Wednesdoy, October 22, 1958 The Doily Nebroskon Nebraska Out To Block Buffi Stampede Toward Big Relying on a stout defense last Saturday, Colorado's Buf faloes will try to blast through a Nebraska roadblock this weekend en route to the cli mactic Nov. 1 clash with Ok lahoma. And, if this year's gang of Buffs are looking ahead too much, Coach Dal Ward has a pair of sharp reminders to bring them down to earth. Number one is last Satur day's slipshod performance at Iowa State, a game in which the Buffalo offense sputtered ineffectively much of the time. In a nightmarish second quar ter, Colorado had the ball only eight plays and had to throw a hard-ribbed defense at Iowa State to keep the Cyclones from scoring. Included in that horrendous 15 minutes were a fumble, dropped punt and in tercepted pass. Ward's second volley, of course, will be a look at the recent history book to 1934 when a 2-touchdown underdog Nebraska club rocked Colo rado, at Colorado's home coming a week before the Buffs met Oklahoma. That one was one of the big shockers in Big Seven annals and the cur rent situation parallels 1954 closely. CAMRUS CHATTER from Gold' Campus Shop x 1 br WenJr Makepeace Paisley prints are at the top of fashion for this fall. You ran find this popu lar print in all colors and In every tort of wearing apparel. ' This week this popular print is featured in duster of Prim Rose pais ley pastel. This e a t a a 1 duster is completely wash able and require little or no ironing. What a perfect traveler for migration. Visit Gold's second floor lingerie and see this beau tiful paisley pastel duster in si act 10-1S for only 6.98. See you there! i 14 'if'! m ilfvofl I j V5.00 $100.00 $150.00 1 V ,4 e-rrt Y V carat V cant DIAMONDS FROM SARTOR'S oQVALITY TELLS" 12MI STREET It's homecoming at Colorado again. The Buffs go into the game fresh from a 20-0 win at Iowa State. That was the ex act situation in '54. The Buffs are unbeaten in four games. That ycr they had a 5-game win string. Nebraska has gotten more mileage this year than ex pected after last fall's 1-9-0 record. The Huskers opened with a real shocker as they edged Penn State, 14-7. Thsy own a 7-6 win over Iowa State but have been stopped by Pur due, Kansas State and Syra cuse. The power plunges of Full back Dick McCashland and the broken field magic of sophomore Left Half Pat Fischer have been the bright spots in the Husker offense this fall. Quarterback George Harshman. a topflight opera tor, has been impressive this year after missing the 1957 season because of inujries. Returning after a week's absence will be Pat Fischer, sophomore halfback; Max Martz, junior halfback: Car roll Zaruba, junior fullback; Don Fricke, sophomore cen ter; and Roy Stinnett, senior quarterback. Roger Brede, junior end is back on the injured list. He has a bad hip which will keep him out of the Colorado game. Dean C o z i n e, sophomore quarterback, who was groomed for a halfback slot, is out with a twisted knee and Bill Tuning, junior end, has a bruised shoulder. Colorado came away from the Iowa State game in its worst physical condition of the fall. Buff Quarterback Ralph Herbst, a starter and co-captain Saturday, rated Iowa State as "one of the hardest hitting teams I've played against in three years." "They had some really fine individuals and we really knew we'd been in a bail game," he added. Saturday's game will be the I7th meetine between Coln- ! ado and Nebraska with the ; Cornhuskers owning an 8-7-1 edge. But, in 10 Big Eight I Conference clashes, Colorado has a 6-3-1 advantage. . , i The game will be televised regionally. It'll be the first j lime a football game has been live TVed from Boulder. Kick off is 3:00 (CST). Henry Schulte Famous Nebraska Track Coach ' When Henry Frank Schulte, grand old man of the Univer sity of Nebraska's athletics, died on October 18, 1944, there was taken from the sports scene one of the most dyna mic and picturesque figures in the fields of college ath letics. His own tenacity was best indicated by the fact that, though he retired in 1938 aft er five years' serious illness, he amazed his friends by clinging to life for many years afterwards. Athletic Career Born in 1878, on a .Missouri River plateau near St Louis, Schulte began his athletic ca reer as a football player at Smith Academy in St. Louis. Here he acquired the nick name "Indian" because of his high cheek bones and long, black hair. Destined to be come one of the world's great track coaches, Henry did not particularly like that sport in his college days. At Smith Academy he played only foot ball as was the case at Wash ington I'niversit, where be went after completing work at he academy. From Wash ington University, where he Michigan to spend four sea- i vl u ST Boyd Dowler, tall (6-5) Colorado quarterback, has caught seven passes for 113 yards and completed 10 of 22 passes