a coach, they hire him for
his competence and qualifications. Un
fortunately, when they fire him, it is not
always because he lacks these qualifica
tions. This year, Bill Jennings has done a re
markable job with a squad small in num
bers and heft. On several occasions, Ne
braska has displayed a brand of football
that indicates not only competent coach
ing but inspiring leadership.
Against Missouri, the Huskers played
like they had forgotten everything they
had learned. This might have been the re
sult of a bruising schedule and injuries to
key personnel. Such letdowns are bound
to occur even on great teams, but it was
unfortunate that the Huskers had to pick
Homecoming to go into the doldrums.
Losing two Homecoming games in a row
is not good for a coach's standing among
the more regressively Juvenile of his em
ployers. These people tend to forget all the prog
ress that has been made by their team
and think only of the moment They tend
to forget that a coach can only show his
players how to win. In the final analysis,
the game is in the hands of the eleven
men who are on the field, and if they
don't use the skills their coach has taught
them, they can't win.
The Huskers know what good football
is. They have displayed that all too well
against Penn State and Colorado. If they
didn't display it last Saturday, the blame
cannot be placed on Bill Jennings.
Dwane Rogge, president of the Student
Council, summed up the affair very well
when he called those people involved in
the hanging incident "fair weather
Note to the Innocent's Society. As leaders
of the Student body, your conduct sets the
standard for all University students. So. if
the rest of the students stand respectfully
silent during the playing of the National
Anthem before a football game, you cer
tainly ought to do the same.
There is plenty of time after the band
has marched off the field to put on that
red hood, and converse among yourselves.
From the Editor
A Few Words of a Kind
- j .1.
0 ?
It was a top
The Student Union has announced a list
of persons who have been selected to take
part in the annual All University Talent
Show. Well in advance of its staging I
would like to say a few good words in its
I recall that not too
long ago one column car
ried a complaint that if
there is any talent on this
campus it certainly isn't
very well displayed. The
talent show should be an
answer to this charge.
Last year's show played
to a good crowd when it
should have played to a
standing room only crowd.
show. This year's is, according to Bob
Handy, blessed with even better talent.
The whole affair is free and takes only
about two hours of your time. If you pass
it up you'll be cheating yourself of a re
view of some talented fellow students and
youll be cheating them of the audience
their talents deserve.
It is a standing gripe with me that per
sons will sit in front of a television set for
hour after hour and see second rate shows
performed by total strangers, but won't
even walk across the street to see persons
in their own community or group display
their abilities.
A University naturally attracts more
talented and gifted persons than you'll
find almost anywhere else in society ex
cept for professional entertainment
groups. I personally enjoy listening to hi
fi recordings, watching first class movies
and television and attending imported pro
fessional attractions but I also enjoy see
ing life and blood fellow students and
friends surprise me. I bewail the absence
of more opportunities than an occasional
talent show, play or recital for the staging
of student talent.
One of the worst results of improved
mass communications has been the slight
ing of the developing performer. It is un
doubtedly true that amateur shows of the
Ted Mack and Arthur Godfrey variety
, . e. e. hines
often provide some pretty miserable num
bers, but it is also true that amateur
shows on occasion pleasantly surprise and
please. I think the death of the oldtime
home talent show is one of the greatest
losses suffered by our society. There
aren't enough hams left who will stand up
before a group of friends and sing a fal
tering version of "When Irish Eyes Are
Our society instead abounds with a con
glomeration of waxy eyed receiving sta
tions that post themselves in front of the
screen or next to the hi-fi and glory in
canned entertainment. When it comes to
a number of things, I think the do-it-yourself
craze is a bit fanatical. But when it
comes to entertainment, I think a recrea
tion of the do-it-yourself craze would be
one of the finest things that could ever
happen. (And by the way, I love to read
poetry aloud.)
Dick Becker, the Journal sports editor,
has revealed to me that I have finally
made a mistaken analysis (about the sec
ond such occurance in my life). The 24
hour service on the expert fitting of bowl
ing balls refers to the length of time it re
quires to have your bowling ball drilled
after you place your order. It does not
refer, as in the case of 24-hour service
at a filling station or other store, to the
time of day when you may drop in for a
fitting. My mind is made of clay.
