The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1958, Image 1

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Vol. 33, No. 14
22 Members-
The University's 22-nicm- j
ber debate squad will be!
equally divided between vet-1
eran and beginning debaters i
ihis year
The squad will open its
competitive season Ibe week
end of Nov. 6 at Omaha U.
Varied Civil
jobs Open
Science. Ag
J mmees A CCfm1
, t,..i. i
trainee and training instruc
tor positions are now being
taken by the Civil Service
Student trainee positions
open to college students are
In scientific, technical, agri
cultural, accounting and sta
tistical fields. They pay $3,255
to $3,755 a year. Some posi
tions are located throughout
the United States: others are
open in the Washington, D.C.,
area only. Applicant s must
file before April 2 of next
vear. A n v o n e interested
should see Civil Service .n -
nouncement No. 172 for full are: William Cords. Michael
details. Crawford, James Ehret, Kay
Other student trainee posi- j Hayward, Judith Hoeman,
tions are open in the veteri- j Charles Keyes, Larry Long,
narian field. The salary is, Richard Nelson, Ron Rapp,
$4,040 a year. Veterinarian 1 Rovert Ross, Janet Walsh,
student trainees might be High School Experience
placed in the Department of j "Many of the beginning de
Agriculture at locationsiDalers have had previous
throughout the United Slates, j (ieDale experience in high
Applicants must be j u n i a r S(;hool' Olson pointed out.
students in veterinary medi- Assisting Olson this year
cine and must pass a written wiI1 be Karl Harshbarger, in
test. Further information may stnictor in speech, and two
be found in the Civil Service j g,.atiuate assistants, Robert
Commission's Announcement ; Kimball, formerly of St.
No- 173-B. j Cloud Stale Teachers College,
Training instructors a r e j Minnesota, and Nance Han-:
needed in the field of elec-! sen. formerly of Midland Col-1
tranics. Positions would be at lege. i
Kcesler A i r Force Base, :
Biloxi, Miss. Appropriate ex
perience or education is re
quired by the commission
cations will be accepted
further notice. Full in.:
formation can lie found in
(58 1.
Further information and
application forms may be ob
tained from the Examiner in
Charge, Board of U.S. Civil
Service Examiners, U.S. Post
Office, Lincoln, or from the
U.S. Civil Service Com mis
si:m, Washington 25, D.C.
Air Team
Places 6lli
In Conlesl !
A University Dairy Judging
team placed sixth out of 16
teams in the Midwest Region-,
al CollegUle Contest held in '
Chicago, 111., this week.
The contest was held in con
nection with the International
Dairy Show.
Robert Paine placed first
in judging Ayrshire classes
while Harold Johnson placed i
sixth. The third member of ;
the squad was Keith Glau- j
bins. j
As a team, they placed first j
in Ayrshires. sixth in Brown j
Swiss and fifth in Holsteins. j
The College of Agriculture ;
tpam was coached by Jack
Ktiiken, member of the de ,
part men! of dairy husbandry j
Panel lo Discuss
iroHcun Tour
The first in a series of
panel discussions called 20t.h
Century Highlights will be giv
.n Thursday at 4:10 p.m. n
Union 315.
The panel will discuss Iho
Union European tour that is
being planned for this sum
mer. Students from several
midwestern colleges will be
taking the tour.
Things to see, places to go
and the wav to go will be dis
cussed by the panel.
Panel members are Bar
bara Bacon, .Ian Chnt'i.-'ld.
Burr Smith, profrssor nf
Architecture, 13, J. llolcninb
and Carol Larson.
Nov. 6
and Kansas State College,
Two teams will be travelling
in Kansas the same weekend
for audience debates.
I Donald Olson, director of for
eusics, said today that an ex
panded auriience-dcbat-
! ing program has been ar-
ranged for this year.
i "Besides the Kansas trip,
scxcral teams will present ex
hibition debates in Colorado
'and the western part of Ne
;braska !he latter part of Oc
i toler. Out-of-state teams will
! be in Lincoln during the year '
for similar debates." Olson :
' said.
