Page 2 The Daily Nebroskon Monday. October 20, 1958 Editorial Comment Tattered Tribunal Members of the Student Tribunal are now defending their borderline closed door policy with oratorical outbursts comment ing on their kind hearted defense of the rights of common man. They are still re fusing to admit that their stipulation that the student must request in writing, a week to his appearance, that the meeting be open to the public is a direct slap in the face against one of the greatest of all democratic rights, the freedom of infor mation. Dean Belsheim interestingly enough has said that the Student Tribunal is not a court, but rather a body that conducts preliminary hearings "and preliminary hearings are often closed." The New American Webster's Dictionary interest ingly enough refers to a tribunal as "a court of justice." The Daily Nebraskan agrees with the dean that the group of which he is a faculty judge is not a court, and somewhat questionably therefore owns the title of "Tribunal." But there are far more basic matters to be considered: Why has the Tribunal heard no cases in which there has been no disagreement of the facts? If the Tribunal hears only those disci pline cases referred to it by the Division of Student Affairs, how many cases have thus far this year been heard and judged "se cretly" by the student affairs office? What have been the recommendations of the Tribunal on the .cases it has handled this year? Have the recommendations been fair? Have the students been given adequate counsel? Have the judges acted fairly and maturely? Why don't you know how the judges hav e acted? If the Tribunal may hear only those discipline cases referred to it, has no powers other than to listen to a reading of the "statement of the facts," and to call additional witnesses before rending a recommendation which the Dean of Stu dent Affairs need not and perhaps has not followed, what good is the Tribunal? And this is by far the biggest and most important question of all: What good is the Tribunal? What has this campus gained by the establishment of a Tribunal which allows nine people to hear that stu dents are sometimes bad and then recom mend, like full blooded Puritans, that something should be done to folks who do bad things? But, alas, these Salem judges can't even burn their proven witches un less the governor (Dean of Student Af fairs) nods his head. And no burnings; for protection u im- students involved, are to be public. Yes, the editorial attitude of the Daily Xebraskan has been a bit unfair. But we've been kicked in the groin and had a door slammed in our faces. Individual Staff Views By George Moyer ? 1 Mover Peter Leppman, the regional representa tive for World University Service, said something at a luncheon last Thursday that should give college students cause to think. Discussing the work of the WUS during the Hun garian revolt and after Vard, Mr. Leppmann said, "Our Hungarian student fund is all used up. We are trying to rebuild it be cause things like the Hun garian revolt could hap pen again." "Those of us who have seen the eastern European nations close at hand know it could happen and w ithout a doubt will happen soon," Mr. Leppmann contin ued. That is a pretty blunt statement about a touchy situation. But Mr. Leppmann knows students and he knows that they are usual ly among the vanguard of any revolution. Students in this country are often charged with being apathetic. As a matter of fact, that was one of Leppmann's ac cusations. "Students just haven't had time to read the newspapers," he said. Let's not let the apathy tag be hung on Nebraska this fall. The University already has one of the best run, most successful and most efficient charity organizations in the middlewest. Let's support it. In so doing we might be helping a stu dent in some other land find the privilege of educational freedom which we have so long enjoyed. And in the meantime, hats off to the World University Service and a more ob scure group known in these columns by various epithets but mostly simply as the All University Fund. The other ikiy, while getting in the usual afternoon's Cribbing, I spied an old friend of my hustling sophomore days who had been out of school for a year. There followed the usual handshakes and pleasantries which I concluded by saying. "Well buddy, you'll have to come over to dinner some night." My old friend was a bit taken aback. He stammered a moment and then said, "Well, you know I pledged once." 1 was fully aware that he was an active member of one of the campus' larger fraternal groups. In my opinion, this did not preclude him from the hospitality (such as it is) of 519 N. 16th. What happened to what I understand was once the jolly custom of eating around? According to my old grad Informant, it used to be common for good friends in different fraternities to eat at each others houses occasionally. This used to be a good way to improve interfraternity relations. It might be a good thing to revive it. From the Editor A Few Words of a Kind . . . e. e. hines Among the things I have never been All this talk has been prompted by a able to understand is the phenomenal sue- periodic browse through one of the current cess of book clubs which offer luxurious magazines which is filled with book club editions of the classics as an inducement ads making fabulous offers to provide to join or as the