After my pinning a friend walked into
my room and told me how I had sub
jected myself to automatic attempts to
sublimate my actions and improve my
character. "She'll nag you, threaten you,
tell you not to drink so much, tell you to
stop smoking, that you can't or shouldn't
talk so much to other girls. It will be ter
rible!" my friend exclaimed.
I refuse to admit that he was even close
to right. So far my pinmate has only done
two of these things, including a threat to
toss a coffee cup at me. I chose a tender
young thing.
Daily Nebraskan
SIXTY -EIGHT TEARS OLD mmf maaenitlMe fnr what they My. r e ar can
Member: Associated Collegiate Press tar
latereaUeriate Press raorm .
fepmentetive: National Advertising Set-rice, uSZFvSrZZfJX? J? a&J.m.''
Incorporated bmtobuu. staff
Published at: Boon 20, Student Union Editor .Ernest ntnm
Lincoln, Nebraska Ef1? Mover
u i, . R Emmie IJmpe
14tb ft R '?Z?.??'U i,' atMasB Lambert
The tafl Hebreskaa la pMt,twl M.dey. Ton.,. L,5 T!,)w riL- Ml" - ,H MnsweD.
ftMuwta. wm4 fries? (taring e year, eeept w ni'hr "-
wins tMMMn aits' nam pertode. t students f tint ilL.!. ' Marty Coffey.
Unlwrty of Nebraska meet the authorisation of the k.TT 1..? tl J Smith herret.
Onwnltw, a tedm Affair as a nmrrnKj of stn- riwrtofTapner Mlnaette Tykw
dent opinion. rahMratlim ssder the InriadleUna at lac BlUtVENS STAFF
RuhenmmlMee m Utae riihtleat'-nre ahsll he free from - - ...
edit. .Mai esowshlp B the part erf I he ttnheommlrter ar Assistant Business u.,nn J7TT J' .
aa t part ef any member of rlw faculty of the TM- raLi.-.' S " "".
n-Mn af th. Jsebra-k-a .tail art par- CHwH.haa KaMter. ...., . . .iarr, Truj
I a"
i thought your motto
ojas'uve and letliu'?
Nebraskan Letterip
Ta Dally Nooraikaa will aaMlaa
aaly tkaar H-ttrra whlra are atcar4.
tXMir attarkiac taatTMaale ant
carry ta aataer'a a a me. Otkera mav
aaa lattiala ar a pra aama. Itira
aaeahl aat vrata' SM waraa. Wbra
IrMm cira thla Dm It the Ne
breakaa iraerve the rlfht te eoa
aae them, rrtalala the vrMer'a
Formal Question
Along with the cool breezes
and the swirling brown leaves
comes another sign that win
ter is approaching. The begin
ning of the "formal" season is
just around the corner. It is
still far enough away, how
ever, for me to register my
favorite gripe concerning this
university's formal season
My gripe is the feminine pop
ulation of the campus, and it
is: Why don't girls go formal
to formalb?
One would think that if a
man were willing to shell out
about $25 for flowers, tux
rent, tickets, steaks and
cocktails that the least his
date could do is go really
format Remember girls, you
expect your date to arrive in
a tux and not an Ivy League
sport coat and tie.
Way back when I was a high
school junior in '48 the Mili
tary Ball was really military,
really grand, and all the girls
that were anybody or any
thing wore real formals. The
floor was covered with beauti
ful dresses of net and lace
that went clear to the floor
or at least to their ankles
About four years ago, how
ever some chick came to her
formal in a gold cocktail dress
and after that all the campus
cuties came to formals in the
same dress they wore on East
Hills nights or to the Turnpike
(If not the same dress, at
least the same stvle.)
I'm told girls that all the
leadint: fashion advisors still
think it is apropos for girls to
wear formal dress to formal
parties. As much as yon ladies
hate to have people discuss
the low quality of culture at
the campus, you could at
least dress the part yon try to
last but not least, it adds
a great deal of atmosphere to
a formal when both men and
women dress for the occasion.
Perhaps with the proper dress
and th e right atmosphere,
more of your dates would feel
the true sense of a formal oc
casion and act with the degree
of dignity and sophistication
that the occasion calls for,
rather than getting to use an
old expression smashed.
Perhaps the sorority stand
ards chairman could drop a
hint to their fellow women
concerning what standard for
a formal occasion really is.