South Dakota Here
: The first debate of tins na-
ture will be Oct 18 at the1
annual High School Institute
wnen the University will
meet a team from the Uni
versity of South Dakota.
This year college debaters
; will discuss pros and cons
I of prohibiting the devel
opment of nuclear weapons
I by international agreement.
Returning squad members
iare: Kenny Ashelman. Bar-
bara Bacon i, Nancy Copland,
Me vyn Llk eberry Phvliss
Elliott, Donald Epp. Sue Gold -
haminer, Garv
Hill, George,
Moyer, Richard
lcen Warren.
Shugrue, Ei-i
Students reporting for Uni -
;versity debate the first time
Pub Board
J uff if inn r
Due Friday
Filing deadline for t h e
sludent nosh ions on the Board
of Publications Is Friday
Interviews will be held
Saturday beginning at 9 a.m.
Applicants may sign up for
times on a sheet posted out
side Union 305. and fill out
an interview sheet.
The Publications Board is
composed of faculty mem
bers and three students -one
sophomore, one junior and
one senior
The bonrd will be selected
by the Student Council nom-in.-'tinL'
committee. Selection
is based on qualifications,
grade average and interest.
Insimtiice Plan
.overs I ri
j new insurance coverage
plan is available to students
making field trips away from
the University. The plan in
cludes a lower rate and great
er ease of application. ;
Staff members in charge i
ot Held trips now may mail to
the Personnel Office a list of
students and their addresses,
the time of departure and re
turn date and a remittance of
15 cents per student per day.
In the past, individual ap
plications at the Personnel
Office were necessary.
University travel regula
tions require that each stu
dent have at least $5,000 of
accidental death insurance
prior to departure on a field
Olson to Speak
Professor James Olson,
chairman of the history de
partment, will speak at an
academic conference and con
vocation at the University
of North Dakota Nov. 6-8.
The conference, which is
being held on the Univers
ity's 75th anniversary, will
study the heritage and re
sponsibilities of education in
the Great Plains area. More
than 30 speakers will appear.
At the Stag
RICHIE ASIIBURN, this year's National League batting
champion and a native of Tllden, Nebr., will be one of
the featured stars at the Union Stag Oct. 16. Ashburn
is the centerfielder for the Philadelphia Phillies and
a ten year veteran of the major leagues.
; ' " '"" " -
j "Diary of Anne Frank"-
1 j U'
On First League Play
' The first of the four Broad
way Theatre League plays,
"The Diary of Anne Frank,"
will be - presented Monday,
Oct. 20.
on the Universilv traTnpus are
good but Mt tQ- sa'id fi
! Tphn hpadn:rilrs SP,.r.
tary. '"Many seats are still
available but Friday will be
the last dav $7 tickets can be
inurrhaserl "
Heading the Broadway na-
Queen Voting
After Rally
Voting for the 1958
coming Queen will be held
immediately followinc; the ral
ly from 7 to 10:30 p.m. Fri
day at the Coliseum.
' Eight tables will be set up
j for the voting. Tassels and
I Corn Cobs will organize the
; voters into lines,
j The five Homecoming
j Queen finalists will be an
nounced at the ra'ly. ihey
were selected from 25 candi
dates at interviews Tuesday
The rally will start at the
Carillon Tower, go down Wh
Street and circle back to the
"We want everyone to be
sure and turn out to vote,"
said Georgann Humphrey,
Tassels presid?nt. "Remem
ber, this is the entire Uni-
versifv's Tlorncomin Onoon
and the whole campus should j
have a part in selecting her." '
Young Dernos
A meeting of the Young
Democrats will be helc' Thurs
day at 7:15 in Parlor X of the
Union. Frank Morrison, can
didate for United States sen
ator, will speak.