for 102 yards to lead the Buffs in both of those depart ments. Dowler has also carried the ball four times for 50 yards and punted 12 times for an 38.2 average. Former Boys Town Star Wins Iowa AAU Award Charles "Deacon" Jones, former Nebraska prep star from Boys Town, is the top athlete in Iowa, it was an nounced by Harold Nichols, president of the Iowa Asso ciation of the AAU. Jones, now in his final se mester of collegiate competi tion at Iowa University, is one of the nation's greatest distance runners. IIer are a few of the former Boys Town athlete's performances: NCAA cross country cham pion in 1955 f first sophomore to win); Big Ten indoor. mile sons and win renown and All American rating as a guard on Fielding Yost's famed "point a minute" team. After graduation, Schulte published a magazine in Ann Arbor for two years and then accepted a coaching post at Cape Girardeau State Teach ers College in Missouri. In 1913. after having had charge of the three major sports at C?pe Girardeau, he- was called back to Michigan to be come assistant to Fielding Yost. In 1914 the University of Missouri acquired h i s serv ices as assistant football and track coach. It was here that his fame as a track coach blossomed into nation-wide recognition. His protege. Bob Simpson, set new world rec ords and brought new and epoch-making changes into the technique of h n r d I i n g. John P. Nicholson, late Notre Dame track coach and a hur dler of Olympic and national fame, was another pupil who carried the methods and phil osophy of his teacher into the track coaching field, as did Bob Simpson. Jackson Scholz, the Olympic sprinter, was on Henry's squad at Mis souri. The mellowing influence of middle age and a pronounced tinge of gray in the long, black hair had c a j s e d the nickname "Indian" to g i v e way to that of "Pa", when Schulte appeared on the cam pus of the University of Ne braska in 1919 as football and track coach. After two years of football, a new head coach was named, but Schulte. con tinued to head up the track department and, as line coach, developed the greatest forward lines in Nebraska's football history. Meantime, track and field athletics be gan to thrive as never. be fore on the campus at Lin coln. The Missouri Valley championship came in 1921, to be followed by nine indoor and the same number of out door titles before the great coach bowed grudgingly to the inroads of disease and re tired in 1938. A prime mover in the. in 8 Title J champion twice; Big Ten indoor two mile champion twice; Big Ten outdoor mile champion twice and two mile champion once; Drake Re lays two mile champion; Na tional collegiate two mile champion; X at i o n a 1 AAU steeple chase champion twice; member of the 1956 Olympic - team and only American to qualify for the finals of the 3.000 meter steeple chase; member of the 1958 AAU team that toured Europe. ception and promotion of the first of the National Collegi ate track and field champion ship meets, Coach Schulte recognized and, what was more important, made the track coaches of Nebraska high schools recognize, the value of state-wide standards of awards as a means of pro moting track and field athle tics and at the same time whetting the interest of high school athletics in college ed ucation. He was appointed to the coaching staff of the Ameri can Olympic team in 1928, working with the decathlon candidates. After the games in Amsterdam, Schulte vis ited many European countries and discussed training meth ods and techniques with ath le'ic leaders. H i s contribu tions to these meetings were so highly regarded that he was invited to return to Ger many, England, and France the following year, to give athletic teachers and coaches in those countries the bene fits of his knowledge. NCAA Henry Schulte's material contributions to the field of track athletics were import ant and considerable. As a member of the National Col legiate rules committee, he sponsored much of the legis lation which clarified and standardized the code nnder which athletes throughout the nation compete. Most of the field indicators -d other aids to better spectator under standing of what happens on the field during meets were his brain children. The ranks of collegiate coaching are enriched by Schulte disciples. Included are Ed Weir, former Nebraska head coach and winner of sev eral Big Seven titles indoors and outdoors, Brutus Hamil ton, University of California track coach and coach of the last United States Olympic team, and Bob Simpson who, after coaching in American collegiate circles, was called to Hungary to prepare that country's track team for the Olympic Games that were cancelled by the war. SAE Over Phi Psis Bryans Passes Lead Sig Alphs To 18-12 Victory; Phi Psis By Tom Davies The Sig Alphs advanced an other step towards gaining a berth in the All-University fi nals by tripping