They might even be so daring
as to require the proper dress
for house formals.
John F. Heeckt
Indian Yoga
By C. S. Krishnasicami
List week a ja-year-old man from
India walked hi and said he wondered
It wa would he Interested hi enntint
omethlng on Yofa. We listened afceptt
rally, but when we read the following
article wa derided ft might he of in.
tereat to others. We then derided la
favor of printing a aerie of his articles.
We believe it it something of a first
la eolleae teatura clrrlas.
a, i
Flickering Art
By John West
Elated Omaha audiences
this past week viewed Rodg
ers and Hammer stein's
"South Pacific," which has
opened at the new Cooper
theatre. Anyone seeing the
picture can understand the
enthusiasm-to-see and joy-at-seeing
the most electrifying
romantic comedy set to music
in modern times.
It was quite apparent that
the stageplay, based on James
Michener's recollections of
navy life in the South Seas
during World War II, was a
natural for a film. The score
was great; the love theme
and comedy were great. There
was even a chance to wave
the flag. But what seemed the
best property in the world
to photograph for a movie
musical was hardly the easi
est. Producer Buddy Adler, di
rector Joshua Logan and ace
photographer Leon Shamroy
spent many hectic months
battling spring rains and is
land winds to make each
scene and sequence perfect.
And when all conditions looked
favorable for filming, the film
often melted in the cameras
from the extreme heat.
What has resulted, aside
from the trio's sincere wish
that their next vacation be
spent far away from the diffi
culties that go hand in hand
with the exotic, is sheer
beauty. Shamroy and his
Todd-AO technicolor camera
have seen to that.
Performance wise, 'South
Pacific" is also attractive.
Rossano Brazzi has managed
to give a performance worthy
to the Pinza tradition of the
Emile de Becque role. Mitzi
Gavnor's Ensign Nellie seems
a little stout for the Mary
Martin fans, but perhaps these
comparisons are unfair.
The Lt. Cable-Liat love af
fair is beautiful. Hats tff to
John Kerr and Frances
Nuyen. As one might expect,
Ray Walston and Juanita Hall,
recreating their Broadway
parts, are hilarious as ever.
The songs, of course, are still
Our discussion will be con
fined to the physical exercises
only which are but a small
field in the entire gamut of
the Yoga system. The Yogic
pnysical ex
e r c i s e s
will here
after be
Asanas or
Some sim
ple regula
tions are to
be observed
before any
body pro- Krishnaswami
ceeds to perform the Asanas.
Six hours should have elapsed
after a heavy meal and three
hours after a light meal. They
should be performed in t h e
order they are dealt with.
Breathing should be steady
and free unless otherwise
specified. It should never be
held up as otherwise some un
pleasant consequences may
result (Thev appear difficult
at first sight but are easy.)
After performance, which
may last from 30 to 45 min
utes, no drink or food should
be taken for at least 30 min
utes. A pair of shorts, a clean
floor with a folded sheet about
one-half inch thick spread on
it are sufficient. One word
more. These Asanas are to be
practiced under expert guid
ance. I
The first Asana is Pad
masana or lotus posture. Tha
person sits on the. floor with
folded legs and gradually
brings the left tee to rest on
the right thigh and the right
one on the left thigh, resulting
in a cross-legged position.
When the toes press against
the thighs, the portion of the
body above the hips will tend
to straighten up, the chest
will move forward, expand
and will take more fresh air.
The hands are kept on the
knees with palms up. The
eyes are now closed. The in
dividual tries to forget things
on the earth (which are but
ephimeral) and thinks of the
omnipotent God. He lies in
this position for a minute,
then opens his eyes, comes
back to his normal sitting po
sition and takes rest for a few
seconds (depending on individ
ual need, but not usually ex
ceeding 30 seconds to a min
ute) before proceeding to the
next Asana.
The time of sitting in that
posture in the initial stages
may be for a few seconds and
gradually increased to about
a minute.
Degree Application
All students who expect to
receive bachelors or advanced
degrees or teaching certifi
cates at the close of the sem
ester must apply by Saturday
Application can be made at
the Registrar's Office, 208 Ad
ministration HalL between
8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., to
day and before noon Saturday.