Mrs. Jennings Acquainted
To Sharing
Mary Jennings, attractive
wife of the Cornhuskers'
head football coach, has to
share her husband with foot
ball these days, but she's
used to it.
The Jennings met during
the football season of 1938
when Bill was a sophomore
end on the University of
Oklahoma football squad.
Mary was the school's band
queen. Two years later, dur
ing Bill's third season as a
Sooner pass catcher,
they were married.
' Although Mrs. Jeniiiiirs
admits it's not easy at times
to be a coach's wife, she
doesn't seem to mind it
as much as being a player's
wife. At least she can enjoy
games now.
"When we were married.
Bill was still playing for
Oklahoma," Mrs. Jennings
said "and I was so worried
about him that I didn't go
to any more games that sea
son." Life as a football coach's
wife began for Mrji. Jen
The Daily Nebraskan
I.. if1
tional company cast for tha
first plays is Francis Led
erer, a European star who
who came to this country to
do one play and remained to
become a naturalized citizen.
Shaving his head is one re
quirement Lederer faces as he
portrays Anne's bald-headed
father Frank.
Also featured in the cast are
Lilia Skala. Gilbert Green,
Nan McFariand, Otto Hulett,
Loney Lewis and Pauline
Hahn as Anne.
The play is dramatized
from the diary kept by a teen -
age Jewish girl during the
two years she spent with her
family and friends hiding in
:an Amsterdam garret until
j the Nazis found and sent them
to concentration camps.
I it is a story about people
ftvho found laughter and en-
i joy merit despite the pressures
uj i far aim insecurity.
Slide Rule
To Beirin
Sigma Tau, national
neering fraternity, is
sponsoring slide rule classes
The classes are open to any
student enrolled at the Uni
versity. The primary objective of
the classes will be lo give
the freshman engineering stu-1 included letters of indorse
dent an introduction to the j ment from Governor Victor
use of the slide rule. Anderson, Mayor Bennett
Multiplication, division, Martin, Chancellor Clifford
square root and trigonometry Hardin and Merk Hobson,
problem solutions will be
taught in the classes.
Classes will begin the week
of 0ct- 13 and tn(1 tne week
of Dec. 1, meeting once a
I week at any of the following
1 times: Monday, 4-5 p.m., 5-6
p.m., 7-8 p.m.; Tuesday, 5-6
I p.m., 7-8 p.m.; Thursday 7-8
I The slide rule course was
offered for the first time sec
j ond semester of last year. Ap
j proximately 100 students
I completed the 6-week course.
Mr. With
nings in 1941 when
the present Comhusker boss
was head coach at Cushing
(Okla.) High School. Ex
cept for the four years that
Bill spent in the Marines
and about two years when
he worked with an oil com
pany, she has lived this life
ever since.
The Jennings were living
In Fort Worth, Texas, where
Bill was working with an
oil company when a phone
call from Pete Elliott
brought them to Nebraska
in 1956 and Bill Jennings
back Into the coaching
"He was tickled pink to
get bacjv to coaching," says
Mrs. Jennings of her hus
band's decision to leave the
business world. Jennings,
like Elliott, is a former
Oklahoma University assist
ant coach.
According to Mary Jen
nings, the life of a football
coach's wife can be very
exciting. However. she
points out that anyone who
Musicians Prepare
For 20th Band Day
. . Seventy High Schools Expected
Seventy Nebraska high
school bands will take the
field Saturday in observance
of the University's 20th Band
The bands, totaling 3.243 mu -
'Nebraska Reader'
Picked for Display
Ottawa Conference to Feature
150 American, English Books
"Roundup; A Nebraska
Reader" has been selected to
represent the Midwest at the
E n g 1 i s h-Speaking Union 1
j World Branches conference
I at Ottawa, Canada. Oct. 26-
Nov. 2.