regular bill of fare, a new easy to chew and digest culture, postpaid, classic each month sort of if you will send them $3.98 monthly (No thing. fMammmmt cash, please. Send check or money order). Are these books pur- t, - J - One book club's ad promises the corn chased merely for decor- . J plete works of Shakespeare: "Every word ative effect? Almost no -J Shakespeare ever wrote every delightful one, at least in my circle comedy, stirring tragedy, and thrilling his of life, ever reads any- J. toricat play; every lovely poem and son thing unless he or she has J.' ' net yours complete in this beautiful 1312 to. And the few people I f PaSe volume. Chuckle at the ever-modern know who do have new ff j' comedy of Falstaff; be fascinated by editions of the classics at 4 glamorous Cleopatra: shudder at the in about their house dip in to e.e. trigues of Macbeth; thrill with Romeo in them perhaps once a year the ecstasies of love. Be amazed at lago's by some further unexplained course of treachery; step with delight into the whim events. These range all the way from sical world of Puck and Bottom." A very glancing at the classical book when it is handsome offer. Think I'll go to the li knocked off the shelf while dusting, to brary and take a look at this guy's works, grabbing it by accident when hurrying to If it's as good as the ad says, I'll buy him the bathroom. in paper back. If people really are interested in reading Bing Crosby soothingly sings, "Oh. the the classics, I tell myself, there are li- first snowfall of the winter ..." braries in town crammed full of copies that A slightly unmelodic voice interrupts, often haven't been checked out for a dozen "Yes, correctly predict the day of the first years or more. And If they are interested snowfall of the winter and win ..." in purchasing copies for themselves there It seems it is no longer profitable enough are used book stores that have very fine just to enjoy the first snowfall. We now editions available for a fraction of the should attempt to make it something really special price offered by book clubs. In ad- special by winning a prize for sitting down, dition, the world of paper backs offers checking old first snowfall records, and at- these classics at a still lower price. tempting to predict when it w ill occur this Speaking of paper backs, I have a very year, fine friend who keeps asking me, "When Alas, poor Mr. Frost! That materialism re you going to buy some real books?" should corrupt even this. I answer, when I open your hard backs and "He w ill not see me stopping here find something there that isn't in my paper To watch his words fill up with snow." backs." A lengthy bout with deficit fi- "The woods are lovely, dark and deep." nanclng has enabled me to sacrifice vanity But I have contests to win, arid money for convenience and economy. for to seek. Daily Nebraskan SIX IT -EIGHT TEARS OLD annaH? responsible for what the? ia, or do or eau to be ndntc.1. tHiiiir g, mr. Member: Associated CoUeriat Press ttuieription rates am : per ifmw or is for th Intercollegiate PreM Mrn'wdVM,'fi..inl class matter at the ft afftre m Representative: Nations! Advertiilng Service, tinroia. Nebraska, oaaer the t of urt 4. in. Incorporated editorial stah Published at: Room JO. Student Union &l";rrlBr ;. HT.V Liinenin, nenraiKa senior Mtatt timer cmmi. i.impo 14th tt R "port Filllnr . Randall Lambert .,... . . .. CP Kdttora Carroll Kraiu. Diana Maxwell. T Ia4l Mcbraskaa l anbltshesl Monda?. Turodar. xandra Knllj, Oretrhra gldea. Wednesday and Friday durtnt the arhoni year, escent ajarf Wrltxra . MarHra Coffey, rm aallon and exam period. t stnr.,ts of the n,,an Whaler.. Wynn Nmlthherger. UniTnrtilty o Nebraska nnder the authorization of the , phtoIrapher Mlnnette Tavlnr Committee on Student Affairs a an expression of stii- r, Vnt nptnlt.ii Puhlli-atliw tind-r the tnrisdlrtln of the "lJf.ll IT IT . Miibeommlttee on stiinVnl 1'iilillrallnns shall he fr-- from ftuslii.-., Manager .terr aHlrniln editorial eensorshlp on the part of the Nnhrnmmtttee or Assistant Business Managers ... Sinn Kainmn. si fcha port of an member of the faetilty of the I'm- Clrrnlafton Mitnafer Jerry Trupp Terlt. Tbt membera of M Mebraakaa ataff ar par- Charlena (iron. hlLirxj tCrT N 8.5 I THINK ('lL TRY TO BE AN VAlRPLWiE HOSTESS MAYBE I'LL get to fly ALL OVtR THE WORLD! D WHAT 00 YOU WANT TO BE men you eeoto UP IMS? r L (a. fanatic Bungling By Dick Shugruc My Weal or Woe ... By Dick Basoco The clamp-down on free ex pression -of popular opinion" began last year when Bob Ireland was struck from the Student Council and a girl who had less than 90 votes I 11 VIII 1ICI turs. on the coun- . : 1 i cu to repiave r .g m mm. Then t he council d e cided that the Tribunal Z o m mittee and all its OS Penny Carnival is no more. This is one of the better de cisions of the school year, and the Coed Councilors, who are all undoubtedly sitting on the edges of their chairs waiting for mv- blessing, i , should receive high fTTC!' praise for having the courage to do awav.wun an i n s titution A K that appar- ift iv fat ently could Basoco not fullfill its function. The now annual "Stag" stands out in my mind as an example of an event that ought to go by the boards and be chalked up as a lost cause. I say this somewhat reluc tantly because I feel that the idea of a stag Is a pretty good one. But I don't think that the present