Art -t. OSS
- Server
-Bark bona
11 Spaed contest
1 6 Uproara
SI Matura
22 Dowel
13-Kple poem
24 Country f
55 Dine
26 Ijotib; for
28 rrawlna; room
50 Classify
51 Hebrew month
12 Latin
14 Three -toed
35 Youngster
3 Kind of fabric
7 Prefix: before
a Man's
40 Mistake
H Btohotaj a
T (I heel-
77 Church
71 Openwork
1 Dent
4 Celtir prteata
5 Peel
fiS Dirk
t Kast Indlaa
01 oor eT a
9! Kxpert
f4 Sandv
8 Toward the
sheltered aide
measure tpi.)
100 Performed
102 Strike
103 Compass point
42 Period of time " Danre step
4 Pierce
44 I.ipten to
4fi firta
47 Sroffs
49 Serurity
f'i Onean
61 Intertwines
64 Transaction
bri Float in air
Pwifis cottage
RH Paddle
o Conjunction
62 Wall coatinir
64 Hlphway
a A state
M I 'art of
"to be"
7 Haul
f Mohammedan
70 Cross
71 Weight of
72 Inlet
105 Sole
I Ofi Kscanea
loK era
lo Prei down
1 10 Pronoun
111 OMicatlon
112 Gift
114 Period of time
116 Corded cloth
1 1 7 Coneerra t e
II Provide food
120 Female horse
122 l.anee
124 BeaM of
125 i 'hair
1 L'6 Go
12S fink In middle
129 Foundation
1J1 Heaven ly
132 Insane
138 Balance
135 Newt
138 In music, hlrh
1 Harbor
1 40 Conjunction
141 River in Wales
142 ITeflx: not
143 Sun god
144 Pacterlolo
rist'a wire
14fi Slogan
147 Bobbins
149 Nahoor eheep
150 Wear away
152 Wipe out
14 French unit of
lM Opposite
middle nart of
16. Bespatter
1S I Mx trine
ISO Candv
161 Detents
1 Cornered
2 lasso
3 Likely
4 Old pronoun
6 Vesael'a
Flipht of slept
7 Individuals
10 AhMrart being
11 Kind of fool
12 Footleee
13 Peruse
14 Man's
1& Continued
15 Indoor skating
1TWrltme fluid
IS Hypothetical
IS Crown
20 Fword
27 Orpran of
I Word ef
II Priest's
7 Toll
3v Approach
40 -Whirlpool
41 Harvest
43 Fantasies
43 District in
44 Chief
44 Symbol for
4 Girl's name
4 South
50 Kdible flab
Rtwar kt
fss Beneath
7 iMka t
91 H ersJdry:
Iftl Thought
lOfr Thoee rrttrtal
lOfj OmuneateJ
work I
107 Break
1U Portion ft
11 Fruit
113 Snare
115 Part of
116 Fury
118 Immense
1 Thin, flat piece 11 Aecomplish-
of wood ment
BI Fiber plant 121 Wearing awag
S.S Bristly 123 Babylonian
i (Juidea oeity
f6 ' Vies like dove 12EThorouffare
ft" Choose 126 Arrow
(ft r.lliltaal weeda 127 Organ ato
61 Covers 12ft Reveals
63 Sow 130 Warning
64 Quarrels device
61 Kerily 131 Dtstresa signal
I" rsuya DaCa
'1 Tavern
73 Fruit (pl.
74 French for
7fi Beoomaa acid
771 locks
Theatre box
so Kam
1 Prefix: new
83 Spenserian
4 Fresh-water
7 Moved
Voodland gods
0 Spirltlens
91 Winged
S2 Partner
3 Cravats
132 Vocal
134 Japanese
monetary nR
13 list
137 British
18tv Nobleman
14n Part of face
144 Room In
145 Male
146 Away!
147 Cushion
)4K Weaken
14 Stitch
161 Faroe Islands
153 Note of seal
Ibb Symbol for
157 College
degree fabor.U
Weaver Speaks
On Education
"Though some aid is neces
sary to encourage those in
teaching and research, aid
must be given to all fields
if it is eiven to anv. and its
use should be determined on
the local level."
The above statement was
made by Congressman Phil
weaver to members ot Young
Republicans Thursday.
In expressing his opposi
tion to further expansion of
the nroeram. he said Ameri-!
cans must guard against the
schemes of so";1;t;Tn.
i Weaver also discussed the ,
national debt. i
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