"Roundup" will be one of
150 books on display, repre
senting every country of the
British Commonwealth and of
Selects NU
For Rational
9 Convention
The electrical engineering
! honorary. Eta Kappa Nu, has
chosen the University campus
as the site of its 1959 national
The convention is expected
to bring over 200 delegates to
Lincoln from 75 chapters
throughout the United States.
New Union
The facilities of the new
Student Union Building will
be used for the convention
"Beta Psf had petitioned
; the National Council last July
for the convention," said
Charles Kress, publicity
chairman for the local chap
ter. "In spite of the fact that
another university had been
chosen for the convention, it
was awarded to the local
Kress said several reasons
were given for the selection,
amors tnem the petition that
the chapter sent. The petition
I dean of the College of Engi
neering and Architecture.
Paul Hudson, national exe
cutive secretary of Eta Kap
j pa Nu, visited the local chap
I ter last week.
j The selection, he said, is an
j honor to the local chapter and
i the University.
! The growth of the campus,
i he said, impressed him. Hud
son said he felt that this is
one of the more beautiful
campuses of state univer
sities. Football
thinks a football coach only
works three or four
months a year is very, very
"In fact, It seems like 1
see more of Bill during the
season than I do in the off
season," she explains. "Ex
cept for a month off in the
summer, recruiting trips,
coaching conferences, spring
practice and regular office
hours keep him awfully
Mrs. Jennings has the
Jennings' household, which
includes daughters Vickie,
17, and Jan, 11, to help keep
her busy. She also plays golf
whenever she gets a chance.
Mr. and Mrs. Jennings
celebrated their 18th wed
ding anniversary 'ast Sun
day, the day after a wel
come 7-6 Nebraska win over
Iowa State. Mrs. Jennings,
like many other Nebraska
football fans, says "things
are looking brighter." She
predicts a good season
ahead for the Cornhuskers
and more in the near future.
sicians, will provide the half
t i m e entertainment at t h e
Nebraska-Kansas State game.
Prof. Donald Lentz, Univer
sity Band director, will lead
i the massive group In form
the 49 states, including Ha
waii. Building of Nebraska ,
The books were chosen to
give a readable picture of the
countries as they are today
and how their people live.
"Roundup" tells the story
of the building of Nebraska
through the eyes of native
Nebraska writers such as
Willa Gather, Marl Sandoz
and Bess Streeter Aldrlch,
and sees the same state from
the viewpoint of visitors, in
cluding Mark Twin, Robert
Louis Stevenson and Rudyard
Miss Virginia Faulkner, as
sistant editor of the Univer
sity Press, was compiler and
editor of "Roundup," a Ne
braska reader of 493 pages.
It has been selected for the
annual Fifty Books of the
Year exhibition of the Ameri
can Institute of Graphic
Arts; was named as one of
about 30 top honor books
at the ninth annual Chicago
Book ,cLnic, aLnd s?,ected as
one nf the IS hpst hnnbs nrn.
duced in the Midwestern
Books Competition.
Favorable Reviews
The book has received fa
I vorable reviews t r o m the
i Omaha World-Herald, Satur
day Review of Literature and
Publishers' Weekly.
The Saturday Review said,
"This potpourri of Nebraska
as seen by native sons
visiting firemen provides
i fine sampling for those
I terested in Americana."
New York
Open Contest
A $500 prize essay contest
has been announced by
Abelard-Schuman Limited,
New York publishers.
Seniors in college are eligi
ble for entry.
Essays are to' appraise Dr.
George Williams' book,
"Some of My Best Friends
are Professors," a critical
commentary on higher educa
tion in America.
Freshmen are ineligible for
this contest because of their
insufficient t i m experience
in college.
All manuscripts are to have
no fewer than 3,000 words and
no more than 10,000 words.
The entry deadline is Feb. 1,
1959 when all manuscripts
must be in the publisher's of
For entry blanks, write to:
Professors Contest, Abelard
Schuman Limited, 404 Fourth
Avenue, New York 16, N.Y.