the Phi Psis 18-12. On the first play of the game Wally Bryans, standout Sig Alph quarterback, inter cepted a pass and r a n 30 yards for a touchdown. This six points ended the scoring in the first half as both teams settled down and played fine defensive ball. Third Quarter Defensive back Lowell Han- NU Harriers To Host CU Nebraska's undefeated cross country team faces its roughest competition of t h e season when it meets the Uni versity of Colorado here Sat urday. The three-mile race will be run over the cross country course at Pioneers Park starting at 11 a.m. Last week Colorado was the easy winner of the Wyo ming Invitational meet for jthe seventh straight time. I The Buffs will be shooting j for their first victory in a Big i Eight meet. They were second behind Iowa State at a quad rangular meet in X o r m a n, Okla. two weeks ago. Ned Sargent led the Buff harriers at Wyoming Satur day, shaving a full half-minute off the meet record as he crossed the finish line first In 15:17. The old meet record was 15:47 by another Buff, Jack Hughes, in 1956. Buff Scout Reports Colorado scout Will Walls had this to say about the Huskers after watching them play Syracuse. "Syracuse has one of the finest teams I've seen in the East in several years. I'd rank them right along with the Navy team I saw beat Ole Miss in the 1956 Sugar Bowl game. They really hit hard. They got Nebraska in the hole right at the start and never let them out. Nebraska never really had a chance to do any thing. They didn't use Pat Fischer or Carroll Zaruba, both injured. These are key men for Nebraska and, if they're ready for us, they'll be a different team." iioilllHIIMiaiHIIIIIUIOIIIMIIIIiaiHIlM I FLY THE 25th I i wan rugni kins . iioiiiiiiiiiiioiiii oiiiiiiiniiiaiMiiiiiMaiiiiii)iiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiHiHiiniiHiimoi"niiiniatiiiiiiMiiiniii'" Be sure to attend . KFM Q's FIRST FILM FESTIVAL at the Nebraska Theatre J performmtuxt anfr emch film 2:30 FM. S;30 TM. 8:30 PM. (These films art for adult viewing only) THURSDAY, OCT. 23 atyww aajejBtFwvoci urn voiles FRIDAY, jr "A L-rH veils n .Mr HO SEATS RESERVED NO STANDING ROOM PERMITTED Se kuy your tickets TODAY Mail Otttrt I . . . tntf Cbackf n) KfMQ 1001 Trmt SaiMi, Lmoin, Nebrwfca $.90 for 1 presentation .... $1.75 for both Tickers available at Nebraska Book Store 1135 R St. and offices of Radio KFMQ sen opened the third quarter by intercepting a pass and returning it 40 yards. Bryans then connected with end Phil Bauer to make it 1 2-0 Alphs leading. Scoring The Phi Psis broke into the scoring column late in the third quarter on a long pass from tailback Chuck Stacey to end Bob Eyth. Midway through the fourth quarter, Bryans sailed a long pass, deep In the end zone, to Bob Beach for the final SAE score. However the Phi Psis were ty no means finished. Stacey threw a scoring pass to Jim Good making the score 18-12 with only a few plays left in the game. Bryans Punts Bryans punted from deep in his own territory with just two plays left. Jim Good took the ball and passed it deep to one of the teammates. The ball barely cleared the finger tips of the waiting receiver, ending one of the most excit ing moments of the game. On the last play Stacey Feature of the week . . era suggested by Bob Lindell of COLD'S Varsity Shop ml Wt Give Z?C Green Stamps Cheer for tha Nebraska Footb.ll Tm - t Bowlder, Cetarada ami Return Safety Ke Sana Day - - jq, v.. a wmiiar ,1251; rM rtsTTvat, OCT. 24 Fascinatina Job!".- DANIELLE MfiftttUX rKIUrt rntamm J, Me H tU ISMs ft k KK&I Score Late could find no open receiver! and play ended with SAE win ning. a Swingline Staplerno bigger than a pack of gum! 98? (Inrfvdinf 1000 tu plot SWINGLINE "TOr Million now ia ute. Uncondi tionally guaranteed. Make book covert, fasten paper, art and craft, r.ndt, tacfct, eta Avail-, ablt at your college bookitor., SWINCUNI "Cub" Stapler lUf INC. IONO I HAND CITY, KEW YOIC, R W . Slack Talk 12.95 It's the man's man and th girl's choice ho wears the Ivy flap-backed fashion in slacks for this falL They are of 100 wool in the manih herringbone, solid, or Ivy stripe fashions. Proven favorites of those who wear and those who stare. GOLD'S Balcony... Varsity Shop V k I fi A SHORT NOTE FROM PAUL SCHEELE, KFMQ STATION MANAGER: Speokina for R o d I KFMQ, I om hoppy to announct that w hava ngoged the Nebraska theatre for thea tw excellent film, both of which h o v won Inter notioncf film awards and ore now film etc sics. Both film are now ploying in f a r g a metropolian c i t a at od'onced price. We hove orrortged fhi fes tival so that film clas sics of this caliber con be made available to oil. You won't wont to either of these feotures but we have printed tickets for avoilabie seating only. So pick up your rickets to day at either the Nebraska Sook Store or the o f f i e e s of KFMQ. 4 '?-: .4"!Ttft.