type of stag is one which merits perpetua tion. In the first place, 1 can get along quite well without knowing that Richie Ashburn is a Republican and wants everyone to vote for Harrison in the coming election. J would feel the same way if he had announced (or had Dick Wagner announce for him) that he was a Democrat avid ly backing Frank Morrison. King Cole, the emcee of last Thursday night's edition of "for men only, was funny at times, but most of his line I'd though was funny way back w hen I kicked the slats out of my cradle My main complaint, howev er, concerns the featured pe- former of the evening, Miss Marge Cameron. If she is, as she was introduced, Ameri ca's fastest rising comedi enne," our taste in humor is sadly deficient. It must be admitted that this was, after all, a stag, but even as such there was little place in my book for her remarks. They were general ly in miserable taste, vulgar, and. when not completely, at least almost obscene. There is nothing wrong with a riske but clever joke, particulary at a stag func tion, but plain and simple criK'ity has no place in Ne braska's perhaps too pure I n ion ballroom. For my money, the people in charged of the event could have hired the "Four Delts" to sing for a couple of hours, and the evening would have been a lot more enjoyable. It would be a good deal, too, if four somebodies here would get together and or ganize a quartet like the one at the Stag. Somewhere on this drink forsaken campus there ought to be talent like that, and there's no reason why we can't have some homegrown boys entertain at campus functions whether or not they be stags instead of having to bring every act on the menu in from afar. Shugrue dealings with applicants for the posts on the judiciary body would be the silent va riety. Nq names were released. No reporters were allowed to sit in on the ultra-secret ses sions. .Firm clamps were placed on any release of who the judges were to be. The third step in the case of student government versus the l"st interests of the stu dc .o came when the Council picked it senior members without submitting them to the study body for approval. Next came the question .of succession to former Council member Harry Tolly's post. It went to a gal who had col lected a mere 71 votes in the Spring election for the Coun cil. To cap it all came the blow of the "year: The Student Tri bunal's arbitrary decisions re garding its procedure, its closed door policy, its failure to publicize the results of its hearings and its circumlocu tion when asked a direct question. What does all this secrecy, this below board politicking, this arbitrary decision mak ing have on you? It is thoroughly demor alizing. Students have litte enough confidence In their "self-government" without it being marred by impartial Council choices, you-butter- my-bread bartering and what have you. 2. It is very bad for the school. With growing social unrest regarding tne curtail ment . of photographers in court rooms, with increased agitation for more effective methods of succession in high public offices and with dc mands for freedom of infor mation and due process, we have reactionary policies dic tated to us day after day. 3. It is a disgrace to the liberal ideals usually associ ated with a major campus that we have suppression of free expression and of the news. 4. It is an insult to the dis tinguished faculty members who sit with the council and on the Tribunal that they, epi tomized to the outside world as the vanguards of truth and justice and honor, must be associated with such bungled processes. Shall we go on? 1 am convinced that we waste our words talking with the council or the tribunal. Instead, I suggest that the students send a delegation to the Board of Regents (if nec essary) or to the Division of Student Affairs which could list in simple words the dis satisfaction with the oncom petent student government. You may not think it is im portant at this moment to take any action. But ask any of the people who have ap peared before the tribunal or any of the organizations which have ' received arbi trary decisions from the coun cil. Think of the day you'll get your notice to appear before the Tribunal (and heaven for bid when it happens to you) and what will happen unless you have some disinterested, third person there to serve witness to your fate. If you're interested in such action, write, phone or wire me. UNIVERSITY THEATRE Presents THE MERCHANT of VENICE by WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Opens Wed., Oct. 22 and Runs Thru Oct. 25 CURTAIN AT 8:00 M4ki: in i:rv 4rios at Howell Theatre Box Office TEMPLE BLDC,., Room 108, Ph. 3263 NEW CAREERS FOR MEN OF AMERICA: URANIUM GEOLOGIST y 111 iL w 1 ' L if F i IlL L..Q 1 ii fjjlf - tyr" I Excitino opportufilti ,4ffd re tiP8nift8 up in th ?; hunt for mor uranium. Known reserves of ore, O. "75 million tons, will ( be used up In ten years. I Wanted: more fleologists. y v CHESTERFIELD KING MH, ..., v "X with thi Mtn of Americi whrvr thtir jobt mty ttkt them. 1 V. f I " 1 1 -.4. M.U.,.., I 1 1 a ' 4X. 1 I I ' v. - ! I - tft;. . ;i 4 sisals ) ' V- ? : I "I P -- ""'.. , '.. . aVv. I'M. lrsx. i - imz fij tfcn a ...... . , . - v. c.-, , atin ll...1laM.ayM.n.,l,a. , . ,.rr i, .ir ..... . rg, " -rSWWlll W j Ufk J j ! Top Length, Top Value, Top-Tobacco Filter Action iOTHING SATISFIES LIKE Uggitt Myart Tobacco Co.