A prize of $500 will be given
for the best essay. Winners
will be announced March 15,
ROTC Honor
Group Selected
Five Army ROTC cadets
have been appointed to the
Cadet Honor Committee for
the 1958-59 school year.
They are; Cadet Col. Rich
ard Hanzel, who will serve as
president of the committee;
Cadet Maj. Paul Smith; Ca
det 2nd Lt. John Dillingham;
Cadet 2nd Lt. Roy Stinnett;
and Cadet 2nd Lt. Byron
The five men will act as
an advisory board to the com
manding officer of the Army
ROTC unit and will have the
responsibility of administer
ing the cadet honor code. The
honor code is the set of stand
ards which all Army ROTC
cadets are expected to follow
Wednesday, October 8, 1958
ing the word "Band." In pre
vious shows the spelling dem
onstration was limited to a
three-letter word.
The bands will play six
numbers: "Band Day Salute,"
written by Lentz for the birth
day festivities; "The Star
Spangled Banner;" "Law and
Order;" "Hosts of Freedom;"
"March of the Cornhuskers,"
and "Dear Old Nebraska U."
Last year the musicians
formed on the field in one
minute. Lentz said he hopes to
waste less time this year.
Along with the bands, more
than 300 high-stepping baton
twirlers will dot the grass as
they go through their figure
eights, wrist and finger twirls
and body passes.
The bands will begin their
day officially with a 70-min-ute
parade through downtown
Lincoln at 9:15 a.m.
The parade route will
be: south on 10th to O St.;
east to 14th; north to R; west
to 12th; and north to the East
Stadium. The reviewing stand
will be on Penney's marquee,
on the northeast corner of 13th
and O streets.
Builders will serve the per
formers snack lunches pro
vided by the Lincoln Promo
tion Council. University Band
members will assist the indi
vidual bands during the day.
Parking on O St. from 10th
to' 14th and on lOtli from O to
the foot of the 10th St. viaduct
will be prohibited during the
morning, according to assist
ant police chief Willis Man
chester. There will also only
be two-lane traffic on the
east side of 10th St., he added.
Assisting the Lincoln Police
Department in handling the
crowds will be Boy Scouts.
The idea of a Band Day
was conceived in 1934 by John
Selleck, former chancellor of
the University, and at that
tiroe business manager of the
athletic department. Selleck
invited 15 community bands
to participate.
I Eleven bands attended the
j first all high-school band day
J under Lentz's direction. Since
I World War II, the number of
schools participating has
jumped from 30 to 70. This
rapid growth necessitated the
practice of inviting each band
only once every three years.
First Meet
The first meeting of NU
Meds will be held Wednesday
at 7:30 p.m. in Bessey Hall
All students interested in
medicine, nursing or medical
technology are ercouraged to
attend. Meetings are held
every second Wednesday of
each month.
Speakers and medical films
will be featured at NU-Meds
meetings throughout the year.
Rev. Rex Knowles of the
Presbyterian Student House
will speak Wednesday on
VMedical Ethics."
Marl Fees
Due Thursday
Organizations' fees for the
Activities Mart must be paid
by Thursday.
The fees can be paid today
from 1-2 p.m. or Thursday at
12:30 p.m. in Rosa Bouton
Hall. The money pays for the
use of the Union Ballroom for
the Mart.
Sponsored by AWS Board,
the purpose of Activities Mart
is to introduce freshmen
women to campus organiza
tions The Mart will be held Oct.
Freshmen women may sign
up for activities at that time.
They will be eligible to par
ticipate in organizations the
following week.
Phalynx Initiation
Phalynx will hold its fall
Initiation Thursday, 7 p.m.,
in room 206 of the Military
and Naval Science Building.
Twenty-one junior and sen-
; lor members oi advances
i Army ROTC will be initiated
I into the group.