PAGc 2 SUMMER NEBRASKAN JUNE 19, 1958 Packed House Summer Sessions hostess Terry Mitehem has a full house this time. At last count, high schoolers alone were adding some 800 or 900 persons to the campus scene. At Girls' and Boys' States, held simultaneously for the first time, and at the All-State Fine Arts Conference, high school youngsters from all over the state are taking a long look at the University. For many, it is the first trip to the state institution. For others, it is another visit to familiar territory. Private Opinion If Preston Foster isn't bat tling Apples Kradelka for the affection of some German spy, Jack Paar is bantering around with that noisy Gabor I woman. Yes, the I fare on late l,- evening tele- V ; vision is get- 1 As the Girls' Staters ambled around campus with elec-; "2 worse. ... - j j- j .u.: l. J .1 ... milt viaa a iionmg posters arajKa arounu men utiKs, mu wie r wc Iia,(jme w h e n h gang tairceu himi uiui'iiis uaciv aim iui ui uviwcttu icii?aia, .watching i " it is interesting to speculate on what these groups migfcl ; paar was just I accomplish if they had a real meeting pla-e. The expanded j dandy. programs enabled by a center such as the proposed Kellogg Kept Dodie things By Dick Shugrue land. "I had to see how you were," she says. He looks back and makes the classic speech: "I'm all right, honey, But O'Meary, Weisenberg, Wash ington Brown, Kosminski, Pi azzi, and Drake have given their lives for the U.S. army." They clinch, and that's the end. Nebraskan Tfc Summer Nfhraaaaa ti the ftrial poMiC4Kina of we Univraity at Nrtoreska SannfT Bfiium aa4 I pob lisM mtw th aimianrMiip of tl S4toni of Jrarnalvnn. Tfe aewspaper is published rvary Vhamtay darinc ha Snmnrn Besskmm rxcwH on fcoiKU- and exam periods. Matt Diana Maxwril Editor Manly Cotter Staff Writer Barbara Barter .... Baxriaeai Manager InfomuUna tor pohlxwitloa may ne tnrnea i to Mtt Barnrit or railed ia ea extension 315 and 317. Patronize The Nebraskart Advertisers Center for Continuing Education that the Chancellor and,"" " " i snugroe ;; the University Foundation are drumming the bushes forjtod: 01e Charley Weaver , support of could give the state that added boost that would make it .;hine forth in the Midwest as an example of what can be done for the young people of the state. Pre s r f. 'lavs It - pa- The pre's evidenily have the spotlight this week. Pre registration and prc-college counseling make it a,1 as" if th? class of 1964 will be all registered, coun seled, adjusd 3nd advised almost before it accepts its fcigh school diplomas. kept up a string of chatter and Hugh wouldn't think of j wearing Bermuda shorts. j1 I Xow, not only has the Jack ' raar show changed unbeliev- I ably, but the late movies are i going through a metamorphos- . is, too. A West-coast correspondent friend of mine, Handlebars O'Shaugnessy, writes, "Some one wes looking through the ruins of one those houses shattered by an earthquake and guess what he found?" I couldn't guess, so I read wm m, m u m m m m m , mm vwwwwrw I Fast Dependable j One-Day I i Laundry and Cleaning I i Pre-p?.-kage registration involves getting incoming fresh rr.en signed up tor an or ine majority 01 courses oeiore wit.- ,on . . . f.rrive at the University. Director of Junior Division Lee -Vell," Handelbars says," Chatfeld says ths plan may eventually allow a combination ' Ossie Bartlesby had hidden in of Xow Student Week and Sorority and Fraternity Rush ! njs basement over I00C movies Week. I made between 1938 and 1948. Such all-time classics as "Sub- Prc-oounseling involves giving high schoolers the bene-; marine Rescue Team," 4At- fit oL University counseling service before their senior vears la( n Battaan," "Intrigue in l-4ieh school: !n "f, ve Fight- mg Suflivans," etc. Laundry and Cleaners': 239 No. 14th 2-5262 Qr timer's HOOOOOeWOOOOOOM And to think, it all started with ready-mixed chocolate Coffey Break Marilvn The TV' man's gloating as sertion that movies are worse than ever may for may not I be true As for myself, 1 have a sound psychological r e a s o n for avoiding the fli kers. My emo tional life has been shat tered by the infallibil i t y of the box-of-fiee girl. This ego-fr u r s t iiig machine sits resplend ent, cool and efficient, punch ing keys to release coins down the chute and into the cup like so many cooperative pigs. How do 5'ou think I feel, standing hot and windblown, fumbling with a coin purse, pennies? Inferior, that's how. Recently I declared f u 1 1 fledged war against these girls, a war calculated to crack their efficiency. The contents of my pay check I took home in rolls of pennies, nickles and dimes. I counted out carefully the price of admissioned, wrapped it in a handkerchief, and pre sented it at the box-o 1 1 i c e "Not only that, but they've been released to the Tube (That's what Handlebars al ways calls t.v.) and they're on route for late evening view ing." I needn't exDlain the Dlot to well seasoned late-t.v. view-, ers. A patrol of soldiers (orj sailors or Marines) goes out to ed it without flinching, popped fight the enemy. All but two out the ticket and remained get killed or captured. One aloof silently. An occasional guy is marching back from extra penny or even a bus ; the front when he sees his token failed to unnerve Tier. 1 girl friend from Hoboken, She counted, she calculated X.J., standing just this side and she conquered. I of Berlin or out on Wake Is- Shop Daily 9:30 to 5:30 Thursday 10 to 8:30 By Marilyn Coffey to no avail. The robot count- LET'S SWIM TODAY Give the Whoie Fomify Vocation! FOR FUN ... FOR HEALTH! RIDE 'be thrilling end exciting rides! PICNIC SKATE AU. RIDfS OPEN 2 P.M. POOL OPENS 9 A.M. & stock car races ii:ry scxday s pm Fre fiat ' frt Parkhtf ArM PS 1 s I i ') Comma Moc 9.95 Seem a long way between classes? Maybe you need a Gomma Moc! Bone Pig Leather, "with crepe corrugated soles, and the easiest thing you've had on your feet in many a moon. Try them, buy them at Miller's! SHOE SALOM, SECOD FLOOR MOtOOOTCOO miter &fame OOOOOOQDOOOOOOt